Episode 24:
Seventh HoH, Seventh Nominations
Julia: A shocking eviction, followed by a shocking Fast Forward Twist! The last few episodes couldn't get any crazier, as not one,... not two... but THREE housemates were evicted from the house in just one night!
Julia: That's right! From our final seven housemates, we instead find ourselves tonight looking at our final four housemates of the season. Sean, Emery, Fabian and Rebecca are just one week away from finding themselves a spot in the finale! This last week could make or break anyone's game!
Julia: But first, one of our remaining housemates must win this week's HoH, AND nominate two of the others for eviction! Who will win safety tonight and find themselves diving into the final three. And who will find themselves nominated and swimming in troubled waters? It's all coming up in tonight's episode.
Julia: Plus, not only will we enjoy crowning our new HoH AND finding out who will be our new nominees... A shocking twist unfolds itself to the game, and another housemate may find themselves evicted before the night is up.
Julia: That's right! It's ANOTHER shock eviction, tonight! Here on...
Rebecca: Well...not the way I was expecting to be the only girl left in the house, but hey, I'm not complaining. i told Vanessa not to mess with me, and she not only lost her dignity yesterday, but also my respect...although, I can't even remember if I ever had respect for her. From day one something about her rubbed me the wrong way, and yesterday EVERYTHING got confirmed. I hope she knows that after this performance, she will never make it to fame. Seeing Kayle leave was sad, but I still think it had to be done. This competition doesn't get easier, and that also means you have to eliminate someone you like, no matter how much it hurts. It is quite funny though, I may be the only girl, but for some reason I think I might be the toughest here, and I am not speaking competition wise. Okay, I also had my fallouts, but despite Vanessa, the person my mother called my father and Arthur I think I have been the most level headed in here. Maybe because I was the only one who hasn't gone crazy over the saboteur or a power duo running the game. *laughs* This week will surely be interesting. Emery has proven to be a strong competitor now, and Fabian and Sean shouldn't be underestimated either. I have to fight extra hard to get that 4th win under my belt. But hey, I have rocked the challenges before, I think I can do it again. Like Kayle said, I am the last girl standing, and I am ready to kick some boy butt, hehe.
Emery: Wow... Finally a HoH win! Who woulda thought I'd finally win a HoH after all these weeks... Any earlier and I could have avoided living in this torture chamber for a week!
Emery: I am NOT going to miss this... And I sincerely hope it never happens for real. I do not wanna return to this cell, or any cell, EVER again. It's quite possibly been one of the worst weeks of my life.
Emery: Though, on a happier note, with this new HoH I can finally get to get out of here and into the luxury I've wanted since I stepped foot in this place! Honestly, I've spent my whole life spending time around jewellery stores and all the rich folk in 'em. You'd think it wouldn't have taken me six weeks to get into luxury in here... But it did...
Emery: Though, I digress... Mostly because I'm talking to myself... I really need to sleep in a comfy bed and process this crazy night we just had.
Fabian: Bloody thing! How hard is it to cook a "Microwave" dinner... It says on the packet that it's your job to cook it. It ain't mine!
Fabian: Seriously? This is the warmest you'll cook it for me? What happened to us? We used to have such a great relationship, you and I... Oh, who am I kidding? I can't stay mad at you!
Fabian: Time to enjoy some after eviction eats! Yum yum!... Also, I know you're there ZP! I ain't sharing with you, ya little moocher!
*ZP meows sadly*
Emery: Fabian! Leave the poor boy alone!
Fabian: Hey, all I said was I ain't sharin'! I've already given him enough food to last a lifetime.
Emery: I hope you're not overfeeding him.
Fabian: If I know anything about life, there isn't such a thing as "overfeeding"...
Emery: Oh boy... How I worry for your health... And ZP's.
Fabian: So? Off to enjoy your one night as the new HoH?
Emery: Ugh. Don't remind me that I'm only HoH for one night. I want a whole week! I've been waitin' all game to get into that HoH room and enjoy the privacy and luxury that comes with it.
Fabian: Hey! At least you didn't peak in the first week... Once you taste it, you want it every week... For the rest of time... Until you die...
Emery: Morbid.
Emery: Hey, so Fabian. I wanted to quickly ask can I evict you?...
Fabian: Huh?!
Emery: Oh my god no!!! I meant! Ah! Sorry! It's a horrible slip of the tongue. I'm really exhausted and I get all fluttery when I'm tired... I really meant to ask, can I talk about the eviction.
Fabian: *shoves food into his mouth* ARGH BLARGH ARRRRGHG!!!
Emery: F-Fabian?...
Fabian: ...
Emery: Oh! Right. I forgot you're impossible to talk to when you're eating. I-I can come back and talk another time... If that's what you-...
Fabian: *sighs* No no... I just... I'm really upset about how things went down with the eviction, ya know? I'm kinda just eating my sorrows away at this point...
Emery: I understand. It wasn't how we planned this night to go at all. Our alliance is practically gone now...
Fabian: I mean, it's not even how I planned this GAME to go at all. I'm not gonna lie, Kayle and I were tight from the start. We were kinda a close pair in the house. I really didn't want to let that fish go but we had no choice at the end of the day.
Emery: How close is kinda close? Like were you... Final two kinda close?
Fabian: Not quite, but close enough to final two kinda close... We were on the same page about everything and we often worked strategy together to try and get by. Which is why I was really glad she was in the alliance with us.
Emery: I thought that out of everyone that you and I were... Final two kinda close. Are we not as close as I thought, or?
Fabian: Nah, man! 'Course we're final two kinda close. Just know that Kayle and I really had something going for the two of us and I really would have liked to see her at least make it to the final three like we planned. That's all...
Emery: So... We're still on for final two then... Right? Even though the alliance has been completely and utterly busted.
Fabian: Definitely. The Revengers just have... More revenge to serve! And you know what they say, revenge is a dish best served cold... Like my microwave meal...
Rebecca: Finally, with only four housemates left, and a time when it's sensible for me NOT to be living it up in the HoH room, I can finally continue this... *whispers* key search... Somewhere else.
Rebecca: Tris and I had covered so much of this space... But this room is such a high traffic area, it's almost impossible to find time to be able to get thoroughly searching in here.
Rebecca: I checked the other paintings to see if there was anything behind them, but literally after each one someone needed to go from the bedrooms to the bathroom or DR, and I haven't had a second to finish up!
Rebecca: There HAS to be something behind this bunny picture! It's even hanging funny! There is no WAY that it's not the location of a key...
Rebecca: Unless Emery stole it from me of course!
Emery: Huh?! What?! Stole what?! I never touched your stuff, I swear! Someone else must have taken them! You have to believe me, Rebecca!
Rebecca: Uhhhhhhhh EMERY!!! Hiiiiii... I, um, said nothing! You misheard...
Emery: Oh. My mistake!
Rebecca: Mine too!... Heh.
Emery: What were you talking about?
Rebecca: Just um... The HoH room and how I'm sleeping in here tonight instead for once! Yes, that's it... I didn't hear you come in.
Emery: That's cause for once I didn't trip through the door! I'm sure my mum's proud.
Rebecca: Of your win or not falling through the door?
Emery: Both! It's not every day either of those things happen to you!... Unless your name is Rebecca Pierce, of course!
Rebecca: Haha! I'm sure that both of our mothers would be very proud of both of our accomplishments.
Emery: I'm sure they would be...
Emery: Anyway, I'm off to enjoy what little time I have of that HoH Room! Have a great sleep, Re.
Rebecca: Thanks Em... You too... Enjoy it! It's great! You'll see!
Emery: Hehe! Thanks!
Rebecca: And I'm gonna enjoy this key! Hello baby, come to mamma!
Emery: *through the door* Ow! Oh no... Not again.
Sean: I can't believe I made it to the point of the game where everyone is able to have their own room... That's nuts!... I never realised how spooky this room was to sleep alone in, though.
Sean: I hope my daughters aren't creeped out if they're watching this right now... I know Pheebs doesn't like bugs and this room is spider central! I never even noticed this one on the wall until now, and I've been sleeping here for weeks!
Sean: Are those eyes... Cameras? Heck, how have I not noticed this before? This spider is literally watching my every move...
Sean: ... And I hate everything about it... Damn, I can't wait to win HoH and get a new room for once. I'm actually quite jealous of Emery for getting to have the room tonight. We really bonded over our losing streaks, last week.
Sean: Aww ZP! There you are. I've been wondering where you'd been all night! You missed out on saying goodbye to Kayle... I know it must be killing her knowing she didn't get to say bye to her favourite kitty.
Sean: And by the looks of it, it's really killing you that you've lost another friend. First Paige, then Shannon, then Roxy, then Kayle... Gee, you've gone through a lot of best friends in this house, haven't you, you poor little thing.
ZP: *meows sadly*
Sean: Don't worry, ZP. Papa Sean will take extra care for you from now on, and then you won't have to be so glum, okay?
ZP: *meows happily*
Sean: You're so cute, ZP. Before you came in here, I was never a big fan of cats, but now I just adore you. Maybe I'll think about getting a pet once my girls grow up a little more... And, you know, once I'm really ready for more responsibility. Haha.
Sean: But if my future pet is anything like you, ZP, they'll be beautiful, gentle, loving, fun and oh so cute!
Sean: Now, it's been a long night and everyone is ready for bed. So why don't you stay in here with me, and snuggle up for a sleep. Sound good?... Good.
Sean: I think I'll stick to this original bed for the rest of the week. I don't wanna be resting my head next to that spider, no way... But then again... This bed IS facing it. Ahhhh, whatever. I have you to protect me from bugs, right ZP?
*ZP meows*
Sean: Alright, goodnight ZP. Sleep well, my little kitty.
Rebecca: *giggling to herself* I... I can't believe it. For the second time this season... I've found a key... That's just amazing.
Rebecca: I just really hope it comes with a reward this time... Not just take my vote away for a week, because that isn't worth a secret twist, is it?
Rebecca: Besides, this late in the game and losing something valuable like a vote would be horrendous, especially in the final four-... Ugh, Re! Positivity! You know that's your motto. Enjoy this wondrous moment!
Julia: Rebecca, we meet again!
Rebecca: Nice to see you again, Jules. You're looking fetch with that new suit jacket.
Julia: Why thank you, Rebecca! I'm glad you noticed. One of our sponsors kindly gifted it to me for my upcoming birthday.
Rebecca: That's wonderful! Happy early birthday, Jules!
Julia: Thank you, Rebecca. But this moment isn't about me, it is about you and that key you've found hidden within the picture in the Playroom. As you are aware, you will be able to use it to open one of three chests, which may contain either a prize or a punishment!
Rebecca: Well, this time, I'm hoping for a prize! With the amount of negative things that have come from these keys already, I'm sure something positive is coming my way!
Julia: That's the spirit! I wish you the best of luck. You may approach the chests and make your selection.
Rebecca: Well, here goes nothing...
Rebecca: Please, watcher... Please have some good news for me!
*Rebecca opens the middle chest with her key*
Julia: Well?! Would you care to share with our audience, the great prize or terrible punishment you've managed to obtain tonight?
Rebecca: Well...
Rebecca: It says here that I've gotten an "Extra Vote"! Does this mean that I get an extra vote on the next eviction?
Julia: Indeed it does! In the next available eviction ceremony, you may use your extra vote in secret in the Diary Room, or reveal it to your fellow housemates and make your vote public. It will only be available to you in the next eviction... Which just so happens to be the final eviction.
Rebecca: Either way, at this point in the game... This can become unbelievably powerful! Finally, it paid off!... Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to bed!
Rebecca: Because of last night's shenanigans and the excitement from getting such a great prize from the hidden key twist, I couldn't sleep... I spent all night thinking about the power I could use, and how I'm gonna get myself into the final two... And then thinking about poor Tristan and how he got evicted... But... When I finally did get to sleep, I woke up to find that from my stuff in the Playroom... My earrings were missing! The ones I definitely had one yesterday and were accounted for before I went to sleep. They just up and... Vanished. I have no idea where they've gone, but it's really irritating me this morning.
So I had some time to reflect on the situation and I've come to the only logical conclusion. One that every other housemate has come to before me... They must have been taken in the night. This MUST have been the work of a saboteur... Which means... And I hate to say this... Vanessa was right?!
Sean: *sighs loudly in frustration*
Sean: Honestly, what I wouldn't give for a new game to play. Poker... Checkers... Monopoly... Whatever that game is called with the little lead pipe and colonel whats-his-face. Anything would be wonderful but horseshoes and this llama game after six solid weeks of playing just this.
Sean: Honestly, if these books were real, I'm sure they'd have stories to tell... And I mean that both literally and using my imagination...
Rebecca: Sean, what are you up to?
Sean: Subtly looking around to see where all the cameras are hidden. Did you know there is one in the eyes of the spider in the Halloween Hideout?!
Rebecca: This is it. You've finally lost it after six weeks...
Sean: Noooo nooo... It's not like that. It's just, entertaining to think about. We've spent so long in here that we don't even think twice about the fact that there are cameras watching our every move. We just... Move... So it really grounds you when you start to think about where those cameras are and what they're looking at right now.
Rebecca: Well, believe me... If I could see what the cameras would see, I'd be one much happier girl right about now.
Sean: How so?
Rebecca: Okay, you have to be really open minded with me right now. I'm going to sound like a bit of a hypocrite.
Sean: I'm all ears. Lay it on me.
Rebecca: Well, if I could see what the cameras saw, I'd know who sneaked into my room last night and stole my earrings while I was sleeping...
Sean: You think someone stole your earrings?
Rebecca: I KNOW someone stole my earrings... If I could see who, I'd know who the saboteur is!
Sean: So let me get this straight. After all this time. After everything everyone has been pitching for weeks. After we were all 100% certain that Tristan was the saboteur but you were deadset on the fact that there wasn't and it wasn't him... NOW you think there is a saboteur?
Rebecca: I told you I'd sound like a hypocrite!
Sean: A little... But what makes you believe you didn't just misplace them?
Rebecca: I knew exactly where all my jewellery was when I took it off last night before bed. When I woke up this morning, got dressed and went to put them on, they weren't there anymore. That wasn't by my misplacing them... That had to have been something or someone else.
Sean: Maybe ZP knocked them off the table... Cats tend to have a habit of knocking things off tables. You've seen all the funny cat videos, right?
Rebecca: I checked everywhere. They vanished! Like it was the work of a skilled thief who left NO traces.
Sean: So you think there is a thief in the house now.
Rebecca: A saboteur...
Sean: Re... Don't you think we'd have caught them by now. Noticed that they'd done something... Maybe even Julia revealing or confirming the fact that they existed as part of a twist.
Rebecca: That's the thing! Maybe it's not because of a twist... Maybe it's just someone who is trying to start some drama to get through the game!
Sean: I don't know anymore, Re... After I was so certain it was Tristan, and how badly that mistrust hurt our relationship, I don't know if I want to go around pointing fingers at people again.
Rebecca: Well, if you don't believe me. You have to listen to this... Remember what Vanessa said last night?
Sean: How could I forget? Haha... It's burned into my ears, she was screaming so loudly!
Rebecca: She said she knew who the saboteur was... As if she knew all along.
Sean: So you're going to base your theory off of the fact that Vanessa said something... Since when do you trust what Vanessa says, Re?
Rebecca: I don't... But it's the only thing that makes sense with the situation... Right now, I think we have a saboteur.
Sean: You don't think it's me, do you?
Rebecca: Well... Is it you. Huh. HUH!!!
Sean: God no, Re... You know me better than that.
Rebecca: No, I know. You'd set a much better example for your girls than that regardless of any saboteur role.
Rebecca: Right now, you're the only person I trust left in the house.
Sean: Do you mean that because of the saboteur or as an alliance kinda thing?
Rebecca: Both! I feel like it's you and me, versus Fabian and Emery... And that one of them stole my bloody earrings!
Emery: I am so hungry! I'm ready for a nice meal.
Fabian: I'm always hungry... And I'm always ready for ANY meal.
Emery: Even the bad ones?
Rebecca: Oh please, Fabian would eat anything you put in front of him.
Fabian: I'd eat my own hand if it were deep fried in a shock deep-frier accident!
Rebecca: Kinda gross imagery... But I could totally see you doing that.
Emery: The man loves to eat. It's no real surprise anymore... I remember the first family style meal of night two. Remember when Sonia kept insisting on cooking us ramen for dinner but Mamma Shan took over the kitchen and made her sit down... Those were some fun nights with everyone.
Rebecca: I miss those days. Sitting around with everyone as a big group. Thirteen strangers from different walks of life, randomly put together in a house, all sharing our stories and making jokes around the dinner table. Where else do you get that experience but here?
Fabian: We started with thirteen but now we're down to just four people. Makes for a pretty empty table.
Rebecca: Yeah, it certainly feels a lot different from when the house was full. You couldn't go anywhere or sit down without someone being next to you or passing you by. It really put the zero privacy in Zero Privacy.
Fabian: Hey, I'm not complaining it ain't that packed. More food in the house to share between the four of us, instead of the thirteen of us!
Rebecca: You're just saying that because you want more food for yourself!
Fabian: Yeah... So?
Emery: Well, I'm glad to be able to be here to continue the meal traditions from the start of this journey, with the three of you. I think it's an awesome tradition to be a part of for so long.
Sean: Me too. I'm glad to be here with you guys, so close to the end of this game... Oh, by the way. Be careful because the dumplings are quite hot!
Sean: Regardless, dig in everyone!
Fabian: F***... Yup... They're freakin' hot!
Sean: Don't say I didn't warn you! You should blow on your hot food before you put it in your mouth!
Fabian: Whatever dad.
Sean: Oi!
Emery: Mmm... These are delicious Sean. Since when did you know how to make dumplings like this?
Sean: I used to go to a cooking class... Not gonna lie, good food is an easy way to get to a woman's heart... Or a mans. Haha!
Fabian: Sure is a good way to get to mine.
Emery: Well, thanks for making them vegetarian, Sean.
Sean: No problem, bro!
Rebecca: This is nice... The four of us enjoying a peaceful meal together.
Fabian: Yeah, just wait until the HoH Competition later... Ain't gonna be so peaceful during that!
Emery: I wish you all the best of luck! This HoH is a big one.
Rebecca: Thanks, Em.
Julia: Housemates! Welcome to the seventh HoH Competition! I say seventh loosely because officially there have been more because of the Fast Forward weeks. Regardless, welcome to this competition!
Julia: As you know, there are only four housemates remaining, and out of the three of you competing in this competition, one of you will officially find yourself in the final 3 after today.
Julia: Emery, as the outgoing HoH, you are not eligible to compete this week.
Emery: My time was brief, but good.
Julia: Everyone else, please head to the Arena for your next HoH Competition!
Fabian: Oh wow... What a wild looking room.
Rebecca: It looks like some sort of hip, purple chess club...
Sean: Like, a literal club... This looks like it could be, under the right lighting, a popular nighttime hot spot.
Sean: I know I've been wishing for more games to play, but I wasn't expecting it to come true.
Julia: Housemates! Welcome to the HoH Competition. This competition is called "Last Knight" and here is how it will be played.
Julia: Here in the Chess Club... Yes, a literal club... Each housemate will simultaneously be playing two games of chess against the two other housemates. There will a total of three games running at once.
Julia: The housemate who successfully wins both of their games, or in the event of a tie wins their only game first...
Julia: ... Will win this crucial HoH title, and all the power and luxury that comes with it! Any questions?... Nope? Good! Lets play!
Julia: Housemates, you have each been assigned two tables to play. On the left, Sean versus Fabian. In the middle, Rebecca versus Sean. On the far right we have Fabian versus Rebecca. Are you all ready? Because the games begin... NOW!
Rebecca: I never used to appreciate the game of chess as much as I do now. It's a lot like playing this game. You have pawns, you gotta protect yourself and you've gotta take out your opponents. It's very metaphorical.
Sean: If I know anything about chess, it's about strategy. Starting off with the right moves, and preparing for your opponent's plans. Thinking twelve steps ahead, and knowing who you're going to nominate, evict, when and how... It's a mind game.
Fabian: Pawn move here? Me move good?
Rebecca: Alright, good luck Seany! You can't get yourself out of this one!... Look out Fabian! I'm coming for you now!
Fabian: She's all yours, matey. Try your best but I think I've set up a win here.
Rebecca: We'll see about that.
Fabian: Psst... Good luck today.
Sean: Thanks, man. You too.
Fabian: Sean... It took you that long to move ONE piece? Rebecca and I are nearly done and you've only moved a pawn?!
Sean: It's not about speed, it's about strategy!
Rebecca: Well, I'll still kick your ass slowly! So I hope your strategy works out!
Sean: Ooooh... Those are fightin' words!
Fabian: Lets see... If I move here, then you're in some serious danger, man.
Sean: Hmmm... Seems that way.
Fabian: Check!
Sean: But it also seems that you've fallen for my trap! Checkmate!
Fabian: Aww damn... And here I was thinking I was the only one who called people mate. Well done Sean. I think you've got a win there.
Rebecca: Sean won the first game? That means in order to win HoH, I need to win my first AND second games or else Sean wins the tiebreaker.... Check!
Fabian: Check what? What am I checking for?
Rebecca: No, I mean you're in check, you silly sausage.
Fabian: Dude, there's sausages here? I'm starving!
Rebecca: We just had dinner!
Sean: Alright, in order to win this HoH, I still need to make sure Rebecca only wins one game... So if I take her queen now, I think I can make it a lot more stressful and throw her off both of her games.
Fabian: Don't bother, bro... She just beat me over here!
Sean: So it comes down to this then...
Rebecca: So you took my queen, eh? You're trying to push me into a corner and make me desperate, aren't you? I bet you didn't even consider how close to the corner YOU really were...
Rebecca: CHECK MATE!
Sean: B-but... How did you? T-that... That can't be right!
Sean: H-hang on... When did your pawn get so close to my... And the rook... Also... Damn...
Sean: I think that's checkmate...
Julia: It is indeed checkmate! And based on the final outcomes of all three games, that means...
Julia: Congratulations Rebecca! You are the new HoH!
Rebecca: A fourth HoH win! That's incredible! I really am the powerhouse of the season!
Sean: Congrulations, Re.
Fabian: Well done, Rebecca.
Julia: That concludes our HoH Competition. I will see you all soon for the nomination ceremony which will happen in approximately one hour.
Emery: So, what happened? Who won?!
Fabian: That would be Rebecca... Again... For the fourth time.
Emery: Oh wow. Not much love for the rest of us then.
Fabian: Coming from Mr Ex-HoH there!
Emery: Fine. What I meant to say was not much love for Sean.
Sean: I get it! I can't win a competition. Sue me!
Emery: Congratulations though, Rebecca!
Rebecca: Thanks! I'm on cloud nine knowing that now I'll officially be making it to the final 3. I'll be able to battle it out to try and win that last HoH title!
Emery: Looks like we've got a tough battle ahead of us all then!
Rebecca: I'm gonna go get cleaned up for the nominations later.
Emery: I'll come and move my stuff back out of the HoH room, so that you can move back into it. Haha
Rebecca: Sorry, Em. You're always welcome to come spend time in it though!
Fabian: So... Rebecca is the HoH this week. Not how we planned it to go, now was it?
Sean: *sighs* Nope... I really thought with the two of us working together we'd get at least one of us the win.
Fabian: I even tried to throw our game to you in the hopes that it'd give you a leg up! Haha!
Sean: Oh, you threw that? The loss sure looked genuine to me.
Fabian: Uhhhh... Yeah... I uh... Definitely threw it! I swear!
Sean: Well... What are we going to do now that she's won?
Sean: I didn't expect her to slingshot herself into the final three. Now she's even more likely to beat either of us at the final HoH because of her track record. She's unbeatable! We don't have a shot to win over her competition prowess. Not even social games could cancel out that power.
Fabian: There's only one thing we can do for now...
Sean: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Fabian: Yup...
Both: Team up now with Rebecca because she's the HoH, and work together to beat her in the final 3!
Sean: It's crazy how similar we think sometimes...
Fabian: How often do you think about seafood?
Sean: Seldom...
Sean: Now all we gotta do is make sure that Emery doesn't win the PoP and you and I can make it to the final three.
Fabian: So we're still on for a final two?
Sean: You bet!
Rebecca: It legitimately feels like I never left this room all season. It actually feels like this is MY room of the house.
Emery: Yeahhhh... Well for one night it felt like it was MY room too... I'm sad to see it go.
Emery: It's a comfy room. Plush bed. Your own bath and toilet. Your own little bit of privacy. I wish I had this earlier in the season, and for more than one week.
Emery: It sucks even more because now I've gotta move my stuff I just meticulously organised and placed in all the drawers here.
Rebecca: Yeah... yeah...
Rebecca: Say, um, Emery...
Emery: Yeah?
Rebecca: Who do you think I should nominate this week in order to give me the best chances of making it to the final two?
Emery: At this point in the game?... Well, it doesn't truly matter.
Rebecca: It does a little bit though, right?
Emery: Well, no... Not really. It all depends on who wins the PoP and who the other two on the block will be. The HoH is pretty much just immunity for this last week.
Rebecca: I guess that's true. I guess it all depends on who the PoP winner is and how they use it... Also, another quick question. Have you seen my earrings anywhere?
Emery: I thought something looked different with you! They're missing?
Rebecca: Yeah, I had them last night but when I woke up they were gone.
Emery: That's strange... I haven't seen them or any of your stuff anywhere in here. Did you check behind the drawers in the room you slept in?
Rebecca: It sucks because those earrings were once my mother's... They mean the world to me. I've checked everywhere... They've vanished... As if someone took them...
Emery: Like a saboteur?!
Rebecca: Like a saboteur!!!
Fabian: Wait wait wait... Explain to me again how nominations today don't matter as much as normal?
Sean: We've been over this before. It's all in the PoP win.
Julia: Hello again housemates!
All: Hi Jules!
Julia: Welcome to the nomination ceremony. I trust you all had time to prepare after the HoH Comp.
Julia: Rebecca, as the current HoH, you will be nominating two housemates for eviction this evening. Please stand at the front and reveal to the others your choices for nomination.
Rebecca: Okie dokie!
Rebecca: So boys, it is time for the part that I have a love-hate relationship with. This is probably the hardest decision I've had to make this entire season, all of you know that I love each and everybody of you and while I would have loved to have Tris with us here, I couldn't have wished for a better Top 4.
Rebecca: And before I start to get embarrassing, l will start with the nominations... I will keep this rather short, my first nomination is...
Vanessa: Emery...
Emery: Was expecting this after what we talked about before. Haha! No hard feelings.
Rebecca: My second nominee for the week is
Rebecca: Fabian...
Emery: Fancy seeing your here!
Fabian: Who knew we'd be put up together, ex-alliance buddy!
Rebecca: I am already planning a bit how next week might look with the final competition, and I think you two are the hardest to beat at this point for different reasons. With that this concludes this ceremony. Back to you Jules.
Julia: This concludes the nomination ceremony. The initial nominees for the week are Emery and Fabian, but as we all know the PoP can change EVERYTHING!
Julia: However, before we get to ending tonight. Rebecca, if you would please like to take a seat.
Rebecca: O-oh? Okay... Sure.
Julia: It is time for something different.
Julia: It is time for a twist!
Emery: Oh no...
Fabian: Not again.
Julia: Tonight is a SHOCK EVICTION! And one housemate will be leaving the house... Right now!
All: WHAT?!
Julia: By the end of this ceremony, one housemate will be leaving the house for good.
Emery: I wasn't ready for this!
Fabian: Neither was I... What's going on?
Sean: Do we get to vote in this?
Julia: If you give me one moment, I will explain how this will go down.
Sean: Oh dear... This IS for real.
Julia: The housemate leaving tonight has been predetermined due to a hidden twist in the game, and will not be voted out in the conventional sense...
Rebecca: Oh god... Did I cause this?
Julia: The houesmate that will be leaving the house, right now, is...
Julia: ZP the Cat!
*ZP meows in confusion and shock*
Julia: That's right ZP. You have been evicted from the Zero Privacy house.
Rebecca: WHAT?!
Emery: Evicted... ZP? Why?!
Fabian: But this house is named after him, you can't evict him!... Or is he named after the house, and you can?
Julia: Indeed was can, and we are. Sadly, ZP's time is up as his stay in the Zero Privacy house was predetermined to be up until the final four housemates. Sadly, due to Vanessa's incident, this is happening one week earlier than planned.
Sean: Oh ZP... I'm gonna miss you, my little bud. I hope that you enjoy your time in the jury house with Kayle and Tristan.
*ZP bleps*
Sean: You're so adorable.
Rebecca: Aww. I'm gonna miss the little guy. He brought so much joy and love into this house. It won't be the same without him.
Emery: He really connected us all, right from the moment his little paws walked through those doors.
Sean: There there little boy. Don't cry. We'll see you all soon... And hey, maybe after the show I'll see about seeing you a lot longer than six weeks.
*ZP cuddles into Sean*
Sean: There you are... Off you go, ZP. You will be missed but never forgotten!
ZP - First Evicted Housecat
Sean: I'm gonna miss that cat...
Fabian: We're all gonna miss him...
Rebecca: What are we going to do now?
Julia: Sorry guys. It's sad to see a pet leave the house, especially a kitty as loving and cute as ZP. We all cherished him but sadly his role in this game was more than just a house pet. He also played a major part in the secret hidden key twist. The Hidden Key twist is hereby finished, and there will be no more opportunities to get prizes or punishments as a result of finding any more keys!
Sean: S-secret hidden key what now?... Why didn't I know there was a twist?!
Julia: Poor Sean. I appears your fellow housemates will have some serious explaining to do now about the twist that was only revealed to those who had won competitions.
Sean: Oh come on! Stop rubbing it in!
Julia: My apologies... And with that, this ceremony and tonight's events are over. I will see you all next time for the most crucial PoP Competition of the season! The final PoP battle for the ages! Goodnight housemates.
Arthur Nutt - Turner - 3rd Evicted (11th Place)
Emery Ring - Lovesstorms
Fabian Romero - Smarties100
Jeremy Yuka - Twiddle3 - 5th Evicted (9th Place)
Kayle McCarther - Ninjakid150 (5th Place)
Paige Morgan - Alleenmens - 2nd Evicted (12th Place)
Rebecca Pierce - YJB19299
Roxy Callahan - Kaliko103 - 6th Evicted (8th Place)
Sean Sierra - Tigerblu11
Shannon Mackmilton - Penguinwa101 - 4th Evicted (10th Place)
Sonia Jobs - x_MG_x - 1st Evicted (13th Place)
Tristan Van Gould - M13Vulpecula (7th Place)
Vanessa Tomaz - Nani (6th Place)