Episode 5
Previously on Zero Privacy,
11 housemates entered the Zero Privacy house!
Mr Doubley won the first HoH and the first PoP while nominating Kelly and Harley for eviction.
By a vote of 5-3, the housemates all said their goodbyes to Kelly Olvera, the first eliminated contestant of the season.
Tonight, we see who will reign this week as the new Head of Household!
Daphanie: We need to win this one y'all. This Head of Household will be ours for the takin'!
Leann: Yeah! As long as one of the four of us win. We'll all be safe for yet another week.
Daphanie: I'm glad we have this alliance goin' on. I feel like we're all so close to one another, ya know?
Gilbert: Some closer than others *winks at Leann*
Leann: Oh... Do you mean me? Are we close now? When did this happen?
Gilbert: Yeah! Of course we're close.
Leann: We're not sitting together though?
Gilbert: Would you like to sit together?
Daphanie: I'm gonna go... Uh... get some snacks! Yeah. I'll be back.
Gilbert: Ooh. Could you get us some of those nice chips we had yesterday.
Daphanie: Sure darlin'. One bowl of privacy comin' right up!
Daphanie: Oh. Hey London! How ya doin'?!
London: Don't "Hey London" me... And "How am I doing?". How do you think I am doing? Kelly and I were enjoying each others company here in the house. We formed a pact and a friendship and she got the vote out, 5 to 3.
Daphanie: I'm sorry you feel that way. Want me to get you a drink or somethin'?
London: No I don't want a drink! Sit down. We need to have an alliance talk.
London: Five to three? We are an alliance of four! Yet one of us decided it would be a great idea to keep Harley in this house and to eliminate Kelly from the competition.
London: And you all can sure as hell accept that it wasn't me that turned!
Gilbert: Well I can safely say it wasn't me either.
Leann: Me neither!
Daphanie: Nor me!
London: Well, it's settled then. One of you is a liar, a backstabber and a traitor.
Leann: Excuse me. What gives you the right to say it's "one of you"?
London: Well I trust that I voted to keep Kelly here. I don't believe I can trust what any of you say. Maybe you all voted her and it was the others I can trust. You're all traitors!
Gilbert: London stop overreacting.
London: This is an appropriate reaction to an inappropriate event!
Leann: Inappropriate?! We're not the ones attacking our "alliance" calling us traitors.
London: Please Strawberry. You're embarrassing yourself. Sit back down before you break a nail.
Leann: Listen here you British b****! Step off and accept that she's gone and that it wasn't our fault!
London: Whatever. I am going to go get a drink.
Daphanie: But I offered before!
London: Liars. The lot of them... Grrr. Ignore them London. You know you're the right one and the alpha woman.
Angel: Hey London! What's up? You're distressed and it's causing a really bad environment.
London: I'm just furious at those people inside.
Angel: Come sit over there next to me and we'll talk it out.
Angel: Now what's the issue girl?
London: I was assured that Kelly would stay and the all lied to me! She was tolerable and someone I enjoyed having here.
Angel: I see. And did you talk it out with them?... Did Leann say anything?
London: Yes. We talked it out quite a lot and it seems that Leann did nothing but fight against me.
Angel: I sensed something was up in there. I hope you're alright.
London: I just can't believe that these people would treat me like that!
Manny: I'm sure that Leann and the others had a reasonable reason to-...
London: A reasonable reason?... Do you ever listen or pay attention to yourself?
Manny: I'm just saying that there is probab-...
London: You're not included in this conversation Manny. Go away and talk to your boyfriend Flint somewhere else.
Manny: Hmpf. I'm not just going to go away because you say so. You came here. Why don't you go away?
Angel: Manny don't.
Manny: Don't what?... You're not powerful Wonder Woman in here London. You can't just control what people do.
London: Please. I've heard you moan and cry about your inheritance. If anything you should-...
Doubley: HEY!
Angel: Mr Doubley? Where is he going?
Manny: To the kitchen apparently.
Doubley: *Runs back holding a glass of milk* Tada!
London: Thank you Mr Doubley.
Doubley: No problem. Heh.
London: ... You still started this mess.
Leann: Honestly, does she believe all that **** she just said to us?
Daphanie: I'm sure it'll all blow over soon. She won't stay mad at us forever!

Leann: Who knows how long she could be mad at us. It's only week 2. I'm surprised anyone is mad at anyone yet!
Harley: Uh... Hey Daph. Can I talk to you for a minute?... Privately.
Daphanie: Oh... Sure Harley.
Harley: Yeah cool.
Daphanie: I'll be back. Don't y'all get too kissy kissy while I'm gone.
Leann: We won't.
Gilbert: Aww man.
Daphanie: What's up Harley? Is everything alright?
Harley: Sit.
Daphanie: Ok sure!
Harley: *sighs*
Daphanie: So what's this all about?
Harley: Don't talk. Just listen.
Daphanie: Alright
Harley: It's stupid... But you're so happy and... Nice... All the time.
Harley: Do you think you could... Teach me how to be "nice"?
Daphanie: You came to the right girl! I'll make sure you're the nicest, friendliest boy anyone'd ever know!
Harley: So is that a yes?
Daphanie: Course Darlin'! First step... Lose the swearin'. Makes you look bad.
Harley: Piss off.
Daphanie: That's the spirit! You tell those swear words! You tell them to piss right off!
Flint: ... It's your move. You go first.
Debby: I'm thinking.
Flint: It's not that hard. Look. See. You pick up the ****ing piece. Then you put it down again in the spot you want it to go.
Debby: I've contemplated the game. And all outcomes are the same. I've lost already. 43 moves.
Flint: Just play the ****ing game Debby.
Flint: Look! I'll help you. You pick up the piece. And put it down. Pick up. Put down... You got that or would you like me to repeat it slower?
Debby: Do you not understand? I've already lost.
Flint: You know what. I'll find someone else to entertain me. Someone who's not such a ****ing downer all the time.
Julia: Hello Housemates! Everyone please grab yourselves and head to the Competition Arena! The next HoH Competition will commence shortly!
Julia: Welcome to the Second Head of Household challenge! This challenge is called "Light Pass" and it is an elimination game. The last person standing will win the Head of Household privileges and power!

Julia: Here is how it will work. Each of you has a light. If your light is on. You must pass the light to another player quickly to get rid of it.
For example. Debby now has the light...
Julia: ... She has passed it to Flint. If the light runs out of power...-
Julia: And the light turns off... The last housemate to hold the light is eliminated and must join the loser bench. So be sure to pass quickly to stay in the game. Are you all ready?
All: Yes!
Julia: Lets begin.
Round 1
Julia: Gilbert you will begin with the light.
Gilbert: Aliright! Heads up Debby!
Debby: I'm surprised I have it and it is still on. But that won't be for long I presume. Daphanie.
Daphanie: This is fun! Angel!
Angel: I hope this brightens up your day Leann!
Leann: Hehe. Here you go Flint!
Flint: Angel again.
Angel: Share the love! London!
London: Hmm... Traitor Gilbert can have this one.
Gilbert: Hey!... The beautiful Leann?
Leann: Tehehe. Thank you. Debby!
Debby: It's still on? Try again Leann.
Leann: How about Dee!
Daphanie: Have some more light Angel!... Oh the irony. Angel and light!
Angel: Well nearly everyone has had it except Harley and Manny. So here Manny!
Manny: Thanks!
Manny: Oh... Uh... Who to pass it to... Uh... Oh I don't know! Doubley!
Doubley: Hmmm?
Doubley: Ah!!! No!!!
Julia: You cannot pass it to Mr Doubley Manny... Sorry.
Manny: I am so sorry everyone! Umm... Harley?
Harley: Ew... Debby.
Debby: I was wrong. How unpredictable.
Julia: Debby you are eliminated. Please join Mr Doubley on the bench.
Debby: Alright.
Round 2
Julia: Manny. You will begin the next round.
Flint: Alright. How about-...?
Flint: God ****ing dammit! And I was just looking forward to this competition.
Julia: Flint. You have been eliminated. Please join Debby and Mr Doubley on the bench.
Flint: Yeah yeah. I know. Don't have to tell me twice.
Round 3
Julia: Leann. You will begin the next round.
Leann: Alrighty! Lets pass this light!
Angel: I am the light master. I think I'll pass it to...
Julia: I'm sorry Angel. But you have been eliminated. Please join the others on the bench.
Angel: Oh well... I guess I'm not the light master after all. I had fun.
Round 4
Julia: Manny. You will begin the next round again.
Manny: Heads up!
Manny: Wait where did the light go?
Julia: I am sorry Manny. No light means you are eliminated. Please join the others.
Manny: Aww man.
Round 5
Julia: Leann. You will once again begin the next round.
London: Hmmm... I'm not sure who to pass it to.
Julia: I'm sorry London. You will not be moving on. Please sit on the bench.
London: Oh well... Good luck everyone else. You'll need it.
Round 6
Julia: Gilbert. You will begin the next round.
Gilbert: Sweet. Who wants it?
Daphanie: Yay!
Julia: Daphanie, you are eliminated.
Daphanie: Not so yay. Good luck y'all!
Gilbert: It's up to you and I babe!
Leann: Lets take him out!
Round 7
Julia: Harley. You will begin the last round.
Harley: You may think you can take me out... But I have the light! Prepare to go down assholes!
Julia: Harley you are eliminated!
Harley: ****! I was so ****ing close too!
Julia: Please calm down and join the bench.
Final Round
Julia: To settle this final two dispute between Leann and Gilbert. We have decided to award whoever held the light the most with the title of HoH since they had the most risk of being eliminated.
Julia: Whoever's light turns on will be whoever held the light the most and will be crowned the new Head of Household!
Julia: Get ready.
Leann: Good luck!
Gilbert: You too!
All: *shock*
Julia: Leann! You are our new Head of Household!
Leann: Awesome! Thank you everyone!
Julia: You will have to decide who will be nominated before tomorrow. I will see you all tomorrow for the nominations and the immunity challenge! Thanks Housemates!
Gilbert: Whoa, that was really close. I could have got eliminated out that lamp passing game really early, though I didn't quite understand how it really worked but...yay! At least Leann and I were the last two! But why? Because the power of love! She must have same feelings towards me...gotta ask her more about it!
Daphanie: Dang it ya'll I almost had it!! This HOH was very intense... I thought I could win this one though! I had one of them feelins ya know when you think ya got it. But I guess my brain is starting to go being locked up in this house *laughs* But I'm still the Extrovert Einstein ya'll!!!
Stay tuned, as next episode, we see who the new Head of House Leann puts up for eviction.
We also see who will win what seems to be the cursed immunity in the immunity challenge!
It's all coming up on...
Angel Lunafest - Ninjakid150
Daphanie Eads - Penguinwa101
Debby Gloomington - Turner
Flint Mercer - KingSmarties
Gilbert Castillo - ChocoCub
Harley Grey - Dje2001
Kelly Olivera - Amazingamphy
Leann McCoy - Alleenmens
London Howard - Tigerblu11
Manny Rojas - Leoin202
Mr Doubley - M13Vulpecula
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