Thursday 7 June 2018

Zero Privacy: Season 2: Episode 7 - Second PoP

Episode 7:
Second PoP


Julia: We're deep into week 2 of this game, and so far the drama from Sonia's Eviction Aftermath has settled in. Last episode, we saw fireworks happen between retiree Arthur, and jewellery store owner Emery, after a racist comment by Arthur who was just "looking for somewhere to sleep".

Julia: The drama didn't end there, as HoH Tristan at the nomination ceremony left sweet doctor Paige targeted and confused, sitting next to the now unpopular Arthur on the block. Tonight, we see the fireworks of both of these fire starting events, and we find out who wins the second PoP of the season!

Julia: By the way! Do you ever get the feeling you're being watched 24/7? Our house mates sure do! Here on...



Rebecca: So, how did you sleep last night?
Emery: To be honest, not very well...
Roxy: Did you know that ZP...

Tristan: Always wants more food. ZP, I have nothing for you!
ZP: *meows at Tristan*
Tristan: You can't have my Fruit Hoops!

Roxy: *giggles* Dawww! He just loves you, Tristan! But yeah he's always looking for food.

Rebecca: If you ask me, he's always looking for trouble. That's what he truly wants. Hahaha!

Emery: Ugh... Speaking of trouble...

Emery: Here comes trouble right now... *sighs* Great. Just what I wanted first thing in the morning.

Arthur: Good morning ladies! 
Tristan: Uhh... Morning?
Arthur: Mind if I have a seat? Mah legs are all stiff from sleepin' on those dreaded couches.

Emery: *glares at Arthur*
Arthur: How are y'all this mornin'? Had a good sleep in, Emery? 
Emery: *huffs and gets up*

Arthur: Gee, what's HIS problem? I'M the one who slept on those rugged old couches!

Rebecca: Oh, I wonder. Maybe he's upset from last night, you rugged old couch!
Arthur: Pfft. Last night? What about last night? Nothin' happened last night 'cept I slept in the lounge room! 
Rebecca: You're ridiculous. You know that?

Roxy: Someone should go see if he's alright.
Tristan: Yeah, I'll go check on him.


Emery: Ugh. What a jerk. I can't believe the nerve of him to just waltz on in like he owns the place. And to bring up the bed situation... Seriously, what a jerk.

Tristan: Hey Em, are you alright?
Emery: Not gonna lie. Nope, I'm mad as hell.
Tristan: Yeah, I understand completely.

Emery: Really? You understand? You understand what its like to be discriminated against for something you can't change about yourself, and have been doing so for your whole life, and to have someone public humiliate you on international television?

Tristan: Dude, yes... I'm gay. Have you even talked to me or seen any of the shows I've been in?
Emery: Oh right. Good point. I didn't think of that.
Tristan: Come and sit with me. We'll talk this out cause believe me, I'm furious about his ignorance.

Tristan: So, like I said before, and like you said before, I've been through my fair share of ignorant and discriminatory situations before. I totally understand the anger and disgust that you're going through. It's sickening.
Emery: Whats even more sickening is that he doesn't even know that he's done anything. He's not even going to apologise, he just went and brought it up like nothing was wrong.

Tristan: Just remember, that he's just a guy that you've known for a little over a week. He's also nominated, so there is a chance that's the longest you'll have to know him for.
Emery: God, I hope so. I hope he does go home! That'll show him.

Tristan: You know, he reminds me of my dad in some ways.
Emery: Your dad?
Tristan: Yeah... Old, with a backward attitude, lost in his own world, and to top it off homophobic to the extreme... It hurts more when its someone you know. But it still hurts to be targeted and belittle by someone you don't. 

Tristan: Whatever backward comments Arthur, or any other nutty housemate might say, just know that I'm here for you. We're all here to support you because no one should have to be targeted for something they can't change about themselves, especially not the colour of their skin.
Emery: Right back at you. You're a good friend, Tristan. I'm glad I got the honour to meet you.

Emery: Which, by the way, leads me to say. With you being the HoH, it'd really help myself, and the whole house, if Arthur went home this week. Mind if we try and keep him on the block after the PoP?
Tristan: Haha. We'll see how it goes, but right now he's looking like he's as good as gone.
Emery: Haha! Thanks Tristan.

*Emery and Tristan hug*
Tristan: Head back out there and finish your breakfast when you can, I'll be there and I've got your back.

Emery: Really, cause right now you've got my front. Hehe!... But seriously thank you.
Tristan: No problem.


Tristan: I can't stand to see someone so backward and discriminatory like Arthur has been to Emery. It just reminds me of what I've been through, and no one should have to go through that. So I wanted to be there to support Emery and tell him that people have his back regardless of what stupid people have to say. Emery doesn't deserve anything but respect from Arthur. He's a great guy and always tries to be nice and caring to everyone...  With that being said, I still have a hunch that Emery is part of a saboteur-like twist. But for now, I'm still going to stand up for what's right!


Arthur: Woah woah woah! All I've said was good mornin' and sat down here and y'all were getting all antsy with me! I'd done nothin' wrong! If anyone is the victim here, it's me!

Roxy: Victim?! Do you even hear yourself?! Do you even know what you said last night?
Arthur: No, refresh my memory, darlin'.

Roxy: Okay, secondly, don't "darlin'" me! I'm not your great granddaughter or... Something!
Arthur: Well, Roxanne, tell me what I've done wrong and maybe an apology will get said... By Emery to ME for being so rude this morning.
Roxy: You're a real piece of work, you know that! How did the couches even agree to let you sleep on them at night?

Rebecca: What you did was make an unnecessary and discriminatory racist comment to Emery about his skin, by claiming that he had to give you his bed because his is darker than yours. Now if you want ANY chance to stay in this game, you'd apologise for your backward attitude and maybe, just maybe, before the finale, someone might forgive you.

Rebecca: Or else you'll be voted out this week unanimously because no one wants to side with a RACIST!
Arthur: So you mean y'all vote me out for a... Miscommunication? 
Rebecca: Oh, is that what you're calling it now? Pfft.
Arthur: Fine fine... I'll apologise to Anthony.
Roxy: Emery! His name is Emery!

Arthur: I'll go say 'sorry' because I sure as hell don't want to get killed because I got voted out.
Roxy: This isn't a joking matter!
Arthur: This isn't a joke, once you're out you're dead and I don't wanna be killed, so if I must, I'll go apologise to EMERY.

Arthur: Silly girl. Does she think Sonia's grievin' family thinks her eviction is a jokin' matter? 

Arthur: Now, what was it I was doing in this room again? Lookin' for a place to lay down, no doubt.

Arthur: Ah, mah aching back. Darn those couches! Oooh. Empty beds!


Tristan: So, you remember our deal, right?
Germy: *sighs* Yes... I remember the deal.
Tristan: You agreed to once per day leave the bathroom and bedroom to spend time with at least one other housemate, or you'll be nominated.

Germy: Can't you just nominate me? My home is nice... And clean... And empty.
Tristan: No. You're gonna do this Germy. Not for me, but for yourself.

Tristan: We need to open you up. We need to help you move on from your fears. If you stop embracing the fear, you can start embracing yourself!
Germy: I-I really don't want anyone embracing me, or touching me in any way. Please.
Tristan: Well that's sure going to be difficult, because today I've set you up with a friend to spend time with. And trust me, I'm throwing you right in the deep end, so the rest of your time here will be a piece of cake!

Germy: Oh no... Not her... Anyone but her! She's the filthiest of them all!
Tristan: Yup. Meet your friend for the day...

Tristan: Kayle!
Kayle: Well, hi there! Welcome to your day of friendship!
Tristan: Kayle is great at opening people up.
Kayle: Literally, with a knife!
Tristan: Nooooo... No no no no! NOT literally.
Kayle: Oh right. Sorry.

Kayle: I am good at hugging thoooough! Friendship hug!

Germy: If you touch me, so help me I will self eliminate faster than Hiroaki on a sanitising treadmill!
Kayle: Awww... Sad panda.

Kayle: But if I don't get you to hug me by the end of the day I will have failed as a mentor, a professional hugger AND as a midwife.
Tristan: Midwife? Why midwife?
Kayle: I dunno! But the point is I will have failed! And none of us want that, do we Germy?

Germy: Ummm... I'm a celebrity get me out of here? 
(Haylo: Wrong show Germy :P)
Tristan: I'll leave you guys to it! Don't worry Germy, you're in the best hands.
Kayle: Thanks Tristan! ILY!
Tristan: Later, girls!

Germy: Do I really have to spend the day with you? Can't I just go back to the bathroom before someone dirties up the place and I have no where to be sane?
Kayle: No silly! It'll be fun! Come, I have something I wanna show you.
Germy: I-I really don't wanna see it... 

Kayle: No no! You'll love it. Consider it the first lesson in my mentor-ship. A fun activity!
Germy: I don't think this is what Tristan had in mind when he wanted me to spend the day with you.
Kayle: Nonsense, he wanted me to open you up, not literally might I add, and this is the best way to do it! He asked me to be your mentor for trying new things! Because believe me, I've tried nearly EVERYTHING... Besides, there is someone I'd like you to meet!

Kayle: ZP the cutest kitty in the entire lounge room!
Germy: Ugh... Cats. Disgusting. You do know that I've met ZP before, right?

Kayle: I know, but he likes being introduced! It's his fetish... Wait... No, wrong word. You know what I mean.
Germy: Oh god. I can not believe that somehow I got into this situation. This will be the end of me.

Kayle: Alright, to help you overcome this fear of germs, I want you to take a big step in overcoming it. I want you to be pet ZP on the head!
Germy: Why is that his fetish too?
Kayle: Uhh maybe? But I want you to do it. Then you'll realise he's not so scary after all. Then you'll realise if something so big isn't scary, any tiny germ is a piece of cake to handle!
Germy: So you just want me to t-touch him... On t-the h-head?

Kayle: Yeah! Don't worry, take as long as you need, I'll be here to hold your hand! Not literally though. I mean... Oh no... AH... AH... AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

*Kayle sneezes on Germy*

Germy: Unclean! Unclean! SO UNCLEAN!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Kayle: Germy! Noooooo! I'm so so so sorry! I didn't mean to!


Kayle: So, Tristan has told me about his deal with Germy. I really wanna help him out and make sure he has the best time here! So I've made it my duty... Heh. Dooty... To make sure he overcomes this fear!... Although it didn't help that I totally sneezed all over him with like a bajillion boogers!


Germy: I-I'm really weighing up the options here. Stay in the bathroom forever where the door can lock and no one can infect me, but get nominated and voted out by Tristan... Or d-deal with K-Kayle... After the i-incident today...*shivers* the deal is off!


Vanessa: So that's why I totally deserve to be in a musical!
Emery: Interesting theory, have you thought about getting an agent? Or maybe auditioning for a local performance?

Vanessa: So, you hate that nut Arthur, right?
Emery: Woah! Where did that come from? What did that have to do with anything I just said? I don't hate anyone!

Vanessa: After last night, you totally hate his guts! I can see the anger in you. There isn't even an emoji for how angry you are towards him.

Emery: W-where do you get that impression? I've been nothing but happy since I sat down here.
Vanessa: Oh pah-lease... It's a woman's instinct. I know what men are always thinking, and you're thinking about revenge.
Emery: Well, I certainly don't LIKE him, perse. But I wouldn't say hatred.

Vanessa: But you ARE thinking of revenge, and I just happen to be the QUEEN of revenge.
Emery: Remind me to never get on your bad side.
Vanessa: Now hear me out! Arthur and I are in a stupid little alliance that he thought he made one night. I like totally got myself a soldier looking out for me.

Emery: What seriously?
Vanessa: What I suggest is that INSTEAD I burn that alliance and you join me in an alliance, instead called the "Revengers"!
Emery: Oh like Thor and the Avengers?!
Vanessa: Ew no. That's nerd stuff, gross. Leave that boring stuff to the Germy's of the world.

Vanessa: This is just plain, good, old fashioned, REVENGE! 

Emery: Why do you even want him out so bad?
Vanessa: He's a crazy old racist nut and I don't wanna be associated with him. He'll make me look bad, and I ALWAYS have to look fabulous! He'll drag down my image.
Emery: Riiiight. Well, whatever the reason. I want him out, so I'm in!
Vanessa: You've got yourself a deal, partner! Now evil laugh with me! Muahahahaha!
Emery: Ha... Hah... Aha.


Sean: Well, sounds like those two are having a joyous time out there!
Roxy: You have NO idea. There is so much laughing going on, it's like clown school!
Paige: Sounds like they're outdoing the fun we're having in here. Haha.
Roxy: Well, I'm going to make a sandwich. Would anyone like one while I'm at it?
Sean: I'll take one, thanks Rox.
Roxy: Coming right up!

Paige: Sean, can I ask you something?
Sean: Yeah of course? What's up?
Paige: It's about nominations.

Sean: Let me guess. You're worried about the fact that you've been nominated without any real reason why.
Paige: Yeah... I don't get it. Tristan and I were close... Or so I thought.
Sean: Let me tell you about my experience with being on the block. It's tough, but it's not over until its over. You DO still have the PoP to play for.

Paige: I know, but I feel like I shouldn't have been on the block so early. Not week 2, and not by Tristan's hand. I thought I was getting along with everybody.

Sean: Well, I certainly felt that way about when I was nominated week 1. But look, I'm still sitting here, even without the PoP win! And above all, I'm pretty sure Fabian had a solid reason to put me up, despite us being friends.

Paige: But I can't think of a single reason for nominating ME of all people. If I'm a pawn against Arthur, why couldn't he have said something. I can't believe he'd think I was after him. I've never once said I was going after him. Gosh, I wish I knew what was going on in his stupid little head!

Sean: Well, the only way for you to know for sure what his plans are is to talk to him. Maybe you should go have a chat... And besides, just remember, there is ALWAYS the PoP to save yourself and take yourself off the block. Don't forget that Paige, it's important!

Sean: Just don't faint. It's embarrassing.
Paige: Yeah, you're right.
Sean: Thanks?
Paige: No, I mean about talking to Tristan... And about the PoP.

Paige: Thanks Sean.
Sean: Oh, you're welcome.
Paige: What exactly was Fabian's reason for putting you up again?
Sean: I'm still not sure exactly, lets ask him. Yo Fabian!

Fabian: Oh, hey man. Just the guy I was looking for actually. I wanted to talk to you about last week.
Sean: Oh really? We were just about to ask you about that.

Sean: I wanted to ask you why I was nominated, exactly. And why you hardly talked to me all week. I had everyone reassuring me, and they kept me in, but I just wanted to know why exactly I was up?

Fabian: Funny, cause I wanted to come apologise for it actually. I'm sorry I didn't talk to you all week, I just felt so bad. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you about why you were nominated, I wanted you to reflect on that one yourself.

Sean: You nominated me cause I'm a phyiscal and mental threat and you didn't want me to get past week one and form bonds with anyone cause you'd know I'd win hands down?

Fabian: Yes!... Wait... No. 
Sean: Hahaha.
Fabian: I nominated you, despite how we hit it off day one, because you told me you were struggling here, and I felt that you didn't know if you wanted to stay or not. I wanted to give you the choice. I wanted you to decide whether or not you wanted to fight through it, or choose to go home. So I nominated you, and I felt like shit doing it, but I knew it was for the best.

Sean: Why didn't you say something man? I would have understood, and it-...
Fabian: Would have convinced you to fight, even if you wanted to go. The week after, it could have been back to mopey ol' slug Sean. I wanted you to decide for yourself if you wanted to stay, not because I asked you to fight.
Sean: Wow... I... I didn't even think of that.
Fabain: And to me, and all of us, you've shown you want to be here... You've shown yourself that you want to be here.

Sean: Thanks man... Seriously.
Fabian: No problem, bro.
*Sean and Fabian hug*

Sean: Oh. But don't you fucking do that ever again, or I WILL punch you!
Fabian: Cross my heart, I will not do it again... Out of fear.


Rebecca: Ugh... He didn't even do it... He didn't even apologise. I just spoke to Emery.

Rebecca: I am so mad... I just... UGH!
Tristan: We'll all mad at him, but we can't let the madness consume us. We need to decide what to do.

Rebecca: What to do? It's obvious we need to send his ass home. He's a liar, a sneak and a racist! He doesn't deserve to be in this house.

Shannon: I don't wish to speak ill of a war veteran, but I don't really want to defend his actions either. Let me just say, he was born in a different era... And in Texas.
Tristan: Not a good combination, really.

Tristan: Well, we have the power this week. So we can almost guarantee that Arthur goes home, if we choose to sway it that way. If he does, it's less blood on our hands, and one less problem in the house.

Shannon: We could send him home. But then I would be... 
The oldest...



Shannon: I don't want to be known as the oldest contestant left!
Tristan: But Shan, wouldn't you want to be the oldest winner of Zero Privacy? You can't do that if Arthur is still in the house.
Rebecca: He has a point. Plus one less bigot! It'll make our lives here a lot easier.

Shannon: Nobody knows how old Mr Doubley is, so I don't know if I can even claim to be the oldest winner... If I won of course... Regardless of me, if Arthur does go home, we won't have a massive target around anymore. If we kept him here, people will go after him instead of going after us.

Rebecca: That actually is a convincing point. If he does go home, we might go back to being public enemy number one, considering we're Veterans and all.

Shannon: Save a veteran to save the Veterans? See... I'm not just your average mum! I think about every side before I choose one.

Tristan: You are quite the mastermind. How have you not been cast before?
Shannon: I honestly have no idea. I would have been great on The Mole! Mother's instinct never fails!

Julia: Housemates! Please head to the living room for your the second PoP competition!


Julia: Hello housemates!
Everyone: Hello Julia!

Julia: Welcome to the second PoP competition. As you know, winning the PoP grants one housemate the power to remove one of the two nominees, if they so choose.

Julia: For tonight's PoP, the current HoH, Tristan will play...

Julia: As well as our two nominees, Arthur and Paige.

Julia: And finally, to make 6, 3 other housemates chosen by a random draw. Those are: Roxy...

Julia: Germy...

Julia: And Sean. Everyone please head to the Arena to watch our second PoP competition!


Julia: Welcome housemates to the arena! This challenge is called "Wacky Racers" and here is how it will go. 

Julia: The 6 housemates will compete in a remote control car race around our wacky track!

Julia: Each housemate will control one of 6 cars with their Simsung tablet. Each car contains a dash-cam, to make it feel like the real thing! Lets check out our obstacles!

Julia: Firstly, the carpet slows... Nothing like trying to get from carpet to carpet with your stumpy little remote control wheels!

Julia: Cars will head through the dark pipe of mystery! Which isn't so much of a mystery but more of a straight tunnel.

Julia: Through the haunted lounge room... OooOOoh. SpooOOooky! 
Followed by the forest of doom... It's doomed because of deforestation and lack of sunlight, might I add. Hence, the no leaves.

Julia: Cars will have to manoeuvre through these hoops, to the mystery danger zone! This zone is a mystery, not like the last one!

Julia: Up the ramps of inclination, and once again through the hoops!

Julia: To another tricky obstacle, the North, South, East and West poles!

Julia: Almost nearing the end, as if they weren't hard enough, they must make their way through the rock zone, which we forgot to add heavy rock music to!

Julia: And lastly through another curved tunnel, and some hard to get over sewer grates, without falling in the gaps... To finally complete the course!

Julia: The first car to make it to the finish line, will win the Power of Plumbob! Any questions? Nope? Good! Lets begin.


Julia: Racers! Are you ready?!
Everyone: Yes!
Julia: Audience, are YOU ready?
Everyone else: YES!! WOO!!!

Julia: Alright. On your mark... Get set... GO!!!

Julia: And they're off! But already someone is bring in some foul play, as the blue and black cars are bumping into each other!

Germy: Who keeps bumping into me?!
Sean: Who do I keep bumping into! Hahaha!

Julia: But wait! Someone has instead of going forward, reversed from the starting line! It seems almost that the green car is going to be out of the running already!

Arthur: Fuck!
Arthur: I don't understand this thingamajig! How do I make it go forward?!
Julia: We're just going to assume Arthur won't win this one! We're down to 5!
(6th Place - Arthur / Turner - Time: 39:27)

Julia: The five remaining cars are heading through the tunnels of mystery! So far, it could be anyone's game! Which is the real mystery!

Julia: They've made it through the tunnels and are heading through the haunted lounge room! Straight into the... OOOF!!!

Julia: It seems that somehow the red car has gotten itself into an impossible position! This might cost them the race! They can't seem to reverse their way out of these two trunks!

Sean: I have no idea how I managed that, but somehow I did.
Julia: Sorry, Sean, but I believe you're out of the running since the rest of the cars have moved on!
(5th Place - Sean / Tiger - Time: 22:29)

Julia: The cars have made it through the hoops and are onto the danger zone! Beware!!!

Julia: What's this?! A surprise twist?! ZP has appeared in the mystery zone, I don't think our drivers saw this coming!

Julia: Oh no! It seems that ZP has got his eye on a car which he thinks is a toy!

Julia: It looks like the end of the road for the white car! ZP has put a stop to their race!

Germy: Aww man... This is why I hate cats!
Julia: Really? This exact reason?
Germy: Uhh... S-sure.
(4th Place - Germy / Twiddle - Time: 20:48)

Julia: The audience is getting a good view of the cars now as they pass through the NESW Poles! The yellow car appears to be in the lead!

Julia: But the black car is coming up! They're neck and neck! AND!!!
*The Audience gasp*

Kayle: *Screams* AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! The horror! THE HORROR!!!

Kayle: Those poor miniature drivers! Someone call a miniature fire brigade and miniature ambulance!!!

Paige: *gasps* Oh no!
Tristan: *gasps* How did that happen?
Roxy: *gasps* Oh my god!
Arthur: *gasps* Why is my car now in the kitchen?

Julia: It appears that it's actually the BLUE car in the lead now! The other two have conjoined into a hideous explosive mess after a horrible collision!

Julia: The last remaining car is heading through the final pipe!

Julia: Over the grates with ease!

Julia: And straight through to victory!!! Congratulations to the driver...








Julia: Tristan! 
Tristan: I think I remember doing a similar challenge on Abnormality once! It helped with my remote control driving skills!
Julia: Congratulations, you have won the 2nd PoP!

1st - Tristan / Vul - 10:04
2nd - Roxy / Kali - 10:19
3rd - Paige / Alleen - 11:29
4th - Germy / Twiddle - 20:48
5th - Sean / Tiger - 22:29
6th - Arthur / Turner - 39:27


Julia: Thank you housemates for heading back to the lounge in such a quick fashion!

Julia: Tristan, you have won the PoP and have the power to take down one of the nominees if you so choose. Please stand and make your decision, now.

Tristan: Well, I've won the power, and I've thought a lot about my nominations this week. I've decided that I am going to...







Tristan: Keep the nominations the same. I don't see a reason to change them right now, so I'm gonna keep them how they are. Thank you Julia.

Julia: Thank you Tristan. That means that the final nominees this week are Arthur and Paige. I will see you next time for our second eviction ceremony. Goodnight housemates!


Arthur: Well, if it weren't for that stupid remote controlled car, I could have won that PoP! I've been drivin' way longer than any of these youngens! Now I gotta save my butt from the votes, in order to save my butts from the public execution that follows eviction!


Paige: Well I was close to winning that PoP, had I not crashed into Roxy's car near the end there. So now I'm up for eviction. I'm hoping that Tristan's plan is to target Arthur, since he's making the house uncomfortable. I hope that I'm a pawn, but I really don't want to be... Sometimes things go wrong and pawns go home! I'll just have to fight to stay here!



Arthur Nutt - Turner
Emery Ring - Lovesstorms
Fabian Romero - Smarties100
Jeremy Yuka - Twiddle3
Kayle McCarther - Ninjakid150
Paige Morgan - Alleenmens
Rebecca Pierce - YJB19299
Roxy Callahan - Kaliko103
Sean Sierra - Tigerblu11
Shannon Mackmilton - Penguinwa101
Sonia Jobs - x_MG_x - 1st Evicted (13th Place)
Tristan Van Gould - M13Vulpecula
Vanessa Tomaz - Nani

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