Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Immunity Challenge #3

Name the parents of each child. You will get a point for each correct parent.

Each child has a MALE and FEMALE parent which will be one of the contestants currently in the game.

Kelly, Harley, Julia and Daphanie are NOT included as parents.

Every contestant will have 2 Children.
Ie. Angel will have 2 children with 2 different men.
Manny will have 2 children with 2 different women.

1. Amber

2. Antonio

3. Brendan

4. Christine

5. Finn

6. Meghan

7. Oslo

8. Pauline

This tiebreaker will be a child with a MALE and FEMALE parent and will include ALL CONTESTANTS + JULIA. 
If no one is 100% correct, the person who is most correct will win.

Tiebreaker - Diane

Monday, 24 August 2015

Zero Privacy: Season 1: Episode 9 - HoH

Episode 9

Previously on Zero Privacy,
11 housemates entered the Zero Privacy house!
Daphanie won the second immunity challenge which will gives her immunity this upcoming week of the competition.
Leann's final nominees Harley and Manny faced the votes of the house and by a vote of 6-1, Harley was evicted.
Tonight, we see how the house reacts to Harley's eviction and who will win the title of the next Head of Household!

London: Well... It's sad for it to have happened, but Harley had to go. He was a liability to our new alliance.
Angel: I still think he had potential. Plus! Isn't four better than three?
London: Not in terms of secrecy and sliding by it isn't.
Angel: We're not exactly that secret anymore. I feel like the whole house knows we're an alliance now.

London: But they don't know about Debby... Which, by the way, Debby, you are now an honorary member of our alliance.
Debby: Oh..... Yay.
London: Fine. Don't sound so enthusiastic about it. You can leave if you won't. But we won't guarantee you'll be safe from us or the others.
Debby: Since Harley went... I doubt that anyone in this small group is "safe". Honestly, we're ducks ready to be shot, and once we are we'll head straight to the grave... Or be fed to the dogs or another carnivorous animal who will feast off our deceased corpses.

London: Remind me again how you managed to get on this show again?
Debby: I don't even know.
Angel: They just needed someone like her to make the group more diverse and interesting!
London: HA! Interesti-... What was that splash?
Angel: We don't have any fish or something in the pool do we? Maybe something fell from the sky? A meteor?
Debby: Perhaps a bomb.

London: Oh you have got to be kidding me! Honestly.
Debby: Hmm?
Angel: What?! 

Angel: Oh... Hey Mr Doubley. What's wrong? Something happen again?
Doubley: *sighs*
Angel: Oh. Really? Well that's not good at all.

London: What the hell were you doing in the pool... At this hour?
Doubley: *sighs* Practicing.
London: Riiiight. Practicing... And might I ask what for?


Doubly: Teddy.


Angel: Oh no. You mean how he's at the bottom of the bathroom pool?
Doubley: *sadly nods*
Angel: I'm sure you'll get it back soon. Maybe we can all help to get it back.
Debby: Unlikely. I refuse to swim. Ever since I was a child, I suffered from being unable to swim. Humans were not meant to be on water. Do you know how many people die from drowning and water related incidents each day. 
London: Let me guess... Too many.
Debby: Yup.

Angel: Well... I'll go ask around. I think Daphanie is quite a good swimmer. I'll ask her for you!
Doubley: *sniffs* Thank you.
Angel: I think I'll go ask now and then I'll head to bed. Goodnight everyone.
London: Goodnight Angel.
Debby: Sleep adequately and try not the eat too many spiders in your sleep.
Angel: Uhh... I'll try. Thanks.
Doubley: *gets up and hugs Angel goodnight*


Angel: *yawns loudly*
???: H e l l o . . .

Angel: Uh? Hello?
???: H-E-L-L-O...
Angel: Hello?!
Dephanie: Hiya?

???: H-e-L-looo...
Angel: Hello?
Daphanie: Howdy!!!
Leann: Who are you talking to?
Daphanie: Angel... I think.

Angel: Oh. Hey guys... Did you hear someone saying hello?

Daphanie: Oh. That was just me responding to you!
Leann: It's true. Why were you yelling anyway?

Angel: Are you sure it was you, Dee? I heard someone say hello a few times and it definitely didn't sound like you.
Daphanie: Hmm.... Well I though we's were playin' a Welcoming War.
Angel: A what?
Daphanie: You know! It's a game like tennis! 'Cept you use greetin's as loud as your neighbor can hear! Loudest one wins! Popular game round my parts!

Angel: I'm starting to suspect some kind of spiritual beings around this house.
Leann: Spiritual beings? Ohhhh... You mean like a monk. I suspect that it's Doubley. The lack of hair is what gets me. Plus we don't know his age!
Angel: No no no! I mean like... Uh... Ghosts? The paranormal kind. 
Leann: Don't be stupid. Ghosts don't exist.

Angel: You wanna bet?
Leann: Umm.. YEAH! Totally.

Daphanie: It was probably just one-a the boys... I heard Flint's been doin' a hella lotta yellin' recently.
Angel: You could be right. It just doesn't make any sense though.
Leann: ...You know what doesn't make a any sense? Debby. 
Angel: Debby is a lovely person...! In her own way. She doesn't mean to hurt anyone really.

Leann: She's always such a downer! I think you've been hanging out with her way too much recently. You aren't in an alliance, are you?
Angel: Well... Um... No.
Leann: Good. Then I think you should join Gilbert, Dee and I and join the "winning team".
Angel: The winning team?... I'll have to think about it. Sorry girls.
Daphanie: That's okay! Take yer time darlin'!
Leann: No it's not... You need to be with us, or we're against you. Don't think that you won't be up for nominations again!


Angel: There is something in this house. I can sense it all around here. Some kinda presence. I've been hearing them talking as well. Trying to communicate and talk with us... ... Speaking of talking. What do I tell Leann?! I don't want her to be after me but I can't just leave London and Debby. *sighs* What will I do?


Debby: As much as I hate to say it... Well... I don't really hate to say it... Okay maybe I do... I speak the truth and you can't argue with that... Anyway... Flint-

Gilbert: ...-has got some loose cannons. Man that man is definitely turning into the new Harley. He's always so angry and crude towards people-...

Daphanie: -...though sometimes he can be a bit of a sweet darlin' too! Kinda like a snake! A neat creature and sure ya can keep it as a friends! But it does bite occasionally... Though-...

Manny: -Even though you're his friend... Sort of... He's not really the nicest one around. Always getting drunk, disorderly and rude. We need to do something about his drinking habits and his attitude.


Debby: I hate to ruin the mood-...
Gilbert: Do you? Are you sure?
Debby: *sighs*

Gilbert: Sorry... Go on?
Debby: I think Flint has some serious psychological issues that we need to address. He's turning into the new Harley and it seems like we're just gaining another problem we just got rid of.
Gilbert: For once I strongly agree. Although, Flint is a nice guy. It's just occasionally he turns into an alcoholic grump and acts a bit like Harley.

Manny: Flint isn't a bad man. Harley WAS a bad guy. So he has a little drink every now and then. What are you going to do about that? It's not like we can stop him or change him as a person. He's not THAT bad.
Gilbert: I agree... But he seems to be getting worse. Maybe it's just the stress of the game?

Daphanie: Maybe we can spike his alcohol so that he never drinks it again?! How 'bout that?!
Gilbert: Why do I not trust you cooking for us now?
Daphanie: I'm only jokin' darlin'. Maybe we can hold a house meetin'. An intervention?

Manny: Yeah! That's a good way of doing it. We'll have a talk with him. Lets all gather everyone in the lounge. 
Debby: I'll go get everyone from outside.
Gilbert: I'll get Leann. She's taking a nap.
Manny: I'll go check the bedrooms and bathroom.
Daphanie: You might wanna avoid the bedrooms.



London: ... And why are we all gathered here so early? Julia has not instructed us to prepare and come into the lounge for the Head of House competition. So WHY are we here?

Manny: We're holding an intervention to try and get Flint to stop being such an alcoholic grunp!
London: Oh... That's all?

Flint: I'd choose your next words carefully son.
Gilbert: Flint, we'd like to have a talk with you.

Daphanie: We've got some issues and as a household, we'd like ta make sure that everythin' works out and we don't have 'nother Harley incident!

Flint: Another Harley... Seriously, a compare me to that jerk?!... If you have a problem with me just say it to my face. We don't need a bloody AA meeting!

Julia: Hey housemates!
Flint: Finally Julia! You have good timing for once!
Julia: Thank you Flint. Everyone head straight to the competition arena for the next Head of Household Competition!


Julia: Welcome to the third Head of Household Competition! This competition is called "Head and Seek". Here's how it's played. Earlier, each of you filled out a survey to hide 4 consecutive faces in this 8x8 Grid. You'll take it in a randomise order to pick squares until only one person is left with faces still hidden. Once all four of your faces are gone you are eliminated.

Julia: Leann. As outgoing Head of Household, you are not eligible to compete. Are there any questions?

London: Yes. If there is a double up-
Doubley: Doubley-up? *snickers*
Julia: If there is a double up, or multiple people on the same square, items of each person's colour will be shown to avoid confusing mats.

Julia: Lets begin. Manny you are first to go.
Manny: How about, F7?

Julia: A miss... Gilbert?

Gilbert: Bottom right corner, H8.

Julia: A hit for both London and Flint.
Gilbert: Woah! Score! Take that!

London: Gee... Thanks Gilbert. G1.
Julia: Miss. Angel?
Angel: A1, Top left.

Julia: Another miss. Flint.
Flint: A6.

Debby: H5
Doubley: F8
Julia: Woah! Woah! Slow down guys...

Julia: All of those are misses. Daphanie?

Daphanie: Sorry to Flint and London, but F6.

Julia: Another hit indeed for a sorry Flint and London.

Manny: G7! 
Gilbert: E5!

Julia: Hit! Hit! Sorry Flint and London. You are both eliminated from this competition.

Flint: Nice one Manny. Someone friend and teammate you are.
Manny: I'm sorry Flint! I just got in the zone!
London: Thanks everyone. I appreciate it. Honestly.

Leann: Oh boo hoo. London didn't get her way.
London: Shut up Leann. I've come to join your pitiful sidelines anyway.

Angel: I'll go with G3?

Julia: Manny's first hit! 


Manny: How about... C4. I heard it's the bomb.
Manny: Just me?

Julia: Angel's first hit!
Manny: It's revenge for getting me Angel!
Angel: That's okay. An eye for an eye?


Angel: E4 this time...

Julia: Angel dishing out the hits. Daphanie's first hit!


Julia: Angel only has one more before she is eliminated. Gilbert?

Gilbert: I'll finish her off then. C6.

Julia: Angel you have been eliminated from the competition.

Angel: I had a feeling that was coming. I could sense the negativity straight away... Just didn't expect it to happen so fast!

Julia: Debby, your go.
Debby: How about...?


Doubley: F3!

Julia: Sorry Daphanie. You are elimianted from the competition as well...

Daphanie: Gee... Thanks Mr D! 
Doubley: *frowns* Sowwy.
Daphanie: It's okay! Chin up!


Gilbert: E7?

Julia: Gilbert. Would you like to rethink your move?
Gilbert: Uhhh... No?
Julia: That's your last square. Sorry Gilbert you have been eliminated.
Gilbert: Wait what?!

Leann: Gilbert! What the hell?! We were counting on you.
Gilbert: It was an honest mistake. Sorry.


Debby: G5. Sorry Manny.
Manny: It's alright.

Julia: Manny's third square is revealed! Mr Doubley?

Doubley: G6!!!

Julia: Sorry Manny. Your last square is out. You have been eliminated.

Manny: Hey! It's the best I've done in a Head of Household... Or any competition! I've broken my streak of badness! Awesome.


Julia: Debby. Your turn. Mr Doubley only has one square left too.
Debby: I hate to be the bearer of bad news... Well not really... A5.

Julia: And with that... Mr Doubley you have been eliminated. Congratulations Debby, you are our new Head of Household!

Doubley: YAY!!!
Debby: Woo.


Debby: I won the privilages of the house and the  power to nominate two people for eviction. I'm going to terminate one person's chances at getting any money. Honestly, as a Employment Termination Assistant, everyone in this house should be scared about me having the power this week... I've had experience. After all it's my job and... 

Debby: IT BRINGS ME...

Debby: JOY

Stay tuned, as next episode, we see who Debby nominates for eviction. As well as, who will win the immunity competition and secure their future times in the competition.
Later, we'll see who will win the PoP and who will be sent home.
It's all coming up on...


Angel Lunafest - Ninjakid150
Daphanie Eads - Penguinwa101
Debby Gloomington - Turner
Flint Mercer - KingSmarties
Gilbert Castillo - ChocoCub
Harley Grey - Dje2001
Kelly Olivera - Amazingamphy
Leann McCoy - Alleenmens
London Howard - Tigerblu11
Manny Rojas - Leoin202
Mr Doubley - M13Vulpecula