Episode 18:
Fifth PoP
Julia: Last episode, it was a new change of tone for the Zero Privacy house, as the eight housemates felt emotions they'd never felt in the house before! The effects of Germy's Eviction Aftermath meant fear, anxiety, dread and for some a great deal of sadness.
Julia: In possibly the harshest episode of Zero Privacy thus far, housemates were shamed with costumes, blamed with crimes, and had to face their biggest fears, all for OUR amusement... Okay, well not entirely amusing. I've grown to care for these housemates! I sure felt bad for them!
Julia: Though with a big sigh of relief, all eight housemates were freed from their fears and overcame the worst the punishments had to offer. Some reflected on their journey; others were glad it was over. But for two housemates the anxiety never ended, as HoH Tristan nominated Roxy and Sean for eviction.
Julia: With the aftermath of an aftermath still looming, the nominations still fresh, and a PoP on the way, who will truly feel okay?... My guess? Not a single housemate! Because they all have...
Emery: Well, I just wanted to let everyone in the house know that I am completely unscathed from my... 'run in with the law'... It was entirely faked by the way. I even played the part by trying to escape! It still scared the hell out of me, though... I am completely fine, except for the fact that my fear is still 100% as powerful as it was before... And I still have no idea how to explain it to my housemates. I just don't think they'll understand where it comes from.
Kayle: Well... That was the worst experience of my life. Worse than the time I didn't win Locked MULTIPLIED by the time I got fired from my dream job as an ice-cream taster!... It hurt me in ways I've never been hurt before... I just don't understand how anyone could... *sighs* You know... Forget me...
Tristan: I'm glad that horror was over. Honestly, there was a LOT worse things that could have haunted me as part of Germy's Eviction Aftermath. There are a LOT worse things that haunt me all the time, but seriously?! My old outfit?! Or should I say, "costume"... It really had no effect on me at all. If anything, it made me reflect on the past a little more and... Well... It just made me realise even more that I'm way past those times... Besides, I've got way more exciting times ahead of me.
Tristan: Man, I am so glad to be out of that outfit. I can't believe I used to behave like that. How childish was I back then?... Makes me glad I've refocused my mind to something more positive.
Tristan: Speaking of something more positive, I need to get a good look around for those keys whilst everyone is off reflecting and thinking about their punishments.
Tristan: Sorry, my dear, I'll be back for you later!
Guitar: But but but...
Tristan: No buts! I'll be back soon!
Guitar: :(
Tristan: Am I really talking to a guitar?... I think I'm getting cabin fever.
Tristan: Alright... I've searched the obvious places out here. The drawers were a bust, as well as the carpet...
Tristan:... But this bookcase is filled with literally thousands of hiding spots! How am I supposed to find a key amongst all this? Why is finding these keys SO HARD?!
*The door creaks open*
Tristan: Ah! I mean... Uh... Someone should really learn to clean up this game when they're done playing with it!
ZP: *gives a look of disbelief to Tristan*
Tristan: Phew, it's only you ZP... I thought the secret was out!
*ZP struts away with sass*
Tristan: Though, to be fair, this game really needs to be cleaned up more often. Germy was right, we ARE pigs in here. There's always some kind of mess, and who knows what stuff could be hiding amo-... Wait a minute!
Tristan: Hiding among the mess! Maybe there is a key inside this llama statute... Or whatever Roxy has named it.
Tristan: No... That's too dumb of a hiding spot. There isn't an opening and the amount of times it's been dropped, I'd be surprised if it hadn't cracked open yet.
Tristan: But maybe... The key isn't IN the llama game at all. Maybe it's been under our noses all this whole time!
*Tristan nudges open a hidden panel under the table*
Tristan: No way! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh! MY! GOD!!! I found a second key! This is awesome!
Tristan: Too bad I have to go through pink hell to get my prize though...
Tristan: Hehehe... Hello Julia. We meet in secret once more.
Julia: Yes, hello again Tristan. Welcome to part two of your punishment...
Tristan: Oh no!
Julia: Just kidding... Congratulations on finding your second hidden key! One of the 4 remaining keys.
Julia: Since you've been here before, I don't need to explain the process to you again.
Tristan: Nothing has changed? No better odds?
Julia: Well, it still is a 50/50 gamble on good or bad, but it's almost too late to turn back now!
Tristan: No super secret powers?
Julia: You never know what the chests will hold!
Tristan: I think I'm gonna go with the chest on the right here this time. Right is right! It's logic you can't argue with.
Julia: Good luck, Tristan. I wish you all the best.
Tristan: Thanks, Jules... Alright, lets see what I got...
Julia: Care to read it to the viewers?
Tristan: You have received a Secret Punishment???
Julia: Oooo... That is the worst punishment this twist has to offer.
Tristan: *sighs* Crap...
Julia: This punishment will not be revealed to you until it happens. You will be called into the Diary Room when the time comes.
Tristan: Seriously? I've had more than enough punishments for one day... Or one lifetime. Is it too late to call it quits?
Julia: Sorry, Tristan. That is all I've got for you today, I'm afraid.
Tristan: Great... So now I have to live in fear of being called into the Diary Room... Oh. What a joy this house can be.
Julia: Good luck, and I will see you tomorrow for the PoP Challenge.
Roxy: *sobbing slightly* It's unfair... All of this is so unfair.
Roxy: I'm just a walking target and I didn't do anything wrong...
Roxy: Ugh! Henry better be-...
Roxy: ... *sighs* Thank god...
Roxy: I can't believe that they'd take you away after I only just got you back... How cruel can they be to think that was a fun idea?
Roxy: Oh, Henry. This house is driving me freakin' insane! These people target me... The producers are cruel sons of b****es... I can't win a challenge to save my life... And above all the stress of the game is just torturous.
Roxy: Ugh... I'm sick of this! Like, how much abuse can one girl take?! Seriously?! I've honestly had enough of playing Miss Nice Girl and just being the butt of every joke...
Roxy: Like, I swear to god, if anyone gets between me and Henry again, I might actually snap. Like, I know you all think I'm crazy but you haven't seen nothing yet! I will cut you down!
Roxy: I KNOW YOU'RE WATCHING ME, PRODUCERS!... I will CUT. YOU. DOWN! Don't mess with me!
Roxy: And ANOTHER thing... If I find out that there isn't a god damn saboteur, I will destroy anyone who dare lay their malicious hands on Henry!
Roxy: I'll... I'll... *sighs*... Who am I kidding?... Henry is right... This isn't like me at all...
Roxy: I couldn't hurt a fly... Even if I tried! And at this point, I'm so mad that I, like, totally would!
Kayle: O-oh... Uh... Bad timing?
Kayle: Oh, what does it even matter, you can't hear me... I doubt you even remember my name, let alone notice me over all the flies. Those guys are popular! I'm just a nobody...
Kayle: ... But at least I've got candy to cheer me up!
Kayle: Who could be sad when they've got candy?! It's a sweet treat that's hard to beat!... Hmm... This might be a good slogan for a sweets company.
Roxy: Kayle?! What are you talking about?! You know the aftermath challenge is over, right? That I can hear everything you're saying?
Kayle: ... What aftermath challenge? This is my life now. I'm invisible. Silent. Forgotten... Like a ghost, but the kind that's forever condemned to haunting something lame... Like a vegetable soup factory...
Roxy: Kayle, you know that we can all hear and see you, right? And that was just the challenge that Julia made everyone participate in?
Kayle: ...
Roxy: Julia already went over it, and the challenges were deemed over. We had to pretend you weren't there as part of your biggest fear.
Kayle: Oh my goldfish, Rox-Fox! You're talking to me! I didn't even notice that you were acknowledging me! But you totally were! This is incredible!
Roxy: Y-... Yeahhhhhhhhhh... It's definitely something... That's for sure.
Kayle: Wait... You could hear me this whole time? The whole day?
Roxy: Every word...
Kayle: Oh dear... Then I said too much about my candy factory idea... Forget everything you've heard in the last four minutes.
Roxy: Forget what? ;)
Kayle: Everything you've heard about...
Roxy: Nevermind... Just come here. I think you need a hug.
Kayle: Thanks for listening to me, Rox-fox.
Roxy: Hey, thanks for hugging me. I really needed one too! It's been a rough day for all of us, I think.
Kayle: I think today was the worst day of my life...
Roxy: You know, I think me too...
Roxy: After today's events, and getting nominated again for the third time in a row. It's really taking a toll on me.
Kayle: Oh, I couldn't even imagine. I still haven't been nominated yet, which is real lucky.
Roxy: Yeah, being nominated sucks! Even after the third time...
Roxy: Kayle, I don't want to be the house target anymore. I don't want to be the pawn, and I don't want to be a nominee by the end of this week. I really don't want to go home!
Kayle: I don't want you to go home either, Rox-fox!
Roxy: I need to win that PoP! I need to be saved!
Roxy: Can I count on you as an ally, Kayle? Do you think you'd save me if you won that PoP.
Kayle: Oh, totally! You're one of the funnest people here! If I can do anything to save you, I will!
Roxy: Thanks, girl. I really need an ally in this house... And some friends...
Kayle: Well, as long as I'm here, you've got a friend in me!
Sean: Imagine this. You're standing on top of a skyscraper about to face your biggest fear, and amid the anxiety and paralysing fear, your brain flashbacks to the time when you almost drunkenly fell from a balcony and nearly cut your life short...
Now imagine your family, your parents, you friends... Your kids... The vow you took to give up the party life and the promise you made to your girls that you'd never be in that situation again...

Sean: ...And then you realise you're in that situation again for the amusement of television!!! How sadistic, can you be?!
And to top it off, you come back to this house and get nominated by a guy you used to flirt with, who only turned around to break your trust even further by nominating you when you weren't even in the house to defend yourself!... This game is mental.
Sean: I never told anyone this before...
Vanessa: Uh huh... I'm totally listening...
Sean: Are you though?
Vanessa: Oh, totally! I'm keen for some gossip.
Sean: It's not gossip, it's just... I faced a really big fear today, and I don't know if anyone truly knows the story behind why.
Vanessa: Ooooh juicy. Are you going to share?!
Sean: In time, yes... But right now, I'm more pained by being back stabbed by Tristan again. I thought him, and everyone else would be proud of me when I got back, but I just came back and it was just dead silence...
Vanessa: Oh, I was super worried about you! I'm proud!... Besides, about Tristan... You know him. Tristan the backstabber is what he's totally called by like literally everyone! Don't even worry about it! That's just like, who he is as a person... It's in his nature. He's ruthless. But don't worry, I've got your back!
Sean: Thanks, Vanessa... But I don't know if that's how I'd put it. I really came to admire Tristan and I knew what he was about. I don't think that's it.
Vanessa: Oh, I just meant in like the game and stuff...
Sean: Yeah... Sure you did...
Sean: The thing is... I trusted Tristan. And not just in a game sense, but... I felt like I could trust him with my heart too. You know? I felt like we had some kind of connection, but it just... Faded away with the trust, I guess...
Vanessa: ...
Sean: Specifically after my ex left me, I felt like I couldn't trust anyone anymore. Not with my heart, and I certainly couldn't trust anyone enough to feel myself have feelings for them... And then I go ahead and really feel something for Tristan, but it's just not working out like I thought.
Sean: Maybe, he's not as interested in me as I thought, or maybe its just this game and being locked in this house causing emotional chaos... Or maybe it's just not meant to be at all, and I'm just overthinking his actions...
Sean: I don't know what to think anymore... I genuinely thought we had a connection and then...
Vanessa: *sighs*
Sean: ... he goes and betrays me by seemingly being the saboteur and then we fought...
Vanessa: *sighs again*
Sean: And then things got awkward and now I'm nominated, which I don't really understand where that came from and-...
Vanessa: *sighs louder*... Ugh...
Sean: Vanessa, are you even listening to anything I've been talking about?!
Vanessa: Um... Of course, I have!
Sean: Then what's with all this sighing?
Vanessa: I was listening, but were you even listening to yourself?
Sean: What do you mean?
Vanessa: You're totally being over-emotional... Over a guy!!! One who clearly doesn't feel for you, Boo!
Sean: What can I say? I'm an emotional guy.
Vanessa: Listen to what you're saying, though. The emotional connection just isn't working, and you don't trust him just like you don't trust your ex-girlfriend. That doesn't scream true love to me, Sean. That screams someone who wants someone who only cares about the game.
Sean: Yeah, but... What if he's just...
Vanessa: Just what? If you ask me, he's not worth your time. You need someone who actually cares about you and your feelings! Are you really going to throw away your chances in this game for someone who doesn't care about you?
Sean: N-no... I guess not?
Vanessa: You totally need to forget him and get your head in the game, like, now! If you, like, truly wanna win and get that money for your girls, then you need to man up and make it happen! Not waste your time hoping some boy is going to be your Prince Charming.
Sean: You know, you do make a valid point. I'm here for me and my girls first, and not to play love games with some guy I've known for about four weeks.
Vanessa: What you need is to become the Prince Charming,... Or! Or! The King!
Sean: Yeah, you're right, Vanessa!
Vanessa: I'm always right!
Sean: I really need to start playing this game! I've got to go do some campaigning before the PoP Challenge this afternoon...
Vanessa: Don't worry, Sean... I've got your best interests at heart.
Sean: Thanks, Vanessa. You're a good friend.
Vanessa: ... Damn, that boy has a nice butt.
*Tristan strums the guitar*
Tristan: HmmhhhHHHmmm...
*Tristan strums a wrong note*
Tristan: Ugh...
Fabian: I'm not much into modern music, but even I think that sounded wrong.
Tristan: Yeah, I know... I'm just too worried to play right now.
Fabian: Perhaps playing me a sea shanty would take your mind into somewhere more upbeat?
Tristan: I think I'll just come back and play some blues in private.
Fabian: Awww, alright.
Fabian: What are you so worried about? You're still the Head of Household! What could go wrong?
Tristan: A lot of things could, have and will go wrong...
Fabian: That's just negative thinking, mate. You're fine and you'll be fine!
Fabian: Is this about the outfit incident? Cause I have a few things to say 'bout that whole thing.
Tristan: No, actually, that's the least of the problems on my mind.
Fabian: Well, I'm gonna talk about it anyway.
Fabian: Firstly, that outfit just doesn't suit you at all. If anything it's too-...
Tristan: Fabian! I mean it, it's fine! I honestly don't give a crap about that 'punishment'.
Fabian: I know, but...!
Tristan: No buts... I'm moving on from the past. I'm learning and have learnt from it and there isn't any point dwelling on it. It was a part of my life, yes. It was a part of yesterday as well... But it's never gonna be in my future, and it's certainly not gonna get to me in the present. I'm in control.
Fabian: That's a really positive outlook... Though, I just wanted to get my two cents in.
Tristan: Thanks, Fabian... But I think I just wanna leave that be for now.
Fabian: So... Are you gonna tell me what you're worried about then?
Tristan: Well... The game is a real concern at the moment.
Fabian: How so?
Tristan: First, answer me this. What do you think of my nominations?
Fabian: Hey, if it ain't me. You know I'm pretty happy with that. Haha!
Tristan: True. Haha... I'm mostly concerned about if it was the right idea to nominate Sean.
Fabian: Oh, cause of the fact that you and him were becoming a thing?
Tristan: WHAT?! We never got THAT close.
Fabian: Maybe not, but I could see it in your eyes. You look at him like a sailor to a mermaid.
Tristan: I mean... It was going well, until we fought. Now I think the trust is completely broken. I could see it in his eyes.
Fabian: I'd try and talk to him about everything. I think you and him are just looking from two different sides and need to get on the same page again.
Tristan: I don't know if he'll want to, but I certainly want to try and mend our relationship.
Fabian: You'll be fine.
Fabian: Anyway, I think I'm gonna hit the ol' snoozer. I'll come talk tomorrow about it all.
Tristan: Yeah, I think I need to relax and rest my mind. Goodnight Fabian. Thanks for the company.
Fabian: No problemo, bud. Night!
Rebecca: *from afar* Sleep well, Emery!
Emery: You too, Rebecca!... Gee, this house can get quiet fast when everyone goes to bed.
Emery: Oh, neat! You're all already out here.
Vanessa: Oh my god. Finally! We've been waiting for like... So long!
Emery: Sorry, I was trying to be quick.
Kayle: What were you up to?
Emery: Oh, I was just... I didn't want anyone to catch on to this alliance. That's all.
Kayle: Well, at least you're here now!
Emery: So, did I miss anything?
Fabian: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...
Emery: No?
Fabian: Nooooo! Not again! My marshmallow!
Emery: Oh...You know you can go grab another one, right?
Fabian: That was the last one in the pantry! I'll have to wait for more.
Vanessa: So, what did you want us all to talk about?
Kayle: Who cares?! I'm just glad people are talking to me again!
Fabian: Did you have a plan for this week, or?
Emery: Gee, guys. I don't know when I become supreme leader of this group.
Fabian: Was it not your idea to start this alliance?
Emery: I don't remember at this point. Probably...
Vanessa: Well, if we're looking for a new leader, I nominate myself as Queen of the Revengers.
Kayle: Can I be the dog in this pretend family?
Emery: That's what we should talk about! Nominations and the PoP. Did anyone talk to the nominees or HoH duo yet?
Fabian: I had Sean come talk to me about using the PoP, and it seems that Tristan is conflicted about wanting to send Sean home.
Emery: Interesting... Does that mean Roxy is in trouble or one of us?
Fabian: I'm not sure yet, I'll get back to you tomorrow on that one.
Kayle: I had a talk with Roxy, and she seems to think she's the target this week. She's pretty sad and angry at the moment.
Emery: Poor Rox... I hope she's alright. I feel bad we haven't included her in this yet.
Kayle: She asked me if I'd use the PoP to save her this week, and I said, Of course!
Emery: What?! Are you nuts?!
Kayle: A little...
Emery: Why would you promise that to her?
Kayle: She's my friend, and I felt like she really needed someone there for her.
Emery: I get that, but you know by saying that she's either going to be disappointed or you'll use it and one of US will be in danger to go home.
Emery: The main point is for us four to get through this week. Once we do that, we'll have the majority
Fabian: After that, it should be smooth sailing for the rest of the game, right?
Emery: That's the plan...
Fabian: Above all else, none of us can let the PoP be used this week if we want to keep together...
Rebecca: Oh, who am I kidding?! How can I go to sleep right now? I'm still on top of the world for telling off my father like that. I'm so proud of myself... I need to go to the DR.
Rebecca: Strange... The rooms seem so empty tonight? Wonder where everyone else is sleeping... Or where they are in general?
Emery: Guys, if we follow through with this week's master plan... WE'RE THE FINAL FOURRRRR...!!!
Rebecca: Oh! Hey guys. So this is where you're all hiding! What are you guys up to out here?
Emery: Uhhhhhhhhhhh..........
Vanessa: Psst... Em... Shhh...
Emery:.... Foooooourrrrrr.... Wheel driving? Yes, that's right. Four wheel driving!
Emery: Have you ever been. I've never been. I don't like cars that much. Do you like cars? Have you been final fou-I mean four wheel driving? I haven't. What about you Fabian?........
Fabian: Mate, I don't even have a licence...
Emery: Oh, that's right. How silly of me. Nevermind then. Perhaps we should talk about something else instead.
Rebecca:... Riiiiiiight. Well, I don't wanna stay up too much longer. I'm just gonna have a quick DR session and then head to bed. Enjoy your... Four wheel driving...
Emery: *whispering* D-do you think she heard me say final four?
Rebecca: Hmmf... That sure was a strange... Conversation to walk into.
Rebecca: Well, I originally came in here to say how proud I was of standing up for myself today, after all these years of abuse and torture from that wretched man... But I seemed to have stumbled onto something waaaaaaaaaay more interesting... Judging by the awkwardness and secretive attitude of the four in the backyard, I think I might have stumbled upon a secret alliance between some people I never expected to be working together. I need to relay this back to Tris, and see what he thinks of all this! We could be in trouble.
Julie: Good morning housemates! I hope you're ready for another fierce PoP competition! It's not too early for some physical activity is it?
Julia: As you're very much aware, the winner of the PoP will have the power to remove one of the two nominees from the block. The PoP holder is also immune from being renominated, so I'm assured most if not ALL of you want to win this power.
Julia: Six people will participate in this PoP challenge...
Julia: The current Head of House, Tristan...
Julia: The two nominees, Roxy and Sean...
Julia: And three housemates selected via random draw... Vanessa...
Vanessa: I've got this! This is my time!
Julia: Rebecca...
Rebecca: I'm ready as always!
Julia: And Kayle...
Kayle: Gasp! She knows my name?!
Julia: The six of you please head to the Arena for the challenge briefing! After that you can get in the appropriate outfits, and we'll reconvene for the competition!
Sean: Oh, sick! This is awesome!
Roxy: Oh no. Sports...
Tristan: Is this a basketball court?
Julia: Indeed it is, Tristan! Welcome to the PoP Challenge! This challenge is called "Spelling Bee" and mixes two things not commonly associated with each other... Sports... And Spelling...
Julia: This game will be played in rounds. Each round, each of you will attempt to spell out a word using the basketballs scattered around the court. Each basketball has a letter on it...
Julia: ... Which you will need to successfully shoot through one of the hoops to add to your word. Either on the Flailing Fish side...
Julia: ... Or the Flaming Fires... Yeah, I didn't come up with the names. They're local.
Julia: Once you've successfully spelt your word, you may rush to a podium and lock in your word. If you fail to lock in your word in time, or if you submit a misspelled word, you will be eliminated that round. If no one gets eliminated, the player with the shortest word will be eliminated.
Julia: After surviving 4 rounds, the player who submits the longest word in the final round will win the PoP!
Julia: Thank you all for changing so quickly into your sports attire. I know for some of the ladies, running on a basketball court in heels is killer!
Julia: Are we all ready?
All: Ready!
Julia: Are we all set?!
All: Set!
Julia: Round 1... GO!!!!
Vanessa: Ugh... Running! So not cool...
Kayle: Hmm... Professional Scrabble skills, don't fail me now!
Roxy: I can't find any vowels! Are you hiding, my new basketball friends?
Rebecca: Y?
Roxy: Why what?
Sean: Oh yeah... This is entirely up my alley! I used to play in the basketball league as a kid! AND I'm a whiz at writing. I've got this in the bag... Errr... Net.
Roxy: Go, my new friend! Into the basket with you!
Roxy: Awww... Nuts. It didn't even make it to the wall.
Rebecca: Don't give up, Roxy! You can do it!
Rebecca: *Rebecca gets one in* See! Just like that!
Roxy: That's easy for you to say! I've got a long word I'm spelling...
Rebecca: Don't take too long!
Kayle: Hsfjsmvskjveiosv... Go to your home, ball! Are you too good for your home?!
Vanessa: Just one more! I'm gonna win!
Rebecca: Nope! Just one more! I'M gonna win!
Vanessa: Hey!
Roxy: Just ten more, I'm gonna... Hopefully finish.
Vanessa: Yeah! Suck it, Rebecca. I won!
*Vanessa locks in her word*
Sean: Uh... Vanessa... You know we've already locked in, right?
Vanessa: O-oh... Whatevs.
*Kayle and Rebecca lock in*
Rebecca: Done!
Kayle: Dune!
Roxy: Just... One... More...
Julia: Time is almost up!
Roxy: Come on! Get in!
Roxy: There! *Roxy locks in*
Sean: Wow!
Roxy: Bet you didn't think I'd make it with such a long word, did you?
Julia: All of you have successfully locked in words. The housemate with the shortest word and is eliminated is...
Julia: Kayle! With "U"!
Kayle: No, you!
Julia: B-but... That isn't how it works.
Kayle: Dang. Was worth a try, right?
Round 1:
Roxy – Powerfulness (12)
Sean – Elute (5)
Tristan – I (1)
Rebecca – A (1)
Vanessa – A (1)
Kayle – U (1)
Julia: Round 2... Ready... Set... GO!!!
Vanessa: Ugh... More running... Lame.
Rebecca: Pfft... You know what's lame? Complaining...
Vanessa: Bite me.
Sean: You're not going for a super long word this time, right Roxy?
Roxy: I decided to shorten it... Or did I?
Sean: Are you trying to trick me?
Roxy: Nooooo... Or am I?
Rebecca: Come on! Get in there you stupid ball!
Vanessa: Maybe the ball like, thinks you're stupid!
Rebecca: Ugh...
Tristan: ♪ I believe I can fly... ♫
Roxy: Locked in!
Tristan: I'm locked in too. I've got a good feeling about this one.
Sean: I'm locked in... And only just. Look at that time!
Vanessa: Oh my god. Rebecca, you're totally not gonna make it. Hahaha.
Rebecca: What... I totally will... Watch!
*Rebecca shoots to score her final letter*
*The time runs out*
*The ball goes in*
Julia: Time is up! Any word no submitted will not count.
Rebecca: Oh come on... It totally went in too! That was epic!
Julia: Sorry, Rebecca. Rules are rules and you didn't make it.
Round 2:
Roxy – Having (6)
Sean – Juried (6)
Tristan – Ad (2)
Vanessa – Ad (2)
Rebecca – Do (2)
Sean: Let me guess... Ugh, even more running?
Vanessa: I promise I won't complain this time...
Tristan: How long of a word are you spelling this time?
Roxy: I'm not gonna tell you, you'll just go one higher.
Tristan: Hey, it's worth a try.
Julia: Round 3... Ready... Set... GO!!!
Roxy: Where are all the vowels?
Tristan: I can't find a G, anyone seen a G?
Sean: Awesome! I found what I was looking for!
Vanessa: Hey, Sean. Watch this! Look! I totally have skills!
Sean: I'm a little busy right now, Vanessa. Sorry.
Vanessa: Awww...
Tristan: Oof.. That shot was way off! I need to work on my basketball skills. I never thought something like this would one day come in handy.
Vanessa: I'm locked in!
Roxy: All done too!
Tristan: All set... I've submitted my word. Good luck everyone else.
Sean: Boom! Last letter down. Good luck beating this word guys!
Sean: Locked in.
Julia: All of you have successfully locked in words. The housemate with the shortest word and is eliminated is...
Julia: Roxy! with "Juiced"!
Roxy: Aww man... I've been put through the juicer.
Round 3:
Sean – Furthest (8)
Tristan – Urgency (7)
Vanessa – Urgency (7)
Roxy – Juiced (6)
Julia: Round 4.... Ready... Set... Go!!!
Tristan: Sean, we need to talk about some stuff...
Sean: Uh... This is kind of a bad time. My life is kind of on the line with this one.
Tristan: *sighs* Yeah...
Vanessa: Alright Vanessa Diva... Be one with the ball... Be one with the ball...
*Goes to throw it*
Vanessa: ****ing get in there you little ****!
Sean: Boom! Another one down... What letter was that again? I'm pretty sure it was what I wanted, anyway.
Tristan: Locked in!
Vanessa: Locked in too!
Sean: I'm locked in... Good luck you two, cause I've got...
Julia: We have a misspelled word submission! The housemate with an incorrectly spelled word, and is eliminated is...
Julia: Sean!
Sean: W-what? My word was totally correct... I'm a writer, words are my jam.
Julia: Sorry, Sean. But you incorrectly threw a 'P' instead of an 'R'. Your word was incorrectly spelled.
Sean: B-but... There must have been a mistake... This was mine to lose.
Round 4:
Vanessa – I (1)
Tristan – U (1)
Sean – Deworming (Incorrect - Missing Letter)
Tristan: Last round, Vanessa. Do you think you have what it takes to beat me, the competition beast? I've already won 5 competitions, I'm raring for my sixth!
Vanessa: Pffft. I'm totally not scared of YOU. I like, said it before and I'll say it again. This competition is MY time to shine! Vanessa Diva needs a win!
Julia: This is the final round. Time to make your letters count. The longest word will win! Good luck... Get set... GO!!!
Tristan: Long words... What are some long words... Hmm... Oh! I have a great idea! This can't be beat!
Vanessa: Hmmm... What words do I like know... Simstagram?... Extensions... No... Oh! I know!
Tristan: Gotta do something cool for my last one... Slaaaaaam dunk!!!
Vanessa: Alright, girl. You got this! This one is for all the beautiful people out there...
Vanessa: Ahhh!!! For SEAN!!!
Tristan: Locked in!
Vanessa: Locked in!
Julia: Both of you have locked in your words and I can safely say that the winner of the PoP is...
Julia: Congratulations Vanessa, with the word "soupirais", you have won the PoP!
Vanessa: Like, duh... As if I was gonna lose. I am Vanessa Freakin' Diva! You can't beat me.
Round 5:
Vanessa – Soupirais (9)
Tristan – Tristan (Incorrect - Proper Noun)
Julia: Housemates, the basketball spelling bee has been completed and we have our winner! Congratulations to Vanessa on her first competition win.
Julia: Vanessa, if you would please stand, face the two nominees and make your decision on the use of your new found power.
Vanessa: Well, all I can say is that I totally earned this. Like, It's about time that I totally won something... I've like, decided... I would like to use it on...
Vanessa: No one, because it's like, what's best for me in this game. So like, I'm just gonna keep the nominations the same. Mmmkay?
Julia: Thank you Vanessa. That means the final nominees for the week are Roxy and Sean. I will see you all next time for the fifth eviction ceremony. Until then, goodnight housemates!
Roxy: Third week in a row where I'm the final nominee. I'm super duper mad at myself because I didn't win that competition and I really needed to. I'm not counting myself out yet, but this week, I don't feel like I'm the pawn! I'm gonna have to campaign, and not just to the pots and pans this time, but to everyone! I wanna stay!
Sean: I can't believe I lost this challenge. It was mine to lose considering I had the basketball past and I'm quite the word wiz. I feel like I've let myself down, and I've let my girls down... I'm not counting myself out yet though. Sean Sierra doesn't give up in the face of adversity. I'm stronger than I've ever been and I'm ready to keep playing this game; harder than ever!
Arthur Nutt - Turner - 3rd Evicted (11th Place)
Emery Ring - Lovesstorms
Fabian Romero - Smarties100
Jeremy Yuka - Twiddle3 - 5th Evicted (9th Place)
Kayle McCarther - Ninjakid150
Paige Morgan - Alleenmens - 2nd Evicted (12th Place)
Rebecca Pierce - YJB19299
Roxy Callahan - Kaliko103
Sean Sierra - Tigerblu11
Shannon Mackmilton - Penguinwa101 - 4th Evicted (10th Place)
Sonia Jobs - x_MG_x - 1st Evicted (13th Place)
Tristan Van Gould - M13Vulpecula
Vanessa Tomaz - Nani
Vanessa Tomaz - Nani
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