Episode 19:
Fifth Eviction, Sixth HoH
Julia: It's one week before we start our collection of jury members, and the stakes to survive this week have never been higher! For two of our Zero Privacy housemates, their future and the future of this game depends on survival!
Julia: This week, we saw a familiar sight, as Tristan, one of the two competition beasts of the season, won his third HoH challenge! With his new-found power, he decided to nominate his once sweetheart, Sean, and the reigning pawn, Roxy, for eviction.
Julia: When every competition seemed to be governed by the "Power Duo" of the house, a shocking result in the PoP meant Vanessa finally had the power she was looking for! However, she didn't use this power, and the final two nominees for the week were Sean and Roxy.
Julia: Are we ready for some drama? Are we ready to see what happens next?!... We are? Well then...
Lights?!... CAMERA?!...
Julia: After the most dramatic week this season has seen yet, we've come to what I'm sure is going to be a shocking end!
Julia: Either Super Daddy Sean... What? That's what his kids call him!... Or our playful and resident pawn, Roxy, will be leaving the house tonight.
Julia: But with friends of both on either's side, and a secret majority alliance settled among the house, which way will the votes sway? Who will save who?! And will someone get their revenge when they become the new HoH? We'll see tonight!
Julia: Before we get to our live eviction, let us first see the events of the house leading up to the ceremony. We start tonight with Vanessa... Doing... Vanessa things. Let's watch!
Vanessa: Ugh... Like, how dare stupid Fabian claim to be the like, "King" of this stupid game! If there is ANY royalty in this house, it's OBVIOUSLY me.... Ugh, I'll show him!
Vanessa: Ew... Like, have these things like, ever been washed? Or was that, like, Germy's job? Gross!
*Rebecca walks by, attempting to ignore hearing Vanessa's ramblings*
Vanessa: *whispering to self* Hmf... Target spotted! I'm ready to pounce... This target has clearly heard too much!
Rebecca: *knocks on door* Hey Tris? Are you in there? Are you decent?
Tristan: *through door* Yeah, just a second. I'm coming out...
Rebecca: If it's out of the closet, I think you're too late!
Tristan: Very funny... I was just about to leave and...
Rebecca: Before you go and do ANYTHING, I have something we should probably discuss first.
Tristan: How important is it that is has to be talked about, right now?
Rebecca: Well, its shocking, you'll be blow away... So you'll probably want to sit down for it!
Tristan: Right... I was just about to get out of this room though. Now that the events of the PoP have settled down, and I've had some time to reflect on the outcome, I really need to get out of here.
Rebecca: This is quite serious and really needs to be kept between us for now... I don't want anyone to overhear anything, so it's probably best that we stay in here.
Tristan: Re, I really need to talk to Sean about everything, though...
Rebecca: I made a discovery though! This could make or break our game. We could be the sure nominees of next week if we don't put this information to good use, right now.
Tristan: Yeah... But...
Rebecca: ...But what?... What's gotten into you? Normally you live for this kind of stuff! You'd be invested into this game WAY more than this apathetic attitude you're giving me, right now.
Tristan: It's just... *sighs*
Rebecca: ... Mhmm?... Just what? Are you okay?
Tristan: I've been thinking too much about the game, and not feeling quite enough with my heart.
Rebecca: That's deep but... What are you talking about? You're acting like you're going home...
Tristan: I could be! Which is why this is so important for me to go do, before it's too late....
Rebecca: Tris, I really don't understand... Please, just talk to me! Tell me what's going on, maybe I can help...
Tristan: I will, I promise... I just need to go find, Sean, first...
Rebecca: A-alright...
Vanessa: OH... My... GOD!!!
Rebecca: Ugh. What now?!
Vanessa: I did it! One more and I'll be the Queen!
Vanessa: Ah! Nononononono!!!
Vanessa: Ah F**k! You dirty sl** llama!... Ugh... More like... Lame-a!
Vanessa: Whatever. It's just a dumb game anyway... Gee, why the sour look Rebecca? Sad your little BFF left you out in the dust or is that just your normal face?
Rebecca: Vanessa, why do you ALWAYS have to be like that in a time like this? You can be so rude sometimes... What don't you just mind your own business?
Vanessa: Excuse me?! Girl, I'm just sitting here, and your dramatic ass just walked on by like you own the place! Well, guess what? Ya don't! So don't come at me for asking a damn question about your precious feelings and your dumb face! Seriously! Back off!
Rebecca: Seriously?! You win ONE PoP and you've already got your head so far up your own ass, it might as well become a hat!
Vanessa: Um, yeah! The most physical and mental one we've like... ever done! I'm pretty much ready to win them all from here.
Rebecca: It was literally ONE COMP!... It's the end of week 5! Where the hell have you been the last five weeks then?!
Vanessa: I've been making actual friends and looking f***ing stunning for my fans... All you've been doing is kissing Tristan's vampire ass and hiding away in your dumb little HoH room and whining!
Vanessa: And guess what, Rebecca! You're not f***ing special just because they call you a "Veteran"... You're like, Tristan's little puppy dog who gets all sad when he's not around.
Rebecca: Grrrr... You know what...
Rebecca: I'm so completely against women putting down other women, but seriously... F**K YOU VANESSA!!! You're just an ungrateful, egotistical... Freakin' sociopathic... B****!... And for your information, I am the most powerful woman to have EVER stepped foot in this game or the next, and there is no chance you're gonna take me down or demean me with your cruel words and sick attitude!
Vanessa: Oh Em Gee! You are literally SO easy to get riled up. I hardly even have to push your buttons and you get like, SO mad... You're gonna feel sooooo dumb when me and my "cruel words" take you down... Especially if those words are "key" and "secret power".
Vanessa: That's right! That shut you up pretty quick, didn't it?
Rebecca: You, of all people, don't scare me..
Vanessa: Oh but I should... Cause now I know what you know...
Rebecca: Oh yeah? Well so do I, Vanessa... Try me!
Roxy: ... And that's around the time I realised...
Emery: Realised what exactly?
Roxy: Hmm... Oh... I don't remember. Oops!
Roxy: Oof... That whole plate smells like it's off. Did you make these today?
Emery: Oh, no... I didn't even make them. They were just in the fridge and I assumed they were fresh since Fabian hadn't eaten them yet.
Roxy: Yeah, usually he gets to them well before they can go sour!
Tristan: Oh, sorry guys. I don't mean to butt in on your conversation, but do you happen to know where Sean is?
Emery: Have you checked the Halloween Hideout? Last time I talked to him was in there.
Tristan: I'll check it out. Thanks, Emery!
Roxy: You spoke to Sean?
Emery: Yeah, just about life and stuff though. He was curious as to how I started my jewellery business... It's a funny story actually!
Roxy: I know, I've heard it twice now!
Emery: Oh... My bad... Let me just... Uhh... Go take these to the trash?
Emery: Yup... I smell them now... I am so sorry! I should have just left them in the fridge...
Roxy: Hehe! No worries. You couldn't have known.
Emery: Speaking of no worries... How are you feeling about the eviction?
Roxy: Well, considering I've survived the last three times on the block, I'm feeling pretty decent... I am pretty sick of it though. Just one week, I'd like to cast a vote to evict!
Emery: Yeah, that's pretty... trashy... Hehe! Get it? Trashy?
Roxy: *giggles*
Roxy: Hey, wait a minute...?!
Emery: Hmm... Huh? Did you want some still?
Roxy: No no... I just noticed that...
Roxy: More of my friends have been disappearing?!
Emery: I wouldn't say they've "disappeared"... I'm sure Fabian and Kayle would definitely vote to keep you around, especially if you just asked and continued to be their friend.
Emery: You've got nothing to worry about. I'm sure of it!
Roxy: No, Em! You don't understand! My FRIENDS... You know...
Roxy: Another one of the coffee makers is gone...
Emery: The what now?
Roxy: The coffee machine! Another one has disappeared, and the best one too! He really helped me wake up most mornings.
Emery: Oh! I see now...
Roxy: See! I'm not going crazy, they're disappearing.
Emery: I meannnn, you're not 'going'...
Emery: I'm just pulling your leg. That's a really strange occurrence to happen though.
Roxy: I wonder where he went... Is this another sabotage? So many things have been stolen this season. Julia never confirmed a saboteur though... So I'm not sure what to make of this happening.
Emery: I'm sure it'll turn up somewhere. It didn't just grow legs and walk away. There must be a game reason for why it's not there anymore... Either way, it'll turn up eventually.
Emery: Anyway, you wanted to talk about votes, didn't you?
Roxy: I think you started that conversation...
Emery: Oh... Well, we can talk about it again anyway. I'm confident that whoever both you and I talk to will keep you in. You're just a pawn again this week, because everyone loves you.
Roxy: I really don't want to be the pawn anymore though. I want to be a player! I want to win a competition and prove to everyone that I'm a fighter, because I am! I'm more capable than I let people know, but I'm ready to let everyone see how great I can be and that I'm not just... Somebody's pawn.
Emery: You're preaching the choir, sister. Believe me, I know how you feel, and I see the fire in you too! I believe in you and I'll believe you'll make it through this.
Roxy: Thanks Em! You're honestly the best friend I've had... Maybe even better than Henry!
Emery: Haha... I wouldn't say that. He's hard to beat.
Roxy: I would... I honestly don't know what I'd do without you in here...
*Roxy takes a sip of her milk*
Roxy: *sighs* Wow. That's some good milk...
Emery: *gulps*
Roxy: Hmm? What's that face for?...
Emery: ... It's umm...
Roxy: Y-yeah? What's up? What's wrong?
Emery: Uhh... Roxy... I have something important that I need to tell you...
Fabian: I'm just sayin' mate, is that a dig at me? Cause I feel like you're not being serious.
Kayle: What?! No! Not at all!
Fabian: Seriously? Cause now that you've pointed it out, my bum DOES make me look fat... Or is it just the fat that makes me look fat?
Kayle: No! I was being super serious, Fabian. I feel like I've put on a few kilograms and I'm starting to think my butt is making my figure look all wonky!... I used to be model, you know... But I quit because it was so hard to get the 'model perfect body'.
Fabian: Mate, you're beyond model thin. If anything, you should be proud of putting on a few pounds. I can teach you a few eatin' tricks. Maybe you could one day be like a... Sumo wrestler? Or a Biggest Loser contestant?
Kayle: Out of all the jobs I've had in my life, I don't think I could ever fit in with the sumo crowd. Although, speaking of the Biggest Loser, did you know that I was ALMOST a personal trainer on that show?
Fabian: Suuuuuuure you were.
Kayle: I was!... WOAH!!! Did you feel that?
Fabian: Feel what?
Kayle: That wind! It's blowing extra hard today.
Fabian: Yeah, actually... It's probably the windiest day so far in the house... Not that we have windows.
Kayle: But you do feel it, right? I'm not just making this up.
Fabian: If you think this is windy, Kayle, you should feel the wind out on the ocean. That can get WILD.
Kayle: You know it's all the work of the wind gods; the Anemoi!
Fabian: Wind gods...?
Kayle: Yeah! You've never heard of the wind gods? They're responsible not only for the blowing winds we have today, but the changes in temperature and seasons too! They're all powerful!
Fabain: Dude, I think you're a few screws loose from being a... Bucket of screws... Or something like that. I'm not sure how the saying goes.
Kayle: ...who to evict this week!
Sean: Oh, hey guys. How's it hanging? Are you talking about the eviction?
Kayle: Uhh... Technically.
Sean: Mind if I take a seat?
Fabian: Please...
Sean: Did you hear the wind today? Sounded like screaming from the Diary Room, I had to redo a sesh so many times that I'm pretty sure it's gonna get cut anyway... It's crazy!
Fabian: You don't know crazy... Trust me.
Kayle: Hey!
Fabian: Let's just say, that wasn't the wind screaming...
Kayle: Anyway, before Fabian calls me crazy again, which I am DEFINITELY not... Well, maybe a tad eccentric, but that's just how I live life... Anyway, you wanted to talk about the eviction?
Sean: Yeah, I really wanna know where you two are voting this week. I know it's a hard decision between Roxy and I.
Sean: I just think that for the both of you, keeping myself here could prove a benefit to your games. I know we haven't had much time to talk strategy much, Kayle, but I would really appreciate your vote to keep me.
Kayle: Hmm... I can't promise anything at the moment. Sorry, Sean. I will have to listen to what Roxy has to say first before I make my decisions... Also these wind gods are leaving me without an answer... So I'll get back to you on my vote.
Sean: W-wind gods?
Fabian: Of course, Sean! Where else would all this wind come from? Certainly not the ocean...
Sean: O-of course...
Sean: Look, I get that you're close with Roxy, Kayle, we all are, but keeping me here means another number on your side. I don't have any plans to evict either of you in the near future, so if I stayed and won the next HoH, you'd be in the clear. Can you really say that about any of the other housemates?
Kayle: Welllllll... I don't have any enemies right now... Or anywhere really! I'm generally well-liked by everyone... I hope?
Sean: You are still a Veteran though, and you've won a competition. You're still a target... Fabian, back me up!
Fabian: Woah, dude. I never said I was voting to keep you. Remember how I wanted you out in week 1?
Sean: What?!
Fabian: Kidding...
Kayle: You remembered I was a Veteran?!
Sean: Of course! You're Kayle Freakin' McCarther! How could anyone forget that?!
Kayle: Wow! You know all the right words.
Sean: Well, I am a writer...
Fabian: You know, Sean. You do kind of have a point. It does seem that we're both more of a target than you are... We do always need numbers.
Sean: I'm your man! You know I've got your back, bro.
Fabian: It's not even just that. Anyone who goes up next to Roxy goes home, almost unanimously... She's the ultimate pawn.
Sean: Is this supposed to make me confident in staying or going home?... Cause I think it's turning into the later.
Fabian: No no! Hear me out, on this one. If anyone who goes up against Roxy goes home, then maybe it's better for all of us if she can't be put up next to us.
Sean: What do you mean?
Fabian: I mean, if she goes and you stay, then there isn't a "pawn" anymore. The nomination block becomes that much easier to stay through.
Fabian: It's up to ALL of the voters, but it's definitely a case for you to stay.
Sean: Speaking of which, I do want to go talk to Vanessa about the vote, but I heard that she was fighting with Rebecca this morning, and I'm not sure.
Fabian: Ah, don't worry about talking to her right now. Last thing you want is for her to be angry and vote with her emotions.
Sean: I guess... Thanks for the talk though, guys! I really hope you make the best decision tonight.
Fabian: No problem, bud!
Kayle: I can't believe he remembered I was a Veteran...
Kayle: Oh, hey! The fire got blown out somehow whilst we were talking. It must have been the wind gods.
Kayle: Maybe a firepit is like a candle to them and it's one of their birthd-... WOAH! Fabian... Look in the dirt over there. Are you seeing what the wind is doing?!
Kayle: Hmm... Interesting... A-are the wind gods trying to t-tell us how to v-vote?
Fabian: Hhmmm... That sure is strange... May be.
Fabian: For the record, I have absolutely no idea what Kayle was talking about, but if I've learnt one thing about Miss McCarther in my time on the land, it's that it's easier to just go along with it.
Tristan: Well, there's only so many places Sean can be. He HAS to be somewhere in this direction... Gee, this show really does have Zero Privacy.
Tristan: There you are! I've been looking all over for you!
Sean: You were? There's only so much house I can be in, you know.
Tristan: Yet, I checked every room just for you. Ha ha ha ha. Act natural.
Sean: Uhhh...?
Tristan: That wasn't supposed to be out loud.
Sean: I'll... Pretend I didn't hear it?
Tristan: That'd be really appreciated... Look, I just wanted to talk to you about something.
Sean: Really, after blanking me for a week and then nominating me, now you want to talk?
Tristan: Wait... Blanking YOU? You've been avoiding me for nearly two weeks now.
Sean: I'm confident you've been giving me the cold shoulder after I called you out in the HoH Room.
Tristan: So we've been thinking we've been avoiding each other? Great... Well, that was what I wanted to talk about. I wanted to firstly say that I am SO sorry for nominating you. I never had time to think it through and I thought you were gunning for me and Rebecca.
Sean: Tristan, I thought you, me and Rebecca were tight, but as it turned out you'd lied to me, broken my trust, then both of you covered it up and refused to let me in on the truth...
Tristan: I told you my side, but you sided with Vanessa of all people. She's not the most trustworthy person here. I can assure you, and I'll swear on ANYTHING, that you were being fed wrong information.
Sean: If I'm being fed wrong information, then what's the truth Tristan? The rest of the house seems to have spread this supposed "rumour", but you've never given me the truth... As for Vanessa, sure, she might have her moments, but she's been there for me more than you could know...
Sean: Look, Tristan, I like you... a lot... You know, as a person, but... I don't think I can trust you. Not in this game, and I don't know what you're really like outside of this game either. I admire you as a person, but without evidence and a whole lot of communication, we're frankly not going to be able to build the trust back.
Tristan: Look, I understand completely. I know how it looks and I've spent the last few weeks reflecting on everything that's happened. I want you to trust me, I would do anything to make it all up to you, and I want you more than anything to stay in this house.
Sean: Look, at this point, I'm not sure if I'm staying or going tonight. It certainly didn't help your case to nominate me. Though, if you can do anything to help me stay, well, that would be a start to making up for that. And if you're really telling the truth, you need to start opening up to me, and letting me in instead of pushing me out.
Sean: Anyway... I've got to go talk to some people before we start to get ready for the eviction.
Tristan:... Wait! Sean!
Sean: Yeah?
Tristan: I truly am sorry... I promise I'll make everything clearer if you stay, but... In the case you go home, I just wanted to say...
Sean: Yeah?... Say what?
Tristan: I just wanted to let you know that I think I... have feelings for you.
Sean: Well... Before all this drama, I'm confident I could have said the same thing. But right now, I'm not looking for romance, I'm looking for truth.
ZP: Mrroowww? *trots along the bed*
Roxy: *sighs* Oh, ZP... I-I really need a h-hug from a real-life living creature right about now.
ZP: *jumps down off the bed* Mrowwww...
Roxy: C'mere... T-That's a good boy... Your Roxy needs some love.
*Roxy picks up ZP*
*ZP starts to purr*
Roxy: *starts to cry* Oh, ZP... Never in this world have I felt so a-alone... In all this time, I though I'd never have a true friend, and the one time I did... He...
Roxy: Well... I-I'm sure you're too pure to have to hear all about it.
Roxy: I-I love you ZP. You've really made me want to adopt a cute kitty like you one day.
*ZP bleps*
Roxy: If I go home tonight, I really want to take you home with me... I could use a soft cuddly little soul around my home.
*ZP purrs happily*
Roxy: Hehehe... You always have a way to bring joy to everyone's hearts. I aspire to be like you, one day ZP.
Roxy: I know I shouldn't think so negatively and that I should be hopeful that I have the votes to stay, but I wanted to get one more cuddle in. Just in case.
ZP: Moww!
Roxy: Thanks for cheering me up, ZP. God knows I needed it.
Julia: Hell housemates!
All: Hi Julia!
Julia: Welcome to the fifth Eviction Ceremony.
Julia: At this point in the game, you surely know how this all works. I also wanted to let you know, that after this week begins our jury, the group of people who will be voting for the winner out of the final 2 players.
Julia: As you are aware, one of the two nominees will NOT be making it to jury, as either Roxy or Sean will be evicted shortly. Whoever receives the most votes will be asked to leave house immediately.
Julia: Tristan, as the current HoH, you will not be voting tonight, which means that for the other 5 housemates the decision is yours. But first, I'd like to ask each of the nominees to stand and say their final speeches for safety.
Julia: Ladies first, Roxy.
Roxy: Well, I just wanted to say that I feel blessed to have had all of your votes to survive the last three evictions. I really trust that tonight I have your votes to stay once more... But for some of you, it's hard to have trust... Anyway, I also wanted to say that I hope beyond this game I can call all of you my close friends and that you'll call me a friend too! Thanks!
Julia: Thank you, Roxy.
Julia: Sean?
Sean: Well, it's hard to compete against someone who has survived the last three evictions. However, I'm here to show my girls how to stand up for yourself and fight for what you want, and I desperately want to stay another day! Roxy has survived every eviction she's been a part of, and sitting next to her for any of you is like a death sentence. So please, break this trend and keep me in the house! I love you all dearly! Thank you.
Julia: Thank you, Sean.
Julia: With that, it is time to vote. It takes only 3 votes to evict tonight and tonight, Rebecca, you are up first.
Rebecca: Oh, neat! I'll hurry on in there for you, Jules.
Rebecca: I really sadly vote to evict _____. It was such a hard decision, I know both of you have had a hard time in here, but I had to make this decision for my own strategy. I'm so sorry.
Emery: I vote to evict _____ because they are a strong competitor and they need to go. It's time.
Vanessa: I vote to evict _____.
Fabian: I vote to evict _____, unfortunately it is your time to go. It would have been great to see you around longer, but I gotta save my bro.
Kayle: I vote to evict _____ the wind changed today and a dirt patch I was looking at spelled your name! Even Fabian saw it!
Julia: Annnnnd that's all of you? Wow, there aren't too many of you guys left nowdays! The votes have been verified and one of our two nominees will be leaving the house, right now.
Julia: Roxy. Sean. By a unanimous vote of 5 - 0 ...
Roxy: Oh dear...
Sean: Oh crap...
Julia: Roxy! You have been evicted from the Zero Privacy house.
Roxy: *sighs* I guess I saw that coming. Sucks I couldn't have survived yet another eviction vote.
Julia: Roxy, you have ten seconds to say your goodbyes and exit the house through the Diary Room door.
Roxy: It's been a really wild ride everyone! I am lucky to have met you all, but sad that you've all decided to evict me. I'll see everyone on the other side. Someone take care of ZP for me!
Roxy Callahan - 6th Evicted Housemate
Julia: Congratulations Sean for surviving eviction, and congratulations final 7 for officially making it to jury. The final stretch of the game has begun, and shortly the new HoH will be crowned. Stick tight, housemates.
Julia: There you have it, our next evictee has left the house and will be joining us shortly here on the Main Stage!
Julia: And here she comes now!
*The audience start cheering and screaming*
Julia: You know her as the brain disguised as a ditz and Zero Privacy's prettiest pawn. She's a friend to all, including the pots and pans...
Julia:... Please make welcome to the Main Stage, in 8th place and our 6th evictee of the season, ROXY!!!
*the audience cheer loudly*
Roxy: Julia, it's amazing to see you in person finally.
Julia: It's lovely to see you too. To tell you the truth, I'm shocked!
Roxy: I'm surprised too!
Julia: We have a lot to talk about, so please take a seat.
Julia: Where, oh where, do we begin? After surviving THREE evictions by a landslide, you're finding yourself here tonight with a unanimous vote! What changed?!
Roxy: Well, Julia. I was very clearly underestimated, which I must confess was my strategy. I was so close to winning those competitions, but I just couldn't get the win I needed to turn the game around, so I ended up being the safe nominee to put up as a pawn. It sucked!
Julia: My heart feels for you. We've seen your struggle all season, even the production team had a hand in it, and not just nominations. Especially losing your pet rock, Henry. How did you cope through it all?
Roxy: Well, despite the rollercoaster of emotions that came with being in the house, I did find some comfort in people. When I was down, there was always someone there to help me back up, even if they ended up nominating me or voting me out.
Julia: Did you know the votes were coming your way?
Roxy: The thing is, Jules. You never truly know where people stand with you. I talked and campaigned to everyone in the house, but it seems that Sean must have gotten to them before I did. I thought I'd have a few votes for certain, but I think that everyone stayed together to keep Sean in.
Julia: On that topic, tonight we saw that you had a conversation with Emery about the votes. It ended with some awkward silence, and Emery confessing something to you. Did he let you in that you were going home? What did he say?
Roxy: ... Well... He didn't tell me that I was going home, and I thought I had his vote for certain... No, what he told me was way more shocking, and I think you'll have to ask him about it yourself when he gets evicted.
Julia: Now you said "when" he gets evicted...
Roxy: I'm not sure if he'll make it to the end with all the cutthroat competitors, and knowing what I know. But I still wish him the best.
Julia: Well, it's a shock to hear that one of your closest allies in the house isn't your choice to win, but I'm sure we'll see who IS your choice to win the season based on your Eviction Aftermath.
Roxy: You bet!
Julia: Let's go reveal your decisions to the housemates.
Roxy: Hello housemates. I am sadden that I didn't make it to jury and even sadder that I didn't get a single vote to keep me this eviction.
Roxy: Reflecting my hope to win this season, I am going to give my Eviction Aftermath advantage to...
Roxy: Fabian! Good luck in the next HoH competition.
Fabian: Thanks lass! Miss our talks already!
Roxy: As for the rest of the house, I am hereby, upon royal decree, using the last Eviction Aftermath punishment to split the house into two factions. The "Royalty" and the "Servants"!... Goodbye everyone.
Julia: There you have it. Fabian you will get a bonus on the HoH about to be played, and as for the rest of you, you will be randomised into your Royalty or Servant statuses tomorrow... For now, everyone except for the previous HoH, Tristan, please head to the Arena! It's competition time!
Fabian: Hmm... Not as flashy a competition set as usual.
Vanessa: They're like, totally giving up.
Emery: Simple set for a simple competition?
Julia: Housemates! Welcome to your next Head of Household Challenge! This challenge is called "First Impressions". Now I know what you're thinking, shouldn't we be doing this challenge at the START of the season? All will be explained!
Julia: We asked members of the public, people who have not seen the show before, which took a LONG time to find because literally everyone does... Anyway! We took three random members of the public and asked them to rate the final eight housemates, including the now evicted Roxy, on their chances of winning the season, based solely off their impressions from the cast photo.
Julia: In this challenge, each of you will be at a podium, where you will turn a dial to submit your guesses as to what the average total percent was that the public answered. Your answers will be a percentage from 1-100. With 1% being they should leave immediately, and 100% being they should have been given the winner's cheque on day 1.
Julia: Once all the answers are submitted, you will hear everyone's answer and bet on whether you want to stay with your answer and hope to win a point, OR fold and wait for another round.
Julia: The person who stays and is the closest to the answer will win a point, but the person who stays and is the furthest away from the correct answer will be eliminated and will not be able to play in any more rounds for more points.
Julia: The person with the most points at the end of the competition, whether or not they've been eliminated, will win the title of HoH!
Julia: Do we have any questions?
Rebecca: Yeah... What is ZP doing here?
Julia: I'm not quite sure...
Julia: ZP! What are you doing?! Stop!!! You're freaking us all out!
Julia: Oh, and Fabian, for being awarded the Eviction Aftermath Advantage from Roxy, on the first round you are furthest away, you will not be eliminated, and can continue to play.
Fabian: That sounds pretty powerful! Let's hope I don't get eliminated in general. Haha.
Julia: Round 1! What did the public say about Emery's chances to win the game? Please submit your answers!
Sean: 56%
Emery: 27%
Kayle: 68%
Vanessa: 10%
Fabian: 45%
Rebecca: 40%
Julia: Alright housemates! Stay or fold?
Julia: Kayle and Vanessa have folded, everyone else is trying for that point!
Julia: Let's see who... ZP! You're stealing the focus of the camera and disturbing this tense competition.
Julia: Could you please head back to the lounge?
Julia: Thank you!... Alright, let's see who was closest and who was the furthest away!
Julia: The correct answer was...
Julia: That Emery has a 63% chance to win the game!... That means that Sean you were the closest and have won a point, while Emery, you have been eliminated from the competition.
Emery: Drats!
Sean: Awesome!
Julia: Sean is the current leader with 1 point! Onto the next round!
Julia: Round 2! What did the public say about Fabian's chances to win the game? Please submit your answers!
Sean: 30%
Kayle: 44%
Vanessa: 5%
Fabian: 78%
Rebecca: 75%
Julia: Alright housemates! Stay or fold?
Julia: Everyone except for Kayle has decided to fold. The correct answer was 35%...
Julia: ... But since Kayle is the only person who stayed, she receives one point.
Kayle: Neato! A win by default is still a win!
Julia: Currently in the leader are Sean and Kayle tied with 1 point! Next round!
Julia: Round 3! What did the public say about Kayle's chances to win the game? Please submit your answers!
Sean: 15%
Kayle: 71%
Vanessa: 10%
Fabian: 33%
Rebecca: 20%
Julia: Alright housemates! Stay or fold?
Julia: Sean, Kayle and Fabian have decided to fold. Which means one of the two ladies, Vanessa and Rebecca, will get a point while the other will be eliminated. The correct answer was...
Julia: 65%! Which means that Rebecca has won a point for being the closest, and Vanessa, I'm sorry, you have been eliminated from the competition!
Vanessa: Ugh! But my question is the most important and I don't even get to answer it...
Julia: Tied for first with 1 point, Sean, Kayle and Rebecca!
Julia: Round 4! What did the public say about Rebecca's chances to win the game? Please submit your answers!
Sean: 65%
Kayle: 73%
Fabian: 84%
Rebecca: 60%
Julia: Alright housemates! Stay or fold?
Julia: Well, well, well... It seems that only Fabian has folded this round. It's between the other three for the point and to keep on betting... The correct answer given by the audience was...
Julia: A 49% chance of winning... Which means Rebecca, you've won another point, putting you in the lead by 1 point over Sean and Kayle!
Rebecca: How could I NOT get my own question right?
Julia: Sadly, Kayle, your answer was the furthest away from the correct answer. You have been eliminated.
Kayle: Ah himpledonkle!
Julia: Language!
Kayle: Oops... Sorry!
Julia: Round 5! What did the public say about Roxy's chances to win the game? I know she isn't in the game anymore, but this poll happened BEFORE she was eliminated. Please submit your answers!
Sean: 27%
Fabian: 0%... They must have seen the advertisments at the least!
Rebecca: 1%
Julia: Alright housemates! Stay or fold?
Julia: Sean and Fabian folded, which means Rebecca has automatically won the point. Putting her in the lead at 3!... The correct answer was 75%! You were all WAY off!
Julia: Round 6! What did the public say about Sean's chances to win the game? Please submit your answers!
Sean: 49%
Fabian: 41%
Rebecca: 50%
Julia: Alright housemates! Stay or fold?
Julia: Only Rebecca has folded, this is between Sean and Fabian now! The correct answer was...
Julia: A 60% chance of winning! Which means Sean gets another point.
Sean: I'm catching up, Rebecca!
Julia: This means Fabian you were the furthest away, and you WOULD have been eliminated, had you not been given the advantage from Roxy.
Fabian: Phew, saved my bacon! Thanks Rox!
Julia: Currently the scores stand at: 3 for Rebecca, 2 for Sean and 1 for Kayle.
Julia: Round 7! What did the public say about Tristan's chances to win the game? Please submit your answers!
Sean: 49%
Fabian: 22%
Rebecca: 5%
Julia: Alright housemates! Stay or fold?
Julia: Once again, we only have one person who stayed, Sean. Both Fabian and Rebecca have folded. The correct answer was 67%!
Julia: That boosts Sean into a tie for first place with Rebecca at 3 points a peach... Peach? Piece... Three points a piece. Last round!
Julia: Final Round, winner takes all! What did the public say about Vanessa's chances to win the game? Please submit your answers!
Sean: 57%
Fabian: 15%
Rebecca: 25%
Julia: Alright housemates! Stay or fold?
Julia: Surprisingly, Sean has folded! Rebecca and Fabian are playing for a win OR to force a tie.
Sean: I feel like my best chances are to let Fabian force it into a tie...
Fabian: Good move, man, good move.
Rebecca: We'll see about that!
Julia: The correct answer was...
Julia: 55%! Just two percent difference from Sean's answer...
Sean: WHAT?! NO!! Aghhhhh...
Julia: That means Fabian you've been eliminated, but that doesn't matter anymore...
Fabian: Matters to me, Jules... Matters to me!
Julia:... Because congratulations Rebecca, with 4 points you are the new Head of Household!
Rebecca: Awesome! Power for a third time in a row! That's absolutely crazy! Haha!
Julia: Congratulations, you will be moving into the HoH Room, enjoying the luxuries and will have the power to nominate this week. Well done.
Rebecca: Thanks, Julia!
Julia: Thank you everyone! I will see you all again next time for the nomination ceremony! Good night housemates!
Arthur Nutt - Turner - 3rd Evicted (11th Place)
Emery Ring - Lovesstorms
Fabian Romero - Smarties100
Jeremy Yuka - Twiddle3 - 5th Evicted (9th Place)
Kayle McCarther - Ninjakid150
Paige Morgan - Alleenmens - 2nd Evicted (12th Place)
Rebecca Pierce - YJB19299
Roxy Callahan - Kaliko103 - 6th Evicted (8th Place)
Sean Sierra - Tigerblu11
Shannon Mackmilton - Penguinwa101 - 4th Evicted (10th Place)
Sonia Jobs - x_MG_x - 1st Evicted (13th Place)
Tristan Van Gould - M13Vulpecula
Vanessa Tomaz - Nani
Vanessa Tomaz - Nani