Monday 16 April 2018

Zero Privacy: Season 2: Episode 5 - First Eviction, Second HoH

Episode 5:
First Eviction, Second HoH


Julia: Hello everyone and welcome to a very special night here at Zero Privacy Season 2. I'm Julia Price, your host, and tonight one of our 13 housemates is going to join me here on the main stage as the first evicted housemate of the season! 

Julia: Previously, HoH Fabian, nominated fellow housemates Sean and Sonia for eviction. After he won the first PoP of the season, the nominations remain unchanged and tonight either Sean or Sonia will be voted out by their peers and a new HoH will be crowned for week 2!

Julia: Even though one person is about to leave and open up a tiny bit more freedom, you can still count on the fact there is...


Sonia: It's been a long week for our housemates and for the most part we've had little to no drama in the house. Sure there is some talking behind backs and closed doors, but no big fights... just yet. Will that all change once our housemates are forced to evict one of their own new friends?

Julia: With father of two Sean and super geek Sonia on the block, this coming vote is bound to tear people apart and kick start the Zero Privacy madhouse!

Julia: Will player's evict Sean out of kindness to let him go back home to his twins? Or will player's evict Sonia for being too big of a mental threat? We'll find out later tonight.

Julia: So far, this season's cast are the NEEDIEST housemates we could have ever imagined! They have been requesting things all week, more than all housemates combined last season for the entire season! Let's check out some of their requests now in this montage to kick off our first eviction show! Let's watch!


Julia: Good morning Roxy, how may we held you today?
Roxy: Hi Julia... Um... I'd just like to ask for some more coffee beans please. My friends are hung-... Thirsty for coffee!
Julia: We'll discuss with our provisions team and may deliver some to you shortly.
Roxy: Thank you!

Paige: Hi, Julia! I'd love some strawberry ice cream please.
Julia: Your request has been noted...

Emery: Do you think you could throw us some laundry powder? So I can wash my coat? Thanks!
Julia: Your request has...

Rebecca: Chocolate pudding?
Julia: Your...

Fabian: French fries?

Arthur: My grandson, Nathan!

Vanessa: Pink hair dye?

Sonia: A Zotac Zbox Magnus EN980 Gaming Mini PC with Intel Skylake Core i5-6400, Nvidia GeForce GTX 980, liquid cooled, whisper quiet with an aluminium compact body?

Germy: I'd like to speak to a producer.

Kayle: Hi, I'd love my hat back please?

Fabian: Fried chicken?

Arthur: I just want the war to end!

Sean: I'd like to see my kids, please.

Tristan: More milk would be nice.

Vanessa: Bubblegum?

Shannon: Ooh! Chocolate cake... Kidding! Can you send in my kids?

Kayle: Hi, I'd like my hat back please?

Rebecca: A webcam or handheld camera?

Kayle: Seriously though... Can I have my hat back please?

Vanessa: Kayle's stupid hat back so she'll shut up about it! PLEASE!

Sonia: A copy of "Germicide Samurai"?

Fabian: Ooh. How about beer battered fish? Man am I hungry!

Tristan: A guitar perhaps? So we can play some music around the house to entertain each other and the audience?
Julia: We've taken your request. If successful, we will deliver one to you.
Tristan: Thanks Jules! Love you!


Paige: Alright, here we go! Let me show you how it's done.
Fabian: Oh please, you couldn't hit the post if your life depended on it!
Paige: Pfft, just you watch!

Paige: *throw the horseshoe with a grunt* Ugh! Dang it!
Fabian: See!

Fabian: You throw like a girl!
Paige: Fabian... I AM a girl.
Fabian: Oh, right. My bad. Best two of three?

Kayle: And that's about the time I started to be a Drag King. It's actually a lot of fun.
Rebecca: That's super awesome! I've always wondered what goes on with all that stuff.
Arthur: Wait... King? What king?! I ain't fought in no war for some king to take charge! This is a democracy, gawd darn it!

Tristan: Arthur, do you even know what country we are currently in right now?
Arthur: Uhhh... April?
Tristan: Uh. Not quite. We're in-...

Julia: Tristan, please report to the Diary Room!


Tristan: Tris-bish reporting for DR... Woah! No way! That is just fabulous!

Tristan: My guitar! Signed by yours truly! I can't believe you got this for me, thanks Julia!
Julia: You're welcome, Tristan. We believed that some music and talent in the house would help with entertainment and well... Ratings.
Tristan: I promise I will not disappoint!


Tristan: Alright, so I have my fabulous ol' six string here. Who's ready for this rising stars' television debut? Hehe!
Paige: Bring it on!
Emery: Let's here it!
Tristan: Alright, so far this one I've been writing is an instrumental. But let me know how it sounds?

Tristan: I'd like to dedicate this song to all of us here today. It's called "The Journey Begins".
*Tristan starts to play beautiful acoustic guitar music*
Rebecca: Dayumn, that's good!

Fabian: Dude, that's wicked. Better than any sea shanty I've ever heard.
Emery: And you self taught all this? That's crazy!
Tristan: Oh yeah, not a lesson in my life.

*Tristan rocks the acoustic guitar... It's hard to hear sound in pictures so you've just gotta use your imagination. I'm not about to fill you in with a YouTube clip or some Mole Song and Dance number or anything. You can add in your own music though if you'd like, I'm just saying I'm not going to and that this paragraph/action dialogue has really gone off the rails. Lets get back to what this originally was all about and that is, Tristan rocking the guitar!* 

Roxy: You slay gurl!
Paige: It's honestly so beautiful. I might actually start to cry!
Shannon: You could put any guitarist to shame with those notes, honey! Hendrix has nothing on you!

*Tristan continues to play the guitar to a sweet and uplifting end*

Tristan: There! It's work in progress but I think it's coming along great. So, any criticisms? Comments? I'm all ears and open to new ideas!

Fabian: Yeah, do you do birthdays? Weddings? Parties? I mean I don't have anything planned for the next forever but when I do can you play?
Tristan: Ummm... Sure?

Vanessa: That was great! BUT I think that I can top it!
Tristan: Oh, you play guitar? You wanna give it a try? I'd love to hear some!
Vanessa: I've never played guitar, but how hard can it be? I'm a musician, duh!

Vanessa: Alright, boys and bitches, get ready for some Vanessa Diva magic!

*Vanessa strums the guitar*
Vanessa: Wait, I wasn't ready. Do over?
*She strums it again and it squeals*

Vanessa: Here!... Wait. Which chord is that? How to I change the tune?
*Vanessa strums the guitar badly*

Vanessa: Um? Ex-Cuh-Use ME?! WHERE IS MY AUDIENCE?! UGH! Whatever.


Emery: So, I can say whatever I please?... Within reason? I don't fully know what that means, but I'll just say I'm glad to be here. 

So far, it doesn't seem as if I've made a complete fool of myself. I'm truly enjoying the fun atmosphere as we get to know all the housemates. Perhaps the cat could stay away from me, though. I'm not allergic but I could pretend. I don't trust him after I saw Cats and Dogs. Can you believe they really live like that? Ever since, I step on the opposite side of the road when I see one. I don't need to run into them on a dark night.

*stares around the room, examining each item*

This is a nice room. It's set up very elegant and simple. This chair is quite comfortable. I need to get me one. I'd talk more about each person, but right now my memory is terrible. I'll comment more about them next time.

Ooh! But I did want to say... I love your outfit, Julia! I love your jacket. It has a lot of pockets. I love pockets!


Shannon: I still feel like we're missing something. There HAS to a twist, there is always a twist.
Rebecca: There isn't ALWAYS a twist. Remember when I was on Abnormality?
Shannon: Pfft, of course I remember! I lived and breathed that show!

Rebecca: Well, sometimes there aren't any twists, and sometimes they're minor changes, just to add something new. We haven't heard anything of a twist yet, so it can't be THAT big of a deal.
Shannon: I guess we'll see. I still think something is going on behind our backs. Maybe it'll show itself during the vote?

Rebecca: Speaking of the vote, who are we voting for?
Shannon: Well, I did my best to get a threat nominated by Fabian, I think we both know which nominee that is.

Rebecca: You're talking about Sonia, right? You think she's a threat? She's a smart girl, but what about Sean?
Shannon: Well, Sean is a lovely... I mean they're both lovely people, but I don't really see him as a threat right now, compared to Sonia.
Rebecca: Socially though? People underestimate social strength compared to mental and physical. He has everyone rooting for him and his kids... He could have the pity vote.

Sean: Oh... Hey guys. I hope I'm not interrupting anything private. Is this a bad time?

Shannon: Sean, honey! We were just talking about you! Come come, sit with us.
Sean: Good things... I hope?
Shannon: Always good things. I don't like to talk badly of others. It's impolite.

Shannon: So, what's on your mind sweetie?
Sean: Obviously, the eviction tonight. After my poor performance in the PoP challenge, I think I'm a goner for good. I'm the easy vote.

Sean: I mean, I'm sure to everyone here I look like I want to go home. It's seriously not the case. Sure, I miss my girls, but that's not gonna stop me from being here. I have a life away from them. I had a life before them too.

Rebecca: Sean, I'm confident no one is certain on their vote tonight. If I were you, I would go around and talk to people. Show them you're willing to be here and that you're not going to roll over and... Excuse me... Die.

Sean: You think people will save me after my collapse at the PoP?
Shannon: For sure! You're the underdog right now. Everyone is sympathetic for your cause. They're willing to keep you or send you home depending on what you feel.
Sean: Well, I guess I better go talk to some people, right?
Rebecca: Right! 
Sean: Then that's what I'll do!

Sean: Thanks ladies! I owe you both big time!
Shannon: Oh... Don't mention it. Good luck!


Paige: You'd think this game gets easier the more you play.
Emery: You'd think that, but nope.
Paige: It's so tough, every move could be disaster. This is like surgery.

Emery: Pfft, every move in my life could be disaster this is like... A metaphor.
Sonia: Aww, come on guys. It isn't too difficult. You just have to accurately remove a piece while ensuring that the distribution of weight is at an equilibrium and thus the centre of gravity remains in, well... the centre.
Emery: That's far easier said than done. Actually... I don't even think that was easily said.

Emery: *goes to pull one out* Grrrr... Come on! Gosh! It's stuck!
Paige: Don't pull too hard or you'll...

Paige: ... Knock it over. Nevermind.
Emery: My bad. At least I got it out! Right?

Paige: Bad llama! Don't be doing this to my poor friend, Emery. You know he's not good at this game but you still fall over every time!
Emery: Uhh... Thanks? Gee Paige. You're starting to sound like Roxy.

Sonia: Hey guys. May I pose a question?
Paige: Sure, what's up?
Sonia: As I'm sure you are aware, the eviction ceremony is tonight and I would be hoping to receive your votes to stay. I'm certainly not prepared to go home so soon.

Paige: It's such a hard decision, I love both you and Sean! Everyone does! But I'm glad you asked. If it makes you feel better, I'm leaning towards sending Sean home to his kids, and to get some good sleep after his horrible week.
Sonia: I really hope that I do get your votes tonight. I still don't understand fully why I'm on the block.

Paige: You'll be fine! People have your backs in here. I know that we do, right Emery?
Emery: Yeah! I think the best thing for you to do right now is to go talk to people. Let them know that you're someone that needs to stay.
Sonia: Thank you. I appreciate it. I will go campaign and see what people are thinking.


Roxy: Alright friends! Listen up. I've been asking around to practically everyone and no one can give me a straight answer it seems. Someone must know SOMETHING about what happened.

Roxy: You know... Don't all give me that look! About Kayle's hat? The fact that it went missing. It's been the talk of this week! You can't possibly be unaware that it happened.

Roxy: Are you serious? You mean it? Nothing... No one has seen like, anything suspicious? At all?

Coffee Machine #1: ...

Coffee Machine #2: ...

Coffee Machine #3: ...

Roxy: Hmm... You silence says everything  I need to know. I guess no one saw anyone take it after all.

Roxy: You're all certain ZP didn't take it?
Sean: Oh! Hey Roxy! Just the person I was looking for, can we talk for a minute?

Sean: Roxy...?
Roxy: Seriously? I thought you were all my friends! And now you're treating me like I'm an idiot?
Sean: Alright... I guess this is a bad time. 

Sean: I'll just... Get... Out... Of... Here... Before... You... Notice.

Roxy: Oh. I see. So I was just misinterpreting your silence... My bad.
Sonia: Ah! Roxy! Just the person I was looking for, do you have a moment for a short conversation?

Roxy: Haha. Yes yes. I get it. I wasn't understanding what you've BEAN saying. Great coffee pun. Very funny Tracey.
Sonia: Who is Tracey? Are you aright?...
Sonia: Roxy?

Sonia: I'll come back another time. Let me know when you're free to talk!

Roxy: Alright, well if you see anyone doing anything out of the ordinary. Let me know, mmkay? Thanks friendos!


Roxy: I can't believe Kayle's hat is still missing! I asked all my friends in the house, ya know- the plants, the appliances, and Henry, of course, and no one knows what happened to it. It must have been the cat, or someone playing a prank. My friends said they'd keep a lookout to help us find it. I hope Kayle is reunited with her hat friend soon!


Kayle: Ahhh... I love a fire on a hot sunny day! This is the ONLY way anyone should cook sausages.

Sonia: Kayle! Pleasure to see you again. Would you mind some company?
Kayle: Of course not! Come sit and enjoy the flames of hell! I only have one sausage though, sorry to disappoint.
Sonia: That is alright. I recently digested my oatmeal anyway.

Sonia: I wanted to talk to you about tonight's eviction. I don't want to go home and I was advised that I should talk to people to see what their intentions are.
Kayle: So you wanna know how I'm gonna vote tonight? Honestly, like most things in life, I'll make my decision when it gets there!
Sonia: Do you think that you'll vote to keep me in? You and I have bonded well, correct?

Kayle: Hmmm... How about, I'll vote to keep you if you tell me one thing smarty-pants!
Sonia: Sure, what would you like to know? My main areas of expertise concern electronics, Japanese pop culture and I have a wide array of knowledge concerning crime and the justice system...

Kayle: Is this sausage cooked yet?
Sonia: Oh....


Sean: Yo guys, hows it going?
Vanessa: Hey cutie! Coming to sit with us?
Sean: Yeah, if you guys don't mind.
Vanessa: Not at all, in fact there is a seat right next to me, hot stuff. ARTHUR MOVE!

Arthur: All I'm sayin', Fabio. Is how can ya be so sure that the evicted housemates aren't gettin' executed?

Fabian: Because, Arthur, we're been broadcast on international TV. Every man and his dog will see this and they'll know whose behind it. It makes no sense for them to do that cause they can't get away with it. The producers wouldn't do that, no one would!

Arthur: What makes ya think that the producers are real? Or that any of this is real? Have ya ever seen the producers or anyone since ya came here? I think y'all overestimate these guys and their intentions. They're out for blood!

Fabian: I know for a FACT that this is Zero Privacy. Julia Price is hosting the show for another season! What about the production crew and the medical team that helped Sean? Nothing about this is faked.

Arthur: And y'all don't think that Julia Price could be someone in disguise? Her name is an anagram of A Lip Juicer! She's gonna turn us all into mince meat, mark mah words gentlemen!

Vanessa: *screams* AHHHHHHHHH!!! I can't be turned into mince meat!!! I'm too pretty!!!

Fabian: Oh please, what host in their right mind would kill off their cast for a television reality gameshow just for ratings and something a bit different? A madman that's who.

Sean: I hate to get between your argument guys, but I'm gonna take Fabian's side here and say that they're not gonna kill of the person evicted. Regardless, just in case, cause you know... I wanna live... Do you think I'll have your votes?

Vanessa: I'm leaving this house! You can't make me stay here you murderers! 
Sean: Vanessa wait! Will I have your vote or...? Nevermind.
Fabian: Poor kid... Wonder when he'll accept his inevitable death.
Arthur: Aha! Now you're eyes are opened Fabio!


Germy: *washing his hands* Alright... Anti-bacterial soap, check. Hand sanitising wipes, check. Anti-bacterial soap a second and third time. Check and Check.

Germy: Ugh. I'll never be clean. Never... This is disgusting. I can't touch the tap because its contaminated. This is horrendous. What do I even-...
*A loud knock can be heard from the door*

Germy: What?!
Sonia: *through the door* It's your friend, Sonia, do you have a moment?
Germy: Can't you see I'm clearly busy?!

Sonia: Jeremy, you've been in the bathroom for two and a half hours now. Can you open up, so we can have a brief conversation?
Germy: Oh no! I'm not falling for that again. Last time you wanted a brief conversation, you wanted me to pitch to me all your ideas for the future of my manga!

Sonia: I still believe there should be a spin-off... With me in it. Anyway, open up!
Germy: No! Piss off! I'm trying to clean!
Sonia: You spent all day yesterday cleaning the bathroom though. It's sterile and germ free, the way you like it!

Germy: I didn't say I was cleaning the vile bathroom. I'm cleaning my disgusting hands after all the filth I've touch this morning! Ugh! Leave me alone woman!

Sonia: Alright! But...
Germy: There is no 'but'! GO! AWAY!... *mutters to himself* Now where was I up to? Ugh. Now I have to start all over again.

Sonia: Alright, fine. I expect to reconvene in an hour to discuss eviction voting, however...


Germy: Honestly... Everyone in this house doesn't know how to leave me alone. I'm trying to complete my daily cleaning ritual, but these people don't understand that the bathroom is my domain! They just don't get that I don't want to be around anyone, I just wan't to be content doing my own thing and being in a nice sterile environment. But that just isn't happening... Especially not with Sonia following me around 24/7.


Eviction Ceremony

Julia: Hello housemates! 
Everyone: Hello Julia!
Julia: Welcome to your very first eviction ceremony! Remember, we are broadcasting live tonight so lets keep it moving and keep any swearing to the minimum. Thank you!

Julia: Wow, you're all looking fancy tonight. Such a beautiful cast this season. Thank you for dressing for the occasion. Even though tonight's occasion is a rather unpleasant one, but one this game requires.

Julia: Tonight, either Sonia or Sean will be evicted from the house. The person who receives the most votes from the rest of the housemates will be asked to leave the house immediately.

Julia: As the current HoH, Fabian will only vote in the event of a tie. Neither nominees will vote which means that in a few moments the 10 other housemates will vote for either Sonia or Sean. 

Julia: But before we get to that, I'd like to give each of our nominees a moment to speak as to why they should be saved. Sonia, ladies first!
Sonia: Thank you Julia. Hello everyone. As you know, either myself or Sean are required to be evicted from the house, and I was hoping to receive your votes to stay tonight. I think that I am beneficial to the house and all of you, and can be a great friend to you all. I value your friendship very dearly, and would love to stay and play this game. Thank you.
Julia: Thank you Sonia.

Julia: Sean?
Sean: Alright, thank you Julia. Firstly, I just want to say how wicked it's been to be here with all of you. I love this show and I've always wanted to be on here. My dream is coming true, and I'm so happy to be here with all you guys. I just wanted to say that I WANT to stay, and I'm willing to fight. I want to be here longer to prove to myself that I can do this, and to prove to my girls that I can do it for them too! So I would appreciate your votes guys! Thanks!
Julia: Thank you Sean.

Julia: Alright, it is time to vote. It takes 6 votes to evict. Emery, you're up first please head to the diary room and cast your vote.
Emery: Oh man, alright.


Emery: Hi, Julia. I'd like to give my vote now. I vote to evict _____.

Shannon: I vote to evict _____ because I just can't vote for the other in good faith.

Paige: I vote to evict _____, because they aren't as interested in the show.

Tristan: I'm so sorry _____, I think you're a real nice person and I'd have liked to hang out a bit more with you, but out of you and _____, it's better for my personal game to see you go. I've been evicted first in one of those lost Abnormality 3 seasons so I can certainly relate to leaving at this stage."

Roxy: I vote to evict _____. I feel it is the best move for my game, sorry!

Kayle: I vote to evict _____ because there was something about the way they looked at me when I was dancing with ZP!

Germy: I vote to evict _____ because they annoy me greatly... My advice to you is... Go change that dirty sweater! Like it's probably covered in centuries worth of mucus and nose drippings, I dread to think how many times you have wiped your nose on the sleeves!

Rebecca: I really hate to do this since I like both of you, but in the end of the day I have to vote to evict _____. I'm so sorry, but as of right now you are a much bigger threat in this house.

Vanessa: *pop a gum bubble* It's me, Vanessa. I don't feel in danger in this house, I still have all my chances of winning this. And I got a lil soldier to help me out. He's a bit of a nut. I'm still gonna vote to evict _____because I gotta vote. One less challenger!

Arthur: I vote to evict that _____ feller... Something awfully rotten about this bastard...
Julia: Arthur! What did I just say about swearing?! This is live! Kids watch this show!
Arthur: Kids? You're one sick bitch, Lip Juicer!


Julia: Alright, the votes are in and counted. I can confirm there is no tie. One of our two nominees will be leaving the house right now.

Julia: Sean. Sonia. With a vote of 7 - 3...











































Julia: Sonia! You have been evicted from the Zero Privacy house.
Sonia: Me? W-why me? I thought I was bonding adequately with everyone. This is a real travesty!

Julia: Sonia, you have ten seconds to say your goodbyes and exit via the Diary Room door.
Sonia: Goodbye everyone. It was lovely to meet and spend time with you all!

Sonia: Aw man. This sucks.
Sonia Jobs - 1st Evicted Housemate.

Julia: Congratulations to Sean, you have survived eviction. Thank you housemates, I will be back with you shortly for your second HoH challenge!


Julia: There you have it, with seven votes to evict, Sonia Jobs becomes our first evicted housemate of the season. We'll speak to her in just a moment...

Julia: In fact, here she comes now!
*The audience cheers and yells out*
Julia: You know her as our electronics queen and Zero Privacy's resident brainiac! She's got a keen eye for criminals and an obsession for anime.

Julia: Please welcome to the main stage, in 13th place and the 1st evictee of the season, SONIA!!
*The audience cheers louder*

Julia: Welcome, Sonia.
Sonia: I'm not going to lie, I'm quite saddened to be here. Haha

Julia: Sonia, first evicted from the house?! What happened? Why do you think the other housemates voted for you?
Sonia: At first, I was confident that Sean would be evicted, he seemed like the easy vote. But after talking to a few of the housemates, I don't know if you saw it, I began to suspect that something wasn't right. I think everyone believed that I was the biggest threat in the house because of my job and my intelligence, and so they followed Fabian's lead and voted me out.

Julia: So what do you think of Sean? Do you think he should have left instead of you?
Sonia: I don't think he should have left, I would have preferred that I'd stayed though. Sean is a lovely person. He's really caring and understanding and the fact that he is always thinking about his kids makes him seem lovable and a bit of an underdog. That's hard to compete with. 

Julia: So Sean was the father figure of the house and everyone felt sympathetic to his cause?
Sonia: Exactly but he's more than that, he's an inspirational father figure and I would have loved to get to know him better because part of me wishes that my own father could have been like him. I never got to meet my father and would have loved to have had someone in my life as half as caring has Sean. So I bow to him.
Julia: That is so touching to hear Sonia. We would have loved both of you to have stayed, but sadly each week one person has to go.

Julia: However, you are NOT out of the game quite yet. You still have one more opportunity to impact the game and the house. 
Sonia: I do indeed. I received my mission briefing inside the Diary Room just as I was leaving.
Julia: That's right, we told you about this season's first twist as you left through the DR. This season, no one will be leaving through the front door, that is too obvious. 

Julia: Instead they will be leaving through the backdoor, and leaving with a much bigger explosion. So now we turn back to the house, with this season's first explosive twist.


Julia: Hello housemates. Would you please pay attention to the screen now.
Sean: No way, is that Sonia?
Rebecca: I knew there was something strange about her leaving through the DR.
Shannon: I think she might be dropping a twist on us.

Sonia: Hello housemates. You have just evicted me from the Zero Privacy house. I am no longer in the game, but right now I am still able to affect the house. I am the first person to be a part of this season's first twist. 
"The Eviction Aftermath"

Sonia: With every explosive exit comes a smaller aftershock. Just like an earthquake, I am able to rupture the house by giving something positive to a housemate of my choice, as well as something negative to the housemate or housemates of my choice.

Sonia: For my Eviction Aftermath, I would like to give a HoH Advantage to Paige, and from this point forward the Construction Corner will not be Accessible until further notice. Housemates will not be able to get their things or be able to sleep in that room until the next eviction. Thank you all, and this is my final goodbye! Good luck!

Julia: There we are. I hope that explains everything for our first twist. The evicted housemate will be able to choose one advantage to give to a player of their choice, and one disadvantage to the house or housemates of their choice. The Construction Corner is now closed, and congratulations Paige you will be given an advantage in the next HoH competition.

Julia: This competition will commence shortly! This competition is called: "Furniture Fun" and here is how it works. Each of you will be taking a quiz about how well you know this house. 15 items will be placed around the Arena. 

Julia: It is your job to correctly identify the room in which the object comes from. However, some objects are NOT found within the house, so it will be up to you to remember what you've seen and what you haven't. You'll get a point per correct answer. 

Julia: The player with the most correct answers will win the 2nd HoH power!

Julia: Fabian, as the outgoing HoH, you are not eligible to compete. As for the advantage given to Paige from Sonia, Paige will automatically be given 3 correct answers on her answer sheet.

Julia: Are we ready? This challenge starts... NOW!


Tristan: Oh shit.. I could've known this was coming... What do I do, what do I do?... Tris, keep your head calm, and think..."


Rebecca: Hey Tris! If we work together on this, we'll do much better than just working by ourselves, right?
Tristan: Hey, yeah! They never said we couldn't communicate. 
Rebecca: Exactly! Two heads are better than one! 
Tristan: Where do you think this one is from?
Rebecca: Uhh... I actually don't know.

Paige: Ooh! I know this one! This one is the scratching post from the backyard. The one for my little baby ZP!

Roxy: Hmm... Wait a minute. You're no friend of mine. I haven't seen you in the kitchen before!
Coffee Machine #4: ...

Emery: I haven't seen this before, have you?
Vanessa: Um... Usually I'm looking at boys on the red carpet, so... I don't know.
Emery: I think it's from the HoH Bathroom.
Vanessa: When I get HoH, I'll let you know.

Germy: Yup... One of those chair's that everyone's dirty behinds have touched. I'm familiar.

Shannon: Oh man, this chair reminds me of when my boys were little.
Sean: No offence Shannon. But I really don't want to think about my kids right now. I could be seeing them right now on the main stage.
Shannon: Sorry sweetie. Hang in there.

Kayle: Whatever this is! I like it! I'd like to make a purchase please!
Arthur: Dogs playin' that there alpaca game! I knew the cat was up tah somethin', but dogs?! This conspiracy is deeper than I thought!
Kayle: Duh. Dog's play games all the time. Did you know the national poker champion for Brindleton Bay is a chihuahua named Lucy.
Arthur: My gawd... We're all doomed!

Julia: Times up! Lets review the answers before we tally the scores and reveal our new HoH!


Julia: Object #1... This raggedy looking end table comes from none other than...

Julia: The equally spooky and ragged, Halloween Hideout!


Julia: Object #2 may look familiar, however, this kind of teal/blue sofa chair may look like the ones in the Playroom, however...

Julia: This particular one can NOT be found in the house.


Julia: Object #3... The small trio of candles are of course...

Julia: Found in the Entrance Hall!


Julia: Object #4... Which we are going to call Leif can be found hiding in corners such as this one in the...

Julia: Dining room!


Julia: This little arrangement of flowers, object #5 can be found decorating...

Julia: The kitchen benches! How beautiful!


Julia: Object #6. This curious sink, make from real stone and concrete may be unfamiliar to some.

Julia: But to those who use the HoH Room bathroom, it is very well known.


Julia: Object #7 is one we've all seen.

Julia: In fact, a total of 14 of them can be found in the Dining Room!


Julia: Who knew that the Zero Privacy house had a BBQ like Object #8?!

Julia: No one did! Because well... We don't.


Julia: Object #9 is scarier than all the furniture in the Halloween Hideout combined! 

Julia: It's the nominee chairs, where you can sit in comfort while waiting to be evicted. How fun!


Julia: Object #10 is a simple fridge, obviously it's from the Kitchen, right?

Julia: Wrong! It looks nothing like the ones from the kitchen!


Julia: Ah the mysterious coffee machine. The house has 6 different coffee machines in its kitchen... However...

Julia: This one, just don't happen to be one of Roxy's friends.


Julia: Object #12 is a bedside/end table. It was once used by housemates...

Julia:.... But after hurricane Sonia swept the house, no one will be using in when the Construction Corner is locked!


Julia: Object #13 is unlucky for some!

Julia: But for ZP the Cat, it's super lucky to have this scratching post in the Backyard!


Julia: Object #14... Do I need to explain?

Julia: Nope. I didn't have to at all.


Julia: Last but not least... expensive. Object #15! This accurate photo of the Don't Wake the Llama international championship finals.

Julia: Or... Maybe its just a painting? We wouldn't know, its not from the Zero Privacy house!


Julia: One thing we do know, however, is the new HoH. The winner, with 8 correct answers... IS!!!




Julia: Tristan!
Julia: Congratulations Tristan, you are the 2nd HoH! Enjoy your new room, your new luxuries and of course, your new power!

Vul - 8
Yannik - 7
Nani - 6
Alleen - 3 + 3 from Jake (6)
Jake - 5
Kali - 5
Lo - 4
Twiddle - 4
Penguin - 4
Turner - 3
Tiger - 3
Ninja - 2



Arthur Nutt - Turner
Emery Ring - Lovesstorms
Fabian Romero - Smarties100
Jeremy Yuka - Twiddle3
Kayle McCarther - Ninjakid150
Paige Morgan - Alleenmens
Rebecca Pierce - YJB19299
Roxy Callahan - Kaliko103
Sean Sierra - Tigerblu11
Shannon Mackmilton - Penguinwa101
Sonia Jobs - x_MG_x - 1st Evicted (13th Place)
Tristan Van Gould - M13Vulpecula
Vanessa Tomaz - Nani

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