Friday 7 August 2015

Zero Privacy: Season 1: Episode 8 - Second Elimination

Episode 8

Previously on Zero Privacy,
11 housemates entered the Zero Privacy house!
Leann won the Head of Household title and nominated Angel and Harley for eviction.
Daphanie won the immunity challenge which will give her safety in week 3 of the competition.
Angel won the PoP and saved herself from the block while Leann named Manny as the replacement.
Tonight, we see who will be the next evicted housemate, Manny or Harley?

Daphanie: YAY, Ya'll YAY!! I think I broke the immunity curse!! But even though I have immunity this next week, don't mean I'm not going to try my darned-est to win HOH for next week.


Flint: You see... We obviously have a choice to make her. Dump the kid or keep him around?
Doubley: Hmm... Keep?... Dump?... Keep?
*Slight yelling can heard from the other room*

Flint: Wait... Did you hear that?
Doubley: No. Wha?
Flint: Shut up... I'm trying to hear. 
Doubley: Sounds like... Yelling.

*Yelling is coming from the Red Room*
Doubley: In there?
Flint: Is that... Gilbert?

Gilbert: Why is it my fault that she put you up?! Maybe if you weren't such an ass all the time... Maybe you wouldn't get nominated in the first place
Harley: Ha! Don't lie to me... Leann hasn't got a brain. It's obvious that you're the one who is behind the nominations! This has nothing to do with me.
Gilbert: You're a joke. You know that? Treating everyone like dirt doesn't make you 'cool'. It just makes you an asshole!
Harley: Come closer and say that!

*Harley begins to assault Gilbert*

Flint: I have GOT to see this! This sounds like a doozy!
Doubley: Careful!
Flint: Yeah. I can handle myself... Wait here?
Doubley: *nods*
Flint: Good boy.

Flint: ALRIGHT! What the hell is going on in here?!

Harley: Nothin'!
Gilbert: Ow... *rubs head*
Julia: Harley to the Diary Room. Immediately.
Harley: Ugh.

Harley: Grrr... Stupid bloody Julia making me come to the stupid bloody diary room!

Harley: What are you looking at? You wanna fight?! Huh?!
Doubley: *avoids eye contact*


Harley: Yeah.... I'm fuckin' here what do you want?
Julia: Sit down Harley.

Harley: What?
Julia: We need to have a little talk and discuss the rules of the house.
Harley: Rules? Ha! What rules... I didn't sign any fuckin' rules.
Julia: This is no joke, Harley. You have breached a serious code of conduct which deals with the safety of our contestants. If this hostile behaviour continues, we will have no other choice but to remove you from the house. You are let off with a warning. Is this clear?
Harley: Crystal.
Julia: Good. You may go.


Flint: Are you alright Gilbert? After that punch up with that asshat?

Gilbert: The pancakes stole my parents?
Flint: Yep... You're messed up. Come with me.
Gilbert: Whatever you say talking monkey-man.

Flint: Yeah... There was a punch up between Gilbert and Harley. Wouldn't be surprised if they're ejecting him right now!
Doubley: Yay?
Flint: Guess it solves the problem on whether or not to dump the kid.
Doubley: Yay!

Gilbert: Gilbert go Nigh-Nigh!
Flint: Yeah... Sure. Whatever you say buddy!

Flint: Woah. Harlot... Didn't expect you to be back so soon... Or ever.
Doubley: Heh... Harlot.
Harley: Piss off.

Harley: Wheres that bloody-...?

Harley: Ahhh... There it is.

Flint: What are you up to Harley? Wait.. Is that...?

Doubley: TEDDY?!

Harley: I hope you can swim mothafucka!!!

Harley: What do you know... Guess it can't. Oh well... Who cares.

Doubley: Teddy!!! Nooooo!!!
Flint: What the hell?! What is going through your thick head?!

Doubley: *runs off flailing his arms* Nuuuuuu!!! Teddy whyyyyyyy!!!???
Flint: I hope you're proud of yourself, asshole.
Harley: Always.


Leann: I know! My nails are atrocious! I am in desperate need for another manicure!
Daphanie: I haven't had my nails done since what seems like forever! How long have we been in here? 3... 4 years?
Leann: Two weeks?
Daphanie: I know I know... It was just a joke.

Daphanie: By the way... How did Gilbert react when you dyed yer hair again?
Leann: Ugh! Don't even get me started. He didn't even notice a difference!
Daphanie: No way! But he did know that you dyed it, right?
Leann: Yeah! He said it was just the same pink... And I said... Um. Hello?! It's French Rose... Not pink.
Daphanie: Mhmm. I totally agree.

Manny: *presses the doorbell*... Am I alright to come in Leann?
Leann: *Over Intercom* Who is it?
Manny: Manny.
Leann: How many?
Manny: No its me, Manny.
Leann: Oh right... Come in.

Leann: So what's up?
Manny: Firstly, is there something different about your hair?
Daphanie: See! It's noticeable.
Leann: Yeah I dyed it to a different colour. Does it look good?
Manny: Looks great.

Manny: Listen... I know I'm the pawn today... But I just want reassurance that I'm not in any sort of danger. You don't REALLY want me sent home, do you?
Leann: I can't guarantee that is what everyone is doing... But the house seems very clear that Harley is disliked. I'll talk to people and assure them.

Daphanie: I'd say don't worry, darlin'. 
Manny: I just don't want to go already... I'm really starting to develop friendships in here.

Leann: Go talk to the others and see if you can just leave a good impression. Make sure that everyone knows you're the pawn.
Manny: I will... I'm glad to know I'm not that target... Thanks Leann!

Leann: Now what were we talking about?
Daphanie: I think you were sayin' somethin' about your new hair.

Leann: Is he gone?
Daphanie: Yeah. He's gone.
Leann: Ok. Good.

Leann: I don't mind if he goes... Either him or Harley. Harley will self destruct anyway... And Manny just knocks down a vote for Flint. He's a pawn and a target.
Daphanie: Look out pawnie! The chess monster is gonna getcha!

Leann: Huh?


London: I'm not sure Angel... What do you think?
Angel: What do I think about what?... Sorry. I was distracted by those noises again.

London: It is LITERALLY dead silent in here Angel. I have no idea what you are talking about.
Angel: Nevermind. What are you talking about?
London: I'm talking about the eviction... Manny or Harley. I'm conflicted and I'm not entirely positive on which way the vote should be skewed.

Angel: No, seriously! There are DEFINITELY voices in here. Can you not hear that?!

London: Angel! This is of great importance. There is an eviction incoming and we need to discuss who we are going to be voting out.
Angel: Isn't it obvious? Harley is in our alliance... So we should vote for-...
London: Consider this before you decide.

London: Harley creates a lot of unnecessary attention due to his disrespectful nature and his constant need to be the "bad boy" and cause conflict. That is attention our alliance doesn't need in times of nominations.
Angel: But we need him as an ally... We can't just get rid of him. Besides he's trying to be more positive now. I'm foreseeing a change.

Angel: London, you can't be seriously voting out someone in our alliance?! Next you'll be wanting me out! You HAVE to vote out Manny.
London: I want to keep our alliance a secret from now on. I will consider our options. But from now on we keep how we may be voting to ourselves. Alright. No one shall know of this.

*toilet flushes*
Debby: *coughs*

London: Debby. How long were you in there?
Debby: Eternity.

London: And how much did you overhear of our conversation that you were eavesdropping in on from the toilet?
Debby: I was in here first and I heard all of it. Every little detail.

Angel: Were you the voices I could hear?
Debby: I didn't say a word... No one ever listens to what I have to say anyway... Might as well just stay quiet.
London: Speaking of staying quiet. You will not spread a word of this to anyone. No one needs to know anything about this and if you value your life, you'll keep everything a secret.

Debby: Please... Lives have little value. One person cannot make a difference... Though in this house one person can make a difference. So I guess I was wrong. Again.
London: Are you threatening to tell?
Debby: I wouldn't call it threatening. How about we strike a deal? You let me join your alliance and keep me safe and I promise no one, especially Harley, will hear a word about this.

London: Hmm...
Angel: I say she can join us. What have we got to lose?
London: Listen Debby. You're not popular in the house... However, you are not targeted and you are definitely more popular than Harley. We'll consider you to join us.
Debby: Okay.


Manny: The prospect of being sent home is kinda intimidating, to be honest, I can't say I want this experience to end yet. I guess my fate is in my fellow housemates' hands now, though! I just have to cross my fingers and hope they vote for me, I suppose. This is one situation where it's nice to be doing so badly on the challenges, however - it should make sure the crosshairs of eviction stay off of my back for a little longer! Best not to think about it, probably.


Harley: Okay, so, I'm on the block, but I'm not that worried! I was on it last week, but I think I can manage to Houdini my way out of this. All I've gotta do is somehow convince everyone that this was a strategy between Leann and I to backdoor Manny to get a floater out of here early... That's bloody genius, right?!

Julia: Contestants! Please head to the Lounge for Voting!
Harley: Are you fucking serious?! Now?!

*The Eviction Ceremony*

Julia: Hello housemates... Welcome to the Eviction Ceremony. How is everyone feeling tonight? 
All: Eh.
Julia: I love all of your outfits tonight. You all look stunning.

Julia: Tonight, you will all be asked to either vote to evict Harley or vote to evict Manny. A minimum of 4 votes is needed to send a nominee home.

Julia: Leann, as this weeks HoH you will not be voting. Neither will our two nominees. 
Before we begin the voting, Harley and Manny, would you like to say a few words?

Harley: Well... This is my second time up here on the block... I don't particularly want to go, so I'd advise keeping me around. I can make a good friend honestly. I'm improving my positivity and shit... Yeah. Keep me and send this floater out.
Julia: Thanks Harley... Manny?

Manny: Firstly, I can say this experience is one that I'll never forget. I will never forget any of you and I am happy to call each of you my friends. I came onto this show not only to play the game but to meet all the contestants and make some lifelong friends. I'd love to get to know you all more and more and I can only do that if I stay... So please keep me.
Julia: Thank you Manny.

Julia: It is time to cast your votes. Angel you are up first.

Angel: I better be careful up these stairs... If I trip I'll be famous on SimTube within the hour.


Angel: I vote to evict _____ because I feel the other among you has a lot more growing to have come to them and they need to be here more.


Doubley: _____... Teddy... *Mr. Doubley starts to cry*


Flint: I vote to evict _____ because he's such an asshat. No one has got time for someone who is aggressive all the time... unless that person is me who's being aggressive. Then people just have to deal with it and get me a whiskey.


Daphanie: I vote to evict _____ because they are starting to do very good in this game.


Debby: I vote to evict _____ because if you're not with me, you're against me.


Gilbert: I vote to evict _____ because...didn't mean to be mean but I don't want him to stay


London: I vote to evict _____ because I believe he is a threat to my game.


Julia: The votes are in... It is official one of you is leaving tonight and is about to leave the Zero Privacy house.

Julia: By a vote of 6-1...

You have been evicted from the Zero Privacy house!

Harley: Piss off... I'm not leaving.
Julia: You have 10 seconds to leave the house or you will be forcibly removed by security.
Harley: Fine. I'm going.

Angel: Bye Harley.
Daphanie: Seeya Harley.
Harley: Go duck yourself... I mean... Not duck... You know what I meant.

Harley: You know what... I'm glad! I can leave this god-forsaken hell hole and all these idiots.

Julia: Hello Harley.
Harley: Hello Julia.
Julia: Firstly, welcome to the outside world again. Evicted Week 2. How do you feel about your eviction and your experience?

Harley: "Eh, oh well. I guess I'm not that upset, though I am fucking pissed off at Leann for trying to get me out two weeks in a row. But that's all behind me. I had some experiences, met some.... people. And I think I learned a lot. I've changed a bit, and I'm ready to go home. Thanks for having me on the show, really."

Julia: Would you like to hear the words of goodbyes from your fellow housemates?
Harley: Sure. What the hell.
Julia: Cool. Your housemates said some goodbyes in the event of your eviction tonight.


Daphanie: Awww! Bye Buddy, it was sure nice to see a different side of you! And i feel very privileged that you chose me to help you change your attitude. I'm going to miss seeing you in the house. Now go out there and be a NICE Harley! BYE sugar!! Love ya!


Doubley: "BYE!" *Mr. Doubley waves*


Debby: Have a good life? Although knowing you you'll probably never be happy ever again....


Flint: Harley, Harley, Harley... Well done I guess? You don't have to spend another week with these miseries... Ugh. 

Angel: I've gotten to know you better Harley and I hope to see you more even after this whole show is over don't forget about me okay.


Julia: How do you feel after hearing those... "kind" words?
Harley: Eh... Most of them can go jump of a bridge.
Julia: Just one quick question before you leave, Harley. Who would you like to see win, or at least advance further in the game?
Harley: I'd like to see Daphanie move further in the game. Maybe Angel. To be honest I don't really care.
Julia: Thank you Harley. A limo will arrive shortly for your departure.

Harley: Forget waiting for a bloody limo... I wanna get the hell away from this place!
Julia: Suit yourself.

Julia: That concludes our second elimination for the season. Harley was evicted from the house by a vote of 6-1. We have 9 housemates left, who must endure 7 more weeks in the house before one of them is crowned the winner. I'm Julia Price. Goodnight everyone.

Stay tuned, as next episode, we see how the house reacts to Harley's absence.
We also see who will be crowned the next Head of Household and who their nominees for the week will be!
It's all coming up on...


Angel Lunafest - Ninjakid150
Daphanie Eads - Penguinwa101
Debby Gloomington - Turner
Flint Mercer - KingSmarties
Gilbert Castillo - ChocoCub
Harley Grey - Dje2001
Kelly Olivera - Amazingamphy
Leann McCoy - Alleenmens
London Howard - Tigerblu11
Manny Rojas - Leoin202
Mr Doubley - M13Vulpecula

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