Thursday, 23 July 2015

Zero Privacy: Season 1: Episode 7 - PoP

Episode 7

Previously on Zero Privacy,
11 housemates entered the Zero Privacy house!
 Now, only 10 remain! Kelly Olvera became the first evictee of the season.
In the Head of Household competition, we saw Leann claim victory and nominate Angel and Harley for eviction. The endurance immunity challenge gave Daphanie immunity for Week 3.
Tonight, we see who will win the PoP power and will they save either Angel or Harley? If so, who will Leann put as a replacement?
Find out tonight on Zero Privacy!

Julia: Housemates, you are are not allowed to leave the pink room until instructed... Is this clear?
Flint: For the last time, YES!!

Manny: I bet this has something to do with the PoP challenge?
Angel: I agree. I'm feeling something to do with a change somewhere around the house. Maybe.
Manny: Perhaps we're getting a cat?
Leann: Or a puppy!?
Doubley: Teddy!

London: It's gonna be something to do with the PoP surely. It must be in the backyard again.
Flint: Why are we locked in here then?
Daphanie: Maybe it involves the whole house! There has to be some kind of catch to this. Unless y'all just don't talk enough! I mean... I know I do!

Debby: Maybe we're being locked in here because there's a contamination in the air outside... Or some kinda of toxic rain or weather issue and they are preventing us from witnessing the destruction it's causing and-...
Harley: Whatever.

Julia: Leann. Please go to the diary room.
Leann: This must be a part of it... You know because I'm the HoH they want me! It's obvious.


Leann: I'm here. What is this all about?
Julia: Well... One by one we will call you into the Diary Room.We have organised a little task for each of the contestants... *continues explaining*
Leann: Oooh.
Julia: You may not tell anyone what your task is. Is that clear?
Leann: Crystal!


Flint: Alright I'm back... finally. Did everyone go to the Diary Room?

Flint: Don't answer all at once!
Julia: Alright everyone, you may now exit the pink room!

Flint: Finally! I need a fucking drink and some food.

London: I'm going to go help with dinner. Are you coming Daphanie?
Daphanie: Yeah! Y'all go on without me. Somethin's not right round here.

Doubley: *grabs Debby's jacket* Pull!
Debby: I can hardly walk without you pulling... Besides that is dangerous and could lead to serious injury on my, or your, behalf. I think you'd better let go.
Doubley: Oh... Ok.

Gilbert: *whispers to Leann*
Leann: Oh... Hehehe. No way! What? Stop! Hehe
Gilbert: He he.

*They begin to kiss*

Harley: Ugh. Get a room! 

Leann: We're in a room Harley.
Harley: Piss off.

Harley: They're disgusting. Can you believe we got nominated by that bitch and the manwhore?

Harley: Hey! I'm talking to you Angel.
Harley: ANGEL!
Angel: Huh. Oh sorry. Yeah I agree.
Harley: Do you even know what the hell I said?
Angel: No sorry. I was completely out of it. My bad.

Angel: What did you say?
Harley: It doesn't matter.
Angel:... Hmmm? Is that so... I agree with you there.
Harley: Are you trying to start a fight?... Hello?
Angel: Oh. Sorry I was talking to someone else Harley.
Harley: What? Who?


Leann: Ugh! Harley HAS to go next. He is so annoying and just... Grr!
Gilbert: Listen. I agree with you. But don't let him get to you. Just ignore him.
Leann: He's just so irritating ALL THE TIME!!!


London: Where is Daphanie? What is taking her so long?
Flint: Yeah I'm starving! Hurry up woman!
London: Excuse me? What did you say?!
Doubley: Me?
London: No I meant Flint. If you want food, help cook!
Flint: Fine. Happy?

Flint: I hate cooking. Just to be clear. Daphanie is taking over for me when she gets here.
Doubley: Me too!

London: Just do it! It's not hard. Honestly, you complain too much.
Flint: More like... Honestly, where the hell is Daphanie?!


Daphanie: Somethin' just don't feel right! I have no idea what in tarnation it could be! 
WAIT! I know what it is!!!

Daphanie: That pot plant was never under those pictures before!

Daphanie: Wait.... The pictures. That's what's new. Hehe!

Daphanie: Woah! Look at Julia... Whoops! I mean Kelly. She looks scaarrrrry!

Daphanie: Angel does kinda remind me of an Angel with this picture. Not sure why!

Daphanie: Debby looks unimpressed as always...

Daphanie: Unlike Harley who is smilin' brighter than a summer's day!

Daphanie: Gilbert just looks confused. I have no idea why?

Daphanie: Papa Flint looks nice!

Daphanie: London looks like she's admiring herself!

Daphanie: Doubley, looks silly like always!

Daphanie: Go Leann! Lookin' fabulous as always! She's so pretty!

Daphanie: Manny, looks friendly like always...

Daphanie: Oh My Gawd! It's me! I look so adorably hilarious in this picture! Extrovert Einstein you beautiful thang, you!

Daphanie: Everyone! Come see the new pictures on that wall! They look amazing!


Daphanie: The only sure-fire way i can 100% make sure my hide is safe this week is to win this PoP! If Harley or Angel win this PoP and take themselves off the block i could be the next target with this immunity! IT'S CURSED! it's the WHOLE reason why Kelly is GONE! Well... *DRAMATIC VOICE* I, Daphanie Athena Eads, am going to break this immunity curse once and for ALL!..... well at least for my week with it! *laughs*


Flint: Uhh... Doubley. Are you sure you know how to use a knife?
Doubley: Yes!
London: Then why are you holding it by the blade?!
Doubley: OW!!!!!!!!!!!!


Julia: No Doubley's were harmed in the making of this episode... Though one is now being cared by the medical crew. However, the show must go on. It's time for the PoP competition.

Julia: Tonight, the PoP competition will be played by 6 housemates.

Julia: Leann, the Head of House.

Julia: The two nominees: Harley and Angel.

Julia: And three housemates chosen by random draw. Daphanie.

Julia: Gilbert.

Julia: ... And Debby.
Julia: Please head to the Competition Arena for the PoP Competition.

*At the PoP Challenge*

Julia: This PoP challenge will test your memory. Today, you were all separately, and secretly, in a photo shoot and a Memory Wall consisting of all 11 housemates, including evicted housemate, Kelly. Each of you has been given pictures of all 11 housemates to remake this wall before the other 5 contestants do. Any questions?
Gilbert: How will we know when we get it correct?
Julia: Simply ask and I will tell you yes or no.
Gilbert: Cool.

Julia: Your challenge begins now!

Leann: Harley... I really don't want to see his face right now!
Harley: I can hear you, you know... Bitch.
Leann: I heard that!

Gilbert: Uhh... I can't remember which goes where straight away like I thought. I'll just put them all out first and work from there.

Debby: Really? This is the picture they got of me? It's so bland and not tasteful. It doesn't accurately represent me at all in my opinion. Though I am not going to go through another photo shoot. The high light exposure could-...

Daphanie: Kelly... And Angel... And then... Uhh... Umm... I looked at them all! I should know this!

Angel: Kelly looks so ghostly in this picture. It's kind of eerie. Though this is definitely distinct and easy to remember where it goes.

Harley: Oh yeah! Look at this masterpiece. I think I'm done everyone!

Julia: I am sorry Harley that is incorrect.
Harley: Pfft. This is all you need.

Leann: I'm done!
Julia: Sorry that is incorrect Leann. Try again.
Leann: Really? Ah. I wish I could remember.

Gilbert: Alright. Can you check me?
Julia: That is incorrect.
Gilbert: Didn't think so. Dang.

Debby: ... If I did that again. I guess I wouldn't have been alive now. I would have suffered from melanoma or some sort of cancer or skin irritation. I'm partly glad that this is the picture that was taken in that case... Could you imagine if-...?

Daphanie: Am I done Julia?!
Julia: Not quite.
Daphanie: I must have only like two wrong! Ahhh! Which ones are they?!

Angel: Is this correct? I feel confident with this.
Julia: Sorry that is not quite right either.
Angel: I'll keep trying then.

Julia: That is incorrect Harley.
Harley: Did I ask for you opinion? Butt out!
Julia: Do you want to be disqualified?


???: I'm done!!!

Julia: That is correct! Well done!

Julia: Congratulations Angel! You have won the PoP!
Daphanie: Dang! I was so close! How did ya do that so quick?!
Angel: Just a seventh sense of mine.
Daphanie: Seventh?!?!


Manny: I doubt I'll ever play in a PoP competition. It's kinda annoying. I want to prove myself.
Flint: You'll get in one eventually.
London: You still haven't really been proving yourself much in the other competitions though.

Doubley: Hello!
London: Mr Doubley! You're back. How is your hand?
Doubley: Sore.

Doubley: *Lays down and sleeps*
London: Thats right... Sleep it off. I guess?
Manny: He's strange. You already knew that.

*After the PoP*

*Doubley Snores Really Loudly*

Julia: Alright. I'll just speak loudly over Mr Doubley's snoring shall I?

Julia: Congratulations to Angel for winning the PoP and the power to save either herself or Harley from the nomination block. 

Julia: Harley would you like to say anything to Angel to try and sway her mind to use it on you?
Harley: Yes! Angel. If you use it on me... I promise I will change completely as a person and will give all the money I'll win to the charity of your choice and will become a much nicer person... And if you don't you're going to hell.
Julia: Uhh... Thanks for those words Harley. Angel, I would like your decision.

Angel: Oh god... I am so sorry. But I'm still going to use it on myself.
Harley: I was being sarcstic. I knew you weren't going to use it on me, idiot!

Julia: With that Leann... I need you to choose a replacement nominee for Angel.
Leann: Alright... I've put some thought into how to do this... I've chosen to nominate.

Leann: Manny! As the replacement nominee... Because I believe he will take it the best out of anyone in this house. I am so sorry.
Manny: It's alright. I'm not mad. I understand.

Julia: With that... The final nominees for this week are Manny and Harley.

Julia: Thank you housemates. I will see you all at eviction tomorrow night.


Manny: I understand I'm only up to be used as a pawn against Harley. It scares me that I could go home, but I'm really not a threat at all in the competitions. So I feel confident I have the votes to stay.


Harley: Stupid Leann... What hope do I have to be safe against Manny? I think Mr Doubley's stupid, ugly Teddy Bear could win more competitions than him! I'm going to do anything I can make sure I stay in this goddamn house!

Angel - 1,060,319
Harley - 452,913
Daphanie - 383,580
Gilbert - 355,588
Leann - 204,422
Debby - 87,121

Stay tuned, as next episode, we see who will be evicted this week? Will it be Harley or Manny being evicted? Who will vote to keep who?
It's all coming up on...


Angel Lunafest - Ninjakid150
Daphanie Eads - Penguinwa101
Debby Gloomington - Turner
Flint Mercer - KingSmarties
Gilbert Castillo - ChocoCub
Harley Grey - Dje2001
Kelly Olivera - Amazingamphy
Leann McCoy - Alleenmens
London Howard - Tigerblu11
Manny Rojas - Leoin202
Mr Doubley - M13Vulpecula

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