Episode 8:
Second Eviction, Third HoH
Julia: It's the end of week two here on Zero Privacy and one of two housemates are about to be evicted from the Zero Privacy house! I'm your host, Julia Price, and tonight, our second eviction will shock your screens!
Julia: Previously, veteran Tristan from Abnoramlity, won the second HoH competition, followed by the second PoP win, following in previous HoH-PoP winner Fabian's powerful footsteps.
Julia: With Tristan's new found power run, he nominated Arthur, the retired war veteran who shocked the house with some unexpected attitude to his housemates which labelled him as this week's main house target. Tristan also nominated Paige, the house doctor and everyone's close friend, who started off as the obvious pawn, but as strategy began to linger in the minds of our housemates, it's unclear now who is the bigger threat.
Julia: With this week's threat unclear, voting will be divided, drama will multiply and one housemate will be subtracted leaving an Aftermath as their addition! But it's only obvious that this equation will still equal...
Julia: It's been a wild week in the Zero Privacy house, first evictee Sonia left some housemates furious as they were locked out of the Construction Corner bedroom and left with only the clothes off their backs and no where to sleep. For some, like Arthur and Vanessa, this left sour tastes in their mouths and ripples of drama throughout the house.
Julia: With one of two housemates about to be evicted tonight, either sweet doctor Paige or nutty war vet Arthur, their eviction and Aftermath will rock the house on a new level. The vote tonight will certainly be a shock to some, and a bombshell to all!
Julia: Will the housemates choose to evict Arthur for his more than unflattering comments and backward attitude toward race? Or will housemates decide that the more than likeable pawn turned social-threat Paige is the better strategic decision? We'll find out later tonight.
Julia: But first, lets take a look back at the previous days before the live eviction ceremony. We start off with everyone's favourite Mama Shannon, as she contemplates the events of yesterday's talk with Tristan and Rebecca! Let's watch!
Shannon: "What Tristan and Rebecca brought up the other day really struck with me. I'm one of the oldest contestants, and all these young people are going to band together I feel and just get out Mama Shannon because she's just Mama Shan, shes not going to hurt nobody... yea I'm not! BUT still don't just evict me for my age kids! I've got to start connecting with these young people in this house but I have no idea how...
*drifts in thought* OH! did you guys buy more bread, we need some... OH, AND Germy needs more soap... now what was I saying?
OH! YES, I have got to connect with these young people in this house. I guess I need to start dressing younger or something...OH I'll use their lingo more. THAT'S IT! im gonna start saying Hashtag, yes ma'am! Hashtag LIT, Um... Hashtag BLESSED, Hashtag YAS QWEEN... oh and what's that one, with the u? Or its like uh... OH! YOLO, imma start saying YOLO. OH, OH... Hashtag YOLO! See I already have it down, YES! oh I mean, YAAAS... lord I sure hope I fit in with them."
Paige: ...And that was by far the scariest thing I've ever dealt with in my career.
Vanessa: OMG! I can ONLY imagine. I would be shook! I would like... Cry.
Sean: So you went into the operating room? Did you even have training to do that?
Paige: Only theory in medical school, but never something THAT serious, and certainly never without a superior surgeon there to take the lead.
Sean: Dude, that's crazy!
Paige: But what choice did I have? If I hadn't been there, he could have died!
Vanessa: I honestly didn't even know you were a doctor. I thought you were like totally, a kindergarten teacher or something!
Paige: You thought I was a school teacher? I have been talking about my work quite a lot. I even got called to help when Sean collapsed.
Vanessa: Yeah but like I was too worried about Sean, obviously! I just didn't notice.
Paige: Uhhhh... Yeah, I guess.
Shannon: Hello fellow housemates! What are we talking about over here? I've just been talking in the diary room and I can confirm that we'll be getting some more bread soon! Yum yum!
Vanessa: *cringes toward Paige* Ugh... OMG, I hate it when old people do this. It ruins the vibes.
Shannon: *to self* Uh oh, Shan. You're losing them. Remember the plan. Act like you're in your teens.
Shannon: Uhhhh... I mean... Yo, fam! Whazzz upppp!? OH EM GEE, I've just been to the uhh.. #DR and it's about to get turnt up #tonight with some more um... Vodka! #LIT!
Vanessa: Woahhhhhhh! Shan, gurl! I didn't know you were so cool, I always thought you were basic AF! And Vodka?! TBH, I'd KILL for a party right now!
Shannon: Me?! Basic?! Gurl, pah-lease! You must be trippin! I can't even right now! I am just L O L! You are #TooFunny. #ThisBitch! #CantEvenHandle! #CrayCray...
Shannon: Umm... #Tweeter? It's like you don't even #Follow me at all! Keep up with my feed gurl! Else you'll miss out on the #ShannonCannon! Like, totally, YOLO!
Vanessa: OMG! Where have you been like, all my life?! We are TOTALLY getting crunk tonight!
Vanessa: It's going to be LIT!!! I'll provide the music, obviously... When are they bringing us the drinks?
Shannon: Oh umm... Yes... The drinks... Well... Ummm...
Shannon: *backing away slowly* I'll umm... Go find out... Right now... About those... Drinks... Yes.
Sean: I have no idea what just happened. Send help.
Kayle: Honestly, this fire is my favourite place in this whole house.
Roxy: Sometimes I worry that you're a pyromaniac with the amount of time you spend here.
Kayle: Nah, I was a fire warden once... But honestly, is there anything you can't roast on a fire?
Roxy: No, but I guess there are some things you SHOULDN'T.
Kayle: Oh yeah... Like your socks or the toaster or something... Or actuallyyyy... Maybe I could-...
Roxy: Please don't roast Chri-... I mean... Do that. We might not get another one later and she-it's... irreplaceable!
Kayle: Fineeeee... I won't roast anything but these marshmallows... For now.
Roxy: *yawns* Alright. Well I think it's time for me to say goodnight and head to bed. Eviction tomorrow.
Kayle: Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.
Roxy: Night night, Kaytown!
Kayle: Nini Rox-Fox! See you in the morning!
*Roxy gets up and leaves*
Roxy: Oh! Hey Emery! Didn't expect you to be right there behind the door.
Emery: Haha! Sorry! I'm just heading outside for some fresh air.
Roxy: Coolio! I'm off to bed! Goodnight!
Emery: Hehe. Goodnight Roxy!
Kayle: Alright, one more marshmallow and then I'll call it quits. Why am I talking to myself? Does that make me crazy? Speaking of crazy... There is an eviction tomorrow and I have no idea who to evict.
Kayle: Fires looking a bit low... *throws a log in*... Rise my pretty! RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSEEE!! MUAHAHHAHAHA!!!!
Kayle: Oh great and powerful fire god! Bestow onto me whom I shall evict! Who shall leave tomorrow by my hand!
???: VooooOOOOOoootteeee for ArrrrthuuuuUUUuuurrrr...
Kayle: Vote for Arthur?
???: YyyyyEEEEEEeeeessssSSSSS...
Kayle: Hmmm... Interesting. Very interesting...
Kayle: Interesting how you sound EXACTLY like Emery!
Emery: H-how did you know it was me?
Kayle: I can see you in the reflection.
Emery: Oh... Right... Silly me. I'm not the most subtle person out there.
Kayle: Well you snuck up on me pretty darn good! That's quite the talent. You could make a career out of that.
Emery: I think I'll stick to jewellery... Can't imagine myself being a ninja.
Kayle: I can see it... I'm a ninja myself.
Emery: Well, I didn't mean to bother you. I just wanted to get some fresh air. But I will leave you with this... Vote for Arthur. He needs to go!
Kayle: Haha. Alright. I'll vote for Arthur then.
Emery: Awesome! Goodnight Kayle!
Kayle: Goodnight!
Kayle: Alright... Now that we're alone. Oh great fire... Who should I really vote for? Arthur or Paige?
Kayle: ... Oh. I see. Thank you.
Rebecca: Way to go Tris! He did awesome in the PoP which means we got a bit more power in our alliance and Sergeant Nutty and Paige are still up for elimination, so that is a plus for us.
Now the question is, who should I vote for now? Don't get me wrong, I hate Arthur, and I swear if he ever makes a nasty comment about me being half-asian or about me being an former delinquent, he will be out faster of this house than he can say the word military, BUT Shannon had a really good point. If Arthur goes, Tris and I are main targets again, especially since Tris had ultimate power this week and we still are the veterans. Also I don't fully trust Paige as well. Sure she is nice and all, but she is also the most popular housemate who gets along with everybody, this might make her a threat, and she was actually really close of winning the PoP... Gosh, this is so hard! Let me have some fresh air, I need a moment to process everything that has happened over the past days. Maybe I should call my therapist again as soon as I'm home.
*Tristan whistles a tune*
Tristan: That Germy kid is gonna make me start being paranoid about how often I wash and sanitise my hands. Yikes!
Sean: Yo, Tristan. Are you busy?
Tristan: Hmm? Busy, nope! Never too busy for you, hun.
Sean: Ha! Cute... I wanna talk to you.
Tristan: Not gonna lie, who doesn't now days?
Sean: True. You're probably sick of all the strategy talking by now.
Tristan: Oh, you bet. I've had people come and go all week. It's hard to have a moment to yourself and just think.
Sean: Well, it is called Zero Privacy.
Tristan: So sweetie! What did you want to talk about?
Sean: It's about the nominations. Sorry if you're sick of hearing this but... Who do you want out, Arthur or Paige?
Tristan: It's fine, the eviction is coming up so it's now or never. And to answer that, it's really up to you at this point, there are pros and cons to both nominees going.
Sean: I can understand why you'd want Arthur gone, but Paige is so sweet and inspirational, I can't see her being target worthy. I know she's heartbroken that you nominated her too. I think she really trusted you two were getting along.
Tristan: We were. She was just a pawn but I also heard through the grapevine she was trying to get me out. I feel bad for her, but at the same time she is a big social threat. People want Arthur gone anyway, she doesn't have that much to worry about.
Sean: It's not easy being a pawn though, pawns go home... Heck, its not easy being a nominee in general. I know I hated it.
Tristan: Yeah, I know honey. Trust me. I've played this game before and it's not easy. What else isn't easy, is being HoH, you have to make the tough decisions that leave people hurting. Everyone always wants your attention and pretends to be your friend so they don't get targeted by you. You never get a moment of peace.
Tristan: Besides, you get all this luxury and power but it all feels so fake... Or it's bitter sweet like a double edged sword.
Sean: I can only imagine how tough that is... But the luxury is great, right? You must at least feel good sleeping like a king!
Tristan: Oh, of course. Only it's rather lonely in the big bed without someone to sleep with.
Sean: Oh I bet. Missing your bedmate Rebecca I'm sure!
Tristan: And no one has even thought about offering me this corner of relaxing luxury. What is even the point of winning HoH and having massage table if no one is willing to give you one!
Sean: You know that's cause no one has felt comfortable since Arthur once offered to give Vanessa a massage on it last week.
Tristan: Ew, yeah. No thank you. I'll pass on that one. Though, I wouldn't mind if a few hot male masseurs came with the HoH win. I don't know when I'll get this luxury again, maybe I could be going home in some sick twist!
Sean: Well, hey. If it makes you feel better about winning HoH, I actually took some courses in massage back before the girls. I'm told I'm quite good.
Tristan: Good looking more like it! Hehe!
Sean: Hey, do you want the massage or not?
Tristan: Of course!
Sean: Alright, get yourself ready!
Sean: Alright, are you ready for the most luxurious experience of a lifetime.
Tristan: Does it come with a happy ending? ;)
Sean: Oh, be quiet you! Just relax and enjoy.
Tristan: So when did you learn to do this? It feeeeeeels so gooooooood!
Sean: I learnt how to properly give a massage back about 3-4 years ago now.
Tristan: Was it for your ex?
Sean: No no. It was back before Georgia. It was actually a buddy of mine who told me it was a good way to pick up women.
Sean: But I honestly just wanted to know how to take care of someone, you know. Make them feel relaxed and special... Also helps with seduction and romance but, that was just an afterthought.
Tristan: Sureeeee it was. Well it's certainly working. I can feel myself turning into putty in your hands.
Sean: Yeah, It has that effect on people. Haha!
Tristan: I'm not sure if this was just a plan to get into my good books or if it was just to be able to get your hands on my butt.
Sean: Haha! I'll let you decide which one it is.
Tristan: Either way, go lower you cheeky boy.
Rebecca: *clears her throat* Ahem.
Rebecca: I really hope I'm not interrupting anything here!
Sean: Oh! Rebecca! Hey!
Tristan: Becky baby, not at all!
Rebecca: How did you move so fast to sitting down? All I did was blink.
Sean: What are you talking about? Haha! I was here the whole time!
Rebecca: Nice try. I hope this wasn't anything uh... Sexual in nature.
Sean: Oh god! Of course not! I was just giving Tristan a massage cause he said no one would give him one.
Rebecca: Oh he did, did he? Interesting becau-...
Tristan: *clears throat* Uh... So did you wanna talk, Bec?
Rebecca: Yeah, I wanted to talk about the votes. I'm so lost at the moment.
Rebecca: Honestly, I don't know what's best to decide. Is it better to take out Paige over Arthur, because then we're not the biggest threats or is it better to take out Arthur cause he's a dick and deserves to go home?! I'm torn between my heart and my mind right now!
Sean: Tell me about it... Although I can't say I'm much of a target compared to you guys.
Tristan: Honestly, you need to do what's best for you. If you can't stand having Arthur here on your morals, vote for him. If you think him staying will save you, keep him here. Whatever you need to do. Do what's best for yourself.
Rebecca: Yeah... I really need to have a long think about this. I might go see what everyone else is thinking about doing as well. Thanks for the input.
Roxy: So, last night Kayle told me about... "The incident".
Germy: *shudders* Y-yes, I would rather not speak about t-that ever again. I am still recovering. W-who knows what I c-caught with her projectile bacteria! UCK!
Roxy: Well, since you refuse to spend time today with her and her mentoring, she said that I should step in and like help! So, here I am!
Germy: And why are we here? What is your goal here? I don't want to be sitting in this spot. Everything about this is disgusting.
Roxy: Obviously, we're totally going to play everyone's favourite llama game! Now I know what you're thinking-...
Germy: No you don't.
Roxy:... You're thinking, Roxy. You're terrible at this game!
Germy: No, I'm just thinking this is a terrible idea and I hate everything about this and how little I want to touch those germ ridden, bacteria infested, constantly touched, game pieces.
Roxy: ...well, you're right!
Germy: I know.
Roxy: NO! Not about what you said. About how I suck at this game. Cause I do. I suck sooooo bad. BUT! Jeremy the llama here says all the time how I'm improving myself and my skills just by playing it again and again and never giving up!
Germy: You... Named the llama Jeremy... Are you freaking kidding me?
Roxy: I didn't name him! It's just his name.
Germy: This is a joke. You're a joke. That llama is a joke.
Roxy: Well the joke is on you! Because you're going to conquer your fears right now, and you're gonna play this bit by bit until you become great at this game AND until you better yourself. Just like Jeremy says!
Germy: I'm not playing this game. I am not touching those pieces, they're disgusting.
Roxy: OH! YOU'RE touching those pieces alright! It's part of the healing process. If you don't... You know what'll happen.
Germy: If I do, I know what'll happen.
Roxy: Here... Look.., It's easy. All you gotta do is pick one from the pile and add it to your collection.
Germy: "Easy".
Roxy: See you get it already!
Germy: Ugh. Fine... I'll do it. Just... Be quiet.
Germy: *gulps* Just like H-Hiroa-... Oh god. Here goes.
Germy: Oh. Good GOD!
Roxy: YES! You're doing it! You're doing it!
Germy: NOOOOOOOOOOPEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I can't take it! I need sanitiser! HELP! AHHHH!!!!
Roxy: But you did so good! Just remember, you have to keep trying or...
Germy: I don't care! I'm out! I need clean!!!
Fabian: Annnnnnd... action! The second eviction is upon us and I am so freaking excited! Last week I was HOH so I didn't get to cast my vote in the eviction, however I'm glad that I'm able to this week. I've got quiiiiite a lot to consider, do I get rid of Arthur for being a terrible person? Or do I get rid of Paige because... well, because I can. Then after that we have our third HOH... I'm feeling very, very.... VERY focused on that! Another HOH win would feel absolutely awesome, but we'll see what happens. And cut to the next scene!
Fabian: Oh yeah... You are so beautiful my sweet princess. You're the hottest!
Emery: Uh, Fabian... Who are you talking to?
Fabian: The microwave.
Emery: Uhhh... Oh.
Fabian: *to microwave* Oh yeah, you like that don't you, girl. I know how to press all the right buttons.
Fabian: Oh I see... Playing hard to get, are we?
*microwave dings*
Fabian: Oh... No, I guess not.
*takes food*
Fabian: Here we are, one of the most delectable foods in this house. Chocolate lava cake, complete with strawberries. You know, to make it healthier.
Arthur: That there is quite the dessert!
Fabian: Yup! Don't get this out at sea! It hits the perfect spot in my big ol' tum!
Arthur: Do ya really need all this other food then?
Fabian: Yes. I'm hungry!
Fabian: What? You think I'm just gonna settle for 3 meals a day and starve? I don't think so!
Arthur: I'm just sayin'. That's a lotta food boy.
Fabian: Hell yeah it is!
Arthur: I'm just sayin', you ain't need this much! A man like yourself, ya might wanna lay off the food.
Fabian: Did you just call me fat?
Arthur: Now hold up. I'm not suggestin' anythin' other than ya might get overweight if ya eat all this here food.
Fabian: Now. I'm gonna pretend that you didn't say that, only because I love all this stuff and I can do whatever the hell I want. And secondly, I'm gonna give you a bit of advice before someone like myself punches you in the face and breaks your dentures.
Arthur: I didn't mean nothin' by it. Calm your farm.
Fabian: My advice to you, take it or leave it, is that you bite your tongue for the rest of your time here. If you wanna say something: lie and make people happy. Or else everyone is gonna send you out of here faster than you can even fall asleep. Got it?
Arthur: You're tellin' me to lie. Just to keep people happy?
Paige: Hey, Fabian are you free to talk?
Paige: Oh... Arthur. I didn't realise you were here. I'm sorry. I'll go someplace else and come back later.
Arthur: I mean obviously I'm here. Y'all need glasses more than I do.
Fabian: *clears throat* Ahem!
Paige: Uhh... Excuse me?
Arthur: Oh, right!
Arthur: I mean. Y'all can stay and chat. I'll be headin' off now.
Paige: Oh. Well, thank you Arthur.
Arthur: Y'all are entitled to talk to whomever, and say your goodbyes before the execution. Besides, I wouldn't want to fire up and redhead like yourself. I'll see y'all soon.
Paige: I'll just pretend he didn't say any of that, shall I?
Fabian: It's probably for the best. You won't be seeing any more of him after tonight. Take everything he says with a grain of salt. Anyway, what did you want to talk about?
Paige: I'm worried.
Arthur: About the eviction?
Paige: Yeah. I've been getting this weird vibe recently, like something just isn't right. I've had people avoiding eye contact or ignoring me for most of today too. I feel like I'm being targeted.
Fabian: You, targeted? You do know who you're up against, right? Arthur isn't exactly everyone's best friend and let's face it, he's clearly been the target all week.
Paige: I just feel like people might be flipping the tables on me. They might see me as a threat for some reason, and want me gone! Besides, Tristan has never said to me why I was nominated in the first place, it just kinda happened. Maybe I'm his target.
Paige: I just don't want to go home. I have so much more I wanted to do. So many more competitions I wanted to play in. So much more game I wanted to play. I wanted to get to know everyone on a much deeper level, but I feel like my time is coming to an end prematurely!
Fabian: Listen. I made some connections in the house, and I've been talking to people, including Arthur. I frankly just don't see it happening. No one has given me that impression. Arthur is a liability to everyone's game and he's bound to break any alliance accidentally that he think's he's formed.
Paige: So you think I'm just overthinking it?
Fabian: Well I know that I won't be voting for you over him anytime soon!
Paige: Thanks Fabian. That's really reassuring.
Fabian: Why don't you go back into the kitchen and talk to those guys. I'm sure they'll tell you the same thing!
Paige: I sure hope so! Thanks Fabian! I really owe you one.
Fabian: Don't mention it... Say... Are those bowls of fruit real?
Paige: I don't think so, sorry.
Fabian: Ah whatever. I'm sure they're made of delicious wax! Dare me to eat them all?
Julia: Hello housemates!
All: Hello Julia!
Julia: How are we all tonight? Nervous I presume.
Someone: Definitely!
Julia: As you know this is the second eviction ceremony, and one of the two nominees will leave the house tonight. Either Paige or Arthur will be evicted shortly.
Julia: Whoever receives the most votes will be asked to leave the house immediately. Now just a reminder, that as for all the eviction ceremonies in the future, we are live, which means please keep swearing to an absolute minimum!
Julia: Tristan, as the current HoH, you will not be voting tonight, which means that for the 9 other housemates the decision is yours. But first, I'd like to ask each of the nominees to stand and say their final pleas for safety.
Julia: Ladies first, Paige, if you would like to say a final plea?
Paige: Thanks Julia. To my fellow housemates, I know most of you have made up your minds before this eviction ceremony as to who you are going to vote for. But I would still like to remind you all of how much I cherish each and every one of you, and I hope that the stories I have shared with you can inspire you to do the right thing, help each other and be kind to one another. I hope that you see that tonight I am merely a pawn, and that you should vote for Arthur. Thank you.
Julia: Thank you Paige.
Julia: Arthur?
Arthur: Julia?
Julia: No, I mean it's your turn to speak, if you wish.
Arthur: Oh, right. Well, y'all know me as the lovable war veteran, who has worked hard for his country and to stand up for y'alls human rights and I hope that y'all will vote for me to stay so that I don't get kidnapped by the producers and publicly executed, and instead can die a peaceful death in mah sleep on that couch over there. Thanks y'all.
Julia: Thank you Arthur.
Julia: With that, it's time to vote. It takes 5 votes to evict tonight and Sean, you are up first.
Sean: Wow, from nominated to first voter. Shocking turn of events.
Sean: I vote to evict _____, unfortunately. I'm simply looking forward in my game and seeing that it would be wiser to evict you now. You've been nominated this week and people want you evicted, so I guess it's time to say goodbye.
Roxy: I vote to evict _____ because I think keeping the other person in the game is more beneficial to my game.
Germy: I vote to evict _____ because the Bathroom walls have ears and I-I overheard that you are the one going tonight, Not the original t-t-target. I mean I can't vote for Kayle for sneezing on me... *Shudders* and I can't vote for ZP the cat for sabotaging my PoP game, So you will have to do... In the words of Hiroaki, さよなら!
Shannon: I sadly vote to evict _____.
Vanessa: *yawn* I vote to evict _____. They're too nice. They must be hiding something.
Emery: I vote to evict _____ for obvious reasons.
Kayle: I vote to evict _____. I was staring intently at the fire that someone started and I swear the sparks where telling me your name... Yes, I am a fire whisperer.
Fabian: My first time in here voting, this is fun! Okay... I vote to evict _____ because I think it would be best overall if you were gone from the game.
Rebecca: I vote to evict _____ because I had to choose if I vote from my heart or from my brain, and I decided that my brain is more likely to bring me further than my emotions, which at the moment tend to play switcharoo. So yeah, _____it is.
Julia: Alright, the votes are in and have been verified. One of our two nominees will be leaving the house right now as I reveal the vote.
Julia: Paige. Arthur. By a vote of 7 - 2 ...
Julia: Paige! You have been evicted from the Zero Privacy house.
Paige: Wow! Just... Just wow. I can't believe you all voted me out... OVER ARTHUR!
Julia: Paige, you have ten seconds to say your goodbyes and exit the house through the Diary Room door.
Paige: It was fun to meet you all, I am incredibly shocked to be leaving, but I loved every moment of it! Goodbye everyone! Be kind to one another!
Paige: *sighs*
Paige Morgan - 2nd Evicted Housemate.
Julia: Congratulations to Arthur for surviving eviction. Thank you housemates, I will return to you shortly for Paige's Eviction Aftermath, and for your third HoH competition.
Julia: There you have it, an unexpected seven votes to evict means that Paige Morgan has been evicted and will be joining us here on stage shortly.
Julia: Everyone, here she is!
*The audience start cheering and screaming*
Julia: You know her as ZP the Cat's favourite housemate and our very own resident doctor! With her sweet, caring and kindhearted ways...
Julia:...Please make welcome to the main stage, in 12th place and our 2nd evictee of the season, PAIGE!!!
*the audience cheers loudly*
Julia: Oh, Paige Paige Paige! What a blindside!
Paige: I know right! I am absolutely shocked, but it is so nice to see you in person!
Julia: And it is lovely to see you too!
Julia: So Paige, I have to ask... What happened?! When did this week turn around from being all against Arthur to being seven votes to evict you?
Paige: I honestly cannot tell you where this all started. I didn't expect to be nominated so early on, and certainly not be Tristan. As soon as that happened, I think everyone started to look at me in a new way.
Julia: Especially after you were so close to that PoP win!
Paige: Especially after I was so close to saving myself. I think everyone switched from thinking with their hearts and morals, to thinking with their heads and strategy.
Julia: Did you have any idea who started thinking of you as a threat, and did you expect to get any votes this week?
Paige: I think I saw it coming. After today, especially right before the eviction ceremony when we are all getting dressed, I could see it in the faces of some of the housemates that something wasn't right. All I knew is that Emery had my back the entire way, because he was so adamant, but really as for who started the rumour that I was a threat and that I was coming after Tristan, I have no idea!
Julia: And what would you say to all the housemates now knowing that you were about to be evicted.
Paige: I would tell them that they are crazy for voting me out! That Arthur has been rubbing everyone the wrong way, and it only seems fair that myself, a saver of lives, be saved myself! Haha!
Julia: Haha! Of course!
Paige: I wanted to show the world that it's possible to play this game and still be nice to one another. I wanted to show the audience that kindness and care for others is the best way to go.
Julia: That truly is touching. We thank you for being a part of our season Paige. However, your job is not entirely completed just yet.
Paige: I still have my Aftermath!
Julia: You do indeed. Lets drop on over to the housemates and show them Paige's explosive new Eviction Aftermath.
Paige: Hello housemates. Sadly, I have been evicted from the Zero Privacy house, and I am absolutely APPALLED!

Paige: I am now allowed to drop my own Aftermath into the Zero Privacy house as a revenge for you all voting me out!
Paige: Firstly, I would like to give an Advantage on the next HoH to my fellow nominee Arthur.
Arthur: Oh, what a sweet redhead!
Paige: As for the rest of the house, the Construction Corner is now open, however, I am hereby saving the world one little piece at a time and establishing the following rule on all housemates.
Paige: Until the next eviction, all housemates are no longer allowed to eat any meat or meat-like products.
Emery: Hey! That works for me! You took a Paige out of my book! Haha!
Fabian: Woah woah woah woah woah! N-no... No m-meat... Are you... Are you insane?!
Paige: This is my final goodbye. Good luck housemates. Be nice to one another, and be nice to all the animals! Bye!
Julia: There we are, Arthur will receive a bonus on the next HoH, and no housemate will be allowed to eat any meat for the next week. I would like you all to head to the Arena now, for the next HoH challenge!
Vanessa: Hey, this looks like the bedroom.
Germy: I know this room well.
Fabian: Only this one is a bit longer.
Julia: Housemates, welcome to the 3rd HoH competition! This competition is called "Housemate Horoscopes".
Julia: In this competition, each of you will have to correctly identify 12 CGI children with their correct male and female housemate parents. Each of the screens around the room will show one child, so you must go from screen to screen and lock in what you believe to be the correct parents.
Julia: The person with the most correct parents will win the 3rd HoH!
Julia: Any questions?
Emery: Several about the children.
Julia: Any questions about the challenge and how it is played? ... Didn't think so. This challenge starts now!
Kayle: Hmm... This child has dark skin so I am definitely thinking Roxy because she's know for her very dark skin tone.
Fabian: *sobbing to self* N-no meat?
Germy: Oh god... Do not tell me. This can only be my ch-chi-... I can't even say it.
Vanessa: Oh my. I hope this isn't my son, cause I'd like to make kids of our own some day with this hottie!
Emery: Hmm... I wonder who this could belong to. The white hair is throwing my off. No one here has naturally white hair... Do they?
Sean: I swear I saw this guy in my casting interviews... Wasn't this guy gonna be a possible contestant this season?
Rebecca: Okay, this is creepily looking like me. I don't wanna have kids! Not this young! Not in this house! Not on live television! AHHH!!!
Shannon: Seeing all these children makes me miss my own. *sighs* Mumma misses you boys!
Arthur: So, Rocky. Do you want to share answers? I believe it's a part of mah advantage.
Roxy: Yeah sur-wait a minute! That's not true at all! Get away from my answers, Arthur!
Arthur: The least you could do is introduce an old man to your children!
Julia: Time is up! We have our winner! The winner of the third HoH competition is...
Julia: No one yet! It's a tie! Rebecca and Fabian both scored 100% on their children's quiz. Maybe genealogy is a career idea for the both of you!
Rebecca: I knew I was doing well. 100%. I'm proud.
Fabian: We gotta break this tie though. And I'm determined to win again. Game on sister!
Rebecca: You too. Bring it!
Julia: Alright, Fabian and Rebecca. I assume both of you watched Season 1 and have gotten to know the people inside the Season 2 house.
Fabian: Yup!
Rebecca: I practically studied it!
Julia: For this tiebreaker challenge, you will both need to correctly identify the two parents of this child. Both of which have once stepped foot inside the Zero Privacy house.
Rebecca & Fabian: It's Julia and Santa Claus! Wait... Did we just say the exact same thing at the exact same time?! How are you doing that! Stop it! Quit copying me! Bermuda!... Okay... This is creepy.
Julia: Please stop talking... It's like a weird identical twin vibe going on here. We'll have to go to our backup tiebreaker challenge.
Julia: The closest person to answer the following question will be the new HoH.
In Simoleons, how much is the Zero Privacy house currently worth?
Rebecca: $225,000
Fabian: $250,000
There we go! The third HoH winner is...
Julia: Rebecca! The correct answer was $177,791. Which means congratulations Rebecca you our new HoH! Enjoy the room, the luxury and of course your new found power!
HoH Results:
Yannik - 24 (225.000)
Smarties - 24 (250,000)
Ninja - 22
Kali - 17
Tiger - 16
Lo - 15
Twiddle - 13
Nani - 8
Turner - 4 + 3 from Bonus = 7
Penguin - 7
Vul - 22
Alleen - 9
HoH Answers:
1. Paige and Emery
2. Roxy and Sean
3. Vanessa and Germy
4. Roxy and Germy
5. Vanessa and Arthur
6. Kayle and Sean
7. Rebecca and Arthur
8. Rebecca and Emery
9. Kayle and Tristan
10. Shannon and Fabian
11. Paige and Fabian
12. Shannon and Tristan
Tie - Julia and Arthur
Final tie - $177,791
Arthur Nutt - Turner
Emery Ring - Lovesstorms
Fabian Romero - Smarties100
Jeremy Yuka - Twiddle3
Kayle McCarther - Ninjakid150
Paige Morgan - Alleenmens - 2nd Evicted (12th Place)
Rebecca Pierce - YJB19299
Roxy Callahan - Kaliko103
Sean Sierra - Tigerblu11
Shannon Mackmilton - Penguinwa101
Sonia Jobs - x_MG_x - 1st Evicted (13th Place)
Tristan Van Gould - M13Vulpecula
Vanessa Tomaz - Nani