Thursday, 11 October 2018

Zero Privacy: Season 2: Episode 11 - Third Eviction

Episode 11:
Third Eviction


Julia: It's the tail end of week three here on Zero Privacy, but that doesn't mean the game settles down, no no no! Tonight, one of our two nominees will be leaving the house and become this game's third evictee!

Julia: It was HoH Rebecca who claimed victory this week, after following in the footsteps of the previous HoHs and winning the PoP as well, giving her the ultimate power.

Julia: It was to her sole discretion that the nominees stay the same, which left saboteur suspect Arthur on the block next to the recently sabotaged Roxy. But as last week can show, anything can happen and the obvious target is never guaranteed the one to go home.

Julia: With one half of a dramatic rivalry about to be voted out, what will happen to the house, who will side with who and who will be going home to their sweet, sweet privacy? There's only one thing for certain, those who stay will have...


Julia: It's been a week of tragedy, comedy and suspicion, as a clear saboteur has emerged from the shadows targeting all-round well-liked Roxy this week, as Roxy's long-time companion Henry went missing, leaving Arthur as the main suspect in a crime no-one saw coming. 

Julia: It just so happens that these two are the two nominees this week, and with the eviction looming closer, the clues and suspicion to the saboteur grow more intense. Things continue to look bad for the nutty war-veteran Arthur, and bad things continue to happen to klutzy and somewhat crazy Roxy.

Julia: Who will the house vote to evict? Will they see Arthur as no threat to win this game and give him his third chance? Or will the save their close friend and heartbroken Roxy, who has clearly emerged as this weeks pawn? But as last week is anything to show, the pawns DO go home.

Julia: The live eviction will happen later in the show, but for now lets have a look into the events that unfolded this week up until the eviction. Tonight, we start with Rebecca as she recaps the week and her victory in the PoP!


Rebecca: THIS IS BLOODY BRILLIANT!!! Woah, how did that TJ guys catch phrase get in my word system?
TJ Duncan: You'll never find out, honey.
Rebecca: Wait, what the... ugh, nevermind. Where was I again? Oh right, at the brilliant part. My plan is working perfectly. I secured my status and followed suit of Fabian and Tris before me and won both HoH and PoP and secured that Arthur stays where he belongs. He will most likely be evicted because now after his already bad reputation he now gets a lot of hate because everybody thinks he is responsible for Henry being 'Rocknapped' or whatever. To be honest I don't think he was it, but what do I care, HE IS SO GONE!!! My alliance hates him completely, Emery is at the same spot as I am with Seargant Nuttys racist remarks and he will campain like crazy. He is a smart guy after all so he can be really convincing. And I don't think that the others by now can't see the true evil lurking in Arthur. Besides, whoever would vote out Roxy while she is still missing Henry is just a soulless and heartfrozen rat who deserve to be in the same place as Arthur is now, and it doesn't even matter that we are talking about a freaking rock! So basically Arthur is as good as gone and I don't even need to get a single inch of blood on my hands for that. You know, I think I can now understand why Carlito Mendez acted like he did. Not that I will act like that, but having the power just feels so good. And who knows when Tris and I will dominate this house again, so be prepared for a lot of fun here *laughs*. Oh, and don't forget to tweet #Sistan or #Tean all over Twitter. I really want to see something romantic, and Vanessa's obvious flirtations with Sean hardly count, right?


Tristan: "Here's my repetition generale on this one song I wrote the past few hours. It's about Arthur's imminent departure."

*Tristan turns his guitar around*
Tristan: Swoooosh! 

*Tristan starts off by playing a few notes*

Tristan:  Lalala Arthur begone! Lalala Arthur begone! 
Lalala Arthur begone! Lalala Arthur begone! 

He's creepy and crazy, does not smell like daisies! 
Lalala Arthur begone! 
Has done his moleing, but no more controlling! 
Lalala Arthur begone! 
Tadada dadada, dada--  

Tristan: --- you know what, it's far from finished. But at least it's got a catchy melody anyone can sing along, so it's bound for success, right? WOOOOO!

*Tristan swings around his guitar and pretends he's shooting fire from that long end where the strings are*

*Tristan hits the main DR camera, which breaks and short circuits*
Tristan: Ahhh! My bad!!

Tristan: WHAT IN THE-?!
*The sprinkler sets off in the Diary Room*
Tristan: Oh dear...

*Tristan covers his guitar from the water while he runs out of the Diary Room. Tristan is soaked*

Tristan: "What the actual fuuuuuuuuuuuck?!"

Emery: And that's how I came into owning my jewellery store!
Shannon: That's a lovely story!

Emery: WOAH! Tristan, you're soaking wet, what happened?

Tristan: At least they got sprinklers...
Emery: What?
Tristan: Uhh... Long story...
Emery: Oh... Okay.


Sean: You see, it was life changing. It really was. The moment I nearly fell off that balcony was the scariest moment of my life. I was young and reckless and stupid and...

Sean: I still haven't forgiven myself for what happened that night. Ever since then I've vowed to be the father for my two girls that they need and deserve.

Rebecca: Yes, it was reckless of you to have done those things, but the thing you need to take away from it all is that you learnt from your mistakes. It's made you into a better person than you were before. It's matured you, and shown you what you need to do and allowed you to improve yourself. 

Rebecca: So don't beat yourself up over it. It's life and you need to move forward from the mistakes into a better future.
Sean: Believe me, I have... It's just hard to move on from the past.
Rebecca: Trust me, out of everyone, I know how you feel. Everything will work out and you'll be stronger. I know my life has.
Sean: Thanks Rebecca. I'm truly honoured to have met you.
Rebecca: Likewise.

Rebecca: Oh, hey Tristan! Feeling better after the shower?
Tristan: Oh, so MUCH better. You have no idea.
Rebecca: Hehehe. I still wanna hear the full story.

Tristan: It was mostly just me being too reckless in the Diary Room while bitching about Arthur. Nearly burnt down the ZP House, but lets move past that!
Sean: That's YOU being reckless? Boy did you miss the appropriate conversation.
Tristan: You guys had a heart to heart without me?!

Sean: Haha, don't worry. I'll talk heart to heart with you later and tell you all about it.
Rebecca: We should probably talk a little about the eviction, right? We have our final nominees now. You're welcome!

*Tristan blushes a little after Sean's comment*
Rebecca: So we're definitely on board to getting out Arthur, right?
Tristan: ...Hm? Oh! Right, yeah definitely. He's burnt every bridge and he's absolutely gotta go before we're the targets of his sabotage and insults.

Sean: I'll see if I can spread the word about getting him out. It won't take much convincing to get everyone on board.
Tristan: Yeah, I'll see what I can do as well. We have all day tomorrow to get the word around, but everyone mostly already despises him for what he did. It should only take an hour to get everyone 100% on board.

Sean: So its settled, Arthur is going home then?
Rebecca: Thank god. I can't stand the pig! It's three weeks too late.

Sean: Hey, guys... Do you ever feel like you're being watched?
Tristan: You mean by the cameras? Constantly.
Sean: Oh, right... The cameras. My bad.

Rebecca: Alright, I think it's time for me to go to sleep. I don't mean to kick you out so soon, but it's been a stressful day with that PoP win. Do you mind?
Sean: That's all good! Have a good night, Rebecca.
Rebecca: You too!

Tristan: So, keen for that heart to heart?
Sean: Haha, sure!
Rebecca: Goodnight guys!

Rebecca: Alright... Time for the search. These keys HAVE to be somewhere.

Rebecca: If I can find one of the six hidden keys, I KNOW that it'll unlock some secret awesome prize and the power will come my way. I just need to find the time to search.

Rebecca: I've looked all around here but I can't find anything yet, so I'm gonna try and look around the rest of the house when everyone has gone to sleep. That's what I'll do.


*The moon is out and the night is silent and dark... which is the typical qualities for night time. I mean if the sun was out and everything was really loud, I would be very confused...*

*Arthur snores loudly*

*Shannon and Fabian snore softly*

*The witch pumpkin snores inaudibly*

Rebecca: Alright, it's roughly 2am and I'm sure that's plenty of time for anyone to have fallen asleep. Now's my only chance, while I'm still HoH.

*Rebecca tiptoes through the Playroom*
*someone snores loudly which covers her footsteps*

Rebecca: *whispering* Phew! That was tense.

Rebecca: *whispering* Alright. If I search around here, it may be too loud and wake people in the other room. Maybe I'll head to the other room.

Rebecca: *whispering*Alright, if I were a key, where would I be? If I were a poet, would I know it?

Rebecca: *whispering* Time to search the plant pots, I guess.

Roxy: *coughs softly*
Rebecca: *softly to herself* ohh noooooooo...

*The door slams shut*

Roxy: Hmm? What was that noise?
Roxy: Must have been ZP. Speaking of which...

Roxy: There. Little baby can't be starving with no food now.

Roxy: *humming softly to herself*


Rebecca: This searching for the hidden keys is hard when there are 10 other strangers all over the house. There literally is zero privacy to search for them without getting suspicion or blowing my cover. Roxy nearly caught me and it's like... 2 in the morning! I can't catch a break! 

Rebecca: Although, I can maybe search around here for something, since I'm far away from the other sleepers.
*Rebecca searches the left pot plant in the Diary Room*

Rebecca: No freakin' way! Is that?! OMG!!! IT IS!!!

*Rebecca reads the fine print*
Rebecca: "Hidden in the Entrance Hall is a secret room. You will find your prize awaits you there." Alright, more searching still!


Roxy: *whispering* I can't believe I stubbed my toe... Twice.

Rebecca: *whispering* Phew. The coast is clear. Now where would this secret room be?

Rebecca: *whispering* Hmm... I wonder if one of these books opens a secret door...
*Rebecca takes down a book*
Rebecca: "How to win Zero Privacy by Mr Doubley"... I might take this one for la- Oh it's not a real book. I'll keep looking.

Rebecca: *whispering* I wonder... There appears to be light under this bookshelf.

Rebecca: Woah... Detective Rebecca strikes again! Oops... Better not be too loud.

Rebecca: Woah! This looks like a room made for Ali and Ava!

Rebecca: Who knew this was even here. I wonder what other secrets this house has inside!

Julia: Good morning Rebecca. Welcome to the Prize Room, a hidden room that is known only to those who find it, and those who find a key. As I am aware, you have been searching for a key as part of this season's secret twist, and have managed to find a key hidden inside the Diary Room?

Rebecca: I did indeed. If I remember correctly, the HoH/PoP Twist Cards told me that if I find a key hidden in the house, I can use it to win either a prize or a punishment.
Julia: That's correct, your key may lead you to a prize or a punishment. It's a gamble that you can choose to take.

Julia: With your key, you may open one of these boxes, each containing one of the prizes available for finding. Be careful though, it might just come back to bite you!

Rebecca: I'm gonna do it. Here goes nothing!
*Rebecca puts her key inside the chest on the left*

Rebecca: You have GOT to be joking me... SERIOUSLY?! What the actual FUCK!
Rebecca: WHAT DOES IT MEAN BY "No vote"?!

Julia: Ooof. That's harsh. Not that harshest prize out there, but unfortunately you have received a punishment instead of a prize for this key.
Rebecca: *reads the note* "Your next cast vote will not count"? That is so beyond unfair!
Julia: That is the unfortunate side of this gambling twist... Your next cast vote, not including HoH deciding votes, will not count to the end total. Sorry Rebecca.
Rebecca: Ugh. What a waste of my time. Stupid twist! I'm going back to bed!


Kayle: And THAT is why, when I was a Drag King, I was technically an official king of that small island nation!

Vanessa: *whispers to Emery* Do you believe anything she says?
Emery: *whispering back* Sometimes I don't even know if it's English.
Kayle: The penguins are in the toilet!

Vanessa: Oh hey! Fabio!
Fabian: Fabian.
Vanessa: Right, yeah, Fabian... Wanna come sit with us?

Fabian: Depends if the 'king' allows it. Harharhar...
Emery: You heard the story?
Fabian: Just the end of it... And something about penguins?

Kayle: Neat! So I don't need to say it again. You know the wheely dealy already!
Fabian: Yup. Please don't start the story again...

Kayle: Alright, as Queen of this alliance... I decree... Oooh what a cool word. Decree... Sounds like degree. Maybe I should go back to university.

Fabian: I'm sorry, 'Queen' of the alliance? I don't think you qualify as queen of us.
Emery: I thought this was a democracy?
Vanessa: Aha. Everyone knows that I'M supposed to be queen.

Kayle: I mean this is a constitutional monarchy with a democracy aftertaste... Like New Zealand!

Vanessa: Does that mean I can like... Take over and be appointed like queen?
Kayle: Uhhh... No!
Vanessa: Can I at least suggest who is like going home next?
Kayle: That is up to the courts head knight to decide!
Vanessa: Um... But Arthur needs to go! Like... Now!

Kayle: I am hereby appointing Emery as the head knight of this kingdom!
Emery: Uh... Thanks?
Kayle: If I had a sword, I would knight you right now.
Emery: Part of me is glad you don't.

Fabian: Are you sure you can't just pull one out of your billion pockets?
Emery: I am definitely sure I don't have a sword hidden in here.
Fabian: Not even like a tiny one... With like a cocktail sausage on it? Please?
Emery: I am 100% sure I don't!

Fabian: Why do you have so many pockets then and you don't fill them with food?!
Emery: I like to be prepared, okay! Can we just drop it?!

Kayle: Yeah. Lets get back to the real important stuff. Sorting out the kingdom jester... Vanessa?

Kayle: What say you?
Vanessa: Grrrrrr...


Vanessa: Everyone like KNOWS that I am supposed to be Queen of this house! If Kayle thinks I'm going to be like... A jester or servant or something... She's got another thing coming! 


Germy: L-Like any good Manga hero I have found a solution to my problems... *Looks around nervously* I "borrowed" these from the kitchen... G-Gloves! Now I can l-leave the safety of my hideout... What? Yes, I mean the bathroom! Perhaps now I can actually play the game without the fear of being infected?

Just like in Volume 4 of "Germicide Samurai" where Hiroaki generates a giant protective bubble around him to protect him and his mother from the giant man-eating mucus monsters that crawl out of his nose, I am invincible!

No... Wait, what if? *Has a sudden realization* I need to t-test out my new powers... I need... to defeat the mucus-filled menace once and for all...

Shannon: Sean dear, have you seen Arthur?
Sean: Nope, sorry.
Emery: He was supposed to come play with us but he hasn't shown up. 

Germy: *Breathing heavily and ominously*

Emery: Germy, have you see-...?!

Germy: Have I seen the evil m-menace they call ZP...? Or should I call him by his real n-name?! Zeronius Privocitus!
Emery: I'm confident ZP just stands for Zero Pri-...
Germy: I-I know what he stands for! Evil! He stands for the purest... Er, impurest... Of all evils! I'm here to take him down!

ZP: *meows frightenedly*

Germy: Zeronius! Y-You are NO match for me, for I have a secret weapon beyond your powers of bacteria and uncleanliness!

ZP: *meows confusedly*

Germy: Let me just... D-d... D-demonstrate... M-my... 
*breathes deeply*
Germy: N-new found power!

*Germy puts his gloved hand on ZP's head*


Germy: No more can you defeat me! You filthy, dirty, rotten, evil, germ-infested, fleabag of an evil masterminded animal! I am immune to you and now I have the upper hand... Literally!! Prepare to die you disgusting being!

Roxy: Can you like, NOT talk to ZP that way?

Germy: You d-don't understand what he's done or who he is! He's blinded you! H-He'll end us all with his g-germs!

Roxy: No, I'm pretty confident that YOU don't understand. He's a beautiful boy! He's just the cutest little kitty and he deserves respect!

ZP: *runs off scared*
Roxy: No! ZP baby, come back!

Roxy: It's okay! Thaat mean little Germy didn't mean it! He just hasn't opened his heart to your endless love and cuteness!
Germy: Hey! I am on the h-heroes s-side here, not him!

Roxy: There there, little baby. Roxy's got chuuuu!
*ZP meows*

Germy: Look, I was just testing out my new-found immunity against ZP.
Roxy: I wish I had new-found immunity. I'm on the block.
Germy: I'm sorry, that I startled him but you need to see he's got a sinister agenda. Trust me.

Roxy: Germy, he's just a kitten. You're just misunderstanding his affection as attacks. You need to relax and get used to having him around.

Germy: What you don't see is that he's got you under mind control... He's got you f-fooled... I think you're too far gone to be saved from his evil spell. I will save you!
Roxy: From the block?
Germy: From the evil that plagues this house...

*ZP looks at the camera as if to say "what chu talkin' bout Willis".


Emery: Sometimes I feel like I'm surrounded by crazy people.
Shannon: This house does make people do some strange things. Anyway, I don't mean to be rude sweetie, but I'm gonna go find Arthur. He's been gone for a while now.

Shannon: Arthur, sweetie? Are you in here?

Shannon: There you are! Where have you been, you had us worried sick! No calls, no messages, didn't leave a note on the fridge!... Just joking.


Shannon: Arthur? I was only joking... Is everything alright, dear?

Arthur: W-what... Oh. Yes. Everythin' is s-swell.
Shannon: Are you sure? You don't sound so good.
Arthur: I-I'm... Just... Feelin' drowsy. From my medication...

Shannon: Arthur, you and I both know your medicine is non-drowsy and you don't take it out of fear it'll brain-wash you. Why are you lying to your mothe-I mean friend...?
Arthur: I... Uh...
Shannon: Arthur, what is the matter? I'm here for you.

Arthur: I-... I've screwed it all up... I-I'm goin'... *Arthur continues to cry*

Shannon: What do you mean? What have you screwed up?
Arthur: T-The game... I'm goin' tah be voted out and executed... I-I don't wanna die... N-not like this.
Shannon: You don't need to cry. Turn around, dear. We can talk through this.
Arthur: I'M NO CRYIN'! Real men don't have tears!!
Shannon: Turn around, Arthur.

*Arthur turns around*
Shannon: AHHH! Good gracious that is not a good look on you!

Arthur: ...
Shannon: I mean... I'm here for you. What's on your mind?

Arthur: No one understands me! I'm from a different time and all the things that were once hip and new, are no longer hip and new and the things that are hip and new are scary!

Shannon: Don't you worry, Mamma Shan is here to keep you up to date with that hip and new lingo! I've got your back.
Arthur: Yeah but no one else does... I'm gettin' voted out. They all hate me.
Shannon: I'm sure you can survive. I mean, you survived last week, right?
Arthur: You think so?
Shannon: I know so... Never give up hope, dear.

Shannon: Now give Mamma Shan a hug!
Arthur: Thank you, Shannon, for helpin' an old man in his final hours.
Shannon: Any time, dear. Keep your head high. You never know what tomorrow brings.

Arthur: It's nice to know that a fellow older person has my back!
Shannon: Okaaaay... Careful what you say dear, I'm not that old!



Julia: Good evening housemates!
All: Hey Julia!

Julia: It's that unfortunate time again, a time in which we have to say goodbye to one of our two nominees. This is the eviction ceremony and either Arthur or Roxy will be evicted this evening.

Julia: As you know, the person with the most votes this evening will be asked to leave the house immediately via the Diary Room, as they will be evicted from the game. We are live, so lets keep things civil and brief, okay?

Julia: Rebecca, as the current HoH, you will only vote in the case of a tie, but as for everyone else the decision is yours. But first, I would like to give both nominees the chance to say their piece in hopes they might be saved.

Julia: As always, ladies first. Roxy?
Roxy: Thanks Julia. I just wanted to say that I stand here in memory of my amazing friend Henry, who has been with my through thick and thin and has given me the courage to get through some really tough times in my life and in this house. I hope that I can continue to stay here, with all of you, my friends, in honour of Henry and to hopefully get to the bottom of his disappearance! I love you all, please keep me here! Thank you!
Julia: Thank you, Roxy...

Julia: Arthur, your turn to speak!
Arthur: Well, all I have to say is that y'all misunderstood me all this time, and that I wasn't given the chance to be appreciated for the lovin', kind-hearted and carin' person I am. I hope that y'all, if you survive, come visit my grave and give salute to the misunderstood war hero that is myself... Thank you.
Julia: T-thank you, Arthur?

Julia: With that, it's time to vote. It takes 5 votes to evict tonight. Shannon, you're up first.
Shannon: Oh dear, alright.


Shannon: I vote to evict _____ to honour someone's wishes.


Fabian: I vote to evict _____, you aren't a major threat to me, but damn you could be a problem for everyone going forward so I think it'd be the best time for you to leave. Sorry you had to go this early.


Emery: I vote to evict _____. They know what they did.


Kayle: I, Kayle, royally vote _____ out of this marvel of a kingdom.


Tristan: Should you even ask me who to evict? _____, clearly. He's acting racist and he was at the crime scene when poor Henry went missing, so whether or not he's truly such a dumbass or just building his saboteur persona around it, he's gotta go.


Vanessa: I vote to evict _____, can't deal with that person anymore. They steal out my shine *sigh*


Germy: I vote to evict _____ b-b-because it's all part of my game plan, K-keep the annoying people around for as long as I can. 


Sean: I vote to evict _____, unfortunately, as it is in my best interests to send you home this week. I don't have much else to say, I'm sorry. 


Julia: Thank you all, the votes are in. One of our two nominees, Arthur or Roxy, will be leaving the house in just a moment.

Julia: By a vote of 7 - 1...


























Julia: Arthur! You have been evicted from the Zero Privacy house.
Arthur: I saw this comin' all week... I knew my life was over the moment I walked on into this here house.

Julia: Arthur you have ten seconds to-... Arthur?
Arthur: No need... I'm ready for my execution, y'all. I've come to terms with it.
Julia: Arthur, that's not what we-...

Arthur Nutt - 3rd Evicted Housemate.

Julia: Congratulations Roxy for surviving the eviction. Thank you housemates, I will return momentarily with Arthur's eviction aftermath.


Julia: It may be a shock to us, but apparently not to him, with 7 out of 8 votes to evict, Arthur Nutt has been evicted and will be joining us up here on the stage in just a moment, and will NOT be getting executed. 

Julia: And there he is! 
*The audience claps half-heartedly*
Julia: Love him or hate him for his unorthodox ways, he's a misunderstood war veteran with a conspiracy theory for just about everything.

Julia: Please welcome to the main stage, in 11th place and our 3rd evictee of the season, ARTHUR!!!
*The audience cheers*
Arthur: This hardly seems the place for a public execution.

Julia: Oh Arthur, give me a hug you crazy dude!
Arthur: Well, Miss Price, I never thought you were the executin' type!
Julia: I'm here to tell you that you are NOT being executed, you are merely just leaving the house and going home.
Arthur: I've been pardoned?! Thank the spaghetti gods!

Arthur: I really thought that I was gonna be executed up here. That's why I got so... Worried.
Julia: You mean that heartfelt moment when you cried to Shannon about your possible eviction?
Arthur: I didn't cry! No man cries!

Julia: Arthur, what can I say that those in the house didn't already tell you. What happened? Where did it all go wrong?
Arthur: You know, I think I'm just from a different generation of people. People who had a little more respect for their elders. People who are wiser and more aware of the plots of world domination and plantin' mind-alterin' bugs into our brains through plastic straws!

Julia: What about the comments you made? To Emery, to Rebecca, to Roxy, to Paige? Do you regret some of the things that you said and do you think they had a hand in your eviction this evening?
Arthur: You know, I do regret some of tha things that I said. Like I said, I'm from a different time, and people were less offended by all that jibber jabber! 

Arthur: I'll apologise to those who didn't like some of the things that I said, but I also didn't like some of the things that others had said about me. These housemates just couldn't handle me or the knowledge that I brought and I couldn't handle them... If I kept my mouth shut a little, I could have made it to the end and won... Though I'm glad that I didn't get murdered when I didn't make it.

Julia: And what about the sabotage? Many people pinned you as a saboteur this season. Did you steal Henry, Roxy's pet rock and long-time friend?
Arthur: I was being serious when I said I had nothin' to do with it. I don't know who the saboteur was, but they sure did pin it on me! Clever bastard... Oops. Didn't mean to say that on live television. Sorry Julia.

Julia: Well Arthur may have been evicted from the house, but his part of the game isn't quite over yet. It's still time to drop the bombshell of his Eviction Aftermath into the game!


Arthur: Howdy y'all... You have voted to publicly execute me, and with that comes my final words and a thing called... The Eviction Aftermath? I don't remember that bein' a thing that happens at funerals, but I'll go along with it.

Arthur: I would like to make amends for my actions, as a final act of goodwill... I am givin' an advantage on the HoH to Emery.
Emery: Woah! I was not expecting that. Not in a thousand years.

Arthur: As for the rest of the house, for y'alls safety. Y'all are going to be practicin' a lockdown for 24 hours which will happen at any time. This is to get y'all ready for when the bombs get dropped on y'all and you need to find shelter.

Arthur: This is my final goodbye. It was lovely to have met most of you, and I hope y'all come to my grave with flowers! Goodbye.
Julia: There we are. Emery you will be receiving an advantage on the next HoH competition, and sometime in the next coming week, all doors will be locked and whatever room you find yourself in will be your new home for 24 hours. 

Shannon: Oh dear, I hope that I don't get stuck outside...

Fabian: Hahaha... Or in the bathroom...
Germy: I hope that I DO get stuck in the bathroom, actually!

Kayle: I'm gonna miss that old nut!
Tristan: I don't think I will. I think the house will be much calmer without him.

Shannon: Congratulations, sweetie. You survived eviction.
Roxy: Thanks Mumma Shan. I didn't have that much worry, really.

Julia: Housemates! Please take a seat and pay attention to the screens!
Sean: What's going on?
Vanessa: Um? I thought the HoH wasn't being played like... live or something? I gotta do my hair again!
Julia: No time for that! It's time for a twist!

Julia: Normally, we'd go straight into the HoH competition after an eviction... But tonight, we're changing things up. Prepare yourselves because a whole week of Zero Privacy is about to be played... Right now.

Julia: A second person is being evicted... TONIGHT. 
Good luck housemates! It's time for the 4th HoH Competition!
Meet me in the Arena!



Arthur Nutt - Turner - 3rd Evicted (11th Place)
Emery Ring - Lovesstorms
Fabian Romero - Smarties100
Jeremy Yuka - Twiddle3
Kayle McCarther - Ninjakid150
Paige Morgan - Alleenmens - 2nd Evicted (12th Place)
Rebecca Pierce - YJB19299
Roxy Callahan - Kaliko103
Sean Sierra - Tigerblu11
Shannon Mackmilton - Penguinwa101
Sonia Jobs - x_MG_x - 1st Evicted (13th Place)
Tristan Van Gould - M13Vulpecula
Vanessa Tomaz - Nani