Episode 21:
Sixth PoP
Julia: Just when you thought you knew the Zero Privacy game, the game throws EVERYONE a curve ball!
Julia: With Rebecca as the new Head of Household, you'd be certain that she'd hold all the power this week! That is correct... Except! After nominating rival alliance members, Kayle and Vanessa on the block, Rebecca's power came to an end, as her ride or die, Tristan, found himself as a third nominee for the week!
Julia: With hidden keys comes great power, but sometimes great punishment to those who hold them... With three nominees on the block, and only 7 housemates left, tonight's PoP will be a make or break for everyone's games!... This, is...
Tristan: *sighs* I can't believe how painfully unlucky that key was. It almost feels unfair. I know that I've already got a guaranteed $10,000, but this key could be the end of my chance at $1,000,000. I really need to pull out a win today, or get some allies on my side by the end of the week to make sure that I stay this week. Too bad I don't have much time to interact with anyone but my new cellmate, Emery.

Tristan: The more time I spend with Emery, the more I feel increasingly suspicious that he's sabotaging the house. Things go wrong when he's around, but no one has ever been able to catch him being the one doing anything wrong. Is it just my imagination? I just really don't want to blame all the things that have gone missing on ZP! But I don't want to get the blame for it while looking for keys either!
Fabian: Are you ready for this?! I've been waiting all my life for a feast like this!
Sean: I mean, I didn't have much for breakfast this morning, but I'm certainly not gonna eat more than a plateful. I hope they don't cook TOO much for the three of us.
Fabian: Who cares?! I wanna take one bite of everything I can, and then just chow down on the good stuff! Which I'm sure it'll aaaaaaaaaallllllllll be fan-freakin-tastic!
Sean: I mean, that depends on whether or not the 'servants' can cook or not.
Fabian: Doesn't matter if they're good or not. I'll eat anything if you put it on a plate in front of me!
Sean: I seriously worry about your health, bro. That can't be good for you.
Tristan: I really hope that they appreciate all the effort we're going through to prepare this feast.
Emery: I'm sure they will. Fabian will eat just about anything, so he'll of course appreciate it.
Tristan: I know Sean will appreciate the effort too. He's that kind of guy. Rebecca too...
Emery: Rebecca is a guy?!
Tristan: You know what I meant!
Emery: We gotta make sure there are some vegetarian options too, don't forget.
Tristan: Already on it!
Emery: Awesome! Are we allowed to eat any of it?
Tristan: Sadly not...
Emery: You know, if we really wanna get back at the 'Royals', we can just add a bit too much salt in all of the meals. Hahaha.
Tristan: That WOULD be hilarious... but I really don't wanna get locked in the cell for the rest of the week.
Emery: Too true. It's hell... I dread the thought of going to prison and dealing with those living conditions every day.
Tristan: Is that why your fear was getting arrested by the police?
Emery: Ehh... I guess in a sense, kind of. It's certainly a part of the reason now, but not exactly why, though.
Tristan: What exactly IS the reason then?
Tristan: Emery?
Emery: So, I'm thinking of making a nice salad next. Thoughts?
Tristan: Okay, okay. I get it. I won't pry.
Emery: Thank you.
Tristan: Say, do you think you could keep an eye on this spaghetti while I go to the bathroom?
Emery: Sure thing!
Tristan: Don't worry, if we all learnt anything from Germy's time in the house, it's about washing our hands... And the sink... And the drain.. And the floor of the entire bathroom...
Emery: Alright! I think this needs a little tad more salt... Though I could add a LOT more salt and just say Tristan did it.
Tristan: *through the bathroom door* You know I can still hear you!
Emery: That was a joke! I promise!
Emery: Time to give it a bit of a stir stir stir! Yes, sir sir sir!... Oops! Spilt a bit on the floor. My bad... *sighs* Why am I like this?
Emery: I think that's enough stirring, now time for ol' Em to pinch-...
Tristan: You spilt some of the sauce?
Emery: *coughs* A small pinch of thyme!
Tristan: Emery, why are you always so clumsy? Are you sure it's safe for you to cook?
Emery: *sighs* I don't know... But it's what I've been told to do, so I kinda have to.
Emery: Did you wash your hands?
Tristan: Yes! Quit asking or you'll turn into Germy Version 2!
Emery: Just making sure. Can't be too careful.
Tristan: When it comes to your clumsiness, you can't be careful enough!
Emery: If you need any more help with the spaghetti, let me know. I'm gonna work on this salad.
Tristan: Thanks Em. I think I'll be fine without all the spillage.
Emery: Okie dokie!
Tristan: Uhh... Emery, where is the wooden spoon?
Emery: I don't have it. I left it right there, didn't I?
Tristan: N-no...? Well, it's not here at least.
Emery: Oh... Maybe I dropped it on the floor. Did ZP run off with it?
Tristan: I haven't seen ZP around at all today though, have you?

Tristan: The more time I spend with Emery, the more I feel increasingly suspicious that he's sabotaging the house. Things go wrong when he's around, but no one has ever been able to catch him being the one doing anything wrong. Is it just my imagination? I just really don't want to blame all the things that have gone missing on ZP! But I don't want to get the blame for it while looking for keys either!
Fabian: GUYS?! What's taking so long? I'm staving, dudes! I expected a feast for the ages, not just ageing!
Sean: Oh god... Patience, man, patience!
Tristan: Hey! It's hard to cook an entire feast with just two people.
Fabian: Oh really? I thought it'd be as easy as two people eating an entire feast.
Tristan: Do you think we could get the girls to help us?
Fabian: Alright, but I expect double the feast in half the time in that case!
Emery: Oh god... End this madness...
Rebecca: God, Fabian can be so bloody demanding sometimes. Why couldn't he go let the girls out? I was busy looking for some ke-...eeeping that a secret. Nevermind.
Kayle: Yessiree! We've just been playing Eye Spy for the last hour.
Rebecca: Sounds like a nice way to spend time locked in a cell?
Vanessa: NOT!
Vanessa: Ugh! What took you so long! You have to get me the f*** out of here, like, NOW! There is only so many times, I can like, fake enthusiasm in like, one day!
Rebecca: Is that ungratefulness I hear? What's the magic word, Vanessa?
Vanessa: Um! Just let me out of here, Rebecca!
Rebecca: Nope...
Vanessa: Ugh... P-please. Please let me out of this hellhole.
Rebecca: Much better. Maybe change your attitude and you won't have to suffer through this week so bad.
Vanessa: Pfft... Whatever! I'm going to go take a shower.
Rebecca: Ugh... B****... I didn't even get to tell her about helping the boys with their cooking task.
Rebecca: By the way, Kayle, I need to tell you about helping the boys with their cooking task.
Kayle: Okiedokie... Say, um, Rebecca... Do you think we could talk?
Rebecca: Of course! Do you want to come to the HoH room?
Kayle: It'll be fine in here.
Rebecca: *sits down* Oh boy. These ARE uncomfortable as you'd expect! I don't think I'd be able to sleep on these all week.
Kayle: You and me both, sistah! Except some of us don't have a choice.
Rebecca: Well, I've certainly been there once or twice in my life. Trust me.
Kayle: So, Becca-Babe, I just wanted to like... *sighs* It's silly...
Rebecca: Is this about the nomination?
Kayle: Yeah... I just wanted to know why you'd put ME up, of all people. I thought we were really good friends.
Rebecca: Kayle, this is a game. Of course we're good friends! We're great friends! I adore the chats and times we've had together in this house, and I know we'll be great friends outside of it. Just because I nominated you in a game, doesn't reflect anything about our real and genuine friendship.
Kayle: So why DID you nominate me then?
Rebecca: Well, simply, I don't think anyone will vote you out. You're well liked by everyone, so you're the best option for a pawn to get Vanessa out. Clearly she's my target this week.
Kayle: So I'm just a pawn? You don't have any intention of me going home this week?
Rebecca: 100%. You know me, I'm very straightforward with my intentions.
Rebecca: I really needed your help in making this work out. So I hope that you will be on board with getting Vanessa out. I know you guys are close.
Kayle: As long as I get to stay in and have a chance at the title of champion, then I'll do my best to be on board with it.
Kayle: Say, Re-Re... How come we never had a proper Veterans alliance? Why didn't you, me and Tristan get together at the start? It's like you guys forget I was a Veteran too! I nearly won Locked, y'know!
Rebecca: I'm not sure, why not. It just... Didn't work out that way. I hardly thought you were playing the game compared to Tristan and I, so we mostly battled through it all by ourselves.
Kayle: I've been playing all season. Just a little differently than you might have thought.
Rebecca: I can see that now. I think you're a great player Kayle, and a great-... Oh dear.
Kayle: A great deer? I've always felt in my waters that I was more of a fox-deer hybrid!
Rebecca: No-no... My-my... My stomach. I think I'm g-going to be sick again.
*Rebecca runs off in a hurry*
Kayle: Oh dear indeed!
Kayle: I really didn't know why Rebecca put ME of all people on the block, but after our little talk, I feel like she actually respects me as a Veteran, and she knows I'm playing the game just as much as everyone else! It feels so much better to finally have someone recognise my Veteran status!
Vanessa: Oh Em Gee! Look at all of this food! I am like, so totally starving!
Emery: Just don't take a bite. There might be consequences for breaking the eviction aftermath rules.
Vanessa: Ugh. Fine. Whatever.
Tristan: We're really glad to have your help Kayle. We've got a big expectation of us.
Kayle: No problemo! I used to be a caterer once!
Tristan: Oh really? I didn't know that.
Kayle: Yeah, I used to play Cooking Mama all the time.
Vanessa: *whispering to self* Mmm... God. This smells delicious.
Vanessa: This is the kind of food a queen deserves. No disgusting sloppy like, prison food. I need this.
Vanessa: Oh. My. God. That is f***ing divine. I soooooooo needed this.
Tristan: Do you think they'll enjoy a lemon flavoured sponge cake, or regular vanilla?
Kayle: I'd go with lemon! Spice things up a little!
Tristan: Hm... Maybe I'll make both.
Kayle: I can't remember what I was cooking.
Emery: I thought you said you were a chef?
Kayle: Well... I mean, normally I'd have a recipe and-...
Julia:Vanessa, please go to the Diary Room.
Vanessa: Oh crap... Do you think they saw?
Tristan: Saw what?
Emery: Oh, Vanessa, you didn't! Did you?!
Vanessa: Maybe...
Emery: Of course they're watching us, they have cameras and microphones everywhere! It is called ZERO privacy.
Vanessa: Do you think I'll get in trouble.
Tristan: Breaking the rules isn't taken lightly Vanessa. I'd head to the DR as soon as possible.
Vanessa: I'm just like, starving because of this stupid like, twist or whatever.
Kayle: I'm sure they'll understand if you go and apologise.
Vanessa: It's just totally not fair! I'M supposed to be the royalty! Not the like, poor people or whatever! I deserve the royal treatment more than any of those three! I'm supposed to be the QUEEN of this house! I deserve this!
Emery: Oh, she deserves something alright...
Kayle: Em!
Emery: Sorry. Not helping, I know...
Vanessa: Like, whatever, f*** the producers and f*** Roxy. I'm gonna eat whenever and whatever the f*** I want! No one can stop me!
Vanessa: *takes another mouthful* Mmmmf. This is so f***ing good!
Julia:Vanessa, please go to the Diary Room.
Tristan: Oh god. She needs to stop and calm down or she'll get punished or... worse? Rule-breakers aren't taken lightly. She might even face self-eviction!
Emery: Vanessa, you really need to stop. You're risking everything over on silly little twist.
Kayle: It's not so bad, we'll help each other get through it.
Emery: Don't throw your game away over one more mouthful of food!
Vanessa: I don't CARE! Just let me do me and y'all can worry about your own problems! I don't need anyone to baby me, and I certainly don't need anyone to tell me what to do! I'm my own f***ing person, y'know! I'm Vanessa F***ing DIVA, B*tches! And I'll be DAMNED if I get treated like this for the rest of the week!
Julia:Vanessa, please go to the Diary Room... IMMEDIATELY!
Vanessa: Hell no! I'm going to go take a nap on an ACTUAL bed!
Kayle: Vanessa, no!
Vanessa: You hear that, Julia?! You're not the boss of me! I'm Vanessa Diva! I'm better than all y'all!
Tristan: She is 100% on thin ice right now. I'll be surprised if we see her at the PoP this afternoon.
Emery: I'm going to go talk to her and see if I can't defuse the situation.
Tristan: Good luck, Emery.
Julia: Hello Vanessa.
Vanessa: ... Hello.
Julia: Please, take a seat.
Vanessa: Okay.
Julia: Vanessa, you know why you're here today...
Vanessa: The only reason I'm here is because the others convinced me to come. Like, I made the choice to come here, despite my like, objections.
Julia: Vanessa, you have broken the rules of this week's eviction aftermath task, but beyond that you have ignored orders from the production team and myself to stop breaking these rules and to come immediately to the Diary Room.
Vanessa: I know...
Julia: Vanessa, we really do not take disrespectful behaviour toward staff, or enforced rule-breaking, lightly here on Zero Privacy.
Vanessa: I understand.
Julia: We hope that this will not happen again in the future. However, in the present, you will have to undergo a punishment for your rule-breaking.
Vanessa: Ugh. Fine.
Julia: Vanessa, had this incident gone on any longer, or been any worse, we might have had you removed from the house. Consider yourself lucky that that wasn't the case.
Vanessa: I guess...
Julia: As your punishment, you will no longer be playing in this afternoon's PoP Competition. Is the understood?
Vanessa: What?! Are you kidding me?! How am I supposed to save myself now?!
Julia: That is all, Vanessa.
Vanessa: *sighs*
Sean: Have you ever seen this much food, all in one place?!
Fabian: Heh. Only in my dreams, lad. It's as beautiful as I could have ever expected it to be!
Sean: Man, they sure put a whole lot of effort in this meal, just for us! I gotta thank them all when I see them again.
Fabian: It can wait until after we chow down. Haha!
Sean: It's a huge shame that Rebecca isn't joining us for this feast. Heard she was feeling really sick this morning.
Fabian: Yeah, this feast is to die for. I don't think we'll be able to get this much food unless we go to like... Vegas or something for an all-you-can eat buffet.
Sean: Why do I feel like you'd put them out of business?
Fabian: Hey, I ain't the biggest fish in their pond, mate! There is bound to be heftier guys and gals than me!
Sean: Hahaha... One hundred percent... Anyway, should we say grace?
Fabian: Yup! Two Four Six Eight, Dig in, Don't wait!... Come here you yummy bacon, you!
Sean: Mmmmmm! Oh man. This is delicious! Not only did the cook heaps, they also cooked well!
Fabian: See, and this is why I got them to work hard! I knew they'd do a great job.
Sean: Pfft. You just wanted food faster.
Fabian: That too... Don't judge me. I like eating, okay! Helps me stay happy.
Sean: I just don't know how we'll finish it all. You have to admit, there is a LOT for ONLY the two of us. Maybe three, if Rebecca starts feeling better.
Fabian: Mate, I will stay here and eat the lot, even if it kills me!
Fabian: But enough of this... I'm skipping straight to dessert! Me want some of dat cake!
Fabian: Care for a slice?
Sean: No, thank you. Maybe once I'm done eating the mains.
Fabian: Your loss!
Sean: You know you could get a tummy ache and ruin your dinner by eating sweets before your meal!
Fabian: I'm 31, I think I can make my own decisions, dad.
Sean: Hahaha... Sorry. I guess I'm already so used to telling my girls that. You do you, man.
Sean: Say, Fabian. I have a question. A deep one.
Fabian: How deep?
Sean: How come we never hear about your life more than boats and food? Why don't you talk about your family or your hobbies? I know you there's way more deep down there, bud.
Fabian: Uhhh... Well... Mostly because my life has pretty much been fishing, the ocean, and food for quite a long time. Anyway, can't talk. Eating.
*Fabian shovels cake into his mouth*
Sean: What do you do to pass the time when you're not working on the ship? What do you do when you're on land?
Fabian: Well, if you're super interested. I like to uhh... Oh, man... I like to uh, collect things. From my travels around on the boat, place to place.
Sean: What kinda stuff?
Fabian: Well, mostly scrap metal to make some wicked sculptures and stuff... But also I like collecting gems and anything kinda shiny and valuable I find.
Fabian: I swear it's not as lame as it sounds. Hahaha...
Sean: Dude, it sounds wicked! You're like a modern day adventurer. Sailing the seas and collecting treasure.
Fabian: Yeah, but it ain't that glamorous, let me tell ya!
Sean: The first thing, well, second thing, I'm going to do when I get home is write a book about you, Fabian. A kid's book, of course. About a sailor who goes around the world, catching fish and finding treasure. It'll be awesome!
Fabian: No f***ing way! You'd do that? About ol' me?
Sean: Of course! With your permission, of course.
Fabian: I'd love that... It'd probably at my readin' level too. Bahaha.
Sean: Then it's settled then! I'll let you know when I need some more inspiration after the show.
Fabian: Hit me up. I don't think I'll be going out on the ship for a little while. Maybe not the fishin' trawlers ever again if I win the big prize.
Sean: I like us as a team, you know.
Fabian: Like, in the game?
Sean: Yeah, I think we'd do well as a duo. I don't know why we never ended up on the same side after we hit it off on the first night.
Fabian: Well, I did nominate you week one. Haha. Sorry!
Sean: Yeah, I can see how that might have been a reason to cause a divide. I understood and I forgave you though.
Fabian: Well, what do ya reckon then? You wanna work together from here on?
Sean: Hell yeah, bro! Ride or die, man!
Sean: You know, in recent days, I've managed to really reignite my relationship with Fabian. We started off as bros. Though, because of the first week, we mostly went our different ways, and up until now we've mostly been talking game to different people. I can honestly say, that after sitting down with him today for the feast, we've had a great chance to become bros once more.
I think we might even be able to become a new allied duo in the house. I know Tristan would always choose Rebecca over me when it comes to a final 2. So why not Fabian and Sean as an unsuspecting second power duo?

Fabian: And I know that Emery would be interested in it all, considering the jewellery store he owns but I just can't bring myself to mention my collection.
Sean: Aw dude, it's not as bad as you think, I say-
Julia: Housemates! Please head to the Lounge! It is time for the PoP Competition!
Sean: Oh, so soon?

Fabian: And I know that Emery would be interested in it all, considering the jewellery store he owns but I just can't bring myself to mention my collection.
Sean: Aw dude, it's not as bad as you think, I say-
Julia: Housemates! Please head to the Lounge! It is time for the PoP Competition!
Sean: Oh, so soon?
Julia: Hello housemates!
All: Hello Julia!
Julia: Wow, it honestly shocks me how little of you there are left. Especially with our three nominee couch in the room!
Julia: Housemates, welcome to your sixth PoP Competition! As you are all well aware, the winner of this PoP will have the option to save one of our three nominees, if they so choose.
Julia: As per usual, the current HoH, Rebecca, will play in this competition.
Rebecca: Great! I'm glad I'm starting to feel better for this!
Julia: As will our nominees, Tristan and Kayle.... However, due to a punishment for rule-breaking and ignoring production's requests, Vanessa will NOT be participating in this PoP Challenge.
Vanessa: *sighs* Whateves. I'll be fine.
Julia: Also playing are two housemates by random draw, Emery...
Emery: Wew!
Julia: And Fabian!
Fabian: Alright! Lets do this!
Julia: Unfortunately, Sean, you are the odd man out for this challenge.
Sean: Can't I join in now that Vanessa isn't playing?
Julia: Logically, you might have, but while Vanessa may not follow the rules, we sure do, and only those drafted to play, may compete.
Sean: I understand.
Julia: Competitors, come on over to the Arena for your PoP Competition!
Rebecca: Oh, how cute! It's a little art gallery.
Emery: It looks a tad messy for my liking... Not that I'm organised myself.
Julia: Housemates, welcome to the PoP Competition! This competition is called "Name That Art Subject" (Also known as Name That Tee, IRL) and here is how it will be played!
Julia: In front of you are 20 paintings and sculptures. The art critic in you will have to decipher the famous people or popular character subjects of these arts in order to write down the correct answer.
Julia: But beware, some might be red herrings, some might be totally abstract, and some you may or may not have even heard of! But let me tell you, these are very famous people!
Julia: The person with the most correct answers out of 20, will be the winner of this week's PoP! Does everyone understand? Good! Let's play!
Julia: Alright everyone, brushes at the ready! The competition starts... NOW!
Emery: I've done a lot of work designing rings and necklaces. If you count that as art, then I'm definitely an artist in my jewellery store!
Emery: It's a shame that some of these aren't pictures of famous people with jewels, or I'd know 100% who they are... Maybe?
Rebecca: I'm kind of glad that I've got quite the pop culture knowledge...
Rebecca: ... I just really wish I knew who these ones at the front are supposed to represent.
Kayle: Hey! Where did my brush go?!... Oh. I never picked it up. My bad!
Kayle: Is that lamp supposed to be art?... What about the wallpaper? Because I think I know who that might be about!
Fabian: Travelling the world via the seas, ain't so bad when it comes to cultural knowledge, now that I think about it.
Fabian: But who the f*** is that lady in red?!
Tristan: Alright, I've gotten that one... And that one... And that one... I've only counted around 18 or 19 pictures so far. I can't seem to pick out the ones I'm missing.
Tristan: Surely, that one at the back doesn't count as two people in one, right?
Julia: Alright, everyone! Time is up! Hope you figured out all the answers, or at least made some educated guesses. Head on back to the Lounge while we tally up your scores!
Julia: Hello again housemates. Thank you for your patience. We've taken extra care to try and decipher all of your sloppy paint answers. Some were very hard to read! However, we DO have a winner!
Julia: The winner of the PoP, by a very close call...
Julia: Kayle! With a perfect score of 20!
Kayle: Awesome Sauce! I needed that win super duper extra mega badly! And I totally got it!
Julia: Kayle, you have won the PoP, please stand and make your choice on how to use it.
Kayle: Well, Jules and my fellow McCools... I have won this power and I've decided to...
Kayle: Use the PoP to save myself from the block!
Fabian: How did you move over here so fast?
Kayle: I'm a ninja, kid.
Julia: Rebecca, since Kayle has just saved herself and thereby removing one of your two nominees, it is up to you to choose a replacement. Please stand and make your selection.
Rebecca: Alright, well, in that case...
Rebecca: Well, I am sad that it had to come to this point, but I have to make a replacement nomination. And after a lot of thinking, I sadly decided to nominate...
Rebecca: You, Emery.
Rebecca: I really see all of you three as my friends in here, and making a decision between you three was really really hard, so I went with who I've been friends the closest, and I came to the conclusion that I can't nominate Fabian and Sean. I hope you understand and can forgive me for this.
Emery: Well, I uhh... Kind of expected it actually. We'll see if I forgive you once the week is up, haha!
Julia: Thank you Rebecca. That means our final THREE nominees for the week are Vanessa, Emery and Tristan. I will see you all next time for our live eviction ceremony. Good luck and goodnight housemates!
Vanessa: Ugh. I am glad that my f-friend Kayle, like, won and saved herself. Though it like, totally sucks that I didn't get to play in that stupid PoP. Who needs it anyway? Right?! Vanessa Diva is here to slay and Vanessa Diva is here to stay, gurl!
Tristan: I'm sad that after all my competition wins, I didn't get the one win that I was really counting on to save me from this twist. I'm still confident that my social game, and Rebecca's help and swing as HoH will keep me through this eviction. I'm not gonna sit down and give up, and I'm not gonna go home after the success I've worked so hard to build myself up for!
Emery: Bleh! Nominated? No fun. I can feel my jitters and anxiety building up as the walls come cornering in on me! I'm not going home yet though, not while I still have the help of my Revengers alliance! I do feel like compared to the other two, I'm as safe as a... Well safe... Which considering that things have been going missing, may or may not be that... safe. Heh.
Kayle - 20
Fabian - 19
Tristan - 19
Rebecca - 17
Emery - 14
Vanessa - NA (2nd Last Strike)
Kayle - 20
Fabian - 19
Tristan - 19
Rebecca - 17
Emery - 14
Vanessa - NA (2nd Last Strike)
1. Walt Disney
2. Donald Trump
3. Steve Jobs
4. Queen Elizabeth II
5. George Orwell
6. Leonardo da Vinci
7. Muhammad Ali
8. Marie Antoinette
9. Eva Peron
10. J RR Tolkien
11. Stephen King
12. The Pope (Pope Francis)
13. Oprah Winfrey
14. Coco Chanel
15. Lady Gaga
16. Cleopatra
17. Popeye
18. William Shakespeare
19. Christiano Ronaldo
20. Willy Wonka
(Misspellings and official names / pseudonyms were deemed correct. Actors for characters, or characters for creators were not accepted.)
Arthur Nutt - Turner - 3rd Evicted (11th Place)
Emery Ring - Lovesstorms
Fabian Romero - Smarties100
Jeremy Yuka - Twiddle3 - 5th Evicted (9th Place)
Kayle McCarther - Ninjakid150
Paige Morgan - Alleenmens - 2nd Evicted (12th Place)
Rebecca Pierce - YJB19299
Roxy Callahan - Kaliko103 - 6th Evicted (8th Place)
Sean Sierra - Tigerblu11
Shannon Mackmilton - Penguinwa101 - 4th Evicted (10th Place)
Sonia Jobs - x_MG_x - 1st Evicted (13th Place)
Tristan Van Gould - M13Vulpecula
Vanessa Tomaz - Nani
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