Tuesday 2 February 2016

Zero Privacy: Season 1: Episode 17 - HoH

Episode 17

Previously on Zero Privacy,
11 housemates entered the Zero Privacy house!
 Angel won the 4th Head of Household competition and nominated London and Mr Doubley for eviction. While Daphanie secured her place with yet another Immunity Challenge victory, she also won the PoP and used it to save Mr Doubley and Manny was used as a replacement nominee.
It was once again a unanimous verdict, and London was evicted from the house.
Tonight, a new player will win the Head of Household and will be forced to make sudden nominations. Who will win and who will be up?
Find out tonight on Zero Privacy!

Daphanie: Y'all!!!!!!! i'm safe again this week!!! WHOOHOO!!!!!!! 

Daphanie: DANCE PARTY!!! *Dances*

Daphanie: Uh oh... Uhhhhhhhhhhh 

Julia: Daphanie are you okay? Daphanie?...
Daphanie: oh um Yeah Juls! oh... and we may or may NOT... need a new lamp... *laughs nervously* 


Julia: Alright, since London has now officially been evicted from the house, Debby, your punishment has ended and you may now re-enter the Zero Privacy House.
Debby: Yaaaaaayyyyyy! I'm so excited.

Debby: It's been so long that I've forgotten what the house actually looks like... It may look different... Especially, with my new outlook on life.

Debby: Oh. Its..... Prettier than I remember. And look! Its all my best friends!

All: Surprise! Welcome home... Even though you never left!

Debby: A surprise party?! For... For me?! *a tear rolls down her eye* No one has ever given me a surprise party... Or a party before.

Flint: Ew. Who let the ****ing dog inside? Someone take her out before she stinks up the place and takes a **** on the carpet.

Gilbert: Flint can you just play nice for one second.
Flint: I am nice! I'm as sweet as they come.
Gilbert: Bull... Anyway, can we talk privately some place?

Manny: Hey guys?! Where are you going?
Daphanie: I'm giving Debby the house tour!

Flint: Whats this about? Debby? She can go **** herself and her stupid fake attitude.
Gilbert: It's not fake, its genuinely her. Thats not what I wanted to talk about either. It's about this upcoming Head of Household. I want your help.

Flint: What could you possibly want from me, pretty boy? And if I do help you, what do I gain from it?
Gilbert: I want to make sure that you won't nominate me.
Flint: And how the hell does that help me? What if I want you gone?

Gilbert: It's pretty clear you want Debby gone. All I'm asking is that you throw the challenge and let me get out those responsible for my precious darling, Leann's eviction.

Flint: Woah! This is what this is about? Your "revenge" for that little slut of a girlfriend?! Hahaha! You expect me to just roll over and play nice?

Gilbert: She's not a ****, Flint, you ***hole! 
Flint: She's a wh***! A fat, pink wh***! Quit your whining about her leaving and get your head out of your ***.
Gilbert: Shut up, Flint! I'm taking you down for this! 

Flint: Oh yeah? You and what army?
Gilbert: Daphanie? Angel? I'm sure theres plenty of people who hate your guts.
Flint: Think again boy, think again.


Angel: Alright. Got any twos?
Mr Doubley: Yes! *hands her a card*
Angel: That's a photo of Teddy. Why are you giving me this?

Mr Doubley: He's pretty.
Angel: Um... Sure... Hey Gilbert! How's that work out coming along?

Gilbert: Great... It's going. Real. ****ing. Great... Thanks for asking.
Angel: Is everything alright?
Gilbert: Flint's a jerk. Nothing unusual.

Angel: Yeah. Don't let him get to you. He's a sweetheart on the inside, I can see it in his aura.
Gilbert: Are you kidding me? He doesn't have an inch of humanity left in that shriveled up black heart of his.
Doubley: Twos?
Angel: I'll prove it... And what did he do to you anyway?
Doubley: Twos?

Gilbert: He's just... Ugh. Forget it. Let me vent it out with my workout please!
Doubley: TWOS?!!?!?
Angel: Ugh! Fine! Here! *Angel hands him her twos*
Doubley: BINGO! Winner!

Angel: I am so done playing cards with you. I literally have no idea which game we're playing.
Doubley: Aww. Sorry.

Doubley: *sighs*
Angel: Oh no! I'm sorry. I'll keep playing. I was just joking.
*Doubley's eyes light up*
Doubley: *gasps*
Angel: What? What is it?!

Angel: Mr Doubley? What's up? Your aura just changed dramatically.
Gilbert: Go follow him. Obviously.

*Mr Doubley stares at the memory wall*
Doubley: Hmmm...

Angel: What are you looking at? What do you see?
Doubley: Aha! Oh no!

Doubley: *points to Daphanie*
Angel: Dee? Whats wrong with her?
Doubley: *Also points to Manny*
Angel: And Manny? They're not together now or something are they?

Doubley: *points to Debby*
Angel: And Debby is in on it... Ew... I did NOT need that image.
Doubley: Nooooo!... Alliance!
Angel: Oh... Ohhhhh! I see. 


Daphanie: And this is my favourite room in the whole house, y'all. I come here to do my yodelin' practice.
Manny: So that's what that dying cow noise is! I thought it was Flint snoring this whole time.
Daphanie: I mean... What... Pfft... What's yodelin'? Ain't never heard of that Pokémon! 

Debby: This is also my favourite room of the house, Daphanie. I particularly like the rainbow colours that make us happy and positive.

Manny: I like it because it's quiet and away from all the others so we can talk privately. 

Manny: We need to discuss the HoH competition. Since we're half the players for it, we should figure out strategies and who we'll nominate when one of us undoubtedly wins.
Daphanie: Well I won't be nominated and evicted. I have immunity y'all!

Debby: Why don't we ALL win! We can all win HoH together! In fact, why don't we nominate no one and no one can leave and we can live in peace and harmony forever in this house!

Daphanie: Oorrrrrrr... We can eliminate everyone except us three and split the money!... Or y'all can just hand over the cheque to me!

Debby: I like that idea. Friendship finale! Yay!!!

Angel: Friendship finale? Why weren't we included in this?

Doubley: *sighs in relaxation* Ahhh...

Angel: There definitely is an alliance going on here and... *Angel noticed Mr Doubley in the bath*

Angel: (Outside the door) OH MY LORD!
Daphanie: Bless you...
Manny: Who was that?
Daphanie: I think it was Angel finally ascending to the heavens.
Manny: Is she standing right at the door?

Gilbert: What the hell is going on in here?
Angel: Too much... Information overload! My eyes... And my brain!
Gilbert: Okay? Huh?
Angel: Block your eyes and come listen here... There's an alliance meeting happening in there.
Gilbert: With who?
Angel: Daphanie, Manny and Debby. I think.
Gilbert: Oh really?!

Gilbert: *knocks on the door* Hey! Open up! I need to speak to Daphanie. NOW!

Debby: We should let them join the fun party.
Manny: Debby no!

Debby: *opens the door* Welcome to the Rainbow Room Alliance Meeting! Come join the party!
Gilbert: Hi Debby. Can I speak to Daphanie please?
Debby: You certainly can.

Gilbert: Dee, what the hell? Whats this going on here? I heard this is some kinda alliance now! I though we had an allaince, together. And you're doing this behind my back?

Daphanie: Well... We DID have an alliance... But then London quit and Leann got eliminated so it turned into more of a friendship.
Gilbert: No. You said that we'd all go to the end but it seems that since Leann left, you've left me out in the cold and haven't talked to me.
Daphanie: So I have a new alliance to talk to now! What's the deal? I ain't your girlfriend, Gilby! I can talk to whoever I want.

Gilbert: That's right. You're NOT my girlfriend, my girlfriend would never EVER backstab people like this. You can talk to whoever you want? Well, I guess that means you can backstab whoever you want and USE whoever you want too, right?
Daphanie: Hey I didn't backstab you! We're still friends and stuff!
Gilbert: I'm taking you down, Daphanie! No one messes with Gilbert Castillo!


Flint: *sighs in relief* The atmosphere in this house feels wonderful doesn't it? Everything is going perfectly and not a single thing can ruin this moment.
Julia: Everyone head to the Arena for the next Head of Household Competition!
Flint: I stand corrected.

*At the HoH Competition*

Manny: Woah. This looks like a much more colourful and teenage styled version of my games parlour back in my old mansion.

Manny: Though mine consisted of the more highbrow games such as...
Flint: No one cares, ya show off!

Julia: Welcome Housemates to the 5th Head of Household Challenge!

Julia: Angel, as outgoing HoH you will not be able to compete.

Julia: This HoH challenge is simple. There will be 5 rounds played, in each round 2 or 3 people will play on this pink arcade game machine. The worst scorer of those who will play will be eliminated from the competition. The other scorers will move on until we have a winner!

Julia: Since there are six of you... We'll start with two games of 3 where you are all 1 v 1 v 1.

Julia: Angel, would you like to pick the two groups of three?
Angel: Sure. We'll go with the 3 D's, Debby, Daphanie and Doubley. And the other three guys, Manny, Flint and Gilbert.
Julia: Alright, and this time we'll go with the men first!

Julia: And begin!
Gilbert: Look out Gramps! Watch as I beat you senseless in this challenge.
Flint: Bring it on son. I'll take you down.
Manny: I'm here too... I'm playing also.
Gilbert and Flint: GRRRRR...
Manny: Fine. I'll just... Be over here winning.

*Laser noises and explosions can be heard as the contestants frantically trying to get points*

Flint: BOOM! Look at those explosions... You see that boys. That's all me!

Manny: Aww man... Mine isn't shooting anymore. What the hell?! The button's busted.
Flint: Tough luck! Guess we got this in the bag!
Manny: Not fair! I demand this to be fixed in order to have a proper game!

*The broken button shocks Manny*

Daphanie: MANNY?!
Angel: Oh my!
Gilbert: Manny are you okay!
Flint: BOOM! I won! Take that losers... Oh... Manny's dead.
Angel: He's not dead! Trust me.


Julia: No Manny's were hurt in the making of this episode. However, Manny is administered into our medical team and will be allowed back into the house as soon as he is cleared. He will NOT be winning this Head of House challenge.


Julia: Manny is fine, he will be back but will NOT be competing any more in this HoH Competition. Debby, Daphanie and Doubley. You may start your round.

Doubley: *giggles like a schoolgirl* Hehe! Boom!
Daphanie: Aww ye! Look all these point y'all! I'm on fire... OH NO!!! My turret is on fire!? What do I do!?

Doubley: YES! 
Daphanie: No!
Doubley: YES!
Daphanie: NOOO!!!
Doubley: YESSS!!!

Debby: Yes.


Daphanie: Well... I still think I did the best! Look at all those points.
Julia: Actually... You did the worst. This isn't golf.
Daphanie: Aw darn! I thought it was.

Julia: In fact, Debby got the most points this round.
Debby: I did? Yay! That sure was fun!
Doubley: *nods*

Julia: Round 2! Doubley versus Gilbert!

Julia: And Flint vs Debby! You guys can begin!

*Laser noises, arcade 8-Bit Music is playing and explosions can be heard abundantly!*


Julia: Round 2 was a roaring success... No one was electrocuted. Which of course is the definition of success... The losers of this round are...

Julia: Debby.
Debby: Darn... I was doing so well the first time.
Julia: And...

Julia: Mr Doubley.
Doubley: Yay!
Julia: No thats bad.
Doubley: Awww.

Flint: I guess it's you and me again boy... Prepare to lose at video games to an old man.
Gilbert: Oh yeah! Well unlike you, I actually KNOW how to play games! Bring. It. On!

Julia: Your game starts now!

*button mashing and controller swiveling*

Flint: Boom... Boom... Boom... There's nothing that I can't destroy here... Especially not you Gilbert. Prepare to get destroyed like these measly ships!
Gilbert: You're like twice my age and half my skills... As IF this is a challenge.

Flint: Oh you want a challenge? Well, I've been playing arcade games since before you were wetting the bed! Arcade machines are from MY time and this is MY challenge. So **** you Gilbert. I've won this time!

Gilbert: You may have won this challenge... But mark my word, the next time I will NOT go down so easy.
Flint: But you're still gonna go down.
Gilbert: Just remember who has more muscles and friends in this house!

Julia: Congratulations Flint! You are the winner of the 5th HoH challenge.
Flint: Damn right!
*silence from the others as they are not pleased*

Flint: Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be heading to me new bedroom where I'll enjoy my fresh bottles of whiskey in peace and quiet! 

Julia: Wait just a second everyone! This week is something special, there will be NO Immunity challenge this week and it will be revealed why next week. Which means nominations will be held... Immediately. Flint please make your nominations.

Flint: Ha! Brilliant... The little ****s I nominate are...

Flint: Gilbert, because the only thing you've ever done is fawn over Leann, now that she has gone... you still keep fawning over her. I want to see what your made of!
Gilbert: I'll sure show you... My fist!

Flint: I nominate Debby too obviously. Debby, you are always complaining about this house and everything in it, therefore I'm giving you the chance to get outta here!
Debby: But I've changed!
Flint: Even more reason for you to **** off.

Julia: That's all for today, thank you Housemates.
Flint: No, thank YOU Julia.

Flint - 3720
Gilbert - 1162
Doubley - 1110
Daphanie - 807
Debby - 612
Manny - 500

Stay tuned, as next episode, the PoP competition is played out and we see if the power be used to save either Debby or Gilbert from eviction.
It's all coming up on...


Angel Lunafest - Ninjakid150
Daphanie Eads - Penguinwa101
Debby Gloomington - Turner
Flint Mercer - KingSmarties
Gilbert Castillo - ChocoCub
Harley Grey - Dje2001
Kelly Olivera - Amazingamphy
Leann McCoy - Alleenmens
London Howard - Tigerblu11
Manny Rojas - Leoin202
Mr Doubley - M13Vulpecula

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