Episode 20
Previously on Zero Privacy,
11 Housemates begun the struggle to live and survive in the Zero Privacy house! But now only 5 remain. Last week, Gilbert was sent packing over fellow nominee Debby, however, after a surprise fast forward week twist, new HoH Angel won power. After many attempts, Manny finally won a competition, however, accidentally used it on Mr Doubley, causing both his allies Daphanie and Debby to be on the block. With a unanimous vote, Debby was sent packing as well.
With 5 contestants left, who will win the HoH and who will they nominate?
Find out tonight on Zero Privacy!
*After Debby's eviction*
Flint: Man, oh man! I couldn't be ****ing happier, even if I tried! BOTH my nominees went home! I feel like all my problems just got pushed out the door and into a limousine ride home! Oh wait... That IS what happen! *laughs*
Manny: Well, Flint. As a matter of fact, don't be so certain that Debby is gone 100% because I would have used the veto and your ass would be out the door.
Manny: There better be a repeat! My well deserved and highly acclaimed win was stolen from me! I demand retribution!
Flint: To be entirely fair, you did say "Doubley" when asked who you were going to use it on.
Manny: I did not mean for that! I'm gonna get a lawsuit running for this show! I'm supposed to be the winner! Me!! I get to use my PoP how I want! It's rigged!
Flint: You can't afford a lawyer kiddo. You can hardly afford that rental suit!
Manny: **** you Flint.
Flint: Ooooh. Such tough words from such a tough guy! I'm not scared of you.
Manny: Oh yeah? Well when I'm done with you I'll-...
Daphanie: Girls! Stop fighting!... And Flint. Shut up! You were supposed to be home and we all know it.
Flint: Well I'm not home, now am I? And maybe I wasn't going to be the replacement nominee anyway. Ever stop to think about Angel's views on the matter?
Angel: I'm just going to... Stay out of this. I didn't know who to nominate, Gilbert was my ally.
Manny: We can't blame Angel for this one. None of this would have happened if this idiotic buffoon didn't exist. He should go back to the mental institute they save him from.
Doubley: Eeeep! Teddy! Help!
Flint: Don't you ****ing insult Mr Doubley like that you scrawny ****. Mr Doubley is a respectable and angelic man who deserves to be here, unlike weak, homeless nobodies like you!
Doubley: Yeeeeeeeah!
Manny: The truth hurts sometimes! He's been messing up this game from the start! He stole my win and he deserves to be punished!
Flint: I'll punish you... With my fist!
Daphanie: Ugh! Flint, just shut up! Manny is right and his PoP was unfairly used because of Mr Doubley! Debby was kicked out because of it when it should have been either of you two going.
Flint: Like I said, I had time to be nominated, but was I? No. I wasn't. So don't blame me for your stupid problems! Angel was the one who nominated you all and I was the one who sent Gilbert home. Am I really responsible in any way? **** no!
Daphanie: ANGEL! Where do you think you're going?!
Flint: *whispers to Doubley* This is going to be good.
Doubley: *nods*
Angel: I... Uhh... Was just going to... Um... The bathroom.
Angel: I don't like to see you all fighting like this... What happened happened and we need to move on with it.
Daphanie: "Oh look at me! I'm Angel and I get to be HoH and nominate WHOEVER I want and because I'm such a princess! But we should all just move on with it because I've done nothing wrong and we all need to be happy together and sing Kumbaya and blahty blahty blahh!"
Angel: HEY! My voice sounds nothing like that!... And besides, I was just doing my job as HoH! I only had limited choices. You're all just making a big deal about nothing.
Manny: "We're all just making a big deal about nothing."?! I'm not making a big deal about nothing! My PoP was taken from me! That's a big deal!
Daphanie: Manny! Can you stop for just one second. Perhaps, if you stood up for yourself and not been a total **** when you won something, maybe Debby and I wouldn't have been on the block!
Manny: We're on the same side?! Why are you yelling at me for?!
Daphanie: Because I'm angry! That's why!... Now move out of the way!
Daphanie: You two are total jerks! You've cheated and broken the game and we are going to take you both down! You, Flint, need to go rot in hell and need to learn some respect, care and for ONCE in your life follow the goddamn rules of the game and common decency!
Daphanie: UGH!!! I'm so angry... I don't get angry EVER! And you've. Both. Made. ME. SO...
Daphanie: FURIOUS!!!!!
Daphanie: AND I just... want... to-...
Angel: Daphanie?!
Manny: Daphanie!!!
Manny: Dee are you alright?
Flint: Hello? Dee! Are you okay?
Angel: Daphanie?
Doubley: *gasps* Teddy?!
Flint: Quick someone get the medical staff!
Manny: Dee! Dee! Wake up!
Flint: Move! Let me check if she's still breathing!
Angel: Hello?
Julia: Angel!
Angel: We need the paramedics! Daphanie has collapsed and we-...
Julia: We're sending them in right away. Stay calm.
Flint: Ah crap! What do we do?!
Manny: Oh man... This is nuts....
Flint: ANGEL! Where the hell are you?! Are the coming?
Manny: Oh... I don't feel so.... Gooooo-...
Angel: They're coming! The paramedics are coming.
*Manny collapses*
Angel: Oh my goodness! Manny!
Flint: Manuel!
Doubley: MANNY! *gasps*
Medic Woman: We came as quickly as we could.
Medic Man: We'll handle everything from here, if you'd all like to move well out of the way while we take care of these two... If we need any help, we'll ask.
Angel: Will they be okay? I'm sensing some bad vibes from this.
Medic: We'll do everything we can, please step aside while we take care of them.
Flint: It's been a few hours now, hasn't it?... Shouldn't we have had some sort of talk with the producers about whats going on?
Angel: I can't believe this has happened! I'm still in shock. I'm worried sick.
Doubley: *snores loudly*
Flint: This is NOT the way I wanted to win this show. As much as I may have seemed to hate them, I don't want anything to have happened to them. I genuinely hope they're both okay.
Doubley: *murmurs in sleep* No! Daphanie! Manny! *wakes up as if from a nightmare* Teddy?! *goes to get up*
Julia: Everyone, please, take a seat.
Angel: Oh no. This can't be good.
Julia: Don't worry, everything will be explained.
Doubley: *begins to tear up* *sniffs* They're dead!*starts to sob* I don't like funerals! *cries*
Julia: They're not dead! Calm down Mr Doubley! In fact, they're the opposite of dead... Not dead.... Alive, I mean. They're alive.
Julia: This here with me is Dr Ian McLaughlin, who is our supervising doctor here for the Zero Privacy house, just in case something serious happened in we needed more than paramedics to step in. I'll leave it to him for the explanation.
Dr McLaughlin: Hello housemates, as you know, Daphanie and Manuel have both collapsed here and have been taken into the hands of the medical staff.
Dr McLaughlin: Daphanie, luckily only had a minor incident. She merely fainted due to her hyperventilating because of her rage induced state.
Julia: Which means... Welcome back everyone's favourite southern charm...
Angel: *hugs her* Daphanie! I was so worried!
Doubley: *joins the hug*
Flint: We all were... Even me.

Daphanie: Thank y'all so much... I was so worried I wouldn't be coming back, but I was determined! You're not getting me out that easily... Though, I saw Manny and... Yeah.
Dr McLaughlin: Manny has experienced some sort of unknown occurrence that we are going to have to take him into further care to understand. We believe he may have suffered a stroke, after his electrocution, though we are uncertain at this point in time of the true cause of his collapse. We are, however, certain that he will NOT be able to return to the house before the end of this season.
Julia: With that, Manny sadly has become the 3rd jury member and has unfortunately had to be eliminated from the game. Our thoughts and prayers are with him.
Julia: Welcome to the final 4, all four of you will play in the next HoH competition and we'll soon find out the final 3. Thank you housemates, have a safe and relaxed night.
Stay tuned, as next episode, the finals draw closer and the battle begins as the players struggle to win power to stay in the game. Who will win the HoH, who will be nominated and WHO will make it to the finals?
It's all coming up on...
Unfortunately, Leoin202 has opted to be removed from the game due to some real life personal issues. I wish the best for Leoin and hope that everything gets better for them and that they'll return soon. I'm really sad that Manny and Leoin had to leave, they were great additions to the game but I respect Leoin's difficult choice and wish the best ^.^ <3
Angel Lunafest - Ninjakid150
Daphanie Eads - Penguinwa101
Debby Gloomington - Turner
Flint Mercer - KingSmarties
Gilbert Castillo - ChocoCub
Harley Grey - Dje2001
Kelly Olivera - Amazingamphy
Leann McCoy - Alleenmens
London Howard - Tigerblu11
Manny Rojas - Leoin202
Mr Doubley - M13Vulpecula
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