Episode 22:
Sixth Eviction
Julia: With a jury about to form, and the finale creeping ever so closer, the housemates are on full game mode... Or should I say full drama mode?! The emotions are getting hot as the game gets hotter!
Julia: With Vanessa as the first nominee after HoH, Rebecca initially targeted her, it's clear this diva may be in danger. After Kayle won the PoP and saved herself, anxious Emery found himself as replacement first-time nominee. And lastly, a trickle of bad luck landed powerhouse Tristan, a shocking third nominee position for the week. Leaving us with three nominees on the block, where anything can happen!
Julia: Are you as excited to see the outcome of the most pivotal vote of the season?! I know I am! Here on...
Julia: You guys know the score, it's between three this week in a shocking twist of the game. Proof that you can never feel too safe in the Zero Privacy game.
Julia: By the end of the night either Vanessa the diva, Emery the klutz, or Tristan the musician, will be heading out through the exit doors via the stage, and straight into the brand new jury house!
Julia: But with only three voters this week, and lots of drama to unfold, who will be safe and who will sway the votes in their favour? Let's find out as we catch up with this week's events!
Julia: We start tonight with a heartfelt and revealing conversation in the Playroom between Sean and Kayle. Let's watch and find out where it's heading!
Sean: Kayle, you're married, right?
Kayle: I am indeed! I've got the ring and witnesses to prove it!
Sean: Where did you meet your husband again?
Kayle: I feel like we've already talked about this... A couple of times, actually.
Sean: I know we have... and I know the answer, I'm just... Hear me out, okay? I have a point and I'm trying to get somewhere with it. I just need to hear your story first, so just bare with me.
Kayle: Alright, I'm game... We met during a challenge on Locked, the last show I was on. Eric treated me really nicely and acted really brave when confronted with a challenge. We bonded. We saw each other after the show. And here we are!
Sean: So, like... You did have success after the show, yeah?
Kayle: Well, I'm not sure what marriage means to you, but ya-huh! We're like two peas in a can of exactly two peas!
Sean: So it IS possible to have a successful showmance. Right? It's not just all TV editing and two people relying on each other because there's limited options.
Kayle: Yeahhh... Is this about the whole you and Tristan thing?
Sean: Maybe... You know about that?
Kayle: The whole world knows about it! People have been shipping you for like FOREVER!...
Sean: Hey! I'm an adult, I'm allowed to be romantic sometimes... And anyway, Tristan and I have been on the rockiest of terms for majority of this game...
Sean: But I just can't stop thinking about something he said...
Kayle: What did he say?
Sean: I don't know if I wanna share that...
Kayle: You can't leave it at that! What did he say?!
Sean: Keep this between us, yeah?
Kayle: Pinky swear!
Sean: He kinda say he-...
Sean: Shhhhh! Not so loud!
Kayle: So he said he has feelings for you, and you're now questioning your feelings for him and you're not sure whether or not you two should patch things up now or patch things up in the jury house. You're not sure if you can trust him in the game but you sure as HELL want you guys to be successful after the show and you've already started planning your-...
Sean: Let me just stop you right there, Kayle.
Kayle: Sorry... I got overwhelmed a little there.
Sean: Well, I had a talk with Vanessa in these very chairs the other week. We talked about Tristan and I, and what we could have been versus what the reality is, and Vanessa helped me come to the conclusion that it's missing that crucial trust. I just wanted to know if it's possible, maybe outside this game, if we could have that trust back and be successful.
Kayle: Eeesh... Look, I love Vanessa as much as the next person, but you do know she's had a crush on you since she walked through the doors, right?
Sean: Oh really? I guess I kinda figured that... I mean, she's hot but totally not my type... Not after my ex.
Kayle: You totally knew and yet you still talked to her about your love life, expecting her to be unbiased...?
Sean: Oh god... That b**** was manipulating me... Ah! Sorry girls! Daddy didn't swear, don't ever repeat that!...
Kayle: Instead of listening to the horses, you should have listened to your heart, Sean!
Sean: The horses?
Kayle: Yeah! The neigh-sayers. Never listen to the neigh-sayers. Always your heart. Trust me, it's the Kayle way!
Sean: So, I really should have a sit down and listen to my heart, right? See if its telling me to make amends with Tristan, or whether or not its time we both moved on?
Kayle: Exactly! Only you will know what to do... You and Michelle Obama. Both of you will know whats best!
Sean: Thanks Kayle. I aspire to find true love like you and Eric someday.
Kayle: You will, Sean. I believe!
Fabian: I know you do. In any other world, that's commendable, but in the Zero Privacy house, you have to make some heartbreaking calls... I think it might be time to cut Vanessa lose, in order to give us the best chances of getting to the final two.
Rebecca: Well, that didn't go horrible. If anything, having Emery go up was a good thing, right? We're more likely to get Kayle's vote in the eviction anyway, so I'm glad she won.
Rebecca: It's a really tough situation though, and I really think we need to try extra hard this week to make it through. Sorry about the lack of winning in that competition. I tried my best, I hope I didn't let you down...
Rebecca: Tris?
Tristan: ... I've failed... I think I'm going home...
Rebecca: Oh, Tristan. No, sweetie. You've done wonderful this whole game. You can't give up now. Not until its over! We still have a shot!
Tristan: This is the first time one of us has touched the block, Re. If the other 5 don't see us as a power couple and a threat to win this game, they'd be blind. They're going to take the shot, even if I'm up against Vanessa and Emery.
Tristan: Let's face it, Re. I'm done for. I had one chance to overcome this stupid twist, and I blew it... It depresses me, but I'm feeling like this game is over for me.
Rebecca: Oh, Tris... I am so sorry. I know winning this game is your dream and to have that dream possibly taken away from you must be heartbreaking. Just know that I'm here for you, and here by your side. We still have the vote.
Tristan: It is heartbreaking. It's ridiculous! We've both played masterful games, and it's come down to a key that nominated me during YOUR HoH week. It's borderline unfair.
Rebecca: It really sucks... Honestly, this situation breaks my heart.
Tristan: Re, I just want you to know that you are going to win this game, and if I don't get the votes tonight because of how much of a threat I am, then I'm going to fight like hell in that jury house to make sure that you're the one with the votes at the end of this game.
Rebecca: I don't want to think about you leaving this house. We're supposed to be the final two. The power couple. An unstoppable duo. The greatest alliance in game show history!
Tristan: We are and always will be... But you need to keep fighting if I go home tonight.
Rebecca: I will... If there's anything I know to be true, it's that I'm a fighter.
Tristan: Damn right you are!
*Tristan and Rebecca hug tight*
Rebecca: I love you, Tristan.
Tristan: I love you too, Rebecca. We are the greatest duo in the world.
Tristan: But if my time has come to an end, then you need to take back power, and show the world what a strong woman you are. You're a role model for anyone who has been through struggles, and for anyone who needs to stand up for themselves and what is right. You need to win this game in order to show the world that when things get tough, you don't give up, you kick ass!
Tristan: The whole world looks up to you, Re. I am so sure of it. So you HAVE to keep fighting.
Rebecca: Thanks, Tris. I will. I'll destroy this game and show the world what Rebecca Pierce can do!
Rebecca: But don't believe for one minute I'm going to let you give up without one hell of a campaign. You're not out. Not the way you think you are. You're staying in this house and together WE are going to show the world what we're made of. They'll look up to US, Tristan. Now, let's go get some votes!
Fabian: There you are, little bud. Ya like that don't ya. Not many of these kinda pets coming from me since you've been here, has there?
Fabian: Hmmf... ZP, you sneaky thing. You're turning ol' seadog, Fabian, into a cat lover a little bit more every day.
Fabian: Emery! Just who I was looking for!
Emery: Huh? What? What were you looking for?
Fabian: I was looking for you?...
Emery: Oh. I thought you said "what". My bad... I need to get my hearing checked.
Fabian: Mate, you need to get a lot of things checked. Haha.
Emery: I may be clumsy and awkward a lot of the time, but hey, one thing I have is my health.
Fabian: Rub it in why don't you!
Emery: Why were you looking for me?
Fabian: Well, I wanted to see how you were doing. Being nominated is probably the hardest thing to have to deal with in this game.
Emery: You'd think that, but living in a cell and cold showers isn't easy either.
Fabian: So, how are you holding up with your first nomination?
Emery: Honestly, I'm terrified... It's honestly the most unnerving feeling being nominated.
Fabian: You don't feel safe, knowing the alliance has got your back?
Emery: N-no... I just feel... Paranoid.
Fabian: It's the block that does that to you. Makes you question what you once knew was true.
Emery: Yeah... It-it does... I just hope that no one is playing me... Or us.
Fabian: No one is playing ya, mate. Trust me.
Emery: Fabian, I can... Trust you, right? You do have my back.
Fabian: 'course I do! You've got me AND Kayle on your side. That's two of the three votes guaranteed.
Emery: You say that but think about it this way... Kayle is a Veteran AND she's close to Vanessa. She's going to have to choose between the alliance, her friend, or the people she started with.
Fabian: Kayle is more loyal to the four than anyone gives her credit for. She's not in with the Veterans. There's a big threat on the block and we're riding this out to final 4, so she's going to stick by us and vote out Tristan.
Emery: But what if she doesn't? What if this is the time for her to choose a side. The somewhat... Stronger side?
Vanessa: Come on ZP! Let's go see what the boys are up to. I'm sick of sitting around and waiting to get told what to do by Rebecca.
Fabian: Look, there is no reason to vote you out, before she goes anyway.
Emery: She's less of a threat to win, right? There isn't anyone who would vote for her in the end, is there?
Fabian: She's won more competitions than you, you know. Depends who is on the jury, really.
Emery: *sighs* Yeah...
*Vanessa listens through the door*
Fabian: Mumble mumble mumble mumble...
Emery: Mumble mumble mumble?
Fabian: Mumble Mumble Mumble.
Vanessa: Wait... Are they talking about ME?! Like, excuse me?!
Vanessa: *coughs loudly* Um! Like, are you guys talking about ME?! Like, excuse me?!
Fabian: That's only if Tristan goes home...
Vanessa: Um! Hello?! You can't pretend like I didn't hear you. I totally did!
Fabian: Vanessa, what are you talking about?
Vanessa: I heard you through the door!
Vanessa: You guys were talking about me. You're like, turning your back on me and evicting me. Aren't you? I can't believe you'd throw me under the bus like that, Em!
Emery: Vanessa, I'm on the block too... That doesn't mean me talking game with Fabian is me throwing you under the bus. We didn't even mention your name.
Vanessa: You can't lie to me! I like, literally heard you guys and like, everything you were saying. You think I'm some nobody who can't win this game because everyone hates me right?! That I'm just some side hoe that you can just use and throw away, right?! That I'm not a threat and you're just stringing me along for the game! Am I right?! I know, I'm right! You all can't stand me, can you?!
Emery: We were only talk about Tristan and Rebecca, and the vote... We hadn't talked about you once.
Vanessa: That's bull****!
Fabian: Jesus f***, Vanessa. I just came in here to comfort Emery and talk about the vote because he just got nominated. Not every topic of conversation is about you, you know?
Vanessa: You think I'm dumb, Fabian? Like, I'm just some bimbo who doesn't know when someone is lying to me? Like I'm just some like, idiot, who doesn't know how to play this game! I know who I can trust, and it looks like it ain't you two!
Fabian: Are you demented? What the f*** has gotten into you? Our whole alliance has been nothing but solid since we teamed up to get Arthur out. Where the hell are you getting this from?
Vanessa: I know what y'all say behind my back. I hear the whispers. I listen at the doors. Y'all are just like, keeping me around until final 4 because you think literally no one will vote for me in the end.
Fabian: Well, if you f***ing open your ears a bit more in alliance conversations, you'd know that the whole f***ing team has been trying to keep your emotions at bay because you're the only detriment to us getting to final 4 and having an equal chance.
Vanessa: Ugh! B****! I literally can't even, right now... You think I'm a detriment, huh?! Why don't you just vote me out then?!
Fabian: We have the majority votes to keep all of us in this game! That's what we've been working towards this whole time! But why the f*** do you think we worry about you blowing up our games? You're blowing up on us right now! You're throwing away your one chance that we all worked hard to get you.
Emery: Fabian, calm down...
Fabian: No, I'm done with this!
Vanessa: You didn't bring me here, I f***ing earned my place in this competition! I didn't need you to baby me like you're my f***ing saviours. I'm stronger and smarter than you all think I am!
Fabian: You won ONE f***ing competition, and you're acting just how we all expected you would when you got f***ing nominated! The only reason you're here is because Kayle and I worked damn hard on getting close with Tristan and Rebecca to make sure that your ass didn't end upon the block.
Vanessa: F*** you, Fabian. You're not the king of this game.
Fabian: I damn well AM the king of this f***ing game. And I don't need some spoiled brat to go and blow up MY game for her own delusional f***ing ego!
Vanessa: F*** you, Fabian! I am DONE playing with you! I am literally so done with you guys. Vote me the f*** out. See if I f***ing care!
Fabian: God, she's such a f***ing diva! I can't take her emotions and outbursts anymore.
Fabian: I am so sorry, Em. Really, I've been holding my temper in for so long, but I just can't keep it in anymore.
Emery: *sighs*... Well, I think it's safe to say that the alliance I thought we had... We might not have anymore.
Fabian: It's over... That's it. It's finished.
Kayle: What's over? Did I miss the finale? Oh dear... Did I win?
Fabian: Not quite...
Kayle: Dang... Second place?
Fabian: No, I meant the alliance is over.
Kayle: What do you mean? Why is it over? Did I do something wrong?
Fabian: Nono! But Vanessa Diva sure as hell did.
Kayle: What happened?
Fabian: You tell me! She burst through the door when Emery and I were talking about the nominations and the vote, and started screaming at us. Spewing all sorts of lies and bulls***. The exact way we all thought she would.
Kayle: Well... She's just scared and lonely.
Fabian: Scared and lonely? She's a diva... She brings it on herself.
Kayle: The nomination and aftermath twist have been hard on her, you know? I'm sure she has her reasons.
Fabian: Kayle, I get that you are her are friends, but the alliance is over because she's going down. We can't justify her actions and we can't go down with her. She's a sinking ship.
Kayle: I just-... Like to see the best in people... That's all.
Fabian: I know you do. In any other world, that's commendable, but in the Zero Privacy house, you have to make some heartbreaking calls... I think it might be time to cut Vanessa lose, in order to give us the best chances of getting to the final two.
Kayle: Oh dear... You're not saying vote her out now, right?
Fabian: I'm just saying, we really need to consider who is best to keep for our game. This vote may make or break us.
Tristan: Knock knock! Sorry to interrupt, can you spare a minute?
Kayle: Of course.
Fabian: Not the best timing but come sit.
Tristan: I promise I'll say my piece and come back and talk a little later.
Kayle: What do you have to talk about?
Tristan: Well, this vote is a may make or break a lot of peoples games this week.
Fabian: Hey! You heard me say that.
Tristan: Maybe... But it's true. It's a hard decision, I'm sure. There is a lot on the line for everyone, including myself. And if you can't tell, I really want to stay this week.
Fabian: I say that considering Vanessa is on the block, you've got a good chance of staying, dude.
Tristan: I have my doubts, and I'm sure Emery is feeling the same way too.
Fabian: He's nervous. You all are first time, nominees, yeah? You're all experiencing the new emotions.
Tristan: All I wanted to say is that I feel like us four have had each others backs for this whole game. I feel like we've had a good connection and while we're no solid alliance, we've built a lot of trust since the start of the game. I hope that you guys can see that you two won't be my targets moving closer to the finale.
Kayle: That's really nice to know. I feel like after my talk with Rebecca the other day, you guys really see me as a Veteran player. Especially after my PoP win! I'd love to have the Veterans be in the finals.
Tristan: Of course we do, and Fabian too! So what do you say? Do you think we should make this happen? Should I lock in your votes tonight and see if we can't ride this out until final 4? We'd be the toughest final 4 in history!
Fabian: That's definitely something to consider.
Tristan: I won't keep you guys from your conversation. Just think about it, and hopefully you can get back to me before the eviction ceremony.
Kayle: Will do!
Fabian: Thanks Tristan. Good luck.
Rebecca: You know I'm the Head of House, right? That we could have done this in the HoH Room?
Sean: Eh, but we'll only have this room between us three for the rest of today, so might as well use it.
Sean: Besides, I'm giving you a free massage! I wouldn't complain...
Rebecca: True... Where did you learn to do this?
Sean: You sound just like, Tristan. I'm having deja vu of when I did this for him in like, week two.
Rebecca: I remember that... Except I'm certain I walked in and it was definitely intimate.
Sean: I hope your boyfriend doesn't get the wrong idea.
Rebecca: This isn't intimate at all, in fact, its hurting like hell! Is it supposed to hurt this much?!
Sean: It'll feel better once it's all done trust me... Just relax your arms and breathe, you'll be fine.
Rebecca: Why are you pulling my arm back like that?! Oh god, it hurts!
Sean: Do you trust me?
Rebecca: I sure hope I do.
Sean: Do you trust me in this game?
Rebecca: I'll answer that if you stop breaking my arm!
Sean: Hahaha... I'm almost done. Trust me, you'll feel the difference in 3... 2... 1...
Rebecca: Oh, you're right. That feels a lot better.
Sean: Now, to answer my question?
Rebecca: The answer is yes. Yes, I do trust you in this game. Though it also depends on if you vote to keep Tristan or not.
Sean: Well, I've been talking to everyone today, and lets just say I've heard so many ideas and possibilities thrown around for reasons to keep and evict all three of the nominees.
Rebecca: Oh yeah? It's not a landslide this time?
Sean: This is probably the most chaotic vote of the season...
Sean: I've heard Emery is the saboteur... Vanessa is blowing up people's games... Tristan is powerful and manipulating the votes... I've heard literally everything from everyone. I'm the guy everyone seems to come to to talk.
Rebecca: Then you must have SOME idea of which of the three is going home, right?
Sean: Yeah, I kinda do. And I have my vote still too... But it's up in the air still because, like I said, everyone has been feeding me all sorts of crazy pitches.
Rebecca: Well, do you want me to pitch my idea to you?
Sean: Let me guess, keep Tristan and come with you to the final three?
Rebecca: Maybe... Or maybe I wanted to say we should keep Vanessa in and make sure she gets to the final two because she deserves it.
Sean: Yeah, bull... You can't even keep a straight face for that one.
Rebecca: It's a tough sell, but I'm sure I'll land an Oscar if I can do it convincingly.
Sean: So is your pitch final three? You, me and Tristan?
Rebecca: Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't it be?
Sean: Well, to be honest... If I go with you two, why wouldn't you just take each other to final two?
Rebecca: Fair point. I can't say that I don't want that, but I can't say things won't go wrong, change my mind or get in the way between now and then. Like Tristan's surprise nomination. That sure wasn't expected or in anyone's plans for the future of their game.
Sean: Yeah... Your final three idea might not be an option at this point...
Rebecca: What do you mean? Why not?
Sean: I'm just saying... That uh...
Sean: I'm not sure if Tristan is staying or going in this eviction...
Rebecca: Sean, please... Don't evict, Tristan. You'll break his heart...
Sean: It's extremely on the fence, and even I don't know where I'll vote yet. I'll make my decision when Julia asks for my vote.

Sean: I vote to evict _____ from the house. It's unfortunate, at this time, that we have to dwindle down the numbers like this, so I'm so terribly sorry to see them go but...I guess I have to watch my back.
Julia: Hello housemates! It is time again! You know it well, the eviction ceremony!... Wait... Where is Vanessa? Why weren't you all ready?
Tristan: Sorry, we did bathroom breaks while the footage was on.
Rebecca: We're not sure where Vanessa went exactly.
Julia: Well, someone better go find her because this is a LIVE eviction ceremony and one of the three nominees is about to be evicted. If she's not back in time, she might not be able to plead her case!
Sean: She's there.
Tristan: Never mind, she's back.
Julia: Oh, good!
Emery; Oh, god.
Julia: Vanessa, please take your seat, and we can begin tonight's live eviction ceremony!
Vanessa: Not so fast! I've got a few things to say first!
Julia: That's not how this works, Vanessa.
Vanessa: Um... You forgot the part where I literally don't care. I have things to say and I'm gonna say them! Mmmkay? Good...
Vanessa: First of all!
Julia: Vanessa, please take your seat or you will be evicted tonight.
Vanessa: Ugh! Fine! Whatever... I'll just say it in my speech. Sheesh!
Julia: Thank you! Finally, we can begin. As you are aware from the previous episodes, there are three nominees this week, only one of which will be evicted tonight. Either Tristan, Emery or Vanessa will be sent packing.
Julia: First, I would like to give each of the nominees a chance to say their final pleas. Tristan?
Tristan: Well, I think it's clear to see who has been fighting hard this entire game, and who has been brought along be everyone else to this point. I think we all know who deserves to stay and keep fighting in this game, and who doesn't because if they stay they'll keep causing fights. Kayle, Fabian, Sean. Please vote to keep me here. Thank you.
Julia: Thank you Tristan, Emery?
Emery: Okay, well... I did prepare a speech for tonight but I uhh... Forgot it in the anxiety. I would like to say that I am a very loyal and trustworthy player and friend, and I think it's in everyone's best interests to keep me in this game. Please vote to keep me here! Thank you all!
Julia: Thank you Emery. Vanessa, now you may stand and make your case.
Vanessa: Thanks... Well, I've got a bone to pick with some people and I'm like literally so done with this house.
Vanessa: I thought that some of you were my friends, and that like, we had an alliance or whatever. But now I see that the so called "alliance" with Fabian, Kayle and Emery was all just bullshit...
Julia: Language! This is a live show!
Vanessa: They never had my back, and they certainly don't have my back now. Tristan like, totally deserves to go home because he's a threat! But like, now I'm going home cause like...
Vanessa: They all like, turned their backs on me! Like it's totally unfair! I'm like, supposed to win this game! I'm supposed to be the queen! ME! SO FREAKIN VOTE FOR ME GODDAMMIT!
Julia: Uhh... Fabian, you're up first. Please vote... Now... Please!
Fabian: Wait, how many votes does it take to evict though?
Julia: Two... Two votes to evict. Just... Vote!
Fabian: I vote to evict _____ because this is going to be good for everyone's games here. I'm very sorry.

Sean: I vote to evict _____ from the house. It's unfortunate, at this time, that we have to dwindle down the numbers like this, so I'm so terribly sorry to see them go but...I guess I have to watch my back.
Kayle: I vote to evict _____ because... *drums play in Kayle's head*... Wop ba-ba lu-mop and wop bam boom! Yeah, that's right. I was in Grease the musical 4 years ago. I played Danny as I was the most manly there!
Julia: Thank you housemates, we have all of the votes. There is no tie tonight. One of our three nominees is about to be evicted!
Julia: Vanessa, Emery, Tristan... With a vote of 2 - 1 - 0...
Julia: Tristan! You have been evicted from the Zero Privacy house.
Tristan: What?! Really?! You guys voted to evict me?! Over Vanessa?!
Rebecca: Tris, Nooooo...
Tristan: I guess it's an honour to be so much of a threat that you guys can't possibly let me slide through this twist. But man this sucks, to go out because of a twist.
Rebecca: I don't want you to go! This power duo can't become a power single! No way!
*Rebecca and Tristan hug*
Tristan: Don't worry, Re. I'm going to be working that jury for you and I'll see you on finale night. Not a day sooner, okay?
Rebecca: I love you, Tris. Keep strong, you did fantastic. You showed the world how much of an inspiration you could be.
Tristan van Gould - 6th Evicted Housemate - First Jury Member
Julia: Congratulations everyone. I will be back to you shortly for the next HoH Competition! Stay tuned!
Julia: There you have it, a shocking eviction in a twisted week. Our next evictee will be joining us shortly, here on the Main Stage.
Julia: And here he comes now!
*The audience start cheering loudly*
Julia: You know him as the vampiric veteran, the Abnormality absentee turned ZP powerhouse, taken out by a twist from winning so many competitions...
Julia: ... Please make welcome to the Main Stage, in 7th place and the first member of our jury of 5, TRISTAN!!!
*The audience cheer loudly*
Tristan: Oh, Jules. It is so fabulous to finally get to meet you in person.
Julia: I'm a huge fan of Abnormality, so the privilege is all mine!
Tristan: I'm not going to lie, it's a little bit sooner than I'd hoped it would be.
Julia: Oh, of course! I want to hear all about what you're feeling right now. Please, take a seat!
Julia: Let me first ask you, after Vanessa's blow ups, why are you the one sitting here evicted tonight?
Tristan: You know what, I do take it as a compliment that I got evicted the first chance they had. Vanessa clearly isn't doing herself any favours in the house, and I don't expect her to stay around much longer, but for me to be evicted over her... That's because I was the true queen of the game. Sorry Miss Diva!
Julia: Two votes out of three to evict you tonight. Who voted to keep you, and who do you think voted to evict either Emery or Vanessa?
Tristan: I imagine that Sean was the one vote to keep me in the game. As you know, Sean and I were rocky, but very close.
Julia: Oh, we know... We'll get to that soon.
Tristan: I think that Kayle and Fabian have been working together for a long time, they knew that if it came down to it, I would keep Rebecca and Sean before trying to keep either of them. They knew they couldn't keep Rebecca and I powerful. It was a smart move.
Tristan: I give them a lot of credit, though I hate the fact that I'm here and not still in there because of a twist.
Julia: Now, I want to know, are you proud of your time in the house? Do you think you would have won if the twist never happened?
Tristan: Oh, I definitely think I could have made it much much farther if it weren't for the twist, but of course, I'm incredibly proud. I hope that what I have become and who I am now shows everyone that you can succeed and be the best version of yourself you can be. You have to be true to yourself and I hope that I can be an inspiration to all of those people who were in the same boat as me who are watching out there. You can do amazing!
Julia: Lastly, as I'm sure you've guessed... Sean! What happened to you two? You used to be two peas in a pod, then it turned into a relationship rollercoaster!
Tristan: Jules, it is so hard in that house. You're always competing and playing social games. Paranoia is everywhere and its hard to trust people 100%. What happened with Sean is that once Emery and Vanessa got into his ear about me being a "saboteur", then it just caused waves of paranoia and mistrust between us and everyone didn't really help that. We were both unsure of where we actually stood with each other. But I'm excited to see what happens in the jury house, or after the show.
Julia: So there IS an after the show? There is a romance there?
Tristan: Away from the cameras and stress of the game, there might definitely be a romance. But neither of us are even sure yet. We'll have to wait and see. Haha.
Julia: One last thing, for old time sake. It put a strain on your possible showmance, but... Were you a saboteur?
Tristan: Of course not Jules! I was just searching for keys, and only a few people knew about that twist. I'm sure the saboteur is still in there, causing so much mayhem it's not even funny!
Julia: Well thank you for the chat Tristan, you'll be heading to the jury house shortly, but first... Since there is no more eviction aftermath... How about we go to the housemates with something else this time.
Tristan: Oh? A twist?
Julia: Hello again housemates!
Everyone: Hello Julia.
Julia: Congratulations to the nominees on surviving eviction.
Julia: As you know, up until now we had the eviction aftermaths. Since Roxy was evicted, there are no more eviction aftermath twists.
Emery: Thank god. I'm glad that's over.
Julia: Buuuutttt instead of the eviction aftermath twists... Tonight, we're doing something a little different. A little bit twisty!
Fabian: Oh no.
Rebecca: No more! Please!
Julia: Another housemate will be evicted, TONIGHT!
Kayle: What?!
Julia: Get ready for the second Fast Forward week of the season! It's a whole week of Zero Privacy in just one night!
Sean: Oh damn...
Julia: Good luck housemates! On to our next HoH Competition!
Arthur Nutt - Turner - 3rd Evicted (11th Place)
Emery Ring - Lovesstorms
Fabian Romero - Smarties100
Jeremy Yuka - Twiddle3 - 5th Evicted (9th Place)
Kayle McCarther - Ninjakid150
Paige Morgan - Alleenmens - 2nd Evicted (12th Place)
Rebecca Pierce - YJB19299
Roxy Callahan - Kaliko103 - 6th Evicted (8th Place)
Sean Sierra - Tigerblu11
Shannon Mackmilton - Penguinwa101 - 4th Evicted (10th Place)
Sonia Jobs - x_MG_x - 1st Evicted (13th Place)
Tristan Van Gould - M13Vulpecula (7th Place)
Vanessa Tomaz - Nani
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