Episode 16:
Fourth Eviction, Fifth HoH
Julia: Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached the end of a very tense week here in Zero Privacy. Week 4 comes to an end with yet another eviction and another housemate packing their bags and going home.
Julia: It was second time HoH, Rebecca, who claimed the title of HoH this week, nominating block veteran Roxy for eviction, alongside first time nominee, Germy, who finally has shown his first attempts at playing the game.
Julia: But after weeks of the ball being in the so-called "Power Duo's" court, the PoP streak was finally broken, as Kayle was able to get her first PoP victory. However, she couldn't decide who to use it on, and the final nominees this week are Roxy and Germy.
Julia: With 4 housemates gone, and 1 more going tonight, we're left with only 8... Speaking of 8, soon there AIN'T going to be nothing left but...
Julia: As I say every week, it's been a loooooooooong week this week. This week has been full of fights, bites and a whole lot of long nights!
Julia: But tonight, knowledgeable klutz Roxy, or Germaphobe Germy, will be leaving the house and ending the week with an Eviction Aftermath bang! One only recently getting into the game, and the other has been nominated so often, that she never really gets the chance to play.
Julia: Who will the house vote to evict? Which ally in the newly forming manhunt alliance will be cut loose? Will this be Roxy's last chance to survive the block? Or will Germy's game be cut short, just as it began?
Julia: We'll answer those questions later tonight, but for now, let's have a look at the events of the end of the week leading up to tonight. We start tonight with Kayle, revelling in her victory in the PoP. Let's watch.
Kayle: Keys! Keys! Keys! I won a competition and I just got told of this super duper secret hidden secret spy-like twist! I gotta get me one of those keys! It's like Locked all over again... Only I hope I win this time.
Tristan: "I've thought about what Sean said and... I think I should watch my back now, because people are throwing targets on me by spreading rumours. I know what I was doing there, and Rebecca knows as well, as my ally and fellow member of the key twist. Which means.. I should tell my key adventure to the other comp winners, as only they know of the twist's existence.
I think I got Kayle on my side since we're both vets. So.. I have to approach Fabian."
*Tristan strums the guitar in a soft tune*
Tristan: ♫Hmmm... Bababummmm...♪
Tristan: *sighs* It's music like this I want in my house 24/7. Soft, melodical, relaxing. It really gets me in the right mood.
*Rebecca spits out some toothpaste with a loud noise*
Tristan: Woah! What was that?
Rebecca: Ew... That totally ruined the mood. Sorry.
Rebecca: I really love the sound of an acoustic guitar. I'm actually thinking of taking up lessons when I get home. I think it'd impress Aaron.
Tristan: I hope you didn't want it to be a surprise for him.
Rebecca: Oh please, nothing is a surprise after this show. I never though to take the term "Zero Privacy" so seriously.
Fabian: Woah! Sweet tunes, my dudes...
Tristan: Oh, hey Fabian. Glad you're here, actually!
Fabian: Oh, sorry. Was I supposed to knock first?
Rebecca: Uh... Yes...? There is a bathroom in here. Who knows what could have been going on behind the door.
Fabian: Well, I heard the soothing music. Either it was fine to come in, or someone needed help to relax for taking a dump on the can.
Rebecca: And you thought it was fine?
Fabian: Well, I heard that this new juice I tried could-...
Rebecca: ... You know what, nevermind. I don't want to know. Just please knock next time.
Fabian: Know any sea shanties?
Tristan: Not on guitar I don't... But I DO know how to play the blues.
Fabian: Eh. The ocean is blue... I guess I'll take it.
Tristan: Actually, I wanted to talk to you.
Fabian: Oh yeah? Shoot!
Tristan: It's about this whole manhunt for the saboteur going on. I know what people have been saying.
Fabian: Oh, you mean how everyone's calling you the saboteur because they saw you snooping around other people's stuff. And that you're a lowlife sack of buttcakes, and that the whole house wants you gone next week as punishment? You mean that ol' seashell?
Tristan: Buttcakes?! What the hell?! Who said that?
Fabian: I dunno... I'm sure someone did.
Rebecca: You do know that Tristan is innocent, right? That the only reason he was "snooping around" so much is because of the key twist that only us three, and now Kayle know about.
Fabian: Oh, for sure! I knew about that for weeks. I've never been able to find a darn key, but then again I can't tell people about it who don't already know.
Fabian: You know the trouble I'd get in if I let out that secret, right?
Rebecca: Yeah... Force elimination.
Fabian: So, what do you expect ME to do for you? Say that you didn't snoop around, because as far as I know I wasn't there and Emery caught you red-handed, bro!
Tristan: You can at least convince them that I'm not so bad! Because I'm not the bad guy here! I'm not a saboteur! And if anything, I'm the victim here and I don't deserve this kind of treatment from everyone for being in the wrong place at the wrong time because of this secret twist.
Fabian: No, I know. And neither does Rebecca.
Rebecca: Thank you! I'm glad someone finally sees it.
Tristan: You HAVE got to stick up for us. I'm asking you as a fellow comp winner, and as a friend.
Fabian: The thing is, as much as I love you guys, the house has gone into a whirlpool with accusations against Tristan. Most of the theories and speculation isn't true at all, but I ain't putting my ass on the line and risking force elimination to shut it down. They can't know about the key twist, so I can't back you up and since you two are in the eyes of the entire house, I frankly can't be seen to be on board with a sinking ship.
Fabian: I'm not against you, but sorry lads, I can't sit here and fix all the problems for you. That's something you've got to do on your own. I suggest you stop alienating the house by always being with each other 24/7, and start shutting down this manhunt one person at a time.
Rebecca: Hmm... That would help a lot.
Tristan: We'd appreciate you being on our side, though... Even if you're just blending in with the crowd.
Rebecca: Welp, I guess I knew what was coming to me: The Revolution against Tris and Me. I don't mean to be rude or something, but I am surprised how long it took them to figure out that Tris and I are in an alliance, I always thought that this was an obvious move. Only downside now: Thanks to Vanessa and Emery, Tristan is now National Enemy No. 1 in the house. It seems like by now I'm the only one who believes in Tristan’s innocence. And I'm 100% certain that I'm the only one with 100% proof for my reasoning, but unfortunately, I can't tell anyone about that because if I tell them about the key Twist, I'll be force-eliminated. If only I could at least talk with Sean about it. It really breaks my own heart that Tris and Sean are Fighting so bad just because Vanessa wants to have her 5 minutes of non-existent fame. I just wish he would talk to me at least, I mean I did nothing wrong, all I ever been is honest to everybody. It kills me that People take my Actions personally just because I am trying to win this game. And now Germy even insulted me as an Evil Bacteria. I always try to be a tough Woman, especially in this game, and I get that I'm a threat to most of my fellow contestants, but why does it always have to end in People hating you for just being good or having good luck in challenges. Well, I know I said this place is like Family, and I'm still Standing to my opinion...we are a giant mess of a dysfunctional Family...
Germy: W-well... I-I can't wait any l-longer for this... This is of the utmost importance! We HAVE to remove the cancerous germs of this house! We all have a common enemy, a dictatorship, a disease, an infection upon our humble community and I, Hiroaki, will not stand for this! I will be your saviour!
Sean: Uh, Germy. That's very poetic, but I have a few questions. Firstly, who is Hiroaki?
Roxy: *giggles* It's the name of his character, silly!
Sean: Oh, right. My bad... Continue.
Germy: Like I was saying... We got a big problem in this house and we need to unite against it. That's why I've gathered you all here today.
Kayle: I legitimately thought we were here to play charades. I've been pitching it since we walked in the doors...
Germy: No. We're here as a meeting against the big threats in this game. Tristan and Rebecca, the Power Duo, who have systematically being attacking and eliminating us all, one by one, like an infection attacking the liver!
Germy: Shoo ZP, you evil fiend! I have bigger germs to fry today!
ZP: *hisses as he walks passed Germy*
Germy: You are no match for me anymore, mortal. For I am Hiroaki! Defender of the weak immune, fighter against literal plagues of evil, and all-round heroic!.. I also have a black belt in karate!
Roxy: Stop being mean to ZP! He's a gem! If you lay a hand on him, I'll karate you!
Germy: Alright, all jokes aside we have a serious issue. The power duo has been in dictatorship mode for far too long and it's getting to the point of the game where if we don't do something about it, one of them is going to win this season. I, personally, didn't come here for second place.
Sean: What did you come here for? From what I recall, you didn't even sign up yourself.
Germy: ... Dude.
Sean: Sorry. That came out WAY more harsh than I expected.
Germy: Whose side are you on?
Sean: With how things have been going recently, my only option is to be one this side. You're right, the power alliance, which I will admit, I was a part of, is taking over this game. But with Tristan as a saboteur, and both of them as competition beasts, the only way ANY of us have a shot at winning is to band together.
Germy: That's what I was just saying... Why aren't you listening to me?!
Kayle: Oogaboogabooga!
ZP: Roaww!
Vanessa: We like, totally are listening to you... But you're just saying a bunch of like... Whatever.
Vanessa: What we totally need is like... a... What's the word for the thing?
Kayle: A plan?
Vanessa: Yeah! Totally! We need a plan to like get Tristan out already. He's like totally not like someone who deserves to win. Like, I totally deserve to win over him!
Vanessa: Vanessa Diva ONLY comes in first, and I do NOT go down without a fight. So just watch me! I'll single-handly take down that alliance. I promise you! They will GO DOWN!!!
Germy: I admire your enthusiasm. The both of you would make great warriors for my upcoming-... Nevermind, no spoilers!... Roxy, you in?
Roxy: Uh, yeah totally! I've been nominated three times by those two. It's the worst!
Germy: Good. With Emery and Fabian on board, that's all of us!
Germy: Ladies and gentlemen, it's time that we TAKE...
Emery: I'm back with news. Oh, and where did your stutter go?
Germy: Oh... Oh yeah. I totally didn't even notice that I wasn't struggling to speak!
Sean: I didn't notice either. You must've found your voice, Germy. You got your confidence back, dude.
Emery: So! I was listening out through the door of the HoH room like Fabian said, after he was called to talk with the Power Couple.
Germy: And what were they talking about?
Emery: Basically, they want Fabian to help convince us that Tristan ISN'T a saboteur, and that they've done absolutely nothing wrong. But Fabian knows better than to fall for their schemes and he knows that they only have power because we've let them. If we don't let them, they don't have the power to send us home one by one.
Emery: Right now, it's seven against two, we have the numbers. We can take them down, and one of us might actually win.
Kayle: There is SOOOOO much more strategy in this season of Zero Privacy than I could ever imagine! At least in Locked, everyone was mostly just enjoying the adventure... Right now... I have to make a huge decision! Do I side with the Veterans who never include me as a Veteran? Or do I side with the Newbies, who don't remember that I'm a Veteran?... It's like I'm not even here!
Oh my god.... AM I INVISIBLE... AGAIN?!
Germy: Thank you for your intel, soldier. The world thanks you for bravery.
Emery: Uhh.... Thanks?... I did accidentally bump the door a few times, so I guess it was kinda brave of me!
Roxy: *whispering* Psst... Sean.
Sean: *whispering back* Hmm? What's up?
Roxy: Am I safe tonight? From the vote?
Roxy: I really don't wanna go home and all this talking is making me kinda nervous. I just wanna know, am I safe? Will you vote to keep me here?
Sean: Umm... Well...
Roxy: Please, Sean. I really need people on my side right now.
Sean: You've got nothing to worry about. Trust me. Germy has only started playing the game in the last 48 hours. You've been struggling and building friendships all season.
Roxy: Yeah, but look at him...
Roxy: Look at THEM... Even Emery is more on Germy's side right now. Everyone is looking to Germy for guidance, and he's the other nominee this week.
Roxy: If he's the leader of this... Rebellion. Then, where do I stand with everyone?
Sean: Don't worry about him. I've always seen you as more of the rebel anyway...
Roxy: *Roxy giggles*... You think that I'M a rebel? Me? Of all people.
Sean: Okay, Haha... Maybe not a 'rebel', but you could always get a piercing or shave your head if you want to be noticed more.
Roxy: *giggles again* Totally... Let me just go shave my head real quick before the eviction.
Vanessa: *glares*
Vanessa: Um! Who does she, like, think she is?! Giggling and whispering to Sean in front of everyone! She's totally trying to steal him from me! Umm, hands off, girl! Can't you see he's like totally not interested in you! Ugh! Like, back off s***! Sean only wants ME!
Julia: Oh dear... THAT'S where we left off with the end of week footage? This is supposed to be a live, family-friendly show tonight, guys. We really need to work on our manners here.
Julia: It's week 4 here on Zero Privacy, so we thought we'd spice things up a little bit. Not with a twist this time, but instead we'd like to introduce a special guest to the stage.
Julia: Please welcome to the stage, my close personal friend and host of the hit game show, Abnormality, it's the one and only...
Julia: Even Stevens!
Even: It's great to be here, Julia. First hosting a PoP, and now on the main stage? What's next, hosting Zero Privacy Season 3?
Julia: Hey! Don't you have your own show to host already?!
Even: Gotta do what I have to pay the bills, Jules!
Julia: It's lovely to see you, again.
Even: It's lovely to be here, thank you for inviting me.
Julia: Now Even.
Even: Now Julia.
Julia: You host a similar styled show to Zero Privacy, Abnormality, which follows the same basic formats we use here. You've hosted four seasons now, correct?
Even: Four and a few more!
Julia: So you've seen all sorts of players and strategies from your show. What are your thoughts on this season so far? How do you think it ranks in what you've seen and what you know?
Even: I've been watching this season from the start, and I have to say this is one of the best casts since Abnormality Season 3! There's been so much personality, so many events and so many twists and turns, it's hard to keep up sometimes!
Julia: And who would you say is a favourite amongst this cast? Who is playing well? Who do you think will win this game?
Even: Well, I can't go without saying that I am a huge Tristan and Rebecca fan, and that's not just cause they're Abnormality veterans! Their friendship through adversity is something we all can take away from this season, and they are kicking butt in the challenges.
Even: But I don't play favourites. I do love all of them dearly. I know the audience has grown to love each of the housemates this season... If I had to pick a winner, I'd have to go with maybe Fabian or Sean. Both of them have been playing an excellent social game.
Even: I think they're both in good spots, right in the middle of the two alliances. So I think one of those guys might take the biscuit!
Julia: But of course, we don't play favourites here, do we.
Even: Never! Everyone's got a chance and I'm keen for the journey for whoever will win!
Julia: I'm excited for that for Abnormality Season 4! Check it out over on the Smarties100 Channel... Just not right now. We've got an eviction to do!
Julia: Let's head over to the house for the live eviction where either Roxy or Germy will be sent to join us here as an evictee on the Main Stage!
Julia: Hello housemates! How are we all feeling tonight?
Everyone: Hi Julia.
Someone: Nervous!
Julia: I bet!
Julia: As you are all very well aware, each week we must say goodbye to one of our two nominees, and this week Roxy and Germy find themselves on the block for possible eviction.
Julia: Rebecca, as the current HoH, you will only vote to evict either Roxy or Germy in the event of a tie. As for everyone else, it takes only 4 votes for majority to evict this week. But first, I would like to ask the two nominees to stand, face their fellow housemates and make a quick plea for safety.
Julia: Ladies first, Roxy.
Roxy: Well, this is my third time as nominee, so there isn't too much for me to say that I haven't said already. Haha. I love you all to bits! You have made this an amazing experience for me and I truly call each and every one of you my friends! I have so much more fight in me, and I would really appreciate your vote to stay! I love you! Thank you.
Julia: Thank you, Roxy. Germy?
Germy: Well, as Sean expertly put it, I think I got my voice back, so thank you for that... But a special full of butterflies and rainbows isn't my thing, I am here on a mission. As the great Hiroaki, defender of the good, the righteous and weak immune, would put it, we have a great plague before us that we, as samurais, must defeat! I urge you to join me, and stand up against the evil power lurking among us! Vote for me to stay, and I will be your leader!
Julia: Thank you, Germy.
Julia: With that, it is time to vote! It takes 4 votes to evict and tonight, Vanessa, you are up first.
Vanessa: Yasss queen!
Vanessa: I vote to evict _____, they have no reason to be here! And they're so annoying, honestly. Just go home.
Fabian: I vote to evict _____. I'm not sure if you want to be here anymore, you seem to have given up- so in that case, I think it would be fair to send you home instead of someone who wants to be here.
Tristan: I unfortunately have to vote to evict _____.
Emery: I vote to evict _____ because they don't offer much to me.
Sean: I vote to evict _____, unfortunately, because someone’s gotta go and as hard a decision as this is, it’s gonna be you. Wish you all the best, but this is the game, and you’re on the chopping block. Sorry!
Kayle: I vote to evict _____ cause when I had a dream the other night, I saw Taiha and she said that if I wanted another key for the Locked Board, I should vote this way! And well... She hasn't lead me wrong before... Except when I didn't pick the winning key for Locked.
Julia: The votes have been cast and verified and one of the two nominees is about to be evicted. I will now reveal the vote.
Julia: Roxy. Germy. By a vote of 5 - 1...
Julia: Germy! You have been evicted from the Zero Privacy house!
Germy: Well... Good luck with taking out that plague, you filthy animals!
Julia: Germy, you have ten seconds to say your goodbyes and exit the house through the Diary Room door.
Germy: Goodbye, everyone. I hope to barely see most of you on the outside.
Kayle: Germy wait!
Germy: Oh god.
Kayle: I have something super duper important to ask before you go!
Germy: I've already been evicted, there isn't anything more you can ask of me. I'm literally a metre away from the exit door.
Kayle: I wanted to ask... Can I have that hug?
Germy: O-oh...
Kayle: It's now or never.
Germy: You know what... **** it.
Kayle: OMGOMGOMG! He's actually doing it! Guys guys guys! This is actually happening!
Jeremy Yuka - 5th Evicted Housemate
Julia: Congratulations Roxy, you have survived yet another eviction. You have quite the record growing. Thank you housemates, I will return to you shortly for Germy's Eviction Aftermath, and for your fifth HoH competition.
Julia: Who knew the self-proclaimed leader of the rebellion would be going home so quickly after his first rally? With 5 votes to evict, Jeremy Yuka, also known as Germy will be joining us shortly here on the Main Stage!
Julia: And here he is now!
*The crowd clap and cheer*
Julia: You know him as a compulsive cleaner, a man who is mad for manga, and the house's resident germaphobe...
Julia: Please put your hands together as he joins us on the stage, in 9th place and the 5th evicted housemate, GERMY!!!
*The audience cheers loudly*
Julia: Welcome Germy, I have a question to ask you.
Germy: Let me guess, you want a hug too.
Julia: How did you know?!
Julia: Oh Germy, that is the best hug I've had all season!... Please, have a seat.
Julia: Now, you've gone on quite the journey throughout this season.
Germy: It's been a wild ride.
Julia: You started off, as someone almost 'forced' to be in the house. You hid away from your housemates, but tonight we saw you as a bit of a leader. Do you think being in the Zero Privacy house changed you, in some way?
Germy: You know, I think it definitely did. It taught me how to be more comfortable around others, and it took me a month to finally feel that. But the thing that changed most about myself, was my confidence. My fear no longer dictates me, I control how I handle my fears, and I can be stronger and more open and still feel safe and comfortable. So I definitely changed in that way.
Julia: That's the kind of changes we love to hear from the house, but we're sad the million dollars didn't get to be another change for you.
Germy: So there isn't a comeback twist? I can't go back in and try again?
Julia: Oh, so now you WANT to go into the house. Sorry Germy, there isn't any returning players this season!
Germy: I wish I had played the game sooner, from the start. I think I could have rallied the house to be on my side.
Julia: Now, speaking of that, we did see you rally the house tonight. Yet you had 5 votes to evict you. Where do you think it all fell apart?
Germy: Tristan and Rebecca are running the house, whether people see it or not. With their power, everyone wants to be on their side, even if they say they don't. If they aren't on their side, Roxy had a better relationship with them. I think it was a case of, too little too late.
Germy: Had I rallied troops earlier, I think people would have felt more confident going against Tristan and Rebecca, possibly even using the PoP as a tool. But I just didn't feel comfortable in the house until I realised that I had the power to control my own destiny, like the great Hiroaki! Overall, I wish I could do it all over again.
Julia: And so do we! We loved having you in the house, Germy.
Germy: Is it time for my aftermath?
Julia: It is indeed. Let's head to the house and drop Germy's Eviction Aftermath bombshell!
Germy: Greetings, housemates. I've been expecting you... I mean... You've been expecting me... Damn it. Can we restart? No?
Germy: Firstly, I would like to give my advantage to Fabian for the next HoH Competition.
Fabian: Oh neat! Thanks, bud!
Germy: For my Eviction Aftermath, I would like to force everyone to face their fears and be put out of their comfort zone much like I had to in the house as a punishment.
Someone: What?!
Someone else: No, please! That's not nice!
Germy: I am doing this for your own self building... And as punishment for all the germs, I don't like. It'll help you grow as a person, or shrink as a mutated bacteria. Your call. Goodbye housemates.
Julia: There we are. Fabian will receive an advantage in the next HoH Challenge, and sometime next week each of you will be facing a fear of yours. But for now, I would like all of you, except the outgoing HoH, Rebecca, to head to the Arena for the next HoH Challenge!
Emery: Oh wow. This is like a primary school class room.
Tristan: Anyone else getting some extreme déjà vu?
Vanessa: Ew. School? Lame!
Julia: Housemates, welcome to the fifth HoH Competition. This competition is called "Where in the World?"
Julia: Firsly, class, each of you will be asked to take a seat at your study desks.
Emery: O-ok... But we gotta move some chairs. We're not all that small.
Fabian: Hey! Is that a fat joke?!
Emery: Wha?! N-no!
Julia: Fabian, as the receiver of Germy's Eviction Aftermath advantage, you will be placed in the comfortable teacher's chair, facing the class and being able to read off their expressions and pen movements... It's not cheating if we allow it!
Fabian: Sweet... Hey hey! I saw you mouthing F You, Vanessa!
Vanessa: Um. But I didn't, I totally said nothing!
Fabian: Hey, I could definitely be a teacher. I like this privilege.
Roxy: That is NOT what being a teacher is about!
Julia: In front of each of you, you will find a challenge book, which will contain some blurry pictures of geographical features and landmarks.
Vanessa: Geo- what now?
Tristan: Buildings and mountains and things.
Vanessa: Oh, why didn't you like just say like... Things and stuff.
Julia: The person who can successfully decipher and name each of the places show in the pictures and hand in their homework will win and become the fifth HoH! Any questions?
Julia: The exam st-
Fabian: Starts now!
Julia: Fabian, you're not a real teacher!
Fabian: Damn.
Vanessa: Psst... What's the answers?... Anyone? Please?!
Fabian: Shhh! This is an exam!
Julia: Fabian! This is an exam!
Fabian: Oh, right... Sorry.
Kayle: Okay, words... Sing the song of my people and give the information to me!
Roxy: Oooh. That's this place... Which is innnnn... France?!.... Oh. I shouldn't have said that so loud.
Sean: Never have I felt so incompetent in front of a book before. Usually this is my jam. But I can't seem to think of many answers. Grrr...
Emery: I've never seen this place in my life... Or maybe I just need new glasses. I wonder where I could get some around he-... Nevermind.
Tristan: I am so glad I did that bit of travelling after Abnormality. I've visited a few of these places before, and that helps a lot!
Fabian: Uhhh....... Is that an animal? Oh wait... These are all places?... **** me.
Julia: Fabian, language! We are live!
Fabian: Sorry, my bad... Hey everyone. Since we're all speaking, do you mind if you speak louder so I can get the answers?
Julia: Time is up... And the scores are as follows!
??? - 15
??? - 15
??? - 15
??? - 14
??? - 13
??? - 10
??? - 8
Julia: It seems that we have a three way tie for first place, which means that the following people can stay after class for the tiebreaker challenge. Those people are...
Julia: Tristan...
Tristan: What can I say, the travel helped!
Julia: Kayle...
Kayle: ...And Julia!
Julia: ... And Roxy!
Roxy: Who me?! I didn't think I know like any... Must have been some dumb luck!
Julia: Everyone else, you may leave the classroom and the Arena! To the remaining three, in the back of your books is a tiebreaker question about the application process you all went through to be here. The closest answer, without going over, will win the title of HoH!
Tristan: In total, how many words were in total on the application form all 13 housemates filled out before being here... Hmm... How about this?
*Tristan writes an answer*
Kayle: Well, at least 4 words... Maybe... Unless you don't count Arthur, then perhaps 3... So I'd say this number.
*Kayle writes a number*
Roxy: Alright, if I average it out between all 13 housemates based on what I remember from mine, I'm sure I'll reach around about the right answer.
*Roxy writes a number*
Julia: The answers are all submitted, the correct answer was 4735 words! Which means that the closest person to the correct number and the new HoH is...
Julia: Congratulations Tristan, you are the new HoH!
Tristan: Oh wow! HoH for the third time in one season?! That's incredible!
Julia: For the third time, you will be moving into the HoH room and will enjoy the luxuries of the HoH, as well as the power to nominate two housemates for eviction this week.
Tristan: Awesome! I've set a new record, I think!
Julia: Thank you housemates, I will see you next time for the nomination ceremony! Goodnight housemates!
Tristan - 15 (3586)
Roxy - 15 (3250)
Kayle - 15 (1752)
Vanessa - 14
Emery - 13
Sean - 10
Fabian - 5 (+3 = 8)
TIE = 4735
Roxy - 15 (3250)
Kayle - 15 (1752)
Vanessa - 14
Emery - 13
Sean - 10
Fabian - 5 (+3 = 8)
TIE = 4735
Arthur Nutt - Turner - 3rd Evicted (11th Place)
Emery Ring - Lovesstorms
Fabian Romero - Smarties100
Jeremy Yuka - Twiddle3 - 5th Evicted (9th Place)
Kayle McCarther - Ninjakid150
Paige Morgan - Alleenmens - 2nd Evicted (12th Place)
Rebecca Pierce - YJB19299
Roxy Callahan - Kaliko103
Sean Sierra - Tigerblu11
Shannon Mackmilton - Penguinwa101 - 4th Evicted (10th Place)
Sonia Jobs - x_MG_x - 1st Evicted (13th Place)
Tristan Van Gould - M13Vulpecula
Vanessa Tomaz - Nani