Episode 13:
Fourth HoH
Julia: After a shocking double eviction in this season's first Fast Forward twist, we saw the two oldest housemates Arthur and Shannon leave the Zero Privacy house in one night.
Julia: With only 9 people left in the house, the aftermath of the sudden eviction is in full force and housemates are beginning to question, what's gonna happen next? Will I be the next to go without warning, just like Shannon? Where do I stand in the house?
Julia: The future is uncertain for most, and tonight one of our housemates will be given the title of the fourth Head of Household. It is their sole decision on who will be in danger THIS week and who will be spared.
Julia: With twist after twist shaking up the game, the housemates must think it's safe for now, right? Well, it's only just begun! This is...
Rebecca: Okay, I've been trying my best to push this thought away, but... It is getting more obvious now... I'm WAY overdue already... I'm having some weird food cravings and I have morning sickness almost every morning now... I mean I should be relieved that it most likely isn't something deadly... but why now? The timing couldn't be worse, even if it tried to be... Did the others figure out already? Am I more of a threat because of that?
... should I trust Tristan with my thoughts? I mean he is my closest friend, but I also know that he is very gossip-y. I knew it was a bad idea to make it quick with Aaron before we visited his parents 2 months ago...wait, why am I talking about my sex life on National TV? This is supposed to be a family program...although after "certain" events, you can barely call that family friendly anyway, so...wait...no...My sex life is my private life. UGH, THIS IS DRIVING ME CRAZY!!! *runs out*
Kayle: Wowzahs! I did NOT see that coming and I'm certain I have 20/20/20 vision... The extra 20 is because of my third eye... You know, for seeing the future. I can't believe the fast forward week happened so quickly and that Mumma Shan went home because of it! Fitting a whole week's worth of Zero Privacy into one night is like fitting 20 clowns into a small car... Except with the clowns, it's volunteer work at a circus that you did last summer...
Kayle: ... Anyway, we were up alllllllllllllll night because of the *yawns* twist and I decid-... I decided to-.... And... *yawns*....
*Kayle snores softly*
Fabian: So, Rebecca.
Rebecca: Yeah? What's up?
Fabian: Are you like, following a recipe, or...?
Rebecca: Ummm... I'm mostly just winging it. You know, throwing everything together into a big breakfast... Mess.
Fabian: And you're sure it's gonna taste good? Oh, who am I kidding? Of course it'll taste good.
Rebecca: ... And before you ask, Fabian. There is NO meat in this. No breakfast sausage. No ham. No bacon... But damn, I am certainly craving some bacon right about now... Too bad I'm a vegetarian.
Fabian: Would be worse if you were a vegan, right?! Hahaha!
Sean: *sniffs* Woah, that smells divine. What are you making?
Rebecca: Breakfast scramble.
Fabian: Hey, back off, bro! It's mine!!! I mean... Ours... Ours.
Sean: Oh, I've already eaten. I was just curious as to what's cooking. I'm probably going to go play the llama game... The llame game, as I like to call it... Wanna come play?
Fabian: Oh yeah, sure. After I'm done eating, I'll come hang out.
Rebecca: Ta-da! There we are! A combination of every vegetarian breakfast craving you could possibly have in the morning. What do you think?
Fabian: Well, it seems like you've overcooked those eggs a bit.
Rebecca: I'm sorry? Did you just... What did you just say?
Fabian: I said those eggs look like you've cooked them a smidgen too long.
Fabian: But hey! I'll still eat them if you're willing to share.
Rebecca: Umm... Yeah... Excuse me one moment...
Fabian: Is that a definite "dig in" kinda "yeah" or-...
Fabian: ... Was it something I said?
Tristan: Alright, Tristan... You searched in here last time you won HoH, but kept getting caught out. There MUST be a key in here somewhere... But where?
Tristan: Oh, they wouldn't... They couldn't... They shouldn't?... There might actually be one hidden in the bountiful bowls of Halloween candy they have here. Let me just-...
Tristan: ... *squeals like a girl* AHHHHHH!... Hahaha. Just kidding.
Tristan: Pfft... What a silly idea. I've seen scarier things roaming around my childhood home than some stupid ghost prank. It's pretty hard to scare a vampire. Speaking of scary things... Tombstones!
Tristan: There was always something suspicious about these tombstones, but I just can't put my finger on it.
Vanessa: I am telling you! No one has like, touched them for like, weeks! Like, this is a gold mine, Emz!
Emery: Why would I want to eat something that no one has touched for weeks. That sounds disgusting.
Tristan: Oh, hell! I can hear people coming... Again!
Vanessa: Like, I'm telling you. This is better than like... Sex! It's better than sex! And that's saying something.
Emery: Oh. Hey, Tristan. What're you up to? Did you lose something in here?
Tristan: Uh... Not exactly. I was just making sure I had all my stuff together, so I can move to the HoH Room.
Vanessa: Look at this! So much candy! I like literally can't even! I'm so naughty.
Emery: Move to the HoH room? You do know that you're gonna have to move out of it again tonight, right? When the new HoH is crowned and someone else has to take the room?
Tristan: Yeah, I suppose you're right. I forgot it was only for one night, I guess.
Emery: What were you looking for then? Maybe I can help?
Tristan: Uh... I was looking for my... Thing...
Emery: Your "thing"?
Tristan: My good sleeping shirt! You know, the comfortable one.
Emery: But isn't your side of the bed the left side? Wouldn't it be over there?
Tristan: Oh, yeah... But I just wanted to double check it wasn't on this side of the room for some reason.
Tristan: You know... With the saboteur about, taking people's precious belongings. Anything is possible.
Emery: But I thought Arthur was the saboteur? He's gone now.
Tristan: Yeah, or just a crazy old geezer... I guess we never truly found out, did we.
*A prank ghost surprises Vanessa*
Vanessa: *squeals* Mother F***er!!!
Germy: Why... Oh, why... Is the only way to the D-Diary Room, through the o-outdoors?
Germy: *sighs* Peace in the DR... The one place no on can come and d-disturb my alone time.
Germy: Aww crap!... Are you kidding me? She's s-still in here?! I was so glad when she f-finally left me a-alone.
*Kayle snores loudly*
Germy: S-she's... Asleep?
Germy: *looks up* Hiroaki, if you are looking down on me from that d-dust world in the s-sky... F*** you for p-putting me in this situation!
Germy: Uhhh? Kayle?... S-sorry for waking you... But you're in my spot. Get out.
Kayle: Huh, what? Who?
Kayle: Who put flowers next to my bed? How long was I in a coma?
Germy: Do you even know where you are?
Kayle: The hospital?
Tristan: Phew. That was an awkward encounter... Why couldn't he have just let it go?
Tristan: Sweet. No one is in here. Perfect!
Tristan: I'm glad I managed to slip this key into my pants before Emery got to pry some more. Seems like he really doesn't trust me.
Tristan: Goes both ways, my friend... "Hidden in the Entrance Hall is a secret room. You will find your prize awaits you there." ... Yes! This MUST be what Rebecca has been hinting to me about. I gotta find this key and see what goodies it unlocks!
Tristan: ... So there's a hidden room somewhere in here and it seems the coast is seemingly clear... Woah. Did that rhyme? I'm sensing some lyrics for my after show album.
Tristan: Alright. If what Rebecca told me was correct, there should be a secret door somewhere around these bookcases... No one is looking, right? Except for the cameras. Hehe!
Tristan: Boom! Got it! That was easier than I thought... Although I did have some help with directions from Rebecca.
Tristan: No way! This is absolutely fab-u-lous! Has this been here the whole time?! Man, we could have had so many secret meetings in here!
Julia: Hello Tristan! Welcome to the Prize Room, a hidden room only known to those who find it and are searching for hidden keys as part of their HoH and PoP wins! As I'm aware, you've found one of the 5 remaining hidden keys?
Tristan: I did indeed!
Julia: Congratulations! Your possible prizes will be decreased because of the help given to you from Rebecca.
Tristan: WHAT?!
Julia: Just kidding! You have a choice to make! Your hidden key will unlock one of these prize boxes, in which, may be a prize for yourself or a punishment placed on you. It's a gamble, but you already knew that, right?
Tristan: I knew what I was getting into. I'm hoping for some kinda hidden power. A prize might be nice, a punishment would be hell, but the prize money at the end of the season is worth waaaaaaay more!
Julia: Well, good luck Tristan. Use your key and open one of them up!
Tristan: Well, here goes nothing! Come on baby, daddy needs a new pair of... Hidden powers?
*Tristan unlocks the middle chest to reveal his prize/punishment*
Tristan: No way! That's...
Julia: Sorry to interrupt, Tristan. But I have to make an announcement to the entire house over the PA. Stay tuned.
Tristan: Announcement...?
Tristan: Why did you have to interrupt my golden moment? I just won $10,000! Do you know how bad I need this money outside this house?!
Julia: Congratulations! You may use that money any way that you wish. Bribe other housemates, throw it into the air, keep it a secret, take it home, we don't care! It's all yours to keep once you leave the house!
Tristan: Awesome!
Julia: Housemates! It is exactly 10:47am in the Zero Privacy house...
Emery: Is that Julia?
Roxy: Shhh shh!
Julia: You may be wondering what exactly this means to you...
Julia: ... Well, as part of the Eviction Aftermath thrown into the works by Arthur...
Fabian: *burps* Damn this stuff is good!
Julia: ... The house is immediately in lockdown and all doors are being locked until further notice...
Sean: *spooked* AH!!! Who keeps doing that?!
Vanessa: *giggles* Soooo funneh!
Sean: Did you get that from Tristan?
Julia: Which means wherever you may be right this second...
Tristan: No no no no! WAIT!!! Not here! You can't trap me in this tiny room!
Julia: ... Is where you will be staying for the next... 12 hours... 13 hours... 14 hours... Who knows....
Germy: T-trapped... I-In here?!... With h-her?! There must be some kinda mistake?!
Julia: Enjoy the lockdown, housemates. See you later tonight.
Germy: You're a vile woman! V-vile!
Kayle: Awww! Come on, Germy! It'll be fun! It's like one big sleep over, but in the Diary Room!
Germy: The only one sleeping was you... B-besides... I don't want to b-be in here. I want to be alone and away from your f-filth.
Kayle: You do know that I was a cleaning lady once, right?
Germy: You were this, you were that. What's the truth anymore?
Kayle: It's always the truth! I wanna fill my life with every experience, ever!
Germy: If you were REALLY a c-cleaning lady... How come I've never s-seen you c-clean the b-bathrooms?
Kayle: Easy. We don't have the best cleaning supplies and I thought maple syrup was a bad choice.
Kayle: Besides! It makes you happy when you clean... So I just let you do it. We all just let you do it.
Germy: You... L-let me?
Kayle: Yeah... We like knowing that even though you're so super duper cynical about the house, there's somewhere and something that brings you joy.
Germy: But you... L-let me c-clean? Like... You just don't do it so that I... C-can?
Kayle: What? You don't like cleaning?... I guess my third eye isn't 20/20 like it used to be.
Germy: No... It's just that. I've never looked at it that way. I always t-thought everyone was just d-disgusting... That they never cleaned up after themselves. But you all were just l-letting me do what keeps me c-calm.
Kayle: Well, Fabian still farts in his sleep and doesn't brush his teeth very often, but the rest of us agreed to leave the bathroom and cleaning to you.
Germy: Ew... But... Wow.
Kayle: My point is... We're not all that dirty! You can be friends with us, you know.
Germy: I wouldn't exactly call you f-friends all of a sudden... But... T-thanks Kayle... You managed to g-give me some new insight.
Kayle: You're welcome! Now keep on cleanin' boy!... Oooh! How about a hug?!
Germy: How about a h-handshake.
Kayle: Your gloves feel weird...
Germy: Good... Say, what do you t-think about forming an alliance?
Rebecca: Ugh... That was disgusting. I hate this morning sickness bull...
Rebecca: And to be trapped in the frickin' bathroom? Are you for real?!... *sighs* At least I have somewhere to pee and I can relax with a shower...
Rebecca: God knows I need relaxation right about now. My mind is going a million miles an hour... Listen to me. Talking to myself, like a crazy woman.
Rebecca: *looks in the mirror*... I-... I just can't believe that this is happening. While I'm in the Zero Privacy house? I don't know what to do! I-... I'm not ready for this! How the hell am I supposed to be ready for this?!... I just... Don't wanna turn out like my parents did... But I'm sure as hell not ready to be a mother.
*Rebecca bangs on the door*
Rebecca: Let me out!... I-I can't stay in here! P-please!
Rebecca: Fabian?! A-are you still there?...
Fabian: Yeah! I'm still in the kitchen. The only place I'd ever wanna be... Except out at sea of course... But you can't put the sea in-...
Rebecca: *through the door* You better not have eaten all of my breakfast scramble!
Fabian: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... *whispers to self* F*** me... What am I going to do?
Fabian: Nope! I haven't eaten a thing! I'm an angel! I've been waiting for you to take the first bite...
Rebecca: Oh, thank you! I am absolutely craving EVERYTHING right now. Can you put it in the fridge for later?
Fabian: Yeah, sure... Hey look! Nachos!
Vanessa: UGH! I absolutely HATE this stupid show!... My hair straightener is in the bathroom and I like, absolutely need it, like right now!
Sean: Yup, but we're stuck in here... So we'll have to make do.
Sean: At least we've got candy, right?
Vanessa: Yeah, I guess... But ugh... This show just makes me like totally wanna die!
Sean: Hey now! Don't say that! No one should ever feel that way.
Vanessa: Um... I don't mean liberally!
Sean: You mean, "literally"?
Vanessa: Yeah. Duh. Oh my gosh! You're so smart, Sean. Hehe!
Sean: Oh, shush. I'm not like a genius or anything. That was Sonia's department.
Vanessa: You totally like, use all these totally big words and stuff...
Sean: That's because my talents are in writing... I'm sure you've got some brains in there too!
Vanessa: Really? Where? ...
Sean: ...
Vanessa: I bet you get told you're super smart a lot, right? And that you're like a really great guy... And super deliciously hot!
Sean: Uhh... No... Not-... Not recently, no.
Vanessa: Oh, Tristan never says that to you? Funny that. Guess he's not that into you.
Sean: Huh, where did that come from?
Vanessa: Oh nothing! Did I tell you that you totally look really handsome today?
Vanessa: *yawns* Boy... I'm getting tired. How about you?
Sean: It's like... midday?
Sean: Oh...
Sean: I'm just gonna grab some more candy.
Vanessa: Oh... I mean... Yeah, totally.
Vanessa: You know... Tristan was in here just before you came in.
Sean: Oh yeah?... I was sick of waiting for Fabian to finish eating... I was looking for him, actually.
Vanessa: Well, the only thing he was looking for was... like a shirt or something. Sorry boo.
Sean: But Tristan's a very organised person? And this is HIS room. Why was he looking for a shirt in here?
Vanessa: Who cares? He was snooping around like a detective or something... Emz thought it was a big cover up anyway.
Sean: A big cover up for what?! What the heck do you mean Vanessa?
Vanessa: Oh, you know... He was totally looking around the room and through people's stuff. Probably searching for things to like, steal.
Vanessa: Oh, you know... He was totally looking around the room and through people's stuff. Probably searching for things to like, steal.
Sean: Steal?! What is wrong with you? Tristan isn't that kinda person!
Vanessa: I know right! You think you know a person, then you find out their a lying, cheating saboteur!
Tristan: Ugh! I can't stand this stupid room... And to think I thought it was fab once I walked through that door. I sure feel like I'm in an insane asylum now...

Tristan: I can't stare at these pink tiles any longer... It's giving me a migraine!... Or is that just because my head keeps bringing up these intrusive thoughts again?
Tristan: *sighs*.... Well... I guess my life has been so busy and fast-paced... I haven't let the negative thoughts in for a while...........
Tristan: These pink walls just remind me of-... *sighs* They remind me of... Me... But... The old me. The... fake me... The... Sparkle me.
Tristan: And I wasted... Sooo... Much... Time... So much precious time of my life, and precious time I could have spent with my family... Being someone I wasn't, because of THAT STUPID F***ING MAN!!! ARGHHHHH!
Tristan: I... I just wanted him to... Understand me... I just wanted him to...
Love me for me.
Roxy: I don't know where you found them, but these veggie sausages were a great idea, Em!
Emery: I would say I kept them in my pockets, but I don't think that'd fly very well for food safety standards.
Roxy: Hey, do you think we'll have to sleep out here? We don't like... Have any beds.
Emery: I'm more worried about needing the bathroom.
Roxy: Ooof... Don't mention the B word. I really gotta go!
Emery: Aw crap! I dropped my stick into the fire! I hate being so clumsy!
Roxy: Oh my god! Me too! It's okay, though. The fire friend just gobbled it up and gave extra warmth as a gift to you! Hehe!
Emery: Haha! How can you stay so positive all the time? I mean... You haven't exactly had a good run in this house.
Roxy: Yeah... I know...
Emery: I mean you've been nominated twice, lost Henry, got into fights with Arthur, and are almost tying with Manny from last season for most injured housemate. It's not been great for you.
Roxy: Gee... Thanks, Emery... What I really needed was someone to point out all the totally bad things that have happened these last few weeks while we're looked outside for hours with no toilet.
Emery: Sorry... I'm just curious as to how you stay so... Positive.
Roxy: I know it's what Henry would want.
Emery: And... Might I ask... Who exactly is Henry?
Roxy: Henry is my best friend. He's been in my life since I was a child and he's been there for me in times when no one else was. He's the friend I always needed and I could always rely on.
Roxy: It's rare that you find a friend who is so... Solid... So trustworthy with your secrets, and will never just... Run away.
Emery: And... You do know he's a rock... Right?
Roxy: Yes, Emery. I know Henry is a bloody rock, okay! I'm not blind!
Emery: Okay okay! I'm just checking.
Roxy: I know that Henry is a rock... But he's all I have... I never really... Had friends as a kid. People would always just think I was weird and different and I could never... keep a friend in school... So Henry was all I had.
Emery: But you're so sociable and kind and fun-loving... Why wouldn't anyone want to be your friend? I love having you as a friend!
Roxy:... It's... Dumb.
Roxy:... It's... Dumb.
Emery: It's not because of the whole... talking to rocks, thing... Right?
Roxy: No... It's more... *sighs*
Roxy: ... Emery, my IQ is 164... I'm a genius...
Emery: What?!
Roxy: Yeah...
Emery: I mean... I can honestly say I didn't see it coming. But who even cares about that?! That's awesome! Wouldn't that be more reason to be your friend?!
Roxy: You'd think but... No one wanted to be friends with the freakish know-it-all. Everyone wanted the bubbly blonde bimbo. The kinda girl who thinks a Dell is the name of a pop star... I just... Did what I could to fit in.
Emery: And when you couldn't get friends, you did what you could to make some, right?
Roxy: Yeah... I hope you don't think less of me.
Emery: If anything, I think more...
*ZP scratches a chair because no one is able to tell him off for doing so*
*Time passes as the housemates are stuck in their respective rooms... Or non-rooms*
Julia: Well, housemates. Enough is enough and it's time to let you all free. The lockdown is over. You are all now able to roam the house. I hope you all don't rush to the bathroom all at once.
Rebecca: Oh thank god! Whose sick idea was this? I need my food!
Fabian: And this is my cue to make like an eel and slither on outa here.
Rebecca: Oh yeah. I've been waiting all day for this moment! Food, come to mumma!
Rebecca: FABIAN?!?!?!!? YOU ATE EVERYTHING?!?!?!
Fabian: Oh boy... I'm a dead man...
Julia: Housemates! Thank you for gathering in the lounge! I understand to some of you, you forgot what it looked like after being locked away for so long.
Julia: All jokes aside, last night we had a special eviction night with the Fast Forward and double eviction. This means we did not do a HoH Challenge because of time restraints and thus, we will be crowning and new HoH tonight.
Julia: Tristan, as the outgoing HoH from the Fast Forward, you are not eligible to compete this week.
Tristan: That's understandable.
Julia: Housemates, this challenge is called "Poison Chalices". Here is how it will work. The eight of you will be seated at a round table. In front of each of you is a chalice, and a bottle of "poison", as well as the large centre chalice.
Julia: Each round, each of you must pour your 'poison' into another chalice and drink from one chalice. If a chalice has been poisoned an odd number of times, it is unsafe to drink. If it has been poisoned an even number of times or not at all, it is safe to consume.
Julia: The last housemate standing not poisoned will be the new HoH.
Julia: Does everyone understand?
Rebecca: We're not actually being poisoned, right?
Julia: Not at all. It is completely for show.
Julia: Alright housemates! Round 1 has begun, you may, in time, poison your chalices.
Fabian: Does anyone smell anything... Extremely unappetising?
Vanessa: Yeah, I smell something incredibly gross!
Fabian: Hey, for once it's not from me!
Sean: I don't know about this... It seems... Immoral.
Emery: This has been the day from hell... First locked up, then poisoning each other.
Sean: This is like a murder mystery party that I never wanted to go to.
Germy: I trust none of you with my drinks...
Julia: Alright housemates, you've all made your selections... Now the confusing part! Time for you all to pick your drinks.
Emery: *gags* UGH! That's absolutely vile!
Julia: Sorry Emery, you have been poisoned by Vanessa.
Emery: Great... Thanks, Miss Diva.
Fabian: Food is NOT supposed to make you feel this bad...
Julia: Sorry Fabian, you have been poisoned by Rebecca.
Sean: Ew... Smells worse than a dirty nappy, and tastes worse than the cheapest alcohol I drank as a teen.
Julia: Sorry Sean, you have also been poisoned by Rebecca.
Roxy: *sits still trying to hold in the foul taste*... No! I can't do this! Ew!
Julia: Sorry Roxy, you too have been poisoned by Rebecca.
Germy: I refuse to drink mine.
Julia: That's against the rules, but you would have been poisoned anyway by Roxy, Fabian AND Kayle.
Germy: Well, at least I don't have to taste that.
Vanessa: Oh my god... I would rather die than be here right now.
Julia: Awkward to say after you've just been metaphorically poisoned by Germy.
Vanessa: F*** you Germy!
Julia: Eliminated housemates, you may now leave the room.
Julia: And just like that, we are down to the final two housemates for round 2, Kayle and Rebecca. Ladies, you may now poison your chalices.
Kayle: Hey uh... I'm allergic to being poisoned. So, do you think maybe you can throw this one to me? Pretty please?!
Rebecca: I don't know... Being poisoned on purpose sounds like a horrible deal.
Kayle: Well, veteran to veteran, I've never won HoH or PoP before... I would really love to join the winner's circle and tick it off the ol' bucket list.
Rebecca: Hmm... Well... I'm going to poison this one.
Kayle: And I'll poison this one.
Rebecca: May the best girl win!
Julia: Ladies, you must now drink from one cup. The last remaining housemate who isn't poisoned will be the new HoH for the week.
Kayle: Oh man... I don't know about this one... I'm shaking in my boots... And I'm not even wearing any!
*Kayle drinks her glass*
Rebecca: This better taste good... I've been waiting for good flavours for my cravings all day because of the lockdown. I'm not about to end the day with a sour taste.
*Rebecca drinks her glass*
Kayle: This tastes... F-funny...
Rebecca: This wasn't the taste that I expected...
Kayle: I-I think you just k-killed meeeeeee! Ohhhh nooooooooooooo!!!! *pretends to die a dramatic death*
Julia: That means congratulations Rebecca, you are the new Head of Household! No need to unpack, you're straight back into the HoH room, the luxury and hold the power to nominate two housemates this week!
Rebecca: Woah! It's like... Déjà vu!
HoH Results:
For reference, each of you got different individual photos of cups/chalices each round, positioned as if you were sitting at a round table. In round 1, chalice 5 was the chalice directly in front of you. This chalice was chalice 1-4 and 6-9 for one person. So while the chalices stayed the same, they were never in the same positions for the same people.
The same was for Round 2 (and onward had it not ended in 2 rounds).
Arthur Nutt - Turner - 3rd Evicted (11th Place)
Emery Ring - Lovesstorms
Fabian Romero - Smarties100
Jeremy Yuka - Twiddle3
Kayle McCarther - Ninjakid150
Paige Morgan - Alleenmens - 2nd Evicted (12th Place)
Rebecca Pierce - YJB19299
Roxy Callahan - Kaliko103
Sean Sierra - Tigerblu11
Shannon Mackmilton - Penguinwa101 - 4th Evicted (10th Place)
Sonia Jobs - x_MG_x - 1st Evicted (13th Place)
Tristan Van Gould - M13Vulpecula
Vanessa Tomaz - Nani
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