Episode 17:
Fifth Nominations
Julia: Tristan, Rebecca. Tristan, Rebecca. Tristan! It might sound like the game is stuck on repeat. But with the Head of Household going back and forth between our favourite power duo, the game is anything but stale! With clear divisions in the house, and twists all around, who knows what lies ahead!
Julia: Previously on Zero Privacy, it was newly emerging germaphobe, Germy, who got sent out of the house by a 5 to 1 vote. His Aftermath couldn't help Fabian claim victory over Tristan in the Head of Household, but tonight it WILL leave an impact into the lives of our housemates.
Julia: With looming threat of Tristan's nominations, housemates are already terrified that THEY might be next to go home. Little do they know, by the end of the day, all of them will be living their worst fears.
Julia: This is...
Fabian: Well fellow sailors, it looks like the numbers be dwindlin' on the Zero Privacy ship! Which means, I'm more at risk o' gettin' nominated any day now. I'm hopeful that I'm safe but in this game ye just ne'er be knowin' when ye be comin' or goin'. Splice the mainbrace! And hoist the mainsail! I need t' win another competition soon and dethrone the power alliance as soon as possible! We can't have them runnin' this game any longer... although, if I want t' stay in this house... I may just have t' suck up t' them and keep them here, it seems t' be workin' fer me so far, would be silly t' spoil that now. Regardless mateys, Fabian be in this fer Fabian and he be not goin' down on th' sinkin' ship without a fight. Bring it on!
Rebecca: Oh, Tris. I cannot believe that you pulled off another win. Congratulations!
Tristan: Thanks, Re! I still can't believe that we're the power couple of the season!
Rebecca: I know, who would've thought after Abnormality, this is where we'd be?!
Tristan: We are so close to being on jury. All we had to do was survive this week. We're literally untouchable at this point.
Rebecca: You're not gonna send me out the door this week though, are you?
Tristan: Don't tempt me!
Rebecca: How crazy is that, though. There hasn't been another HoH since week one. This has literally been our room for a month!
Tristan: I don't wanna know what it's like to go back to sleeping in the other room as this point.
Rebecca: Right?!... Though it's probably better without Arthur's snoring.
Rebecca: So we have power once again, but who are we going to nominate? We HAVE to go after a big target this week. Someone who isn't going to give us a jury vote, so that they're not on jury.
Tristan: I have a few ideas, but I'll run them through with you later. I kind of want to relax after that tense competition. I might grab some dinner?
Rebecca: I could make a salad! I know a really good recipe, that I've been saving for special occasions.
Tristan: Sounds great! Although, is winning ANOTHER HoH, a "special" occasion? Hahaha
Rebecca: Tris...
Tristan: I know. I heard it. I'm taking it wayyyyy too far. I'm not THAT arrogant... I swear!
Kayle: Boom! There you have it ladies, another one for the Kaylesmeister!
Kayle: I am now, officially... Unbeatable! I hope you can all still sleep at night!
Kayle: Oh, wait... That was just the first tile... I can see at least seven more in this stack.
Emery: *snorts*... Kayle, you never fail to amuse me.
Kayle: That reminds me! I used to teach improv classes! I should teach you sometime.
Emery: Yeah, maybe... Hey, what do you guys think about nominations?
Roxy: I hate to put it out there, but like... I'm totally going up again. It's been literally like, forever, since I was safe!
Emery: Yeah, you do have quite the reputation now... Sorry, Roxy.
Roxy: I was so close to that HoH too! Imagine if I'd won! That would have been totally amazing, right?!
Emery: Well, I was rooting for you!
Kayle: And I was a root vegetable!
Julia: Housemates, please report to the Lounge for a very special announcement.
Roxy: Oh no. This can't be good.
Julia: I can hear all of your groans and concerns, and yes, this is EXACTLY what you think it is... So hurry on down. Your fates await!
Sean: I was NOT looking forward to this.
Fabian: I don't think ANYONE was lookin' forward to this, mate.
Julia: Housemates, last night you voted to evict your fellow housemate, Germy. As per this season, Germy has been given the opportunity to invoke an Eviction Aftermath. To put it in his words: "I would like to force everyone to face their fears and be put out of their comfort zone much like I had to in the house as a punishment."
Julia: This means tonight, each of you will be put out of your comfort zones in ways you hoped to never have imagined.
Rebecca: Oh boy...
Julia: Some of you will reach your worst fears... Some of you will be totally uncomfortable...
Julia: And some of you claim to have no fear... But we know what they are! So no one will be safe for the next 24 hours.
Fabian: *screams like a little girl*
Julia: To kick off, Kayle, please go to the Diary Room.
Kayle: Uh oh! Well... It's been fun guys, but I must bid you adieu!
Kayle: I can't imagine what horrors await me beyond this door...
Kayle: *through the door* AH! NO! PLEASE STOP! AHHH! NOOOOO! END MY SUFFERING!
Kayle: Hi.
Julia: Hello Kayle. One moment please.
Kayle: Okiedokie!
Julia: Housemates!
Tristan: Oh no. Whose next?
Julia: Kayle cannot see or hear this message, which is ironic because in order to create Kayle's worst fear, all of you must pretend that you cannot hear, nor see her.
Julia: You must all pretend that Kayle does not exist for the next 24 hours.
Emery: Pretend she doesn't exist, how hard can that be?
Rebecca: If anything, that sounds kinda fun for us.
Vanessa: I thought these were supposed to be like, totally scary. I've been ignoring Kathy like, all season! I'm like THE BEST at blanking people.
Julia: Thank you, Kayle. You may leave.
Kayle: Phew.
Kayle: Oof. That was tough you guys. I have NO idea how I survived that! They made me sit in the diary room chair and just WAIT... And I swear, I nearly fainted. It was THAT scary.
Kayle: ... Guys?... Don't you wanna hear about what happened?
Kayle: Hello? Earth to housemates?... Or Mars to housemates... I don't know exactly where we are at this point...
Sean: So what do you guys think your challenge will be?
Tristan: I'm trying not to think about it too much. Worrying is that worst part.
Kayle: ... A-anyone?
Kayle: A-am I...
Julia: Housemates, that is all for now. But wait right there, I shall see you all again in just a few moments.
Kayle: ...I-invisible?
Roxy: W-wait... Biggest fears... OMG! I gotta go!
Roxy: No no no no no...
Emery: Roxy?!
Kayle: Hey Sean-y Sean... You can see me... Right?
Sean: I sure hope that she's alright.
Kayle: Who me? Yeah, I'm fine... I hope... Sean?
Julia: Sean! Please come to the Diary Room.
Sean: Oh god... Please have mercy on me.
Kayle: Wait! You didn't answer my question yet!
Producer: Hi Sean.
Sean: Oh, hi.
Producer: You will be taking a trip outside of the house, and we need to place this blindfold over your head to cover your eyes, is this alright?
Sean: Uhh... Yeah, sure, I guess. Do I have a choice?
Producer: Not really, no.
Sean: Haha. Alright, lets do this then. Head first into the shark tank... Wait... This isn't a shark tank right?
Producer: I cannot say. All I can say to you is that you are not to remove the blindfold at an point in this trip outside the house, nor make contact with the outside world, unless instructed otherwise, or you will risk force elimination from the game. Is this clear?
Sean: Crystal.
Producer: Alright, Sean. Good luck.
Sean: Thanks!
Julia: Housemates, this marks the end of the first lot of punishments. But don't feel safe just yet, as there are more to come! See you all again shortly.
Vanessa: Oh god... I really don't wanna do this. What if they make me do something totally wrank, like... Like... Shave my head?!... Or like, totally delete my Simstagram account?! My followers could NOT handle that.
Emery: What? Both of them?
Tristan: Savage!
Emery: I meant both of the challenges! Not... Nevermind.
Fabian: Well, I'm going to head to the kitchen and grab some food before they undoubtedly take it all away from me... AGAIN! I'm not going down with an empty belly!
Fabian: Hey Rebecca... I heard you make a killer salad!
Rebecca: What?! Who told you about this?
Kayle: Hey guys! Wait for...
Kayle: ... Me ...
Rebecca: I feel REALLY bad for Kayle... And I'm worried about Sean too.
Emery: I'm sure, both of them will be just fine. We all will... Right?
Rebecca: Depends on what kind of stuff they send our way.
Fabian: Oh, Thank Poseidon! There's still food in here. I'll be A-Okay!
Tristan: I doubt they'll take away food from you twice in a season. Haven't you got any worse fears, Fabian?
Fabian: Starvation isn't scary enough?
Rebecca: Say, Vanessa... You're awfully quiet. Usually you'd have some kind of comment towards Fabian's weight by now...
Vanessa: Hmm... Oh! Um. Shut up Emery, you're so loud!
Emery: Hey, what did I ever do?!
Rebecca: You're thinking about your fears, aren't you.
Vanessa: Pfft no! I don't have any dumb fears! I'm pretty much a goddess!
Rebecca: Bullshit! You totally have some real fears that you don't wanna open up to us.
Vanessa: Umm... Like, no. Being scared is for ugly people. I'm NOT an ugly person.
Rebecca: Perhaps not, but you're DEFINITELY hiding something on the inside there. Even the bravest on the outside can hide some insecurities on the inside. You don't have to be afraid to admit that.
Emery: I know I can admit to that... I think even though we all know each other pretty well after these five weeks, there's still a lot we don't know about each other... Or even ourselves.
Tristan: Deep...
Julia: Tristan! Please come to the diary room.
Tristan: Oh no... Not me. Not now!
Fabian: Can I eat those chips?
Tristan: Sure, dude. They're for everyone.
Kayle: Guys! I'm an everyone! Don't forget me!... Please?
Tristan: Wish me luck!
Rebecca: Good luck! I hope the ZP gods are merciful on you.
Kayle: ... I don't want to be forgotten...
Tristan: *breathes out* Okay... I can do this. I've had harsher moments in this house... And harsher moments OUTSIDE this house. Nothing can top those.
Tristan: There is nothing that they can do to bring me down from what I've spent the last few years building back up.
Tristan: They can't scare me. They can't hurt me. They can't humiliate me. They can't...
Tristan: ... No... They didn't!
Tristan: You have got to be f****ing kidding me!
Julia: Hello Tristan.
Tristan: I'm not doing this. Whatever it is. I'm not going back there.
Julia: Tristan, as per Germy's Eviction Aftermath, everyone must confront their worst fear or at best, make themselves uncomfortable.
Julia: Your job is to put on this iconic, Tristan van Gould outfit from Abnormality seasons past. Until further notice, you will be required to wear this outfit and play the part.
Tristan: Really?! REALLY?! Is this is what you people want?!... Fine. I'll put on the stupid costume!
Tristan: This is humiliating, I'm well over this part of my life. I'm done with being fake, and here you guys are trying to make me feel bad again for dramatic effect, which is really-...
Julia: *coughs* In character, please?
Tristan: Ughhh...
Rebecca: No, that's too obvious... And why would he leave the house for that?
Vanessa: Cause clearly they're taking him to a shark tank, duh!
Tristan: *clears throat* Ahem...
Tristan: Guess who's back, bitchesssss...
Emery: Tristan, is that you?
Tristan: ... *sighs*.... Yass, queen!
Fabian: You do know he's a dude, right?
Tristan: Of course, hunneh! I know a yummy dude when I see one. Tehe!
Fabian: Uhh.. What?
Rebecca: Did you seriously never watch Abnormality, Fabian? After all this time talking we've been about it?
Fabian: Mate, I lived on a boat for weeks to months at a time. You don't get a lot of TV there.
Rebecca: Tris, are you okay?
Tristan: I'm internally screaming...
Vanessa: OH MY GOD! This is TOO funny! Where has my sassy gay Tristan been all season?! We could have been BFFs. I could have been in the power duo. Trust!
Rebecca: Why does that sound like you're coming after me?
Vanessa: No reason... Anyways, Trissy, do the catchphrase!
Vanessa: Like, right now...
Tristan: I'm not gonna say it.
Vanessa: Oh but it is SO funny!
Tristan: No, I'm way beyond that now.
Vanessa: But here's the thing... You HAVE to say it. It's the rules. You literally can't not say it! So go ahead... Say it...
Rebecca: Vanessa, don't be like that...
Vanessa: No. I wanna hear you say it."Tehe! So funneh!"
Tristan: ... Grrrrrr...
Tristan: Tehe!... So... Funneh!
Vanessa: *snorts* Oh my god. It's even better in real life. I LOVE the new you.
Tristan: It's the OLD me... I'm beyond this petty bullshit!
Vanessa: Sure you are, sweetie...
Julia: Vanessa!
Vanessa: Oh, f***.
Julia: Please come to the Diary Room.
Tristan: Not so hilarious now, right sweetie? Tehe! So funneh!
Vanessa: Ugh! Whatevs! I have no fears.
Vanessa: EW?! What the hell is that?! I am NOT doing this. You CANNOT make me! That is literally the most disgusting thing in the entire planet. I literally can't even right now. You people are f***ing sickos!
Vanessa: ...
Emery: Oh.
Fabian: My.
Kayle: God.
Rebecca: God.
Kayle: Hey! I said God!
Vanessa: I don't want to talk to anyone for the rest of the day.
Fabian: But you're a clown! I love clowns!
Vanessa: I don't care, Fabian.
Fabian: But they're so funny!
Emery: You're afraid of clowns?
Rebecca: No, I think this is wayyyy deeper than that. Otherwise they would have just sent in a clown.
Fabian: You look ridiculous with that big red nose! That's so funny! Can I squeeze it? Does it squeak?! Please tell me it squeaks!
Vanessa: Fabian, please... Stop.
Fabian: I'm gonna ignore that, and do it anyway.
Tristan: Not so fun when the shoes on the other foot, hunneh.
Fabian: Oh, Poseidon bless me! Look at those big shoes!
Tristan: Tehe. This is so funneh!... Wow. I'm actually doing it out of impulse now. This challenge is sadistic...
Emery: You really like clowns, hey Fabian?
Fabian: Of course! My Papa used to take me to the circus every year as a kid. They're ridiculous and hilarious and always good to laugh at.
Fabian: Wait Vanessa... Can you juggle?! Do a trick! Get up on the chair or fall over or some-shit!
Vanessa: No! I'm not doing ANYTHING for you! Go away! Leave me ALONE!
Rebecca: Well, if you can't take the heat...
Vanessa: I'm just gonna go lay in bed...
Fabian: Awww. But you didn't even-...
Vanessa: Sorry...
Rebecca: You have to admit, she had that coming for poking fun at you.
Tristan: Oh, totally, hunny.
Fabian: But I just wanted to laugh at her... I mean laugh WITH her. Just because she's a clown an' all.
Rebecca: I think that's the point. She's scared of being the butt of the joke.
Fabian: Heh. Butt...
Tristan: Yet she laughed at MY misery. What a hippo.
Rebecca: You mean hypocrite?
Tristan: I know what I said.
Rebecca: Is this you trying to be sassy again?
Tristan: It's not as simple as I remember.
Kayle: Okay... It's been nearly a day, right? The times almost up... Y'all can see me again, right?! RIGHT?!
Fabian: OH MY GOD! I just realised we were forgetting someone!
Kayle: Yes? YES?!
Fabian: I can't believe we forgot this crucial person to all our lives. The very livelihood of this house depends on this person's company...
Fabian: We forgot about Sonia.
Kayle: Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
Rebecca: Sonia's been gone for weeks though.
Fabian: Oh. My mistake. Nevermind.
Kayle: Oh come on!
Rebecca: Although she's not 'forgotten', maybe someone should go check on Roxy and see if she's still hiding away from the challenges.
Emery: I'll come along! I just need to use the bathroom first.
Rebecca: Okie dokie!
Rebecca: *knocks on the door*... Roxy? Are you okay in here?
*sobbing can be heard under the blankets*
Rebecca: Rox? You alright?
Roxy: *sobbing* N-No!
Rebecca: What's wrong, sweetie? What happened?
Roxy: T-They've done it...
Rebecca: Did what? You weren't called into the Diary Room yet. What did they do?
Roxy: W-what h-hurts me the most isn't in the Di-Diary Room... So they h-have no reason to call me there.
Rebecca: What is it then? What were you afraid of?
Roxy: I was afraid of being alone...
Rebecca: Rox, we're all in here together. We might be playing a game but you're never alone. You didn't need to run off alone.
Roxy: No, you don't understand...
Rebecca: Help me to understand and we'll find a way to help you through this, okay?
Rebecca: What exactly did they do to you?
Roxy: They... They...
Rebecca: Those sadistic f***ers! Haven't you been through enough!
Roxy: It could have been s-snakes... It could have been s-spiders... But no... T-They took HIM! AGAIN! Just when I got him back!
Rebecca: Oh Roxy, I am so so sorry.
Roxy: I can't keep going through this torture without him. He's my rock. The one true friend I have. I need him back.
Rebecca: Don't worry, Roxy. All of us in here, we're your true friends too. You're never alone in here.
Kayle: Look, you're staring at me now! I know you're looking at me, Fabian!
Fabian: Did someone say something? I was zoning out big time!
Kayle: Ugh...
Emery: You know, Tristan. It's not the same without the hair, make-up and sparkles.
Tristan: Don't sass me, gurl! It's for the better! Mhm!
Julia: Everyone! Please head to the lounge!
Vanessa: *sighs*
Fabian: Oh no! A tragic clown... They're not funny at all.
Vanessa: Shut it, Fabian.
Fabian: Hey, where's Roxy?
Rebecca: She might come a little later, she's not doing too good at the moment.
Rebecca: Either the saboteur has struck again, or her punishment has already happened to her. Either way Henry is gone and she's just trying to compose herself before coming out again.
Emery: Henry's gone?! But I-... She hadn't even gone into the Diary Room yet. It can't be a punishment, does that mean there is still a saboteur?
Tristan: I don't think all of the punishments are in the Diary Room, sweetie.
Tristan: So she's just being punished, hunneh. Poor queen.
Emery: I hope she's alright.
Kayle: Guys! Sean's on the screen!
Fabian: Hey look, it's Sean!
Rebecca: Where is he?
Vanessa: OMG... Is that... San Myshuno? In the background? I'm so jelly!
Tristan: What is he doing up there?
Sean: Oh damn. This wind is pretty intense. Are you sure that it's safe to be doing this?
Instructor #1: It is, sir. We've done all the tests and this challenge will go ahead as planned.
Sean: Crap... Alright.
Sean: It's just... This is pretty high up and I don't want anything to go wrong, ya know. I've got kids, man. I got a family to look out for! My girls, they need me... They need a dad. I certainly can't be falling off any balconies or... I mean, abseiling off the sides of buildings. This is stupid! How do they expect me to do this in so much wind, and without any training or practice. When do I get a safety demonstration or, or a... a practice run? VR simulation?
Instructor #2: Are you stalling?
Sean: Falling?! I'm not falling! Don't mention falling! Oh, damn that's a long way down. I should not have looked down.
Instructor #2: Don't worry, it should only take you a few minutes or less depending on your own speed and confidence.
Sean: Confidence what confidence?! This isn't the shit I signed up for, man!... Look! Is this safe or not?! I can't be risking my life here.
Instructor #1: It is safe. We all work here full-time, we've been trained and each of us have done this course hundreds of times. There is nothing unsafe about this procedure except if you purposefully make it.
Sean: Right...
Sean: But I know from experiences... Accidents still happen...
*Sean takes audibly deep breaths*
Sean: I can do this... Maybe... No! I can do this! I can overcome this and show my girls that their dad still has strength in him that will carry us all through life... I can do this.
Instructor #3: Alright, Sean. We're going to harness you up and do our final safety checks. Once completed, you're good to start your way down.
Sean: Alright... *whispering to self* I can do this.
Sean: I've got this!
Tristan: Oh gosh no! He's actually hanging off the edge now!
Kayle: Hey! I used to work there!
Emery: Why is Sean so afraid of falling? What accidents?
Tristan: As close as we were, hunneh... That boy and me, never talked about that, sadly.
Emery: Strange, I can't say I've heard anything about that at all.
*A loud banging noise is heard through the door*
Kayle: Come in?
Emery: Who is that?
???: OPEN UP!!! I know you're in there!
Rebecca: Oh god! I hope that isn't...
Officer: Aha! There you are! I finally found you!
Rebecca: Wh-who?
Officer: Emery Ring, you're under arrest!
All: WHAT?!
Officer: For fraudulent behaviour, grand larceny, breaking and entering... The list goes on!
Rebecca: Holy heck! Is this true?!
Emery: I didn't do anything! I have no idea what you're talking about!
Officer: We've found you guilty on all accounts and suspect much much more! We've been onto you for years and we've finally managed to track you down to this address.
Tristan: Hunny, we've been on TV for over a month now. What took ya?
Emery: I didn't do it! YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!
Officer: You can't run from me!
Emery: Just watch me!!!
Officer: Open up, Emery. We've got you surrounded! The game is up!
Emery: Pfft surrounded? It's only one door! You can't get to me through a locked door! Plus, there's only one of you!
A 2nd Officer: How can you be so sure?
Emery: Oh... I didn't think this through. Fine. I'll come peacefully... Before I hurt myself.
Vanessa: What the heck just happened?!
Tristan: We missed Sean's abseiling! Crap!
Vanessa: Ah pooperscoopers!
Fabian: *snorts* That's the funniest thing you've said since you got dressed up!
Rebecca: You don't think that was all, real... Do you?
Fabian: Our Emery wouldn't do all that jazz, he probably just has a fear of the police... You know... Because of...
Rebecca: Do not finish that thought or I will end you!
Fabian: What?! It's a real issue and we need to talk about it.
Rebecca: No, I know but right now isn't a-
Julia: Rebecca... Please come to the Diary Room.
Rebecca: Well... Wish me luck for whatever is on the other side of this door.
Tristan: You got this Re-Re! Show them what us gurls are made of! Girl power, babe!
Julia: Hello, Rebecca.
Rebecca: Hi Jules... I don't mean to be rude, but can we get this over with please. I'm against all this. It's just not right.
Julia: I understand... Personally, I don't like it either. But we're respecting the word of Germy on his exit.
Rebecca: So what have you got for me? Whatever it is, I guarantee I've had worse! I can take it. Throw it at me.
Julia: Though the door into the Arena, you'll find your challenge. Brave it when you're ready.
Rebecca: Challenge, hey... I can overcome anything. *takes a breath of confidence* I got this.
Rebecca: This isn't what I exp-... No... NO!!!
Nicholas: Hello, Rebecca. My... Daughter...
Rebecca: *shivers* Oh no, oh no no no no no. This has GOT to be a joke, you know like a bad imitation of him, right? RIGHT?!?! *Rebecca turns back and slams the door*
Rebecca: ARGH! Why the actual flying f**k would the production send him here? How many times do I have to repeat that this man is vile, cunning and extremely unpredictable?
Rebecca: How many times do I have to run away from places I love in order to escape being captured again?!
Rebecca: *begins to tear up* I've put the chair in front of the door. I can't go in there again and he can't come out! He knows about my past with drugs and crime, my boyfriend, how I talked badly about him and now that I'm pregnant! If I go out there, he will either kill me or force me out off this show and the roller coaster of disaster will reopen again.
Rebecca: NEVER!!! Ugh, why couldn't th-... Why couldn't they just... bring in a da-... damn spi-... der...
*Rebecca collapses out of stress*
Rebecca: Ugh... My head. What the heck ha-happened?
Rebecca: Oh my god! I just had the worst f***ing nightmare! Wait... Wh-where am I?
Tristan: You're in the DR. They sent me in here to make sure you were alright!
Rebecca: No! Not if this is real! I'm anything but f***ing alright!
Tristan: I know. Don't worry. The producers have had their words and he can't do anything to you. You're not leaving the show.
Tristan: Fabian is ready to knock his lights out, but production said it's best to keep them far apart.
Rebecca: What if he assaults me?!
Tristan: He can't touch you. The whole world would be in anger at the guy who abused his daughter on international television... Trust me. You can face him.
Nicholas: I can hear you f***ers through the door! Rebecca, You brought dishonour to my Family name AND my Business, and for that you'll gonna pay a big price, you accident of a daughter.
Tristan: Show him what you're made of. Stand up to him... The Rebecca I know is the strongest woman in television!
Rebecca: Damn right, I am.
Rebecca: I've been taking his bull**** for too long! You know what?!?!
Rebecca: You know WHAT?!?! F**K THIS CR*P!!! I have ENOUGH of you belittling me! You have NO right to call me that!
Nicholas: EXCUSE ME?!?! What exactly do you think you are doing?
Rebecca: Standing up for myself against you, thats what! I am sick and tired from running away! Now YOU listen!
Nicholas: HUH?!? How dare y...
Rebecca. ZIP IT!
Rebecca: You've already said enough for 8 years where I had to endure your bitterness. 8 years of slavery, 8 years of accusing me for being responsible for mums death.
Rebecca: 8 F**KING YEARS OF YOU TREATING MY LIKE NOTHING BUT TRASH AND MAKING MY CHILDHOOD MISERABLE!!! I get that you are sad about her passing, I really do, but none of this excuses the way you've been treating me. Your ego, anger and position made you a monster! You are nothing but a filthy criminal.
Nicholas: And now Miss President of Reality TV is talking! Do I need to remind you who committed herself to drugs, alcohol and crime, huh? Who is the pest that is going around this country!
Rebecca: Oh yeah, granted I've done some bad, maybe even horrible things in the past, but maybe you might to reconsider what you just said because YOU were the one who has driven me out of there!
Nicholas: Try me!
Rebecca: YOU did the worst thing a parent could do to their own children: Making me feel unsafe in my own home. You were supposed to be there for me after mum died, but all you cared about was yourself. You made me endure the worst 8 years of my life. The gangs that brought me to the criminal path were the first people after mum’s death who gave me a safe space. I finally felt like a human being. Like I belong somewhere! Like I'm worth something!
Rebecca: And although I will NEVER go back to my past as a criminal ever again, I'm still thankful for that up to this day. I've learned from my mistakes, something YOU are still lacking up to this very moment you are standing in front of me. And I don't care anymore what you think about me!
Rebecca: Yes, I have done horrible things in my teenage years. Yes, I have met a boyfriend on a reality show. Yes, I basically sold my soul for Reality TV and Social Media. And yes, I will be a mother without even being married.
Spoiler alert: You will never meet him or her. And you know what else? Yes, I'm Rebecca Pierce! And I am proud being me!
Rebecca: And now, get the h*ll out of this show and never return! And if you don't do so, I WILL CALL THE F**KING COPS!!!
Nicholas: ...
*The door slams behind Rebecca*
Rebecca: Damn it feels good to FINALLY get that off my chest!
Tristan: Damn right. I'm proud of you. The world is proud of you.
Rebecca: I need to go lay down.
Fabian: Well well well... And then there were two.
Kayle: Three...
Fabian: Just you and me, clownie.
Fabian: And just me left for a punishment... Oh boy... Not looking forward to this one.
Kayle: Yeah... They're... Brutal, alright.
Kayle: So this is what it feels like to be forgotten about, hey?
Vanessa: I'm sure it won't totally be as bad as like, some of the others.
Fabian: You'd think that, but... I know what my fear is, and it's pretty horrible to deal with.
Vanessa: Really? Will you be alright?
Fabian: Would you look at that? That costume is already humbling you more than you know!
Vanessa: Humbling me? O-oh... I mean I guess.
Fabian: Hey, at least I got your clown shoes to cheer me up after! Bahaha!
Vanessa: Watch it! They might just kick you where it hurts!
Julia: Fabian, please come to the Diary Room.
Fabian: Well, this is it! Wish me luck!
Fabian: Wait... This isn't the Diary Room? What the hell?!
Fabian: Wait this looks like... It can't... It's impossible! They wouldn't!!!
Fabian: A big chair?!
Fabian: Extracting utensils?!
Fabian: Teeth X-Rays!?
Fabian: Tooth brushes?!
Fabian: And... And?!
Dentist: Hello Fabian! Welcome to my office!
Fabian: *screams like a girl* Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
Fabian: No no no no no! Let me out! Let me out of here! This man is crazy! He's gonna rip all my teeth out or something horrific!
Dentist: I promise I will NOT rip all your teeth out.
Fabian: That's what they all said! But you can never trust a dentist... NEVER!
Dentist: You know... If you get through my checkup, you can get a lollipop!
Fabian: That doesn't work on me!
Dentist: What about TWO lollipops?!
Fabian: Double it?!
Dentist: Four?!
Fabian: MORE!
Dentist: Whatever you say, Fabian.
Dentist: I'll give you a whole jar of lollipops, Fabian. As long as you come sit in this comfortable chair, open wide, and let me look at your teeth for a few minutes.
Fabian: ... F*** it... Deal!
Rebecca: I wonder what Fabian is up to...
Tristan: I bet he's having a gay ol' time, yass!
Vanessa: Is this over soon?
Tristan: *sighs*... Not soon enough.
Rebecca: You doing okay, Rox?
Roxy: Yeah... Just a little sad... Okay... A LOT sad.
Rebecca: You'll get through this.
Fabian: Guess what guys! I totally survived my dentist appointment... And I enjoyed it so much that I didn't even remember about the lollipop jar reward! How great of a challenge is this?!
Fabian: ... What... No one enjoyed this?... Really?
Kayle: This is the worst day of my life... Worse than when I didn't win Locked...
Fabian: Well, everyone's been through their challenges, right? Should be over soon and we can all get on with our lives, eh!
Julia: Housemates! I hope you all feel comfort knowing that today's handing out of gruelling challenges are officially over!
Tristan: Phew... I can't wait to get out of this trip down nightmare lane.
Julia: But before we return back to normal...
Vanessa: Oh come on!
Julia: We have a nomination ceremony to attend to!
All: What?!
Rebecca: But Sean, Emery and Kayle aren't back yet!
Kayle: You know I'm right here! I know you know that I know you know that I know you know!
Julia: The missing housemates are still able to be nominated, they are not immune.
Tristan: Julia, I haven't had any time for strategy talk or anything concerning nominees this week because of today's events.
Julia: Just another nightmare of a situation to top it all off. Sadly, Tristan, nominations need to be made by the end of this ceremony.
Tristan: Aww man... What do I do? What do I do?! Uhh... Okay... Rrrrrrrr....
Tristan: Well, on such short notice and without deliberation with anyone in the house... My first nominee will have to be...
Tristan: ROXY!
Roxy: Ugh... I am so sick of this torturous game. Why is it always me?
Tristan: I'm sorry, girl.
Roxy: You know I've been nominated every week since Paige left, right?! Give a girl a f***ing break!
Tristan: Rox... I'm sorry. I have to do what I have to do.
Tristan: For my second nomination, I'm choosing to nominate...
Tristan: SEAN!
Tristan: Who is not here at the moment.
Julia: Thank you Tristan, the nomination ceremony is complete. Roxy and Sean are the nominees for the week. Germy's Eviction Aftermath is over, as are all of your punishments. I will see you all again soon for the PoP Challenge! Goodnight housemates.
Roxy: This whole season has been nothing but painful for me. From losing Henry, to being nominated a whole four weeks in a row, to losing Henry again for a stupid challenge?! How much worse can it get for me here?! Why am I such a target for these things... *starts to cry* I don't understand?!... But if I don't get power on my side, I think this might be the end of me in this game.
Sean: Hey guys! You will NEVER believe the feats that I've accomplished today, they were totally wicked! Never have I felt so much fear turned into so much adrenaline before... It was wild...
Sean: Totally wil-... Wait... What the heck are you wearing and why the hell did you nominate ME?!
Tristan: Sean, I-...
Sean: Forget it, Tristan! I don't wanna hear your reasons!
Tristan: Okay, Vanessa might be a clown, but that timing is so much funnier than anything I've ever witnessed in my life! Bahaha...
Sean: So after that adrenaline fuelled climb down the side of a building, I had time to reflect on my past, my fears, my family, and this game... And in that time, I thought about Tristan and how I'd acted toward him... I thought, when I get back, I'd be the better man and listen to his side of the story before casting judgement... AND THEN HE GOES AND NOMINATES ME!!! God ****ing dammit. I don't know where I stand with him anymore. I don't know where I stand in this HOUSE anymore. But it's time I start living, and it's time I start playing... And start playing HARD!
Arthur Nutt - Turner - 3rd Evicted (11th Place)
Emery Ring - Lovesstorms
Fabian Romero - Smarties100
Jeremy Yuka - Twiddle3 - 5th Evicted (9th Place)
Kayle McCarther - Ninjakid150
Paige Morgan - Alleenmens - 2nd Evicted (12th Place)
Rebecca Pierce - YJB19299
Roxy Callahan - Kaliko103
Sean Sierra - Tigerblu11
Shannon Mackmilton - Penguinwa101 - 4th Evicted (10th Place)
Sonia Jobs - x_MG_x - 1st Evicted (13th Place)
Tristan Van Gould - M13Vulpecula
Vanessa Tomaz - Nani